Driving with Uber, An Unexpected Benefit, Chapter 13

"Klara decided to find out what a 'playful' spanking is all about"

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Khrys and I had “demonstrated” what a playful, reminder spanking was like to her sister, Klara on Saturday night.  It had been very obvious that Klara was surprised with the reaction that her sister had to that spanking.  Klara was amazed that a spanking could lead to her sister getting sexually aroused to the point of orgasm. 

I had known Klara only for the summer.  Khrys had introduced us when Klara came to the States from their native Sweden for an internship at a Milwaukee firm.  Khrystiana and I had originally met about three years ago.  I had been an Uber driver and Khrystiana was a passenger.  Our conversation during that ride about how Khrys was faced with spankings from her dad for wrong-doing had intrigued me.  We met for lunch.  Over that lunch and a couple of other get together, Khrys had learned of my life-long fascination with adult spankings.  She also learned that for a number of years I had spanked a number of women.  A couple of them had been adults who were looking to find someone who would help hold them accountable for their actions.  I had explained to Khrys that they had sort of adopted me as a ‘strict uncle’.  Over time Khrys had realized that a ‘strict uncle’ relationship might be something that would benefit her and that is how our relationship continued.  That continued with Khrys getting serious punishment spanking when called for.  But it also evolved into ‘reminder’ spankings that Khrys certainly enjoyed. 

Since Klara had come to visit she had also received a harsh proper spanking from me.  Klara had also decided that Khrys needed to be punished by her for an infraction.  Klara had never even considered the concept that spankings could be enjoyable and even pleasurable.  To prove that fact to her, Klara had proposed that Khrys receive one of those playful spankings from me.   Khrys and I had agreed and that ‘reminder’ spanking had taken place the previous Saturday evening.  Klara had pointed out that she really had wanted to satisfy her curiosity about this issue before she returned home to Sweden the following Sunday.

On Monday morning I was at the driving range of my golf club working on my miserable golf swing.  I was more than happy to take a break when my phone buzzed and I saw that Khrys was calling me.  She told me that she was calling from work but that she wanted to give me a heads up.  She said that she and Klara had talked a lot about what had happened Saturday night.  She told me that Klara had asked for my cell number and was planning to call me later in the day.  She giggled a bit as she told me that her sister had another favor to ask of me.  I had laughed as I replied.

“You are not telling me, Khrys, that our young Klara has decided that she wants to find out for herself what a reminder spanking is like.  Or are you?”

Khrys laughed slightly as she told me that there was no way she was going to let me in on private conversations between herself and her sister.  But she went on to say that she had absolutely zero problems with me doing whatever I wanted to with her sister’s request.

“So, Khrys, what you are telling me is that your little sister is going to come to me and ask me to give her a playful spanking and see what effect it has on her.  Furthermore, you are telling me that if she does ask I should feel free to give her that spanking.  Also, you are telling me that if that spanking turns your sister on you have no problem with me helping her out in that regard.”

“Chuck, I am not going to tell you that I am telling you that.  I am also not going to say I am not saying that.  Listen to my sister’s request and make a decision about how you want to respond to it.  You know I love you.  You know that I love my sister.  You must also know that I will respect any decision you and Klara make.  We have a very special relationship and always will have.  There are times when you give me pleasure and there are times when I try to reciprocate.  However, we both know that this is not an exclusive relationship.  So, you and Klara need to do whatever you two decide you want to do.   Fair?”

I told her that it was fair and that I would wait for her sister’s call.  I knew that she was going to be very pre-occupied with Klara before seeing her to O’Hare this coming Sunday.  I told her that we would get together soon for dinner.

Later that evening I was at home when my cell phone rang.  I smiled when I saw that the caller ID notified me that Klara was calling.  I answered with a “Hey, Klara.”

“Hey there back, Chuck.  I understand that you were expecting my call.”

“I was told by your sister, Klara, that you wanted to call me but that was about it.  So I was expecting it but just not sure when you would be calling.”

We settled into a comfortable conversation as I asked her if she were enjoying her last week in the States.  She told me that she was but was looking forward to getting home the next weekend in that she really missed her parents and friends.  She had loved being so close to Khrys this summer but was looking forward to finishing her degree and moving on to the next step in her life.

She told me that Khrys had to work today through Wednesday but then was taking off Thursday and Friday so they could spend the last couple of days together.  Khrys was then planning to take her to O’Hare on Sunday for her flight home.  I mentioned that I was hoping that I would be able to see her before she headed home.

Klara hesitated a bit before answering.

“Well, Chuck, I hope so also.  In fact, the reason I wanted to call you was that I was hoping that I could ask you to do a favor for me.  I am hoping that we might be able to get together for lunch tomorrow or Wednesday.”

“Klara, you know that I would do anything that I could for you.  You have become very special to me this summer.  Of course, we can do lunch either day.  I would love that.  How about if we head to Sunda’s (the three of us had eaten there before; it was a very trendy sushi restaurant that we all really enjoyed).  If you let me know which day you would prefer then I could make a reservation for 11:30 so we can avoid the lunch rush?”

“That would be great, Chuck.  We don’t have many sushi places in Gothenburg and I love that stuff.   Why don’t we shoot for Tuesday under one condition?  Since we are going to eat out, I have one other favor to ask.  Could you make certain that you don’t have anything planned for the afternoon?  I may decide to ask for another favor that might keep the two of us occupied for a little while.  If Tuesday won’t work, maybe Wednesday would.”

I smiled as I agreed and realized that Khrys had told her sister that she had told me about the call I needed to expect but nothing about any of the details.  I replied that Tuesday would work and I would make certain that I would keep the rest of the day free.  I also asked her if she would like me to invite the two of them to join me for happy hour and a dinner Wednesday night as she and Khrys were going to be occupied the rest of her time here.  She agreed that it would be a great idea.  I told her that I would get our lunch reservations at Sunda’s and see her there on Tuesday.  I asked her to let Khrys know about Wednesday night.   I disconnected the call wondering if I might get lucky enough to introduce Khrys’ younger sister to what a playful spanking would be like.  I figured that I would find out tomorrow.

I walked the two blocks from my condo to Sunda’s on Tuesday and arrived about 11:15.  Yuki, the hostess, had reserved a great table for us that offered a good degree of privacy.  By the time I had sat down Klara came bouncing into the room.  It never ceased to amaze me as to how enthusiastic and full of energy this young woman was.

Yuki recognized her immediately and showed her to my table.  I stood up as Klara stepped forward and, in the typical European fashion, gave me a kiss on both cheeks.  She looked great.  She was wearing capri pants and a halter type shirt showing off her flat tummy.  We sat down.  After we had ordered our sushi and sake we started talking about the summer that Klara had.  She was very enthusiastic about the summer and was pleased and proud that she was going home with a job offer.  She was reasonably certain that she was going to accept the offer.  However, she wanted to visit a couple of Swedish companies before she made a final decision.   She told me that her parents would be somewhat disappointed if she followed in her sister’s footsteps but would understand. 

We had a great lunch and had ordered a pot of green tea to finish off the meal.  Klara looked at me and dropped her eyes with a slight blush. 

“Since we talked yesterday, Chuck, I have been thinking a lot about what I saw last weekend.  I am a little bit scared of asking you this but I have decided that I need to ask.  When Khrys and I first talked about the playful spankings she receives from you, I really found it hard to believe that they could bring her the kind of pleasure she told me that they did.  Wow, last weekend it was obvious, very obvious, that they indeed do bring her pleasure, a lot of pleasure.  In my wildest imagination, I could never think that something that hurts so much and something that is so embarrassing could actually be pleasurable.  You and Khrys showed me how wrong that line of thinking was.  This idea has been just about the only thing on my mind since Saturday.  I have been really curious about how I would react to such a spanking.  But I am really afraid of being spanked.  Having said that I think that I need to find out if a spanking can also be pleasurable.  I realize that there is only one way for me to find out.   But what happens if I do not react even to a playful spanking the way that Khrys does?  After all you were spanking her almost like it was a punishment spanking.  But, God, it did turn her on.”

“Klara, your question is a very valid one.  You may not react at all like your sister does.  I had a few of friends who were curious like you are.  A couple of them reacted like Khrys.  A couple simply did not.  If you want to find out we put in ways for you to stop what is going on.  One of the things I learned when meeting with a young lady for the first time for an actual spanking was to have ‘safe words’.  These are words that can be used to either slow things up or actually bring them to an abrupt halt.  We used ‘yellow’ to slow things down.  We used ‘red’ to indicate that this has to stop this instant.  If you are asking me to spank you in this way, we would do the same.  If you think that you are enjoying it but things are going a bit too fast or too hard you say ‘yellow’ and I stop and we talk.  If you are finding that this is definitely not for you simply say ‘red’.   If you are enjoying it you don’t use those words.  You may say stop and don’t or whatever, but I will not listen to those words.  I will listen to ‘yellow’ and ‘red’.  Fair?”

“In the past, Chuck, whenever I was spanked – be it my dad, mom, real uncle or you – the person spanking me was in control of the spanking.  You are saying that in this case I am in control, correct?”

“That is very correct, Klara.  You are 100% in control.  At any time you can slow things down or change my way of spanking or bring the whole thing to a halt.”

“Hmmm, ok.  That makes sense.  Before we go further, could we get some more sake so I can think this through?”

I laughed as I waved at our waiter.

Another fifteen minutes or so had passed as we talked and enjoyed the sake.  Klara took her last sip and looked over at me. 

“Can we go back to your place, Chuck?  I am simply too curious.  I really have to find out what being on the receiving end of one your famous (according to my sister) playful spankings are all about.”

“I know, Klara that you are going to think that I am a dirty old man when I tell you this.  But I was hoping that you were going to ask me that.  I cannot wait to see that adorable bottom over my lap.  I very much enjoy spanking Khrys for her little reminders.  I am looking forward to this.  Having said that, I know that you might abruptly need for this to stop.  I will readily do so.  I am hoping that you share the genes with your sister that might make this enjoyable for you as well.”

Klara grinned at me and told me that she certainly hoped that she would enjoy this even as half as much as her sister had.  With that, I stood up and took her hand.  We headed for the door hand in hand and I was amazed that she held my hand for the walk back to my place.

After we had gotten back to my place we sat down on the couch and started talking a bit.  Klara looked at me and with a wry smile asked if I thought that we should get started.  I smiled back.


“Oh hell, yes, Chuck.  So much so that if we don’t get started then I might lose my nerve.  I really don’t want to do that, lose my nerve.”

I reached over and took her hand and led her over my lap.  She hesitated a bit and asked if I were going to spank her on the bare. 

“Klara, we are going to find that out as we move along.  We are going to take this very slow and easy.  This is something that is brand new for you.  The whole idea of this is not to punish you but to hopefully give you pleasure.  We talked about safe words and how you are in control of this whole thing.  You will find that unlike when I punished you and told you what to do, in this case, I will be asking you if you want to do things.  Remember, you are in control.”

I gave her another tug and this time she draped herself over my lap.  I moved her around a bit and then started rubbing her Capri-clad bottom with an occasional pat here and there.  I finally asked if she were ready.  She turned back to look at me with a smile and a giggle.

“Hmmm, I am not sure.  What you are doing right now feels pretty good.  I am not sure if I want you to stop.”

I laughed as I told her that we would be coming back to this idea more than once.

I felt Klara’s bottom tighten up a bit as, once again, she giggled and then said, “Ok, let’s do this.”

I started her spanking with very moderate smacks covering both cheeks and the upper portions of both thighs.  Experience had taught me that if you start slow and easy and then start to build up your partner’s endorphins can start to be released.  These help allow for a spanking that is much longer and much harder than if you start with a serious hard spanking.  I knew that Khrys much preferred this approach and I had a feeling that her little sister would as well.  As the spanking went on I continued to increase the intensity.  I could tell that it was beginning to get to Klara as she was moving her bottom as if to escape my hand.  I decided to return to the rubbing.  I did so for a few minutes as Klara began to relax a bit.

I started the conversation again by asking how she was doing.  She told me that her bottom was beginning to sting a bit but she was kind of enjoying it.  I asked if she were ready to take the next step and she nodded. 

“Do you want to stand up and take off your pants?”

I was surprised as she kind of jumped off my lap and within a few seconds was crawling back over, this time clad in the halter top and a cute pair of bikini style panties.  As she stretched out my right hand encircled her waist while my left once again had begun to caress her very soft bottom.  I could sense just a bit of warmth that was starting alongside the pinkness at the edge of her panties.  Klara almost purred as my hand rubbed and patted her bottom. 

“I think that I am actually beginning to enjoy this, Chuck.  There may be something here after all.”

“I hope that you are enjoying it, Klara, because I most certainly am.”, I said as I gave her a sharp smack on the bottom.

Klara jumped a bit and then moved tighter into my grip.  Her voice was a bit husky as she suggested that we continue.

I was more than happy to.  I pulled her closer and started with the speed and intensity that I had left off with.  As with the previous few minutes, I alternated the spanks – moving from right to left, from high to low, to modest smacks to harder ones.  Klara was at certain points now making sounds as my hand landed.  She was moving much more aggressively and was beginning to kick a bit with certain spanks.  After a number of minutes, my hand went back to her bottom with rubs and pats.  Klara laid there for a few minutes.

“God, Chuck, I think I really am starting to enjoy this.  I am getting some really weird feelings, not on my bottom that I like.  Uncle Chuck, can I take my top off?”

I smacked her bottom hard on both cheeks before answering.  I then reminded her that she was 100% in control of this spanking.  That meant everything from position to state of dress to duration to intensity and so on.  Her hand flew back to rub her bottom as she glared at me for a minute.  Then she grinned. 

“Ok, ok….I get the point, Uncle Chuck.  Let me off your lap!”

This time the ‘strip tease’ was not as quick.  She stepped back and faced me and slowly peeled the halter top off having me realize what I had suspected.  Her bare breasts jumped out and I admired the soft curves and the erect nipples.  She walked back over and went over my lap again. 

Once again my hand went to her panty-clad bottom.  I loved the feel of the silk and the very soft bottom beneath it.  Her bottom was definitely getting warmer and the pink tones were getting brighter.  I decided to continue and once again started at the point I had been when we took our break.  By now my spanks were getting much more intense and the spanks were landing about a dozen a minute rather than the original of about three or four a minute.  Klara was taking the spanking very well even though there were the kicks and squeals that always accompany a spanking.  Klara though also was beginning to spread her legs at times and I could see moisture between her legs.  I went back to rubbing and patting for a few minutes.  Klara was breathing somewhat heavily.  I realized that Klara was becoming aroused just as I was.

“Do you want me to remove your panties, Klara?  Do you want to be naked for the rest of your spanking?”

“Oh, God, yes, Chuck.  Please.  But I don’t want to get off your lap.  Can you remove them for me?  Please.  I don’t want to stand up.  I am enjoying this way too much.  I cannot believe that Khrys was so right about this.”

I peeled her panties down to below her knees.  I anticipated that, with her kicking, in a few minutes the panties would be flying somewhere.  I started to rub again and then returned to the spanking.   This time, however, the intensity and speed were much more like a punishment spanking.  Klara was writhing and kicking and making sounds.  But neither safe word was uttered.  I paused for a minute or two to rub her bottom and, as I did, Klara spread her legs apart.  I reached down and felt her pussy.  By now she was sopping.  I knew that when she got off my leg I was going to have to change my shorts before going out again.  As I touched her she moaned.

“Oh, that feels so good.  Not yet, though.  I need a harder and longer spanking, Uncle Chuck.  Please”

“It is my pleasure, Klara.  Remember, after all, you are in control and whatever you want, you shall get.”

I picked up where I had left off.  But this time the spanking was as intense as the punishment spanking that she had given her sister had been.  I continued this until she screamed which surprised me so much that I stopped.

“Klara, are you ok?”

“Shit, Damn!  Uncle Chuck, I just came.  I cannot believe it”

I smiled as I put my hand back onto her bottom and started to rub.  I realized that the spanking was over.  After a few minutes, Klara turned to face me and asked if I could help her cum again.  I smiled as I lifted her from my lap and laid her down on the couch.  She winced as her now bright red bottom made contact with the couch.  I knelt down and put my hand into her pussy.

“Fingers or tongue?”

“Both.  I want an orgasm from both.  Remember, Uncle Chuck, I am in control and I get whatever I want.”

I laughed as I very happily started to probe Klara’s vaginal opening with my fingers.  I quickly found her clit and started massaging it.  It did not take long.  It was obvious that Klara had been extremely turned on by the spanking and came hard within a few minutes.

Klara laid on the couch for a few minutes and then sat up.  I sat next to her and we cuddled for a few minutes.  She then looked at me and smiled. 

“Now your tongue”.

I took her hand and led her into my bedroom and laid her on the bed.  I got up beside her and spread her legs and reached to her pussy with my fingers.  She was still very wet.  I then put my head between her legs and started licking the inside of her legs as I moved closer and closer to her pussy with an occasional nip with my teeth.  Klara reached down and started pulling my face into her.  I resisted some telling her that I wanted us to take our time with this.  Eventually, my mouth reached her pussy.  As my tongue entered I moved one of my fingers, wet with her vaginal juices, towards her anus.  As I touched her there, Klara literally jumped.  I continued and, as I did, Klara grabbed my head and pulled me into her.  I was surprised that this climax came even quicker.  After a couple of minutes we separated and laid beside each other on my bed.  Klara was breathing very hard.  Her face was flushed.  I was still erect but perfectly happy with things as they were.

“Oh my God, Chuck.  Where did you learn that little trick?  I have never had anyone do that to me before.  I could not believe that I could cum so quick.  Wow.  Wow.  Please give me a couple of minutes to catch my breath.”

We laid quietly next to each other for about five minutes or so and Klara’s breathing returned to normal.  By now my dick had returned to a normal state.  Klara reached in to kiss me and then looked down at my cock.  She reached down to take it in hand.

“Klara, you do not need to do that.  Remember the whole idea of today was to see how you would react to a spanking that was not intended to punish you.  It was to see what your reaction might be when you did not have a guilty mindset.  We found our answer to that.   You cannot believe how much pleasure you have given me by letting me help you find so much pleasure yourself!”

Klara had encircled my penis with her fingers.  She knelt over me and gave me a light kiss on its tip.

“I know that I do not need to do this.  But you told me earlier, Uncle Chuck, that tonight was my night and that I was in control.  I get to do what I want tonight and, believe me, licking your dick is exactly what I want to do.”

With that, Klara knelt up and brought her face down to my cock.  She nestled my balls in one hand and grasped my pole in her other.  She started manipulating her hand and my erection promptly returned.  I reminded Klara that at my age I was never certain how long I was going to last.  She smiled at me.

“Well, Chuck, if you cum too quickly we will just have to do it over and over until we get it right.”

I groaned as she brought her face down towards my now erect penis and again kissed the tip very lightly.  She then started using her tongue up and down the length until she decided to take me into her mouth.  I loved the way her teeth lightly scraped my shaft as she moved up and down on my cock.  I was surprised that I had not already climaxed.  She continued for a few minutes and then lifted her face back up to look at me.  She smiled.

“My, my, Chuck.  You are doing very well.  I am so proud of you.”

I laughed as she returned her attention to the very rigid pole she was holding.  As soon as her lips encircled me again I knew that she might not be so proud of me in a short number of minutes.  I could feel the orgasm starting to build and realized that I was not going to last much longer.  I told Klara that.  I believe that comment focused her even more because she was trying to take me deeper and deeper. 

“Klara, I am going to cum really soon… I am going to…

Oh, Oh… I am cumming!”

I groaned as I erupted and shot my load into Klara’s mouth.  I was amazed as she would not release me but kept moving so that more and more shot into her.  After a couple minutes more, she released me as my penis had shrunk noticeably.  Klara laid down beside me as I turned to my side and she pressed up against me.  She entwined her legs with mine and pressed her beautiful breasts against me.  We stayed like that for a couple of minutes and when she laid back, I cupped one of her breasts in my hand.  She murmured a bit as I gently tweaked her nipple.

“Oh, I do like that”, she whispered.

I turned towards her and drew her to me.  We kissed and then another lingering passionate kiss.  My hands returned to her breasts and felt the gentle curves.  My lips went to her nipples.  I kissed them and then bit them lightly and then a little harder.  Klara moaned as I did.  I continued nuzzling her and my hand went once again to her pussy.  I was not at all surprised to find that she was wet once more, very wet.  My fingers probed and searched until I once again found her clitoris.  Klara rocked her head back and groaned. 

“Oh my God, Chuck, you are going to have me cum again.  Oh God, this is going to happen so fast, too fast.”

I could feel her pussy lips closing around my fingers.  I turned her slightly to her side so that I could also find her anus.  My fingers were wet with her pussy juices so I was able to slip in quite easily.  I could feel my fingers, one in her anus and others in her pussy, rubbing together through the thin membrane between them.  Klara had been right.  Her next orgasm came quickly.  She literally screamed as she came.  She then collapsed backward onto the bed.  We laid there for about fifteen minutes. 

“Ok, young lady.  I think that the next thing on the agenda is that we both need a shower.  Fortunately, my shower is large enough for both of us.”

Klara retrieved her clothing as we headed into my bathroom.  In the meantime, I had removed the rest of my clothing when I had an interesting thought.  I had been closer with Khrystiana much more than I had been with Klara.  Khrys and I had a number of times in which we enjoyed sex with each other.  Today had been the first time that I had a sexual experience with Klara.  Yet this was the first time that I had been completely nude in front of one of these two young ladies.  I inwardly smiled as I realized that I was going to have to correct that situation with Khrys in the very near future. 

The water quickly heated up after I turned it on.  We stepped into the shower and Klara squealed a bit when the hot water hit her very red bottom.  We began to lather each other up with the liquid soap I used.  I was loving washing her breasts and then turned her so that I could wash her back and adorable rear end.  She did the same for me.  I then lathered up the sponge and reached between her legs.  As I washed her Klara gasped a bit and leaned against me.   

“Oh, that feels good.  And here I was thinking that I was done for the day but I think that I was wrong.”

One of the things that had impressed me about Khrystiana was how sensuous a woman she was.  She was by far the most sensual and erogenous woman I had ever met.  I was beginning to believe that I had met, if not her equal, then her superior.  Klara wrapped an arm around my neck and leaned in even more.  Her breasts were pressed against my chest.  I pulled the shower head from its holding and was able to bring it down to below Klara’s waist using the hose.  I turned it from spray to pulsate and pointed it upwards between Klara’s spread legs.  Klara moaned even louder.  I dropped the shower head and one of my hands went to her right nipple as I also inserted my fingers into Klara’s welcoming pussy.  As Klara became more and more excited she wrapped the other arm around my neck and started kissing and biting my neck.  Ultimately her head rolled back and she groaned as she came even again.  She slowly came back to earth.  A few minutes later she turned me around so that she could wash my back.  She lathered both of her hands and then reached around to take my penis in hand.  She started stroking me and I realized that unlike the previous blow job this was not going to take any time at all.  I realized that even more as I felt Klara’s soapy finger starting to penetrate my rectum.  My erection almost doubled in size and Klara kept stroking and going deeper into my anus.  As I came and ejaculated all over the shower wall Klara giggled.

“That is going to be very easy to clean up.”

I shook my head in exhaustion.

“We need to finish here and you need to get home.  I don’t know about you but I definitely am going to need a nap.  I am glad that we did not plan for dinner tonight because I am not sure I could make it.”

Even though Klara had a short way to get home, I requested an Uber and reminded her that we had reservations tomorrow at 7:00 and that I would see both she and her sister.

I had found out that both the girls enjoyed lobster.  Caffe Olivia which overlooked Lake Michigan had some of the best in the city.  I had made reservations on their patio at 7:00.  I showed up at about 6:45 and was waiting in the bar when the girls arrived.  Both of them looked outstanding in short summer dresses.  I stood up as they joined me at the bar and we greeted each other.  Our hostess showed us to our table which was in a secluded part of the patio.  Khrys and I glanced at each other as we both noticed how Klara had grimaced a bit when taking her seat.  We ordered cocktails and briefly chatted while studying the menu.  When our waiter brought the drinks we went ahead and ordered lobster all around.  We enjoyed our dinner and then decided to head to a sitting area with a great view of the Lake which was also a little more private than our table had been.  I could tell that both Klara and Khrys wanted to discuss my day.  I advised our waiter that we were moving to another location and asked that he bring another bottle of wine to us.

As soon as our waiter had poured our glasses and left, Khrys immediately began the conversation.  She told me that she understood that Klara had found out in detail what a playful spanking was like.  Her sister had also told her that it was one of the most exciting situations that she had ever found herself in.  She also told me that Klara had advised her that it was by far the most sexually filled afternoon she had ever had.

Klara joined in.  “That is exactly what I told Khrys, Uncle Chuck.  I should have expected this but the one thing that I had not thought about was that whether it is a playful spanking or a punishment one, your bottom still stings a lot afterward.  I know that mine does tonight and I have a hunch that tomorrow is going to be even worse since you did not put lotion on my ass afterward.”

I had to laugh as Klara giggled a bit.

Klara continued.  “Another thing that I talked with Khrys about is how in hell I am going to be able to find someone back home who is going to be willing to spank me like that.  Khrys told me that the best bet is probably the internet.”

I nodded.  “I think that I would agree with your sister but I want to caution you to be very careful about how you go about doing that.  I was fortunate in that I met a good number of women who were looking for what you are going to be looking for.  In doing so, however, I was told by a number of them of the types of precautions one, especially a young female, has to take.  One thing you can do, Klara, if you wish, it for you and I to stay in touch by email and I will be happy to hear of what is going on and see if I can offer any advice as to how to proceed.”

Klara thanked me and advised me that had been exactly her plan and was one of the things she had wanted to ask me about tonight.   She then grinned as she told me she had never had such a drawn out sexual situation and that she had been exhausted.  She mentioned that she had not thought another orgasm was possible when we stepped into the shower together and was shocked at her response.

Khrys laughed a bit.

“Oh yes, Uncle Chuck.  Klara filled me in on all the details of today.  I was surprised that you and I had never thought about taking a shower together.  Also, based on a couple of other things I learned this afternoon, I believe that you and I have some more ‘learning’ experiences to go through.  As you know, Klara and I are spending the next couple of days together before I take her to O’Hare.  I was thinking that the three of us might be able to head out for a picnic on Saturday and then spend the rest of the day together.”

“It just so happened, Khrys, that my entire day n Saturday is open.  If not, I would make it open so we can enjoy Klara’s last day in the States together.  I think that is a great idea.”

“Great”, Khrys responded, “I have been thinking about what it would be like to be told to remove your clothing and be spanked outside where there is chance that someone might see you.  I think that would be so very embarrassing that I am sure it would never happen”

We made plans for Saturday.  With that, we decided to end our evening.

Published 8 years ago

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