It had been about a week ago since I had my conversation with Klara. She had called me primarily to thank me for giving her the punishment spanking due to her bad money decisions at the casino. However, a secondary reason was to have a conversation about the revelations her sister had made to her about her sister’s and my relationship. She had been aware that her older sister had asked me to be willing to hold her accountable for her actions. Her sister and I had met soon after Khrystiana had moved to the States from Denmark I had started a day or two a week driving for Uber after my early retirement. Khrystiana had been a passenger. After that meeting, we had met a couple of times and ultimately Khrys asked that I become, in essence, kind of a “strict uncle” for her. Klara had known about that part of Khrys’ and my relationship.
Khrys had always found spankings to be arousing. She dove into the internet and found that she was not alone. Khrys and I had discussed her findings and I promised to give her a playful type spanking for her birthday. She found that spanking to be extremely arousing and I had helped Khrys reach an orgasm following that birthday spanking. This playful birthday spanking turned into “reminder” spankings on occasion for Khrys. Sometimes these spankings ended up with some sort of sexual activity between us. Khrys, the day after Klara’s punishment spanking, had told Klara abut the reminder spankings and also about the sexual side of the coin. Klara wanted to ask me about these elements and this was the ‘secondary’ reason for her phone call.
I had not spoken with either Khrys or Klara since that conversation with Klara. But this afternoon I had gotten a text from Khrys asking if I was going home that evening. She told me that she would be calling me. She called to invite me for dinner this coming Saturday as Klara would be in town for the weekend. Klara had specifically asked Khrys to invite me. I told Khrys that I would be delighted to join them. Khrys told me that she did expect Klara to come spend at least one more weekend with her before heading home. Klara would be flying out of O’Hare to head back for her senior year at the University of Gothenburg. She would be vacating her company provided apartment in Milwaukee a few days before her flight and would be staying with Khrys.
I got to Khrys’ place with my customary gift of a couple of bottles of wine. We had some appetizers and some casual conversation while the girls finished preparing our dinner. We decided it would be somewhat of a celebratory dinner as Klara had received a job offer from the company she had been interning with. Khrys was very optimistic that her younger sister would be joining them upon graduation. Klara intended to finalize that decision once she got back to Europe.
Our conversation over dinner was varied. We talked about Klara’s upcoming last few days in Milwaukee. We also discussed some of the things that Khrys had recently been involved in at her work. I had to smile when Klara did mention the last time we had been together. She advised me that the spanking that I had given her had been just about the hardest she had ever received. She laughed as she told me that I was a “better” spanker than her dad. She told me that it had been the following week-end before her bottom did not tingle some from the spanking.
She looked over at Khrys as she mentioned that Khrys had explained to her how Khrys also got playful spankings from me. Klara mentioned that she wanted to talk about that a little bit more after we had finished dinner.
Khrys had made one of my favorite dishes for dessert, a fruit chocolate fondue. We took it and a plate of cheese to the balcony. I opened another bottle of wine as we enjoyed dessert. As we finished Klara made a total change of subject for our discussion.
“Khrystiana, I wanted to let you know something that I have been giving a lot of thought to. One of the first things that we talked about after I moved her was your relationship with Chuck. When you first told me that he was holding you accountable for your actions, that he was actually spanking you, I became very concerned. However, you told me that I had nothing to be concerned with. You and I have always been very open and honest with each other, more so that with our other siblings. So I trusted you and believed you. I saw how Chuck responded when he realized that he had to spank you for your drinking and driving. It was very obvious that this was not something that he was enjoying doing. I knew that you were right. I then had zero concerns. I realized that Chuck had only your best interest at heart.”
“What upset me, Khrystiana, is that you did not tell me the whole story about your relationship. You did not tell me everything until I had also ended up over Uncle Chuck’s lap. I am not saying that I am upset that Uncle Chuck spanked me. On the contrary, as he and I talked about last week, I am very grateful that he did. This is why I have thanked him more than once. I simply could not believe that you were not completely open and honest with me from our first conversation. I said that I was upset. I think that the real feeling is that I was hurt, deeply so.”
In the meantime, I was sitting watching Klara provide this commentary to her sister. I saw that Khrys was not comfortable at all with this scolding. I realized that Khrys was actually taking this lecture to heart.
“Klara, the last thing that I ever wanted to do was hurt you. In hindsight, I should have simply told you everything about Chuck and me. You are so correct when you tell me that we have always been completely open with each other. I cannot think of why I did not tell you everything from day one. I cannot believe that I let you down so much. The very last thing I would ever want to do is to hurt you in any way. I feel miserable about this. I don’t know what I can do to make it up to you. I am so sorry.”
I love both these girls and have had some fantastic times with them. I have never felt a bit uncomfortable about being with them…..until tonight. I decided not to say a word but to just sit and let the two of them decide how they were going to handle this issue. I was certain of one thing. The two of them were way too close to let this fester. I was comfortable that their discussion would lead to a hug between the two of them with Klara accepting Khrys’ obvious heartfelt apology. However, what happened next came as a complete surprise.
“Khrystiana, a couple of years ago I think that I would have simply accepted your apology. But not tonight. One of the things that I have really come to realize is how much of an emotional release one needs after someone messes up so badly. You have been preaching that to me all summer especially in explaining how much Chuck has meant to you. That factor was one important reason why I decided that I needed to take that very embarrassing spanking from Uncle Chuck. You are going to need that same emotional release after what you have done. You are going to be spanked very hard tonight, Khrystiana. And it is not going to be Uncle Chuck giving you that spanking.”
I was shell-shocked. I had not anticipated one iota that Klara would come to a decision that her big sister needed to be spanked for her actions. I realized how much sense Klara’s explanation about Khrys needing to be spanked made. I realized that if Khrys really felt so badly about her actions, she would not be able to forgive herself without that emotional release. However, I was still surprised. This turn about was the very last thing that I had expected tonight. I was also somewhat surprised in that Khrys had not tried to argue with her sister. She had simply bowed her head and was nodding slightly as Klara advised her of her sentence. The only thing that I could think of was that Khrys must be feeling very bad about how she had treated her sister. She realized that this was probably the only way she could pay for her mistake. I was also certain that Khrys believed that she would feel forgiven once her sister had given her a very proper spanking.
Klara put her glass of wine down and stood up. “I think it is time for the three of us to retire into the living room, big sister. On the way in, Uncle Chuck, would you please see that the door is shut and that the curtains are drawn.”
I nodded as we stood up. I was very surprised how controlling Klara had been and was just as surprised at how submissive Khrys was behaving. All I could think about was how interesting this evening’s turn of events had been.
As we entered the living room Klara continued to manage the situation.
“Uncle Chuck, I want you to take a seat on the sofa. And Khrystiana, you need to, first of all, go get one of the dining room chairs and place it in front of Uncle Chuck.”
We did as Klara had requested. The girls had left their glasses on the balcony but I had brought mine in with me and decided to refill it before sitting down. Khrys had brought a dining room chair into the room. Klara, in the meantime, walked over to the chair and angled it so that when Khrys was over her lap I would have a perfect view of what was going to be happening. Khrys noticed this and blushed a shade of pink. The thought struck me that her bottom would, I expected, be a much brighter shade of pink than her face in the very near future.
Klara came to the sofa and sat down next to me. She looked at her sister and told her it was time to get ready for her spanking. Khrys looked a bit bemused. Klara shook her head and simply said, “Khrystiana, everything off.”.
Khrys looked at her sister and then looked at me. She turned towards her sister and asked that she not have to remove all of her clothing. She told Klara that she would remove her shorts but wanted to keep her panties on as it would be too embarrassing to have Chuck seeing her being spanked by Klara when she was not wearing a single item of clothing.
“Khrystiana, this is absolutely nothing new for Uncle Chuck. You have been totally nude for him during your punishment spankings, during your reminder spankings, and during your sexual play. I realize that this is going to be different. Uncle Chuck explained to me how the significant difference between a punishment spanking and a playful one is not the spanking itself but the mind set behind it. I realize that this is very embarrassing to you and it should be. After all, big sister, that is a significant part of the punishment. I do not want to have to tell you a third time because this is the second request. Undress! Everything!”
Khrys looked over at me and I could see a couple of tears rolling down her cheeks. My heart went out to her as I realized how humiliated she was. It is one thing for me to enjoy her nudity when I was spanking her. It was obvious to me during those playful spankings that she enjoyed showing off her nudity to me. But it was another thing for me to be watching her most intimate parts when her little sister was punishing her.
Khrys wiped her eyes and she sat down and removed her sandals. She stood up and looked at me first and then towards her sister as she gently shook her head. She unbuckled her wide leather belt and then unsnapped her shorts. She let them drop and stepped out of them before picking them up and placing them on the table. She turned her back to us as she pulled her tee shirt over her head and placed it with the shorts. She then removed her bra. With her back still towards us, she lowered her panties and stepped out of them.
“Khrystiana, you will put your hands to your sides.”
Klara paused to let Khrys do so and then had her stand there for a few minutes.
You can also go find one of your slippers for me.”
Another tear started trickling down Khrys’ cheek after she had uncovered herself and then slowly moved into her bedroom. Within a couple of minutes, she returned with the slipper in hand. She turned it over to Klara.
“Klara,” Khrys said, “I do not know what came over me so that I felt I could not tell you everything about Chuck and me from the start. I am so very sorry for having hurt you. I really do not want you to do this at all but especially in front of Chuck. But I also know that this is the only way that I can show you how truly sorry I am. I just ask that we can get this over with.”
Klara stood up and accepted the slipper. She took Khrys by her hand and led her to the chair. She sat down and Khrys lowered herself over her little sister’s lap. I decided that the only thing that I could do was simply sit and watch. I had seen one woman spank another woman years ago on one of my trips to San Francisco. I had two spanking partners who happened to be friends. I had met those two good friends and had spanked both of them before having them spank each other. But that spanking had been more playful than anything. It was very obvious to me that this was a totally different situation.
In the meantime, Klara was lecturing Khrys as her hand was rubbing her bottom about how hurt she had been. She told her that once she had told Khrys how hurtful her actions were she had realized that she had to have Khrys pay for those actions. She needed to do so if for no other reason that Khrys would feel forgiven. As the lecture continued I realized that Khrys was sobbing and actually raising her bottom as if she were inviting Klara to start.
And Klara did start. She began with her hand and started to pepper very sharp spanks onto her sister’s cheeks. At first, Khrys was nonresponsive. Within a few minutes as Khrys’ cheeks began to turn pink that attitude changed. Khrys began moving her bottom in the hopes of avoiding her sister’s hand. Klara stopped and picked up her sister’s slipper from the floor. Now the spanking began in earnest. It was obvious to me that Klara’s hand had begun to sting so the slipper was the obvious answer. Klara must have landed fifty to sixty hard spanks onto her sister’s bottom and upper legs and Khrys was having a lot of trouble taking it. Her cunny was completely open to me. Khrys was kicking and moaning. Klara stopped. She gave Khrys a couple of minutes to compose herself. She then told her to go to the wall and face it with her hands over her head. Khrys did so.
Klara went onto the balcony, picked up her glass of wine and returned to sit next to me on the sofa as she watched her sister. I glanced over at Klara and was surprised to see a tear trickle down Klara’s cheek. I reached out and wiped away the tear and Klara looked at me as she grabbed my hand.
She shook her head sadly but put one finger up to her lips to indicate that I should not say anything. I began to realize that this was very hard on Klara. I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. I took her chin and turned her to look at me. I nodded and whispered so that only she could hear that I understood.
Klara looked at me with a very sad expression on her face. She then turned to look at Khrys’ very bright bottom and stood up. She took a very deep breath. She knew as well as I did that Khrys was almost there as far as this punishment being over. Almost but not quite. I could tell that Klara was as uncomfortable about continuing as I had been a couple of weeks ago when I had to spank Klara. But I could also tell that Klara knew what she had to do.
Klara called Khrys’ name and Khrys turned to face her.
“Khrystiana, we are not done yet. Before we go into your bedroom, I want you to take your belt out of your shorts and give it to me. Then I want you to go sit on your bed with your feet on the floor. Uncle Chuck and I are going to follow.”
Once again I was surprised by this. Khrys looked at me with a look of sad terror as she walked over and picked up her belt, She slowly walked over to her sister and handed the belt to her. She doubled it and slashed it through the air a couple of times. Khrys winced.
Klara once more directed Khrys to the bed. Khrys sat down with her feet on the floor. Klara pointed to the chair in the room and indicated that I was to sit. She then swished the belt a couple more times and walked over to be next to her sister.
“Khrystiana, I want you to lay back on the bed and then raise your legs and place your hands behind your knees. You are then to raise them as close to your head as you can and also spread them as far apart as you can.”
Khrys bolted and stood up. “Klara, there is no way that I can do that. That would be the most embarrassing thing I have ever done. You cannot expect me to do that.”
“Khrystiana, I not only expect it but I demand it. If you do not do as I ask I will simply use the belt and then get your hairbrush for a third session tonight. Which do you prefer?”
Khrys looked over at me and mouthed “I am sorry”. She sat back down and laid back. Her sister simply spoke her name and Khrys started to lift her legs, hold them back and then spread them apart.
Khrys’ pussy and anus were totally on display, more so than I had ever seen. I realized that Khrys’ pussy was not glistening with moisture as it was when I gave her reminder spankings. Khrys was taking this spanking 100% as a punishment spanking. I could tell that my good friend was totally mortified by this and wanted nothing more than for it to be over.
Klara moved to Khrys right side and drew back with the belt. She delivered six very vicious strikes with the belt and Khrys let out a cry with each one. Klara them moved to the left side and delivered another six, equally as vicious. Khrys screamed and pulled her legs back even more and further apart. Klara moved up and gently rubbed her sister’s bottom.
“We are done, Khrys. This was not fun for either of us but it was necessary for both of us”
Khrys got off the bed very gingerly and moved to her sister and the two embraced. I finally saw the emotional hug and embrace that I knew earlier I would see. Khrys was crying and telling her sister that she was so very sorry. Klara was crying also and was telling Khrys that she knew that and it was all over. Khrys was forgiven and everything was ok. They would never have to discuss this situation again.
Khrys broke off from her embrace with her sister and slowly came over to me. She hugged me and gave me a very gentle kiss on my lips as I returned the hug and then moved my hands to her very red and very hot bottom. I whispered a question asking if she were ok. She cried a bit into my neck and nodded that she was. Klara looked at me as she came over and took her sister’s hand. She asked me to bring some ice, water, and towels to the bedroom and then wait for her on the balcony. I did that.
I grabbed a couple of brandy snifters and a bottle of brandy before heading to the balcony. I poured a glass of brandy and sat down to enjoy the Chicago lights while waiting for Klara. She joined me in about twenty minutes.
She looked at me with a very grateful smile as I leaned forward, poured her a snifter of brandy and handed it to her.
“How is your sister, Klara?”
Klara took a long sip of brandy before she looked at me with an answer.
“She is very sore and will be for possibly the rest of this week, just like I was all of last week. She is also totally embarrassed because you had to watch this. She was totally caught off guard by me deciding to spank her because I had never given any inclination of doing so. But once she realized how hurt I was, I knew that I could not simply tell her that her apology was accepted. She really needed that catharsis, the emotional release of a punishment spanking that you told me about. She is going to be very glad that I took this action. I told you, Uncle Chuck, last week that I hated getting that spanking from you. For a while during that spanking I actually hated you. I don’t believe that I quit being angry with you until on Sunday when I realized how relieved I felt. I think that right now if my sister were awake she would be very pissed at me. I am very certain though that tomorrow she is going to thank me for doing what I did. At least I hope she does. If she does not, then I am going to feel horrible.”
I smiled and reached over to give Klara a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I told her that I was certain that everything would be ok. I reminded her that it was very obvious to me from Khrys’ submissive response to the spanking decision that Khrys realized it was what she needed. We then talked about her last few weeks before returning to Europe. She had gotten the job offer but had a couple more weeks at the company. She was then planning on come to Chicago to stay with Khrys for about a week or so before heading back to Denmark.
She looked at me with a smile and told me that she had appreciated our conversation about the difference between punishment spankings and playful spankings. She said that she had never ever considered the concept of the mental aspect of spankings. She told me that she thought that both she and her sister owed me a lot. She laughed as she told me that neither one of them liked my way of communicating with them when they had messed up. But she went on to say that both of them realized that this type of communication’s intent was to help them become the women they wished to become.
I decided it was time to go. I went in to double check on Khrys before I did so. She stirred as I went into her bedroom and looked over at me. She was laying on her bed face down with a very red bottom showing. There were also a few stripes from the belt. I walked over and sat down on her bed. I gently placed my hand on her bottom and asked how she was. Khrys groaned and said that she had been much better before dinner. She giggled a bit. She then looked up at me and told me that she was sorry that she had screwed up so badly. I rubbed her very gently on the bottom and then reached down to kiss her on the cheek. She turned and pulled me close to give me a lingering kiss on the lips. I reached down and cupped her breast. She mumbled that it felt so good. I kissed her again and told her that I would see her soon. I told her to call me whenever she wanted to talk. She told me that she would. She thought that it might be a good idea for us to have drinks later in the week. I smiled and simply told her that I would love that.
Klara and I headed to the door. She reached up and put her arms around my neck and pulled me towards her. She told me that she loved what I was doing for her sister. She told me that she knew that we would be getting together at least once more before she headed to Europe. She pulled me down to her and gave me a soft kiss on the lips as well.
I headed out to request an Uber back to my place wondering how fortunate I was to have been in this situation.
Author’s note – many thanks to Melissa R for her story line suggestion. I hope that I was able to do it justice.