Dreamscape 01: Matthew And Robyn

"Long ago, Matthew and Robyn met. Now in a very different way, they meet again."

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Today was the beginning of something neither had experience in such a long time. Sexual arousal and release. How they had both missed these wonderful sensations and to now have them back, and so fully amazed them both. The hardness, the wetness, they were all back like when they were young. What a treasure to enjoy.

It had been so long since feeling anything really sexually arousing. But that is what should be expected when a person is in their eighties. The days of passion seemed to just slip away as the years went by unnoticed. There are people who did feel something at this age for sure, but it had passed for both of them. The state they had wandered to was like being a child again, before knowing about sexual stimulation, but unfortunately, the memories of the past did pass through the mind now and then.

Which is why, after years of never having one, that night, the sexual dream, and the arousal it caused was such a surprise. Out of nowhere. Well, somewhere, it was all in the past, memories now flowing and causing the reliving of what had happened to be vivid and as it was unfolding like the first time, now in a dream.

The alarm sounds, waking Matthew up.

‘Damn, I don’t remember setting the alarm. But, well, that was an interesting night to end a productive day. Let’s see if I can continue the streak. Yeah, that tinnitus is still there, better make an appointment with the doctor,’ Matthew thinks to himself as he wakes.

He gets out of bed and goes to the shower. As Matthew strips, he notices the wet spot on his boxers. “Wow, I really did. How many years has it been, ten or twelve? Alexa, play Dream Weaver by Gary Wright and then Dream On by Aerosmith,” Matthew calls out.

The music starts as the water cascades over his body. ‘I finished the last part of my fourth Space Wars series, and editor Jaquelin said my third vampire story is good to go. Now, what was her name…Racheal? No. Rosanna? Nope. Robyn, yeah, that was it, Robyn Charles. I wonder what she’s up to now, heck she was what, three years younger than me when we met. That means she is an old fogey like me, eighty now,’ Matthew thinks back, remembering.

He finishes the shower, taking time to fully wash his prick in gratitude for what happened during the night. Matthew makes breakfast and takes a morning walk. After, he works for a few hours editing his stories, in between lunch and an early dinner.

At six, he gets comfortable in his recliner chair and turns on the news. Minutes into the broadcast, he nods off, returning to the dream from last night. It is like watching a movie unfold before him, but know the characters intimately, and how the man feels as it unfolds.


He was in his dorm room, and an attractive girl was on the couch next to him. Robyn Charles, daughter of Professor Charles, who was a history professor that Matthew hadn’t had the pleasure of having as a lecturer yet.

“I haven’t carried that many books since high school. What are you taking, Robyn?” he asked the girl.

“I don’t have a major yet. I’m taking basic first-year college classes in the afternoons. So, I’m technically a freshman in college, but really a senior in high school, finishing my requirements there in the mornings,” Robyn replied. “What’s your major?”

Matthew was impressed that Robyn is taking college classes while still in high school. She must have been smart. That rarely happened in 1958 unless someone really showed potential. Though her father, being who he was, such a distinguished member of the faculty, probably did pull some strings.

“Comprehensive Social Studies, I plan on being a teacher. I’m a transfer sophomore after completing my first year at a community college,” Matthew said, “Would you like a soda?”

“I’d rather have a beer,” Robyn replied, a wistful smile on her face.

“Sorry, I’m taking medicine and can’t have alcohol; otherwise, I’d be having one with you,” he confessed.

Robyn pouted a little, looking so cute as she did and said, “Sure, cola will be fine.”

Mathew turned the radio of his stereo on and handed her a soda as he sat next to her. They talked for a while about school and other interests. Then suddenly, Robyn leaned towards him and kissed him. Matt tentatively responded to the kiss at first, just their lips brushing against each other.

Robyn pulled away, laughing some, “Why so cautious? Worried about my father?”

“Well, a little, yes, and the fact you’re a still a high school senior,” Matt admitted.

“I’m eighteen and don’t worry about him, worry about this attractive gal in your arms and that she wants to be in the arms of this good-looking guy. How old are you? Are you a virgin?” Robyn quizzed him.

“No, I am not a virgin,” Matt said, blushing some, “but I’m not the most experienced guy you could be with. I just turned twenty-one this summer.”

Robyn looked at him, her eyes were so reassuring. She ran her fingers through his hair and asked, “How many have you had? I’ve had four lovers so far.”

This will be embarrassing. And at eighteen to already have been with four men? This girl is a bit wild but so desirable.

“Uh, well, I’ve only had two,” Matthew replied. Matt felt her hand stroking his penis, and it is responding to her caresses.

She kissed his lips and murmurs, “Was that so hard to tell me?”

“Uh, no, it wasn’t,” Matt managed to say as he opens his mouth to let her tongue sneak in. Their kisses became deeper and longer. Her arms were around his neck, his hands ran up and down her back.

“What I’m doing is an invitation,” Robyn said.

“Would you like to move to the bed?” Matt replied.

“I’d thought you’d never ask,” Robyn said as she stood and walked to the bed, Matthew right behind her. As they adjusted themselves on his bed, their kissing felt so natural, to Matthew. Just doing this was getting him rather hard quickly.

He moved his fingers to her blouse and unbuttoned her shirt. Robyn sat up, looked at him with those amazing green eyes, and straight black shoulder-length hair, and he took her top off. She undid her bra and tossed it on top of her shirt, then reached between his legs and stroked his cock more, making it strain against his jeans.

“So, how many times have you done it? You might not be as inexperienced as you think. I’ve done it ten times, give or take,” Robyn said with pride in her voice.

Is this really so important to her? Well, at least Robyn had repeat times with those she bedded, but not that many times. I’ve only been with two women so far but dated both for a few months each.

“Well, let me think,” Matt answered as he played with her breasts, lightly rolling her nipples between his fingers. “Twenty or thirty times, I guess.”

There were two girls I went that far with. Both I dated for almost six months, and by the time we did begin to move that far, it would only be every couple of weeks when we could find a safe place to do so.

Matthew rolled her onto her back; he kissed his way to her breasts. One of his hands teased the breast he wasn’t sucking. While the other went between her legs rubbing her thighs and crotch through her jeans.

In response, her hands were running through his hair. She grabbed his face when he did that and kissed him forcefully and deeply. She moved and lifted his polo shirt over his head.

This feels so natural, not like with Debbie or Janice. It’s sensual and kind of romantic. No expectations for anything.

They finished undressing each other and while lying facing each other romantically kissing. Matt was teasing her breasts while his fingers rubbed her clitoris; it was damp but became wet within a few minutes. Her fingers felt marvelous on his hard penis, and their soft moans were enticing each other.

His fingers moved and entered her vagina, one then after a bit, a second. Moving in a circular motion, Robyn’s hips bucked, “Oh yes, Matt.” He switched to a scissoring motion as his thumb found her button. He kissed her neck and ear before returning to her nipples.

Robyn’s hands going through his hair and all over his back. Her hips were bucking and back arched, she flushed and let out a moderately loud, “Oh my god! Matt that feels great. No guy has done that to me before. You deflowerer.”

Robyn’s gyrations slowed as her breathing began to calm again. They held each other for several minutes while lightly kissing. She sighed to Matt, “Now it’s my turn, do you have any protection?”

“Ah, no, sorry,” Matt replied.

“Well, then enjoy what I will do now and be sure to pick some up for next time,” Robyn chided him.

Next time? Oh, this isn’t going to be just a quick one afternoon fling.

Robyn kissed Matt’s neck and face while her hands worked on his growing penis. She nibbled on an ear and whispered, “Do you trust me?”

“Strangely, yes, very much so, I feel so relaxed and comfortable right now,” Matt responded.

“Dream on, my dream weaver, remember that,” Robyn whispered in his ear, the music from his radio was playing softly in the background, but Robyn was humming some different and unknown tune in his ear. It went so well with her stroking.

Her hands continued stroking his cock as she kissed his lips. Matt started thrusting as she stroked, she kissed his neck while humming along with the song.

I have never had a handjob that feels this good. The others have just squeezed it a few times and then pulled away. Robyn has developed some skills along the way.

It didn’t take long before Matt exploded in her hand. Robyn kept kissing and stroking till he finished. The two cuddled for a little, then cleaned up and exchanged numbers. Then Matthew walked Robyn down to the foyer, where they kissed for several minutes in the corner of the lobby.

“You said you trusted me. Did you mean that?” Robyn looked in Matthew’s eyes, which looked so calm and yet stormy.

“Yes, even though we only met a few hours ago,” he admitted.

“Good. We might not be able to officially ‘date,’ but I promise you, nothing will happen to you due to me being a senior or from my father,” Robyn solemnly said.

As Robyn walked out of the dorm and down the street, Matthew watched after her until she faded from view.


At that moment, Matthew wakes again with such a feeling of contentment. He looks down at his waist and sees his hand against his crotch and the wetness there again. How vivid the dream was, making him feel he was back in time to that September day sixty-two years ago.


That same morning, Robyn rolls over in bed to check the time. Eleven o’clock already? She needs to stop sitting up half the night, so she doesn’t keep sleeping the morning away. But then again, what does she really need to do in the mornings anymore?

She feels the urge she always has on waking. She needs to pee real soon. As she sits up, she feels some dampness on the sheet. ‘Oh shit, I didn’t leak, did I?’ she worries. The pain in her legs and back are still there as always. She stumbles to the bathroom and is surprised when she goes to wipe herself that the wetness is sticky, not pee.

‘Wow! That has not happened for years. I used to be able to begin dripping at the drop of a hat, but that well seemed to have dried up a while ago. I guess a new vein must have been tapped somehow,’ Robyn chuckles to herself.

And then small flashes of the dream she had last night come to her again. That boy, so long ago, smiling at her with lust in his eyes though he tried to hide it. Matthew, Matt, yes, that day so long ago. Her first day on campus as an actual student. That really took an interesting turn.

As she goes about her day, images of him flash in her mind. And she finds herself humming a tune, not sure what it was or how it got into her head. Retired now for several years, there is not much she must do at any given time, so Robyn spends a good bit of time on the computer checking things out, playing some mindless games, and of late, writing some.

She didn’t realize she has a skill for writing, but what she posts on different sites is positively received. It is what keeps her up to the wee hours some nights when she gets going.

After her dinner, she sits on her couch and begins reading a book. Suddenly, she is drifting off to sleep. She did not realize she was that tired.

Dream Weaver, that is the song, and of course related to Matthew,’ runs through her brain as sleep overtakes Robyn.


The movie unfolds from a different angle and perspective this time.

There she was on that day in early September so long ago. How young she was, only eighteen then. She was standing in the aisle of the university bookstore finding the texts for the three classes she was taking. It was amazing that her father arranged for her to begin taking preliminary freshmen courses during her senior year at high school.

She was at the top of her class and had become rather bored last year. So in the agreed that in the mornings, she would have an advanced mathematics class and fourth-year German at the high school. Both of which she would receive college credit.

Then she would take the bus to the campus for three classes, two on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and one on Tuesday and Thursday. All the classes finished by three o’clock, but the plan was for her to study at the library until meeting her father to drive home at five p.m.

Robyn was a quick learner and had other plans on how she would spend the couple free hours each day, or so she hoped.

In the next aisle from her were two guys talking together as they piled their arms with books. Both were attractive, but the one with the darker hair and such blue eyes really was stunning. She pretended to be searching for a book, so to stand close enough to eavesdrop.

“Matt, you sure are taking a lot of classes this semester, five instead of the usual four, and all rather intense,” blue-eye’s companion said.

“I know, but I want to get really rolling on my degree. The university did not give me the full credit for the basic classes I took last year before transferring, so I need to play catch up a little this semester,” Matthew replied as they turn towards the register.

Robyn quickly grabbed the last book she needed and headed to an adjacent register; she didn’t want to lose this dreamboat. Especially if he was new here this year. Get him before anyone else does.

As Robyn had fewer items, she was done and out the door ahead of the two guys into the student center. There was a bench right across from the door, and she sat down, resting her bag between her feet waiting for them to come out.

What can I do to find out more about him? Could I be brave enough to try to follow them?

As they came out of the bookstore laden with books, the friend said goodbye, he needed to get to class, and Matthew, Robyn’s blue-eyed wonder, walked over to the bench she was at and asked if he could sit there too.

Robyn, starry-eyed, nodded yes. She could not believe this was happening. Matt put the books down in a stack between them, and as he placed his hand on the pile, he started by saying he needed to organize as many of these books as he could in his backpack to be able to get them all back to his room.

Robyn smiled at him as she placed her hand over his and said, “That is a lot of books, how many classes are you taking?” At her touch, an electric shock spread through them both; they almost pulled their hands apart in surprise at the jolt. But instead, Matthew turned his hand over and squeezed her hand.

“Hi, I’m Matthew Greystone. It is very nice to meet you,” he said.

“Hi Matthew, the same, you are the first person I have met on campus, I’m Robyn. Robyn Charles,” the last part she said in a small voice.

Does he know who my father is? Will it matter to him?

Matthew did not miss a beat replied as if the name had no meaning to him, though it did, “So what are you up to this afternoon?”

“Just killing time for a couple of hours. Classes don’t officially start for me until tomorrow, so I figured I would get my books to be ready for them,” Robyn said, smiling at him.

“Would you like to come back to my room and chat for a bit, it is pretty busy and noisy here, and I have the afternoon free too,” Matt invited her.

This is too good to be true – the first day and invited to a guy’s dorm room. What could be better?

Robyn knew the campus rules, especially dorm rules. No members of the opposite sex were allowed in a room after 5:30 pm. The university was loosening up a bit, at least allowing some visiting now, but girls especially had to sign in and out of their dorms all the time.

It was silly from Robyn’s point of view. A couple could have fun, get in trouble, before or after 5:30 pm. But at least times were changing some. Women were now allowed to wear pants to some events around campus, just not to classes.

So she smiled at Matthew again and said that it would be nice. Matt let go of her hand only long enough for him to pack his bag. He picked up her bag of books along with his remaining ones, took her hand in his and lead her across the quad to his dorm.

There they were now. Sitting on Matthew’s couch. Talking about what year they were in, what they were taking, just common chit chat.

Robyn wasn’t sure what overtook her so suddenly when she leaned and kissed Matthew.

It was like saying I wanted a beer, I’ve only had one beer in my life, last summer, but I want so to appear sophisticated.

Matt tentatively responded to the kiss at first, just their lips brushing against each other.

Robyn pulled away, laughing some, “Why so cautious? Worried about my father?”

“Well, a little, yes, and the fact you’re a still a high school senior,” Matt admitted.

“I’m eighteen and don’t worry about him, worry about this attractive gal in your arms and that she wants to be in the arms of this good-looking guy. How old are you? Are you a virgin?” Robyn quizzed him.

“No, I am not a virgin,” Matt says, blushing some, “But I’m not the most experienced guy you could be with. I just turned twenty-one this summer.”

Robyn looked at him, her eyes were so reassuring. She ran her fingers through his hair and asks, “How many have you had? I’ve had four lovers so far.”

“Uh, well, I’ve only had two,” Matthew replied. Matt felt her hand stroking his penis, and it is responding to her caresses.

She kissed his lips and murmurs, “Was that so hard to tell me?”

“Uh, no, it wasn’t,” Matt managed to say as he opens his mouth to let her tongue sneak in. Their kisses became deeper and longer. Her arms were around his neck, his hands ran up and down her back.

They kiss more and move to the bed, where Matthew has her blouse and bra off in seconds.

Maybe he has only been with a couple of girls, but he seems to know what he is doing.

“So, how many times have you done it? You might not be as inexperienced as you think. I’ve done it ten times, give or take,” Robyn said with pride in her voice.

“Well, let me think,” Matt answered as he played with her breasts, lightly rolling her nipples between his fingers. “Twenty or thirty times, I guess.”

Now it was Robyn’s turn to blush, realizing her bragging wasn’t really that much compared to Matt’s experience.

Oh shit! Why did I say I have been with four guys ten times? I made out with three giving them handjobs, and one I only sucked him when he more or less told me what to do. Why do I do these things? And him, that many times? Wow, I hope he thinks I am worth the effort.

Matthew rolled her onto her back; he kissed his way to her breasts. One of his hands teased the breast he wasn’t sucking. While the other went between her legs rubbing her thighs and crotch through her jeans.

In response, her hands were running through his hair. She grabbed his face when he did that and kissed him forcefully and deeply. She moved and lifted his polo shirt over his head.

They finished undressing each other and while lying facing each other romantically kissing. Matt was teasing her breasts while his fingers rubbed her clitoris; it was damp when he started but became wet within a few minutes. Her fingers felt marvelous on his hard penis, and their soft moans were enticing each other.

His fingers moved and entered her vagina, one then after a bit, a second. Moving in a circular motion, Robyn’s hips bucked, “Oh yes, Matt.” He switched to a scissoring motion as his thumb found her button. He kissed her neck and ear before returning to her nipples.

Robyn’s hands going through his hair and all over his back. Her hips were bucking and back arched, she flushed and let out a moderately loud “Oh my god! Matt that feels great. No guy has done that to me before. You deflowerer.”

Robyn’s gyrations slowed as her breathing began to calm again. They held each other for several minutes while lightly kissing. She sighed to Matt, “Now it’s my turn, do you have any protection?”

Never has anyone done that to me before, and it is way better than when I play with myself. I didn’t realize a climax could be so exciting.

“Ah, no, sorry,” Matt replied.

“Well, then enjoy what I will do now and be sure to pick some up for next time,” Robyn chided him.

I hope he wants a next time. Let me do a good job, so he asks for a repeat performance. And what am I saying, suggesting we fuck? I’m glad he didn’t have any rubbers as he would have found out I am not as experienced as I claim to be.

(Robyn, while lacking real-life experience in her sexual resume, had for years been reading the dime erotica paperback her father had hidden away in the basement. Those and perusing issues of that new Playboy magazine he also had. From her ardent reading, she had gained a lot of knowledge, not always actuate.

A lot of the Professor’s leisure reading choices had to do with Robyn’s mother dying young, eight years ago. With only her grandmother’s help, Professor Charles raised Robyn on his own. Though her grandmother, her mother’s mother, taught her so many things which she would find useful throughout her life).

Robyn kissed Matt’s neck and face while her hands worked on his growing penis. She nibbled on an ear and whispered in a strange sing-song voice, “Do you trust me?”

“Strangely, yes, very much so, I feel so relaxed and comfortable right now,” Matt responded.

“Dream on, my dream weaver, remember that,” Robyn whispered in his ear, the music from his radio was playing softly in the background, but Robyn was humming some different and unknown tune in his ear. It went so well with her stroking.

Her hands continued stroking his cock as she kissed his lips. Matt started thrusting as she stroked, she kissed his neck while humming along with the song.

It didn’t take long before Matt exploded in her hand. Robyn kept kissing and stroking till he finished. The two cuddled for a little, then cleaned up and exchanged numbers. Matthew walked Robyn down to the foyer, where they kissed for several minutes in the corner of the lobby.

“You said you trusted me. Did you mean that?” Robyn looked in Matthew’s eyes, which looked so calm and yet stormy.

“Yes, even though we only met a few hours ago,” he admitted.

“Good. We might not be able to officially ‘date,’ but I promise you, nothing will happen to you due to me still being a high school senior or from my father,” Robyn solemnly said.

As Robyn walked away, realizing she better hurry if she was to meet her father on time, she hummed the song over and over in her head.


Robyn wakes on the couch, her book has slid to the floor, and her hand is inside her panties. Oh, how wet she is again. All from that lovely dream. Remembering their first meeting and the results. Even now, she blushes some realizing how snotty and arrogant she had been even back then. She’s been that way all her life, wanting to present a good image to the world. And yes, appear much more worldly than she really is.

Acting that way did get her into some interesting corners over the years, but to go back in time and see so vividly what happened as an observer this time, but feeling every touch, caress, and sensation is amazing.

And that song I hummed to him, I remember that it was no song I had ever heard at the time, but the melody just appeared on my lips. And then later, much later, knowing what the tune was. Grandma, you might have been having a hand in things even back then.

Robyn hopes that now that these dreams are weaving back into her mind, they stick around for a while.


Realizing how late it is now, both Robyn and Matthew clean up and head to bed for the night. Both in the mind of the other so fully, it is like they had just seen each other the day before, not over sixty years ago.

Little does either realize what is in store.

It is in the wee small hours of the morning, when both are fast asleep, that it begins. Deep in REM sleep, that dead space during slumber when dreams come to call, when suddenly music is heard. Just the melody at first, then after a bit, words of the song can be made out.  Suddenly, the words to the first stanza of the song, Dream Weaver, could be heard coming as though from a far distance.

Years ago, when the song first came out, what was it?  1975?  Hearing that haunting melody from years before with words, so fitting, was so strange, but so right.  Since, when every hearing it would make them stop for a moment and think of the other with fondness.  Yes, take my worries away, and forget about tomorrow.  Just now, tonight.

In a fog, Robyn, as she looks today, with all her wrinkles and sags, is sitting on a bench. Footsteps can be heard approaching through the mist. Suddenly, there is Matthew, old and weathered, standing in front of her.

Robyn looks up and recognizes the boy from sixty years ago as if it was just yesterday that she saw him. “Matthew!” she exclaims.

He comes to her, smiling and cries, “Robyn, I would know you anywhere.” They put out their hands to each other, and as they touch, that same first spark from years before cascades through their bodies.  Just then the refrain begins. Let tonight go on and on, keep morning at bay.  

“I have been thinking about you all day,” Robyn tells Matthew as he sits down next to her, still hand in hand.

Facing her, Matthew replies, “You have been on my mind too, not just all day, but in my dreams too.”

“Yes, that too,” Robyn shyly replies.

It only takes moments for them to fall into conversation, as easily as it was each time they were together those years ago. Not really talking about anything but letting each other know the essence of their lives since last they met. Soon they are leaning together, Matthew’s arm around Robyn’s shoulders. Her head on his, as they just talk and enjoy the opportunity together.

At this moment, there seems to be no need to rush, rather just two old friends, finally together. Well, perhaps much more than just old friends. Both do contemplate how all these years could have passed without them in contact. So many times over the years, each has come into the other’s mind at interesting times and intersections of their lives.

Now, this is so good. If only in a dream, but they are talking together, while both, in their sleeping states, in their own beds, hundreds of miles apart. Matthew and Robyn are participating and interacting together here in whatever plane this is. Each will remember this conversation word for word when they wake.

Their talk and sharing are just turning to the time they spent together. That wonderful year and all that happened, when both their alarms go off waking them from a sound sleep. Robyn and Matthew both give out a great moan as they feel themselves being pulled apart from each other’s arms as they gain consciousness.

There are tears in each of their eyes as they imagine never to experience this again, but the tune is still in their heads, and a small voice from deep inside them each whispers, “Don’t worry, dreams will come again soon.”




Published 5 years ago

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