Doris at the Discipline Centre

"Doris wanted to experience being caned and the opportunity arose for her to attend the Discipline Centre"

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Sixty-year-old Doris Caxton opened the official-looking envelope that was incorrectly delivered as it was addressed to a Mrs Diana Carson who lived on a road close by with a very similar name and with the same house number. She was interested, though, because the letter came from the Discipline Centre.  

Doris saw when she opened the letter that it was an instruction to attend the Discipline Centre to receive fifty strokes of the cane. It seems that the lady it was addressed to, who Doris thought she knew but was not sure, had been caught shoplifting for the third time which would have meant a jail term, and she opted for the cane instead. This was now a standard alternative offered by the authorities to keep the numbers of offenders of more minor offences out of prison and so keep those numbers down with the consequent cost saving 

Doris had often fantasised over the years about being spanked and caned. She had never been caned at school, although almost all of her friends had been. She even thought that she could actually go to the Discipline Centre, with this letter, and experience a caning. 

As she read the letter time and again, she realised that the only identification that she needed to take with her was this letter. It was clearly on the assumption that no one wanted to go and get caned, as for real offenders it was the pain-filled penalty that they had to pay to avoid prison. Well, Doris thought that she could use this to get the experience of a caning that she craved. 

The appointment was set for two days’ time, so Doris told herself that she had time to think this through. By the following day, she was wavering although she thought it would be extremely unfair if she did nothing because the other lady would no doubt get an even greater penalty bearing in mind that Doris had signed for the letter when it was personally delivered. 

By the morning of the appointment, Doris had convinced herself that it would be okay to go to the Discipline Centre because, first of all, she would then satisfy her long-held fantasy, and, secondly, she would actually be doing a favour to the other lady in taking her punishment. 

Doris had always wondered why she fantasised about being caned or spanked or generally given any punishment that would hurt. After all, before retiring she was a senior manager of a large commercial company, with a large team of staff reporting to her. She was always seen as an alpha female and yet whenever she was alone, she would picture herself being caned or spanked.  

Now that she was in his sixties, and probably for the last ten or fifteen years, she had altered her fantasy to being spanked and caned by a much younger woman. There was something even sexy about submitting to someone young enough to be her daughter or even her granddaughter, although she never married, so did not have any daughters or granddaughters. However, she started to wonder how much younger than her the disciplinarians at the Discipline Centre might be. 

Doris was feeling quite tense as she got dressed in a sleeveless summer dress, leaving her legs bare as it was after all the middle of summer. The Discipline Centre was just a short car drive away, and she parked the car two-hundred yards away and walked to the Discipline Centre. 

As she walked, she kept reminding herself that she was there because of shoplifting offences. She certainly felt tense at the prospect of the pain, but also very excited at the thought of being caned. Fifty strokes were rather more than she would have got at school, but then she was now an adult, and the punishment should, of course, be that much greater. Maybe she was just being silly, but she was determined to see this through. 

Doris had left home with plenty of time, and when she got to the Discipline Centre, she stood on the other side of the road for a while and watched as several women, of all ages, went inside. However, she also saw several women coming out of the Discipline Centre and every single one was rubbing her bottom, looking at the pavement no doubt because they were too embarrassed to look at anyone, but definitely needed to rub their bottoms. Doris wondered if she would be the same. 

The letter gave a quite specific time to walk into the Discipline Centre and Doris kept to that exact time. When she entered, there was a reception desk with three receptionists. There were two other women already being signed in and so she went up to the third receptionist and handed her the letter. 

The receptionist took the letter without saying anything and looked at her computer screen although Doris felt that as she did, she had a smirk on her face which she was trying to hide. Maybe she did that with all of the attendees who were going to be caned to put them in their place whilst here? She did not even look up as she printed off what turned out to be a discipline form which she just gave to Doris and instructed, “Go along the corridor, Carson, and go into Room Seven.” 

Doris knew that the letter was addressed to Diana Carson so did not react to the fact that she was being called by the wrong name. Why should she after all? Instead, she took the letter and form and really thought about how to address the receptionist and so said, “Thank you, Miss,” addressing her as she would a teacher. The Receptionist did not react but just looked back at the computer screen. 

Doris walked along the corridor and saw that each room had a number as its designation. It did not take long to get to Room Seven and she stood outside and knocked on the door. She almost immediately heard the instruction to enter, which she did do, closing the door behind herself.  

When she turned into the room, she saw a young female dressed in a uniform of a short-sleeved blue shirt, a blue skirt, and dark blue tights standing in the room. As she got closer Doris saw the name tag that said, Officer Tate. 

Officer Tate looked stern as she ordered, “Get undressed and put all your clothes in the basket.”  

Doris looked in the direction that Officer Tate was pointing at and saw the clothes basket. Doris had not realised that she had to get fully undressed but saw that as part of the experience she was going to have, and so immediately kicked off her shoes, bent down and picked them up and put them in the clothes basket. She then unzipped her dress, slid it down her arms, pushed it down past her waist catching her knickers on the way, pushed both to the floor, stepped out of them, scooped them up, and put them all in the clothes basket. She then put her arms behind her back, undid her bra, slipped that down her arms, caught it, and put that with her other clothes. 

As she stood there naked, she was standing in front of a full-length mirror and was able to look at herself in the mirror and saw how attractive she thought she was even with her creased face, turkey neck, bat wings, fleshy tummy, and thighs, and then turned around and saw her equally fleshy bottom cheeks. It was then she realised that the next time she looked in the mirror there were going to be plenty of welts painted across her bottom cheeks, and no doubt an awful lot of pain. 

As Doris was looking at her bottom in the mirror, Officer Tate gave the very firm instruction, “This way, Carson.” 

Doris saw the door that Officer Tate was pointing at which had a sign that read, Punishment Area. Doris walked towards Officer Tate and thought that she only looked in her very early twenties and hoped that she would be the one who would discipline her because that would satisfy her longing to be disciplined by someone that age. It made her really excited and felt that her vulva was throbbing and might quite possibly be damp.  

Officer Tate did not wait for Doris to come across but just walked straight into the punishment area, clearly expecting Doris to follow her, which she did as well as closing the door behind herself.  

Doris followed Officer Tate obediently but smirked to herself thinking how at work others would have stayed and waited for her, keeping the door open, and then closing it behind them. Well, this was certainly very different, but then she was not the alpha female here whereas this rather young officer was. 

Once inside the punishment area, the officer instructed, “Stand against the wall with your hands on your head, Carson.” 

Doris did as she was told and stood with her back to the wall placing her hands on her head, and immediately saw the caning frame. She could see that she would have to stay standing, and bend over at waist level, stretching her arms forward so that her wrists would be secured in leather cuffs. She saw that her waist would also be secured as well as the tops of her thighs and her ankles. She could see the reason for it because if she was going to get fifty strokes, and no doubt others got rather more, then the last thing the disciplinarian would want is for the person being caned to jump up after every stroke and mess around. 

When ordered to do so, Doris bent over the caning frame and got tense again as the cuffs and straps secured her tightly in place. 

Once Officer Tate had secured Doris in place, she rubbed her bare bottom a few times knowing that Doris could hardly complain. It was all part of transferring control, which also helped Office Tate feel more confident about her position of disciplinary control. After all, she was still training to be a disciplinarian but was very close to qualifying. 

Officer Tate then made a point of going to another wall and taking off the hook a hook-ended cane and swished it as she walked back towards the caning frame and ordered, “Right, Carson, let’s give you those fifty strokes.” 

Doris winced as she felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across her bottom. She had found having her bottom rubbed by Officer Tate’s hand rather nice, but having her bottom rubbed with the cane was certainly scary. Even so, although tense, Doris still wanted to be caned and have this experience. Now she would find out whether the reality was the same as her fantasy. 

Whilst rubbing the cane from side to side, Officer Tate said in a very stern tone of voice, “The room is soundproofed, so it doesn’t matter how loud you cry out.” 

That actually helped Doris as she was worried about making too much noise as she was caned. 

Officer Tate then landed the bombshell as far as Doris was concerned. “Of course, I know that you are not Carson. What is your real name?” 

Doris was startled by that and taken completely by surprise. She did manage to get out, “How,” but before she could continue, she received the first stroke of the cane which bit into her bottom and caused her to yelp. 

Officer Tate said sternly, “Now you are being silly. We have photos of the real offenders, and they flash up on the screen in reception. You are showing your age if you did not think that would happen.” 

Doris realised just how silly she had been in thinking she could pass off as the real offender and was worried. 

With that, Officer Tate pulled her arm back and landed two hard strokes on Doris’s bottom and got the expected gasps. 

As she heard the gasps, Officer Tate said, “Just so you know, those strokes do not count towards your fifty. I do not want to be questioned but I want answers. You are a volunteer because you are clearly not Carson. Do not worry on that score, because we are very happy to have volunteers as it helps those of us in training to learn how to cane really hard. However, I want to know your real name and address and I will continue to land strokes of the cane, none of which will count towards your fifty strokes, until you have given me the information I require.” 

To reinforce her point, Officer Tate again pulled her arm back and landed another really hard stroke biting into Doris’s fleshy bottom cheeks. She had to admit to enjoying listening to her so far unnamed volunteer offender gasp and pull at her wrist cuffs, which of course did not even give an inch. 

Doris panicked and thought she was being treated as the offender. Of course, she was in the offender’s position so that was not so strange. However, she certainly did not want many more than the fifty strokes, at least until she knew what they would be like, and so blurted out her name, Doris Caxton, and she gave her full address. 

Officer Tate was smiling as she listened to the information, knowing that the whole caning was going to be filmed for training purposes. That was going to pick up the information, so she did not have to write it down just then. 

Officer Tate waited a few moments after Doris had given her the information and said, “Even though a volunteer, once secured in place you have the same rights as an offender, which are none. I decide everything, including extras. You decide nothing. The fifty strokes can be eighty or a hundred or more if you call me names or do anything other than submit to me one hundred percent. So, your name and address, now.” 

Doris was really alarmed at what she was being told but at the same time found being submissive exciting, and even felt turned on. She had watched videos of women willingly submitting to horrendous caning and being reduced to crying and blubbering, but soon after it was finished were smiling and looked excited. She had often wondered if that was acting but the raised welts looked real enough and so did the smiles. Maybe she would feel that way, although equally, she had the daunting thought that maybe not. Still, she was secured in place and was a volunteer, so she had no choice now but to find out. 

Officer Tate continued saying in her stern tone, “Right then, Slade, as a volunteer offender you can expect a full-force caning which means that every single stroke will be extremely hard. Expect to be in floods of tears but do not expect any sympathy whatsoever from me. As far as I am concerned you are a real offender and are here to pay the penalty for your offence.” 

After a few more moments Officer Tate instructed, “You will also count out each stroke. I will know the correct number, and if you do make a mistake then that will add to the strokes that I will be giving you. 

Officer Tate specifically did not ask whether Doris understood what was being said to her because she would not be asking an offender that question. Instead, she rubbed the cane again from side to side across Doris’s bottom, pulled her arm back, and then landed a fifth stroke, albeit that was the first of the fifty. She enjoyed the yelp of pain that Doris gave and knew that those yelps were only ever going to get louder and louder. 

The strokes continued to land and as they did so Doris felt herself dissolving into an utter state of helplessness. She pulled at the wrist cuffs, but they did not give any slack, nor did the belt around her waist or the straps around the tops of her thighs. Clearly, the ankle cuffs were not going to give her any leeway either. She found that she was still pulling at the wrist cuffs as each stroke landed, but the feeling of helplessness and just having to accept every single stroke was a stark reminder to her that she was doing this by her own choice and so she really was a volunteer. 

As the strokes continued, Doris focused and made sure that she counted out each stroke. She found the threat of additional strokes simply because she called out the wrong number to be a significant incentive to count properly. She could even see the benefit of that as part of the punishment, making the offender tow the line in addition to being strapped in place and unable to avoid a single stroke. 

As the strokes continued to land and make Doris yelp with the pain, she even found her helplessness got her aroused. She really had not expected that although when she fantasised about being caned, she always fingered herself to rather good orgasms. 

Since getting the letter, she still fingered herself to an orgasm but had not really thought it possible to happen after a real caning. Well, it looked like she might actually be wrong there, although suspected that it would not happen for a real offender who was not turned on by the thought of submission and humiliation and pain. Well, she saw it as a plus that she relished all of those things, and even smiled to herself thinking that maybe committing an offence and getting sent here to be punished may not be so much of a penalty for her going forward. 

Officer Tate continued to land stroke after stroke across her volunteer offender’s bare bottom. There were already so many raised welts, and she was sort of impressed that Doris was continuing to count out the strokes. She even wondered whether it meant that the strokes were not actually hard enough and that maybe Doris’s fleshy bottom cheeks were helping her to get through the punishment. So, she increased the intensity of each stroke, but still Doris counted them out even though she was pulling at the wrist cuffs and yelping, but that was not unusual at all, and she just told herself that maybe volunteers could take greater pain because they were here by choice. 

Whilst Doris was coping, she was also crying. At least the tears were running down her face she knew, but she was still able to count out the strokes. It just about proved that having to focus during a punishment helped to deal with that punishment. At least that was certainly food for thought for her. 

Once Officer Tate was down to the last five strokes, she made sure that each one was harder than any of the others. Even so, she saw that Doris pulled at the wrist cuffs even more and yelped rather louder, but she never once asked for the caning to stop. That was particularly noticeable compared to real offenders who were begging for the caning to stop even when they were told that would lead to extra strokes. Maybe that was another sign the people who offended, but thought they were above the law, suffered even more and were unable to cope anywhere near as well as those who volunteered to be caned. Again, a useful understanding, Officer Tate thought. 

Once the caning was over, Officer Tate put the cane back on the hook on the wall and then walked back to Doris and started to rub her bottom again. She knew that this was not something that she could do with a real offender, but she was able to do it with a volunteer. She certainly loved the feel of those welts, knowing that it was her that painted each and every one across the volunteer’s bottom. 

As she rubbed Doris’s bottom, she knew that she was going to run her fingers along her exposed stretched pussy lips, and as she did, she was so excited to find that Doris was really wet. She knew from other trainees that this was often the case with volunteers and loved the fact that she was now experiencing it for herself. She even heard Doris start to gasp erotically as though she was on her way to an orgasm. Well, she had been told about that as well and that in the case of a volunteer, it was perfectly okay to bring them to an orgasm. 

Doris felt the fingers running up and down her pussy lips and tried to lift her bottom up as though to encourage Officer Tate to ease her fingers into her vulva. When that actually happened, she was so excited and felt herself getting closer and closer to an orgasm. When she did explode, she was amazed at just how intense the orgasm was, maybe the most intense and wonderful she had ever had. If that was because of being caned in this way, then she would certainly volunteer to come back, if they would have her. 

Officer Tate undid the ankle cuffs, thigh straps, waist strap, and wrist cuffs and watched as Doris was not sure whether she could get up or not. That showed just how submissive the volunteer was or scared anyway. After a few moments, she said sternly, “Get up.” 

Once Doris had, albeit slowly and clearly painfully, got up, Officer Tate gave Doris a piece of paper and explained, “There is a link and phone number on this piece of paper. If you go onto the link, you can set up another appointment here and with me as the disciplinarian. However, once set up, it would register as a real offence, and you would be unable to alter it. If you failed to turn up on time you would be treated as a real offender who failed to turn up. That is a serious offence and could mean a prison sentence. The phone number is my personal mobile. The choice is yours.” 

Doris was sniffing back tears as she took the piece of paper and not sure what to say, just uttered, “Thank you, Miss.” She then turned and walked out of the punishment area.  

The first thing Doris did when back in the changing room was look in the mirror at the fierce red raised welts painted across her bottom cheeks, some crisscrossing each other, but was already smiling even though her bottom stung like never before but knew that she had got through the punishment. She then went to the clothes basket and as quickly, yet as carefully as she could, got dressed.  

By the time Doris was dressed she had calmed down and was thinking seriously about volunteering to come back. The feeling of submission and being under the control of a teenager was erotically exciting. The pain was also erotically exciting even though that was so hard to understand.  

Doris left Room Seven and walked back to the reception area. She had calmed down enough to smile at the receptionist who had signed her in and even said, “See you again, Miss,” then realised that may have been silly and blushed as she added, “Maybe.” 

As Doris walked away from the Discipline Centre, she was rubbing her bottom because it stung so much, and she also realised that she was looking at the pavement but that was because she was thinking over in her mind what just happened and was feeling excited and turned on. She knew she was ready for many more orgasms as soon as she got home, and she did have more intense orgasms than she had ever had in the past. Now she understood the truth that pain submission and humiliation gave her tremendous pleasure and far greater orgasms than she had ever experienced before and was definitely going to go to the Discipline Centre again as a volunteer offender and wondered what sixty or even seventy strokes would feel like. 




Published 2 years ago

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