Don’t you just love libraries? In my day, they used to be the only source of information, the only place that had the whole set of Encyclopaedia Britannica. They had other books as well but when I was a teenager I was only interested in Science and Ancient Greece for some reason.
Then of course I hit college. I was directed into areas of the library that contained all manner of books on Mathematics and Computer studies, both of which were a bit on the boring side. Computer studies in those days was different, there were only mainframes, punch card readers and people with long beards that wore glasses, that never ever looked at another human being. That tiny little thing you carry around in your pocket and call a phone, the thing that connects you to all your friends and offers up all manner of information, was not invented then.
Libraries went out of fashion very quickly when the internet took off and people could get all the information they needed from their phone or computer.
I miss libraries, which is why I went to my local one the other day. I spent several minutes browsing the shelves, not looking for anything in particular. Just looking at what they had that interested me. I choose an old sci-fi book that I had last read when I was a teenager and sat in a comfy chair close to the window overlooking the main street.
I opened the book and started to read. Suddenly the story flowed into my brain, every word, every scenario, all in order. I held the book open and looked out of the window onto the passing people below me.
And then she arrived.
I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, not wanting to glare too obviously. But those legs!
They cried out loud.
Watch me!
With every step she took. Her camo bag was slung over the shoulder of her stripy blue top, and as for the pure white skirt. Well, I would have sent it back to the shop seeing as how much it had shrunk in the wash.
It wasn’t until she got close that I could see the pale brown boots that she wore and I thought, in my day, they would have been heels for sure, or maybe full length jeans and trainers. How things have changed!
I must have ended up staring, watching her walk towards me because she caught my eye and smiled. My face, instantly replicated the colour of her bright red lips for being caught out.
I nodded and tried to make out that I was reading but I never pulled it off, not when my face betrayed me. So I locked onto her eyes and braved it out.
Her smile was something else. Not a quick smile and a nod and then a casual look away. No. This was full on sultry. The purse of her lips, the slight movement as her tongue slipped between them, and then the slow opening of her mouth before she closed her lips.
I had to return to the book otherwise I was in trouble of perving. I swallowed hard when she stopped opposite me but she turned to look down the line of books before walking between the shelves.
I felt a twitch in my trousers. What hot-blooded male wouldn’t? Her legs were slim and smooth and so wonderful. It had been a long time since I was this close to such beauty.
I lifted the book up to my face, pretending to read. She slowly placed her bag on the floor. She lifted her head upwards to look at some books and then twisted towards me. I know she was looking at me perving at her slender form and I would have expected nothing less than to be slapped across the face.
But her legs! They were gorgeous. Her whole body was gorgeous and her smile, as intoxicating as a bottle of pure alcohol.
I wasn’t expecting her next move. It caught me by surprise. Total surprise. I must have gasped out loud. I know that I sat there open mouthed, book dropping slowly to my lap, cock hardening significantly under my trousers. In open abandonment – I stared at her.
Her body was bent in half as she fingered a green book from the shelf. I don’t know why I noticed the colour of the book but I did. Her virgin white skirt rode up over her bottom and her cheeks exposed to my gaze. Her wonderful bottom was presented to me in all its glory. Not only that, but I could see her little pink knickers as they cradled her sex. Her puffy lips looked exquisite and I could only imagine what it would have been like to touch them.
The juxtaposition of those boots and those legs and that bottom and those knickers, were too much for me. My hand grasped my cock and pushed it down in a frenzied attempt to straighten it out a little.
Then I noticed her smile. A broad lascivious grin emanating from over her left shoulder as she, ever so slowly, eased the book from the shelf.
I shook my head, I couldn’t believe it. I closed my eyes. She, yes she, was the sexiest woman I have ever set eyes on.
When I next opened my eyes I saw that she was reading the book in the aisle. But she wasn’t, she was flicking the pages over as I waited; waited with baited breath for her to return it to the exact same place on the exact same shelf.
My cock jerked as I saw her legs open slightly.
I squeezed in anticipation…
I stared at her.
Any minute now…