Don’t Drop Anchor Here (Part VI)

"Veronica and Robert share their last few weeks before the Vietnam War rips them apart."

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Veronica felt her son’s arms wrapped around her comforting her in her grief. Robert slowly released his hug and stepped back two steps. Ronnie smiled and pressed her wizened cheek into the black marble wall. She closed her eyes. It all rushed back so easily. The Malibu wind, the sunset, the way he had held her hand; the tears began to gush forth.

Ronnie remembered so many silly irrelevant things. That’s the way memories are. They don’t discriminate against the little moments. She remembered how Robert had made paper airplanes that would seem to fly forever. She remembered the sprinkle of acne on his back and the way he would forget to shave. He was still so young after all.

We each have our own pile of regrets in life and Ronnie was ruing hers. In hindsight so much becomes crystal clear. Now years later Veronica knew—they should have run that night. They should have gone up to Vancouver. Everyone knew the Canadians did not send you back. And yet they hadn’t. Her welling tears kept coming. Every new memory felt like more salt in the wound.

In Ronnie’s of dreamt dreams it had all turned out so differently. The dream usually started with the two of them on the beach in Malibu. They were holding hands watching the sunset. It would be the last few days they would spend together. Everything was on the line, but they were too young to understand that life had lines that needed to be crossed.

The cold wind coming off the Pacific had been blowing in soft gusts that day. Ronnie’s rosy cheeks and lips were blushed a soft cherry red from the chill. Rob had let the paper airplane go from his outstretched hand. It had flown a few feet and then plunged ominously into the ocean.

They had turned and looked at each other and then? Had it been a sign? Did paper airplanes mean anything? Well in her dreams where she could edit out the bad stuff they had run. They had got in the blue Mustang and driven north. In her dream they had driven to Vancouver.

What did they have to do with the future of Vietnam? Nothing. And yet their own future had been sacrificed on the political alter of stupidity and political theory. A shiver of disgust coursed through Veronica’s body. The cold slick black marble surface of the Vietnam Memorial wall would not absorb her flood of tears. They slid in crooked rivulets pulled by gravity to the ground.

Thinking back Ronnie thought it was all so simple. Everything had been in the palm of their hand. They had it all. Yet they didn’t act. She had let him go. Had this curse ruined her whole life? Not really, but the lump of knotted searing regret was too big and painful to ever entirely untwist.

She looked up at her son—his son. Somehow Veronica always knew her Robert would have been a good father to their son. He could have taught their little boy how to fold a paper airplane and make it fly. He could have taught him to ride a bike. So many perfect moments that never happened.

Shaking her head Ronnie murmured mumbled nothings to her self. She made sounds, but not words. Veronica strained her brain to comprehend the pain she was feeling. She tried moving vowels and consonants around like beads on an abacus. Nothing she managed to form made any sense. No calculation gave anything resembling an answer. To cipher the distant memories was beyond her.

So many things had been sacrificed that were unrecoverable. The old woman shook her head in frustration and anger. She clenched her wrinkled fingers into a fist and thumped the unmoving black stone softly in frustration.

“Take your time mom. It’s okay.”

Her son’s voice was soft and tinged with true feelings of a son’s love. He had grown up to be a good man. And yet he didn’t know. She would need to tell him everything. Veronica pulled out Rob’s poem. The tattered folded piece of lined folio paper was decades old now. It was ragged with age and stained by the oil from her fingers. Ronnie pulled it to her lips and kissed the yellowed tattered paper gently.

“Don’t worry I didn’t drop anchor.”

She whispered once again to the un-answering black marble slab.

After the lover’s amazing night together Ronnie woke up first. The early morning southern California sun was glorious as it ascended. She looked down at her handsome still sleeping eighteen-year old lover. His tousled head of brown hair looked so desirable slumbering on the cotton pillowcase. Ronnie was tempted to kiss her wonderful man-boy, but that would wake him up. She grinned realizing how much in love she was.

Seeing the quilt all asunder Veronica reminded her self to wash and change the bed sheets before Carl came home from his trip. Moving silently so as to not waken the handsome teen from next door she slipped on a light peach cotton robe. Veronica carefully snuck out the bedroom door to make her self a cup of tea in the kitchen.

Sitting at the counter in the kitchen the beautiful young blonde wife had never been happier in her twenty-nine years of life. The Fourth of July party had been a great success. Her pussy still felt a bit raw from the pounding Robert had given it after all the guests had departed. Her young lover’s thick hard eight-inch cock had been seemingly insatiable. She had lost count of all of her orgasms.

Veronica sipped her warm comforting tea and grinned a wicked grin. Sex was so wonderful when you were in love. She looked out the window and began smiling absent-mindedly to her self. Ronnie’s mind had drifted filled as it was with random memories of the recent passion-filled lovemaking. The preoccupied blonde hadn’t noticed that handsome young Rob had slipped up behind her.

Treading in bare feet on the cool linoleum floor the young man hadn’t made any noise as he silently approached the sexy older woman sipping her tea. He grinned realizing he would take her by surprise as she gazed out the kitchen window. As his large male hands slipped onto her hips Ronnie jumped nervously with a startled and excited “yip”. The surprised cute blonde craned her neck back with a big smile stretched across her face.

“Oh so you’re up handsome.”

She smiled.

“I thought I had tired you out.”

She giggled playfully.

“You can go back and sleep if you’re still tired.”

Ronnie put her hand to Rob’s cheek and their eyes connected.

“You’ve never lasted that long before.”

She giggled softly. Grinning young Rob nuzzled his nose deeply into her still mussed-up blonde hair.

“I’m never too tired when you’re around Ronnie.”

Young Rob murmured in a husky soft morning voice. He placed a delicate kiss in the crook of her neck making her giggle soft feminine titters of new-day-dawning happiness.

“That tickles Rob.”

Robert left his warm lips pressing against the soft skin of Ronnie’s neck and he sucked gently. She giggled again playfully pushing him away, but without much vigor.

Robert was in a frisky mood. The young man bit down with a small love nip on a fold of Veronica’s skin near her shoulder. She murmured an almost-moan and moved her head to the side to give him more access to her neck.

“Hmm that feels so nice.”

She half-whimpered feeling her nipples begin to harden involuntarily. Rob was naked except for his white cotton briefs. As he pressed his taut muscular body into her back Ronnie realized her young lover was already hard. She tittered some more soft feminine murmurs as he slid his strong arms around her waist pulling her body against his.

Before the languid just awoken young wife could say anything her strong young lover had scooped her up into his arms. Veronica yelped in surprise and protested weakly as he carried her back towards the bedroom.

“I’m a complete mess Robert.”

She proclaimed amidst soft half-nervous giggles.

“My hair is all a mess and I haven’t had a shower….”

Her young male neighbor’s amazingly passionate kiss stopped her protestations mid-sentence. His tongue plundered her mouth softly probing her depths. She whimpered and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling her body against his. Ronnie responded to Robert’s urgent kiss her nipples hardening more.

Veronica felt so feminine being carried like a leaf in Rob’s strong arms. He clearly wanted her as a woman. She felt butterflies fill her tummy as her excitement grew. The older woman pushed her lips more forcefully into her younger lover’s kiss. The passion in their kiss grew as Rob’s long strides took them back to the rumpled bed so recently abandoned.

Gently Robert placed his lover back on the mattress amongst the tumbled mess of cotton sheets. The aroused young man began laying delicate kisses across Ronnie’s sensitive neck and shoulders. His fingers began teasing and exploring other locations on her tingling body.

Softly Robert tugged open Veronica’s peach robe gaining access to her firm pert breasts. His eyes gazed upon her pink nipples like they were the most desirable jewels in the world. Veronica rolled her head back and closed her eyes enjoying every pleasurable second of the adoration. She surrendered her naked body to her lover’s assault of passion. Ronnie moaned weakly as Robert’s lips sucked down onto one of her half-hardened pink nipples.

“Rob it’s so early…..”

She whimpered in a murmur of faux protest. He didn’t stop his sucking and licking. Ronnie ran her fingers slowly through Robert’s thick brown hair trailing her nails over his scalp as she felt her nipple throb under the new attention. He pressed down softly with his front teeth on her rubbery pink nub. She groaned a deep groan of blissful delight. To be taken by a man like this made Ronnie feel a joie de vivre she had never before felt.

“Oh god baby that feels so amazing!”

Veronica nose pressed into his shoulder. She inhaled Rob’s rich male scent deeply. Her nostrils flared sucking in a succulent male concoction: it was a mixture of soap and cologne and sweat from the night before mingled with lingering sex smells. This potpourri of scents filled her nostrils like a sex-cocktail inflaming her now awoken pussy.

Ronnie whimpered soft weak whimpers as her persistent young neighbor bit down gently on her erect nipple for a second time, but more firmly this time. The waves of pleasure made her grab a fistful of his thick hair as her body tightened. Her heart began to race.

“Oh baby! Aren’t you my lover boy?”

Veronica giggled relishing the sunrise attention she was receiving. Rob kissed her body everywhere, teasing every inch of her tingling skin. Soon her entire nakedness was inflamed. His kisses and touches were roaming to every region arousing every nook and cranny. Her body was twisting and turning and yearning for more.

Finally Robert slid between her legs and gently parted her thighs. Ronnie’s horny lover then laid a fusillade of soft delicate kisses on the sensitive skin on the inside of her thighs. Veronica murmured and whimpered soft coos of gratification. Her pussy began to get wet and leak in an expression of female felicity.

Slowly with his tongue, his teasing fingers, with soft kisses and gentle nibbles, young Robert patiently besieged Ronnie’s succulent tight pussy. The oral onslaught was driving the young wife berserk with pleasure. She grabbed a fistful of cotton sheet in one hand and a fistful of her lover’s brown hair in the other as she groaned a deep guttural groan.

She thrust her hips up into his mouth wanting more. Ronnie humped her pussy frantically against his mouth and tongue. She groaned wanting more. Rob’s face and chin was getting coated in slick viscous pussy secretions.

“Oh god Robert.

You make me feel like a woman.”

Veronica grunted and gasped, her words mangled by her intense arousal. Her hips were repeatedly thrusting against Robert’s mouth now as she sought her impending orgasm. “Deliver me to Nirvana” she seemed to be imploring.

“I love you darling.”

In Veronica’s dazed pre-orgasmic state the words slipped out easily. Young Robert lifted his mouth momentarily from its blitz attack on her pussy. He gazed across the curves and swells of Ronnie’s amazingly feminine body. The young man saw his lover’s beautiful blond hair spread across the pillow. Robert smiled admiring the perfect pink nipples now pointing upwards as hard little points towards the ceiling.

“You are the most beautiful woman in the world. I love you too Veronica.”

Ronnie smiled. For once in her life she did feel truly beautiful. Her heart swelled and she closed her eyes. With that Robert’s mouth was back on her aching throbbing pussy. The muscles in her pussy walls were contracting in irregular spasms now.

One of Rob’s hands reached up and rolled her left nipple. She groaned deeply, so close to an orgasm. She felt Robert’s rapidly flicking tongue lashing her erect swollen clitoris. Both of her hands moved to Rob’s scalp. She pushed downwards urgently driving his mouth onto her pulsing sex slit.

“Oh fuck baby! I’m so close. Don’t stop!”

Since Veronica had been having so much sex recently her orgasms would build quickly now. The highly aroused woman grunted and groaned as she got closer and closer to a shuddering climax. Her hips twisted and thrust seeking more friction from Rob’s now more experienced mouth and fingers.

Rob paid close attention to the signals emanating from Veronica’s twisting and thrusting body. He was sensing and carefully measuring the sexy blonde’s degree of arousal. As Ronnie’s stomach muscles went taut he lessened his pace and pulled back reducing the pressure of his tongue strokes. The teen lover was much more experienced now and he knew exactly when to pull a tongue sortie back and make her wait.

Ronnie whimpered weakly imploring her lover to keep going, to give her more. Young Rob grinned and stopped his tongue strokes altogether to further torment her. Slowly the young man inserted a finger and wiggled it gently from side to side inside her tight wet pussy. Robert had learned this gentle finger motion would keep Veronica just close enough to the edge, but would not drive her over the cliff of bliss.

As the young blond wife twisted and gyrated on the bed, thrusting her hips for friction, he playfully teased her. Robert offered just enough tactile friction to keep Ronnie close, but not enough to set off the inevitable explosion of lust he knew she hungered for. His frantic lover dug at his skin with her nails and pushed on his head in a desperate bid for release.


Veronica implored her voice a whining whimper of desperate desire. The way young Rob was toying with her was more than a pleasurable provocation, it had turned into blissful torture. Her body was smoldering, but hungered to be set alight. Nothing short of a full explosion would satisfy her now.

Ronnie twisted her hips thrusting up against her lover’s mesmerizing mouth. The aroused wife was doing her darnedest to find the right way to set her self off. Rob had come to realize that once a woman got close to an orgasm her pursuit of the finish became an all-consuming endeavor.

Aroused to the very knife’s edge of sexual stimulation the hormones released in a woman became a kind of sexual crack cocaine. Finding this arousal “zone” with Ronnie had become young Robert’s obsession. Equally Veronica had come to need the euphoria brought on by sexual bliss. She had become somewhat addicted to orgasms and she wanted a big one now.

Robert placed one hand gently on Veronica’s stomach so he could feel the tension in her muscles. With his other hand he slid his finger inside her tight wet pussy again. Once again he stroked slowly side to side. The horny teenager felt a few contractions of Veronica’s pussy walls grasping down onto his finger. Ronnie let out a soft “oohing” sound of approval at feeling the gentle sideways stroking movements of his finger.

Feeling the tension in his Veronica’s stomach muscles lessen and her body relax Robert recommenced his cadence of dexterous tongue strokes. Slowly and patiently he built Veronica towards a final release. With each up or down stroke of his tongue he matched it with a sideways motion of his finger. In tempo he built up a cadence of tongue and matching finger strokes hearing Ronnie’s sex-sounds getting louder with each stroke.

Veronica’s moans and whimpers were becoming crazed and wild now. Her nails ripped deep gouges in Rob’s scalp and shoulders as she became delirious with desire. Ronnie’s hips kept moving and gyrating. Rob had to move around and shift his body to keep his mouth latched onto her slippery slick slit since it kept moving away from his position.

“Stop moving so much darling.”

He instructed her firmly in a husky voice. Veronica playfully swatted at Robert’s shoulder with her open hand.

“It’s not like I can help it. You’re driving me insane.”

She giggled in reply.

“Anyways you started this Rob. I just wanted to sip my tea. It’s all your fault……..arrrggghhh.”

Her words were cut off mid-sentence by gurgling garbled sounds as Veronica’s body shuddered and jerked up off the bed in a spasm of joy. Her intended words became mangled by deep-throaty sex sounds. The pretty young wife could not restrain her self any longer. Rob’s tongue had flicked over the very tip of her highly aroused clitoris and a long delayed fuse had been lit.

Realizing what he had done Rob tried his best to recover his composure. He attacked Veronica’s inflamed clitoris. He licked fast and slow, hard and soft, up and down, sideways and then he rolled his tongue and drove it deeply into her madly convulsing pussy wracked by spasms.

Veronica was startled by her lover’s tongue and finger variety as her body exploded in waves of increasing pleasure. Her clitoris never knew what to expect next as Rob’s tongue lashed it vigorously while his finger stimulated her pussy walls. Suddenly reaching a peak of pleasure Ronnie’s body arched off the bed and she cried out a feline-like squeal of delight.

Ronnie’s painted nails dug into Rob’s shoulder and scalp as she screamed wildly in release. Her body twisted and torqued wracked by gushing surges of pleasure spasms. Ronnie’s pretty face contorted and she bit down on her bottom lip as the waves peaked and then ebbed in intensity.

As suddenly as she had erupted Veronica collapsed back on the bed sated, panting for air. Sensing the moment was right Rob pulled off his white cotton briefs and pulled his body on top of hers. Both were coated with a slick thin veneer of sweat now. Veronica’s pussy was throbbing and swelled with blood, her outer lips full and puffy, her insides wet and ready. Rob slid his hard rod inside her and then stopped. He held still, hardly moving.

Young Robert just gazed deeply into his older beautiful lover’s eyes. At this moment he was filling Veronica both physically and emotionally. Slowly his hips began to make gentle tiny thrusts. He kissed her lips softly with a tender loving kiss.

“I love you so much Ronnie. You make me so happy.”

He whispered, his lips warm and moist on her ear. Ronnie felt his soft kiss as Rob’s hard jutting cock found and filled her soft, warm, slick wet love tunnel. She was so wet and ready he slid in easily. Veronica wrapped her arms around him and murmured, feeling safe and loved. She only had enough strength left to lie there and receive him.

The older woman smiled and murmured softly as she felt Rob slide into her deeper and deeper. Ronnie could feel young Robert’s long thick cock complete her as a woman. He was filling her emptiness in every way. Rob was filling both the empty vacuum in her heart and the horny empty vagina between her thighs.

The tender morning lovemaking that followed was soft and slow. Rob took his time and let Ronnie have two or three tiny soft orgasms as he drove into her with patient, almost gentle restrained thrusts. As her body shuddered Veronica felt so alive and wonderful. She gasped for air and just lay back on the bed enjoying being a woman. Never had she felt so wanted and adored as when young Rob filled her with his male hardness.

Ronnie used her hand to brush some strands of brown hair away from Rob’s hazel eyes. Her pale blue eyes danced with happiness as she gazed up at the man on top of her. His brown eyes looked deep and full of joy.

The young sexy wife felt the weight of Rob’s hard male body pressing down on her. She spread her thighs even wider to take him more deeply. Some deep instinctual need caused her to want his seed to find her deepest depths. Perhaps it was never articulated in her mind, but she wanted his baby.

Ronnie enjoyed feeling like a beautiful woman completely desired by her man. She enjoyed the tinges when he thrust down and ground his pelvic bone stimulating her clitoris. She moaned and groaned and let him ride her as he would. Time didn’t exist, the world didn’t exist—it was just the two of them, their bodies fused in the heat of love and lust, the furnace of oneness.

“Am I crushing you honey?”

Young Rob blushed and moved to support his heavier weight on his elbows. Without giving Ronnie a chance to respond she suddenly felt his muscular body shift to the left. In a swift movement Rob twisted and rolled. He held onto her tightly as he rolled. A yelp of surprise and in a flash Ronnie found her slim petite feminine body was on top of his now.

She giggled and gazed down at his broad muscular chest. Ronnie was surprised by how confident her young lover had become in the bedroom. Slowly she began to move her hips riding his cock. Rob’s hands grabbed tightly onto her taut firm ass as he closed his eyes and groaned in pleasure.

“Oh god I love you so much Ronnie.”

He murmured in his delirium. Ever so slowly and with great love and passion Ronnie brought the two of them to an intense simultaneous orgasm. It was not one of the wild crazed orgasms of the night before. This was a softer, tenderer, “I love you” orgasm where they looked deeply into each other’s eyes as their bodies trembled and fused. The intensity was in the emotions felt.

Later after they had showered and dressed Ronnie told Rob her new plan. Carl would be going away again soon. They would have the first week of September together. This would be their last time to share alone before Robert had to report for active duty.

“I have a friend from high school. Her name is Skye.”

Rob arched his eyebrow. Ronnie giggled.

“Well that’s not really her name. Her real name is Sandra. But she’s living in a sort of commune in Malibu. She changed her name to Skye.”

Rob looked like he was confused.

“You know, the place up the coast where all the artists and hippies live. They do stuff like that. Change their names and stuff.”

Rob nodded not really understanding where this was going.

“So anyways she has this tiny beach house. She said we could use it. I mean just you and me.”

Rob smiled. He moved closer and kissed Ronnie on the lips ever so softly. He looked Veronica up and down. She looked so young in her bellbottom pants and ponytail. Veronica grinned. Her white cotton blouse had little gold embroidered bumblebees that seemed to be flitting about her perky breasts.

“You can drive Carl’s car.”

The smile on Robert’s face told the mischievous wife all she needed to know.

“BOYS and cars.”

She giggled with an infectious giggle.

“Just you and me. Alone. Would you like that?”

Rob grinned and nodded.

To Be Continued……….

Published 10 years ago

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