Don’t Drop Anchor Here (Part V)

"Our little sojourn into 1970 is coming to a close so enjoy the final moments."

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The hot sunny month of June carried on. Ronnie and her new young lover from next door took every chance they could to be together. The older woman was teaching her young inexperienced eighteen-year-old neighbour everything she knew about sex. The attractive older woman let him learn how to tease her woman’s body and make her come. Veronica was teaching young Rob the importance of building a woman’s body up slowly until she could reach a peak.

Handsome young Robert for his part was proving to be a diligent and dedicated student of lovemaking and all things “sex”. The besotted boy-lover couldn’t seem to get enough of Veronica’s curves, her valleys and her cute blonde coif. Everything the older woman suggested he was willing to try and to then confidently perfect. Luckily at eighteen erections returned quickly so Veronica had every chance to correct her often over-eager lover’s clumsy—yet cute—bedroom missteps.

Rob in turn was teaching the long-ignored still barren wife about how a man could be tender and adore a woman with every part of his being. The young man’s hot kisses were branding her naked tingling skin almost nightly. Veronica’s captivated hard bodied young neighbour was lavishing bucketful’s of attention on her; the attention the lonely wife previously could not have even dreamed of.

Veronica’s handsome young neighbour’s kisses were becoming so good they could make her knees buckle and make her heart race. His fingers were becoming so adept her nipples would now harden at the mere sight of his large male hands. The more they had sex, the more Veronica found she wanted even more. She recalled the line from Oliver in the workhouse, “Please, sir, I want some more.”

The newly highly sexually aroused woman found her self often blushing for no explicable reason except she desperately wanted sex—more sex. She craved the touch of her naked skin to Robert’s. The now sexually awakened wife wanted to lick him, bite him, suck him and feel him inside her. In the end, both were learning something they had never experienced before from the other.

Luckily Ronnie’s husband Carl was traveling a great deal for his job. This gave the amorous young couple ample time to spend together. The straying wife’s brute of a husband needed to work on his new weapons system project for the Pentagon. In its own perverse way the Vietnam War was providing the necessary camouflage for the couple’s illicit love affair. For a short interlude of time the war was offering these two castaways a refuge from the bleak destinies fate had seemingly marked out for them.

At home Rob’s father as usual ignored his son’s whereabouts. His mother disappeared to her sister’s place as much as possible. This meant there were many hot, sweaty, and impassioned nights together. Rob and Ronnie had become one of those couples in the early flush of love that simply could not get enough of each other—sex and lovemaking had become their addiction.

Curious hands, hungering lips, a desperately hard throbbing cock, a wet steaming pulsing pussy—every part of their body seemed to hunger for the other, for touch, for friction, for the oneness of the joining. Every human hungers to obliterate that feeling of being alone. Ronnie and Rob had discovered that in each other’s arms they could just be one. For those brief interludes when they clung to each other the loneliness, the fears, the dissatisfactions of everyday hours, could be put aside.

It is a well-known fact that women tend to “show” when they are in love. Ronnie started to “glow” in the way women do when they are having their bodies lavished with a romantic love-cocktail mixed together with copious helpings of hot steamy sex. Almost nightly every inch of Veronica’s hot tingling skin was being lashed by Robert’s talented tongue and teased by intimate tender touches from his firm gentle fingers.

At twenty-nine the young wife from next door was finally flowering sexually. Her nascent bud was opening to show the world her long-hidden vibrant female colours. Fast losing her timid nature, Veronica was now eagerly teaching young Robert what she liked most in bed. She loved foreplay, she loved oral sex, but most satisfying for this newly aroused attractive young blonde was to have her pussy regularly filled by deep thrusts from Rob’s hard thick cock. Veronica loved to look deeply into Robert’s hazel orbs as he filled her pussy and completed her as a woman.

Even Ronnie’s girlfriends remarked on how “happy” and “beautiful” she was looking. Trisha remarked that she “had a certain glow” about her. Sometimes Veronica giggled for no apparent reason at all. There was much joking and teasing by Ronnie’s girlfriends about what “Carl was doing” to make Ronnie seem so happy. Veronica would gulp and blush, her throat constricting nervously at these comments that were so far off the mark.

The anxious straying wife had no way to tell her girlfriends that the reason for her newly acquired “womanly glow” was the wonderful horny man-boy from next door. How could you explain such a thing in the conservative 1970’s? Veronica desperately wanted to talk to her girlfriends about her wonderful new frantic love, but it was just too taboo at the time. Ronnie was far too inexperienced and nervous to broach the subject of having an affair even with her best friend.

The young wife’s constant state of sexual arousal was such that she felt like a different woman. Sometimes her mind would drift, she would daydream and imagine she was still single and Robert was her boyfriend. She would dream of them getting married until “reality” rudely yanked her back to earth.

When Ronnie knew that she and Rob would be able to sleep together that day her body would tingle in anticipation for hours in advance. The young wife’s nipples would harden randomly asking for some male attention. Her vagina would moisten and wet. Veronica’s mind would drift to visions of how she was going to bite and claw and enjoy her young lover’s hard muscular male body in just a short time.

Realizing that her special young Rob would be leaving for “basic” soon Ronnie decided to throw a Fourth of July garden party for him. She pretended it was for the “neighbours”, but in actuality it was for her new love. Veronica loved parties and it had always irked her that Carl never wanted her to have any. Carl thought it was stupid to waste money on a party.

In Orange County the Fourth of July had turned out to be a sunny, hot and wonderful cloudless day. Perfect for a backyard get together. Ronnie had made sandwiches and other neighbourhood wives brought cakes, cookies and casseroles. It was what some wives of the time called “potluck”. The children helped serve drinks and lemonade. There was Sangria punch and beer for the older folks.

Before the party started Ronnie spent a long time in her bathroom getting ready. Luckily Carl was again absent on a trip to DC. The sexy blonde wife had the leisure to prepare her self for a wonderful party and some special time with Robert. Veronica bought all her beauty products from her friend from down the block named Tammy who was the local “Avon Lady”.

Veronica sat before her bathroom mirror. She smiled thinking of how she and Rob would be alone together after the party. First she did her nails and applied the undercoat. Next she selected the Avon “Fresh Lilac” Pearl nail enamel. It had cost a dollar and ten cents for a half-ounce bottle. After her nails had dried Ronnie carefully applied the long-last top coat that cost ninety-cents and would give her nails a nice glossy protective finish.

Ronnie held out her hands examining her nails critically. The young wife liked to keep her nails immaculate. Satisfied with her work she smiled. Next she dabbed on some “Hide ‘n’ Lite” cream under her eyes and on her cheeks. Using her finger she spread the cream evenly. This cream would highlight her best facial features and conceal any flaws.

Veronica then selected her eye shadow wand and began to do her eyes. Some of her friends used the “Making Eyes Mascara” that was a dollar fifty, but she bought the more expensive “Lash Supreme Mascara” that cost two-dollars. When it came to her appearance Ronnie didn’t like to scrimp.

Checking the mirror the beautiful glowing wife smiled. Veronica was pretty sure Rob would be impressed by her efforts. She really wanted him to think she was beautiful today. Ronnie patted her cheeks lightly with her “Charisma Beauty Dust”. At six-dollars the dust was quite an indulgence, but the Avon catalogue described it as a powder that “unleashes the magic that makes you a woman”. Ronnie had found she quite liked being “unleashed” and giggled a naughty giggle as she applied the beauty dust.

Finally Veronica selected her lip brush and picked up her second indulgence—the deluxe lipstick. This item had cost two-dollars and twenty-five cents. Most girls only spent about a dollar thirty or so for lipstick in 1970, but Veronica was picky. She thought the deluxe looked so much better on her lips.

Carefully Ronnie prepared her lips. These were the lips that were waiting for young Rob to kiss them later. Using her lip brush naughty wife delicately made sure her lips looked perfect. As the last step Veronica studiously brushed on a topcoat of the “lip gloss” as a super-glossy topping that added a special gleam to her very kissable lips.

Evaluating her face in the mirror Veronica smiled at the total effect of her efforts. Then the increasingly excited woman looked at the ivory-ribbon wrapped box set down by her dresser. The sight of the expensive looking box made her blush and feel giddy. She reached out and touched the box, her heart aflutter.

Veronica had gone out and bought something very special for young Robert tonight. It was a set of delicate lacy lingerie with garters and stockings. The horny married woman had never worn such adornments for sex with her husband, but her heart was thumping in excitement to see the reaction in Rob’s face when he set eyes on her decked-out in this new outfit.

“Oh I almost forgot the most important thing?”

Veronica thought to her self and giggled nervously. The distraction of the lingerie had made her mind drift. She really hoped young Rob would think she looked “sexy” and “pretty” in what she had purchased?

“Perfume. Right, perfume.”

Veronica smiled to her self.

Ronnie reached out and picked-up her bottle of Avon “Régence” perfume. She had almost forgotten to apply perfume. Her friend Tammy had described this unique scent as “a fragrance of elegance, an enduring whisper of gentility and grace”. Veronica had no idea what that meant, but it sounded very feminine to her.

The tiny bottle of Régence was Veronica’s favourite Avon perfume. It had cost an incredible fifteen dollars for half an ounce, but one smell and Ronnie had been unable to resist. As a woman she was hoping it would make Rob’s knees go weak and his cock go hard.

Ronnie moved to her closet and selected the sundress that matched her nail polish and lips. She brushed out her glowing blonde hair a final time and pulled it into a loose ponytail. Veronica looked in the mirror as she slipped on her summer sandals. The beautiful young woman smiled. She was pleased with her outfit. She looked young, fresh and summery and she was quite sure she looked pretty.

Taking a somewhat doubtful second look Veronica examined her tummy more closely as a woman sometimes does. Nervously she sucked in her tummy and patted it wondering if she was getting “fat”? There was no time for the sexually tingling young woman come to a conclusion as the doorbell rang. The guests for her Fourth of July party were arriving.


It was a hot sunny summer day and perfect for a July Fourth garden party. Ronnie was pleased. Quite a few neighbours had shown up so there were already a few small groups of people chatting on her lawn. Veronica had warned Rob not to show up as one of the early arrivals. She didn’t want their attraction to each other to become too obvious, or “gossip” might start.

Veronica was looking around the yard seeing whom she should take care of when the anxious wife felt a warm physical presence behind her.

“You look so beautiful Ronnie.”

Rob had snuck up behind her at the food table and whispered huskily in her ear. She beamed and scolded him to “be more careful”. The straying wife was terrified someone would realize that they had become lovers. And yet secretly perhaps she hoped that might happen? A “scandal” yes, but then freedom?

Young Rob couldn’t help surreptitiously gawking at the beautiful wife from next door. The woman who had his full attention was dressed in a pale lilac sundress that came to mid-thigh. She had tan sandals on her feet. Rob thought that with her hair in a ponytail his lover looked much younger than her twenty-nine years.

Looking at the sexy blonde, her make-up done flawlessly, Rob realized this was the woman who had taken his virginity. His cock swelled wanting her. The young admirer smiled a secret smile. Looking Ronnie up and down he couldn’t help appreciating her youthful perfection.

At twenty-nine Ronnie had the perfect female form. Her breasts were still pert and firm. Her waist was tapered and trim and her hips were wide and ready to make babies. The sexy young wife’s legs were tanned and toned from the summer sun. Her numerous vigorous bouts of wild lovemaking had given her a feminine glow. With the still lingering and vibrant physical beauty of youth she combined a deep feminine understanding in her soft pale blue eyes.

Veronica pushed the rather too attentive Rob away. She playfully admonished him to not be so obvious. Taking her cue Robert drifted off to chat with other guests. Veronica’s Avon Lady friend named Tammy approached and chatted with her casually.

“Gosh you look so beautiful Ronnie. Let me know when you need some more cosmetics. The new catalogue will be out soon.”

Tammy was always a sales lady. When you became an “Avon Lady” it was a full-time job. The two women giggled and discussed beauty products. Tammy spied handsome young Rob by the punch bowl talking to someone.

“Isn’t that the boy next door who’s been drafted?”

Ronnie’s face darkened at the mentioning of the word “draft”. Now that her own life was having a shadow cast over it she had become much more attentive to the TV news about the war. The gulf between her own political views on the war and her husband’s was becoming wider and wider by the day.

The terrified young woman just wished the war could end immediately. Ronnie just wanted Rob to be able to stay home and be with her. They could figure things out, she was certain.

“Yes. That’s Rob Langham. He’s a wonderful young man. He leaves for basic in the middle of September.”

If her friend Tammy noticed the glint of love in Ronnie’s eye and the special timbre in her voice as she spoke about Robert we don’t know. Tammy did stare at her friend a little longer than usual with a quizzical expression, but in the end she made no further comment. Who would ever suspect that a twenty-nine year old married woman had fallen in love with the eighteen-year-old boy next door?

At that point a tall voluptuous brunette named Pamela joined the two ladies. They chatted until Veronica looked down and noticed the MIA bracelet that Pamela was wearing on her left wrist. Ronnie’s brain froze. She felt a tremor of fear strike her. The simple metal bracelet, so common in the late sixties and early seventies, brought home the terror and reality of the distant war. The other two women kept chatting, not seeming to notice Ronnie’s internal distress.

With a slow stride Robert approached the three chatting women. He hated being separated from Ronnie. His body hungered to be next to hers. His hand itched to reach out and take her hand. Pamela and Tammy looked up and smiled as Ronnie introduced them to her handsome young neighbour. She tried to speak without blushing too much.

Pamela seemed to be oblivious to Ronnie’s jittery nerves. Both older married women eyed Robert’s more than ample male charms. Pam turned to Tammy and remarked on Ronnie’s appearance.

“Isn’t our Ronnie looking radiant these days Tammy. Whatever can that naughty Carl be getting up to? What in the world could make a woman glow like that?”

Both women giggled mischievous giggles while poking fun at their friend. Robert was irritated and coughed nervously. Veronica cast a nervous glance Rob’s direction. At the sound of his cough both Tammy and Pamela looked towards Robert.

“Oh pay no mind to these three over-sexed married women young man. You’re so handsome you must have a gaggle of girls chasing you.”

Pam reached out playfully and pulled at Rob’s cheek. He blushed and grinned bashfully at the unexpected attention.

“Oh Ronnie isn’t he just so cute? Look he’s blushing. Gosh if I were only a bit younger you have no idea what I might do Robert.”

Pamela teased him with her overtly sexual suggestion. The two friends laughed lightly at Rob’s discomfort while Ronnie turned a new shade of pink. Pamela continued with her jesting at Rob’s expense.

“Now I know you have no interest in the neighbourhood gossip of older women. You should go join the boys and talk football or cars, or whatever you men go on about.”

Rob blushed and shuffled off. In his brain he wanted to tell these two women that not only was he interested in older women, he was in love with one.

The party continued and people chatted. Veronica had put her small black Panasonic radio out on kitchen windowsill so that music could play into the back yard for the garden party. She plugged it in next to the sink. This would be the first broadcast ever of “American Top 40” or “AT 40” as it became known. The radio could be heard playing in the background as people munched on food, sipped punch, swilled beer and chatted with each other.

The distinctive voice first heard that day would become more famous than most of the bands he featured. The casual intimate patter of the American disc jockey born in Detroit to Lebanese Druze immigrant parents would soon become recognizable to generations of Americans. None would remember him better than the generation of the 1970’s.

“Here we go with the top 40 hits of the nation this week on ‘American Top 40,’ the best-selling and most-played songs from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Canada to Mexico ,”

Casey Kasem said atop the program’s very first broadcast. Ronnie and Rob barely took note. Kasem’s first broadcast continued.

“This is Casey Kasem in Hollywood, and in the next three hours, we’ll count down the 40 most popular hits in the United States this week, hot off the record charts of Billboard magazine.”

During Kasem’s signature stylish patter on the broadcast he would mention many of the AT40 affiliate stations. He would also deliver little vignettes, slices of Americana, and seemingly intimate stories to provide background on the artists and the songs. This patter of trivia most notably included “Long Distance Dedications”.

Many of Kasem’s dedications were directed towards American army personnel serving overseas and were for American Services Radio. During Rob’s service in Vietnam and for many years afterwards these dedications would bring tears to Ronnie’s eyes. Her son, Robert, would never know until much later in 2014 why his mother would all of a sudden breakdown and cry as Kasem made a dedication to a service man overseas from his American sweetheart.

That sunny day in southern California the top forty count down continued towards its conclusion. In early June “Everything is Beautiful” by Ray Stevens had ruled the charts. Later in the month “The Long and Winding Road” by the Beatles was the top song. As the countdown moved on the gathered guest were more and more interested to see what song Kasem would name as the number one tune in the nation.

Most stations were naming “The Love You Save” by the Jackson Five as their top song. When the number six most popular song was played Ronnie and Rob both smiled a private smile. It was Melanie’s “Lay Down”. Rob moved close to the woman he loved and put his hand gently on the small of her back. Rob rubbed the small of her back with little tender circles. He whispered in her ear.

“That’s our song honey.”

Ronnie blushed furiously and beamed. She had never had “a song” before. Her eyes looked down bashfully. Rob was taking so many risks and her heart raced. The naughty wife was shocked and yet pleased. Her young lover was turning into a real man. He was as much as staking his claim to her body in front of their neighbors.

The third most popular song was played and that was “Ball of Confusion” by the Temptations. When the second song was announced the party guest’s interest really perked up. It was a tie between “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones and “The Love You Save” by the Jackson Five. That meant there must be a new number one song? Everyone’s interest was piqued.

Dave Palmer one of the neighbors from down the street was loudly arguing that the Rolling Stones were “evil” while someone debated him. Other partygoers were waiting for the number one most popular song to be announced. Finally after much teasing and delay from Kasem (a signature delay before he announced the number one song) it turned out to be “Mama Told Me Not to Come” by Three Dog Night.

At that point the broadcast got wrapped up. No episode of “AT40” was ever complete without Kasem’s trademark signoff.

“Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars.”

This final farewell affirmation was spoken with a soft distinctive lilt to the disc jockey’s voice. Kasem’s signature voice was spoken over the music that would outlast even the show’s biggest No. 1 hits: the program’s closing theme song, “Shuckatoom,” written by James R. Kirk.

The music then softened and AT40 faded into local programming, signifying a six-day and 20-hour wait until Casey Kasem would return to do it all over again with a new list of hits. Teens of that era will well recall how long that wait would feel sometimes.

As the show ended Ronnie turned to Rob and her friends Tammy and Pamela who were standing nearby.

“I really like that fellow. He has a nice program and a nice friendly voice.”

Rob nodded in agreement. Dave Palmer was walking close by and interjected.

“Yeah well I heard he’s not really American. It’s not right for some immigrant guy to be telling us what American music should be.”

Ronnie was used to the bigotry in her neighborhood and easily deflected Dave towards some people he would have more in common with. She turned back and saw young Rob staring at her husband’s car. They walked over to the driveway and Rob touched his hands to the hood.

“Cool car.”

Robert was gazing at the blue convertible with that look teenage boys get when looking at cars—or women—that they truly desire.

Ronnie giggled a soft feminine giggle.

“I never knew you liked cars honey?”

Her face beamed and she continued.

“Well I guess all boys like cars.”

Robert frowned. He didn’t like being teased and called a “boy” by Veronica. He did like being called “honey” however. Ronnie sensed her lover was perturbed. Women have emotional radar that most men lack. She put her hand reassuringly on Robert’s arm and gave his bicep a soft loving squeeze.

“Yeah Carl bought it from a guy at work. It’s the ’67 Mustang. The guy wanted to buy the new BOSS Mustang so Carl got a good deal on this one.”

Rob smiled and his mind drifted wistfully.

“Yeah I wish I could have a car like this one day.”

Neither of them had any idea that young Rob would never get to own his Mustang, let alone a classic ’67 convertible. Ronnie did her best to reassure her handsome next-door neighbor.

“Don’t worry. You will.”

After a short intimate time together they both realized they needed to return to the party or become “noticed”. The July Fourth backyard garden gathering was turning into a great success, but Ronnie still had more fireworks in store for her young love that night.

The seemingly normal suburban wife had a glint in her eye as she cleaned up the after-party mess with Rob’s help. Bottles, plastic cups and paper plates were quickly bundled away into the garbage. Ronnie couldn’t wait to change into her special outfit.


That night after all the guests were gone Ronnie got so excited. She asked young Rob to wait in the living room while she “got ready”. Robert grinned a goofy boyish grin knowing that they would be making love soon. His lust filled desire for the older woman was plastered all over his face.

Removing her soft cotton lilac colored sundress Ronnie had a quick shower. She pinned up her blonde hair so it wouldn’t get wet. Afterwards in the privacy of her bedroom Ronnie freshened up her make-up. She loosened her ponytail and brushed out her gleaming blonde hair.

Then Veronica opened the expensive looking box holding her special naughty purchase. Slowly and carefully she put on the lingerie outfit she had selected. Looking in the mirror the anxious but excited young woman was pleased. Her face flushed with a tinge of anxious blush.

The delicate lace adornments looked romantic and beautiful on her sexy curvaceous fertile young body. The black lacy shelf bra with its supportive underwire half-cup made her pert firm breasts look so sexy and pretty. The black lace contrasted beautifully with her blond hair and sun-kissed skin. Veronica ran her hands critically down her tummy and across her wider feminine hips. She examined her body for any flaws.

Ronnie turned her body to get a full profile in the mirror. She smiled. Her breasts actually looked larger than their true size in the extra sexy new bra. But would Rob think she looked “pretty” or “slutty”? The horny woman, her heart pounding nervously, dabbed some more Avon perfume on her neck and in the center of her cleavage.

Nervously Ronnie looked around her bedroom for more potential excuses to delay the inevitable. She fluffed her quilt and straightened the pillows. The sexy wife was so skittish any noise would have spooked her. The sexually awakened woman wanted tonight to be “perfect”. She picked up the box of matches. Carefully she lit the rose scented candles she had set beside the bed and turned off the lights.

Veronica looked around the room a final time with a critical eye seeking to identify and correct any imperfections in her plan. Realizing she had no more reason to delay her waiting young neighbor she moved nervously towards the door. Her cheeks flushed with a hot blush of anticipation. Ronnie called out softly to her handsome lover, a slight tremor in her voice.

“You can come in now Rob.”

Robert had become a bit high-strung waiting for Veronica. He had paced back and forth nervously in the living room. His jitters had only increased while waiting for Ronnie to call him. With every passing minute his nerves got worse. Each successive minute felt more like an hour. Finally hearing his neighbor’s soft feminine voice through the door Robert’s taut muscular young body had relaxed a notch. It seemed that only holding her in his arms could make the young man feel safe and calm.

Young Rob twisted the bedroom door nob gently. Slowly he pushed open the bedroom door. Robert cautiously entered the bedroom not knowing what to expect. Inside the femininely decorated room was infused only with soft warm flickering candlelight.

His eyes took a second to adjust to the soft yellow light. Seeing Veronica standing by the bed his jaw almost hit the floor. Yes Ronnie had teased him before, but nothing like this. Tonight the sexy wife next door had transformed her self into a seductress. Rob had seen lingerie in Playboy, but to see it like this in real life was a new revelation for the young man.

The sexually excited young man was amazed looking at the almost naked woman before him. Veronica had become that rather rare completely sexual creature—a woman ready to mate. The now much more experienced boy from next door had never encountered Veronica openly acknowledging her own female sexuality like this.

Ronnie was making no secret of the fact that she wanted to couple and make love. The young man’s heart began to pound and his palms to sweat. Her delicate sexy black lacy outfit told him everything. It told him she wanted him and that he was important to her. His heart and cock both swelled to new dimensions. His body filled with an energy he couldn’t recognize.

Was it her new lingerie that inflamed him? Was it the racy glint in her eyes? Was it the ever-closer date with basic training and his possible death in Vietnam? Was it the fear of losing Ronnie forever when he inevitably had to depart? Fear is a great aphrodisiac we know. But whatever it was Rob did not react the way Veronica had expected.

In a thrilling whoosh of excitement young Robert was upon her already tingling nervously excited body. The urgency in his kiss foretold the intensity of the passion that was to follow. His tongue plundered her mouth. The hot lips and unstoppable hands of Ronnie’s ardent young lover began to devour her body in a Tsunami of sexual desire. Like a dam suddenly breached by a flood her young man swamped the horny wife in a wave of lust.

Ronnie’s strong young male neighbor almost flung her onto the bed such was his fervid unbridled carnal desire. The wickedly inspired lingerie clad wife giggled feverishly as she hit the mattress and bounced off the soft cotton sheets. Robert’s searing wet lips pushed aside the black lace of her half-bra and attacked her waiting pink nipples with a lust driven hunger.

Ronnie gasped and her perfect nails dug into Rob’s shoulders at the first torrid attack. She held on grappling with her inflamed lover’s much stronger male body. Ronnie twisted and struggled on the bed as he tackled her. Rob’s incandescent rebellious desires seemed unmanageable. The surprised wife felt a wild thrill at the primal and primitive urgency in her lover’s insuppressible assault.

Like a crazed lover Robert showed no restraint. Soon enough Veronica’s pink nipples had come out to play. In seconds they had turned into small rubbery nubs, hard and erect. Rob bit down softly on the left one, slowly dragging his teeth across its rubbery tip, making his blond victim groan and whimper wanting more.

Ronnie’s body was responding quickly to her illicit lover’s teasing attack. Her lips, her nipples and her pussy were traitors to her promises of “forever”. They hungered only for Rob. The woman Ronnie had always thought she was, the demure housewife, gave way to a new wanton freewheeling creature she hardly knew. Veronica let loose with sounds and cries she had never imagined were held captive inside her.

What had brought on this mutual ferocity in their lovemaking? Did they both suddenly realize that soon they would be counting their time together not in weeks, but in days, and then hours and finally in minutes and seconds? Did the proximity of their romantic disaster drive them to new heights of arousal to block out the inevitable fate had designed for them? Whatever it was their bodies were intertwined a heated struggle towards orgasm.

Beyond simply acceding to Robert’s overflowing desires the now willful wife urged on her young attacking paramour. Veronica’s gasps and whimpers were interspersed with exhortations for Robert to continue his volatile assault on her now ready body.

Ronnie no longer wanted to “make love”. This hotly aroused woman wanted to fuck and find bliss-filled solace in the arms, the lips and the cock she desired above all. Veronica wanted to join with Robert and become one.

“Bite harder baby. Oh yeah that feels so good!”

Was soon followed by a new instruction uttered between gasps of delight.

“OH god! Yes there. That feels amazing right there….”

And then Veronica’s determined hands were pushing her lover’s tousled haired head where she wanted him most—down between her aching thighs. Ronnie’s throbbing slick gleaming slit needed Robert’s soft sensuous tongue to ravage it.

As Robert’s head moved south the attentive young lover laid a trail of soft kisses and nibbles. Ronnie shivered at the soft kisses and whimpered for more. Rob sat up momentarily to rip off his shirt, baring his broad muscular chest.

Veronica’s pulsing mound was already sodden with juices in anticipation of the arrival of Robert’s tongue and fingers. The sight of her lover ripping off his shirt made her swoon with more desire. She urged him on. Robert leaned down and dove between her silky thighs. He felt his lover’s stockings rub on his shoulders as his mouth found its mark.

Young Robert had become a very talented oral lover in a short space of time. Under the tutelage of the pretty young wife next door the dedicated student had learned a lot. When Rob’s fingers finally pulled aside Ronnie’s tiny black lace panties she giggled. When his mouth latched on to her soaking wet pussy she sucked in air and gasped in delight. Her lilac manicured nails dug deeply into Rob’s scalp as the first waves of pleasure hit her.

“Oh god Rob! YES! Lick me fast and light.”

The young man was certainly good at following Ronnie’s wild gasping and urgent instructions. No doubt this quality of following orders would make him a good soldier in a few months? Robert’s tongue flew across the very tip of Ronnie’s clitoris like a hummingbird on uppers. Her body was transformed into liquid mercury on the bed.

Ronnie was so aroused she lost all sense, of which limb was which. Her brain became dizzy and disoriented as the erotic sensations cascaded over her in growing waves of almost beatific bliss. The more young handsome Robert aroused her the more she couldn’t help wiggling and writhing in a state of almost-agony ecstasy as her body became a heap of molten pleasure.

Soon Ronnie, her stomach muscles taut, was nearing her first huge orgasm. The sex-crazed wife was flopping about on the mattress like a fish landed on a dock. Her jaw was open sucking for air. Veronica’s long perfectly manicured nails were raking long red tracks across Rob’s shoulders.

Aroused and on the edge of an orgasm Veronica cried out, meowing and squealing like a feline in heat. Robert grabbed her wide sexy hips to steady her pussy so his mouth could keep contact with her gyrating pelvis. She was thrashing about so much on the bed it was hard for Rob to keep contact with her clitoris.

Sensing how close Ronnie was to her release Rob moved one hand to an erect nipple. He squeezed the rubbery pink nub in a firm slow determined squeeze. Veronica’s body bucked up off the bed. She squeaked in delight. The woman who had faked so many orgasms during her marriage now relished the arrival of a cascade of real orgasms. Her hands pushed down forcefully driving Rob’s face deeply into her throbbing steaming pussy.

“Oh god Rob….”

She gasped in erotic delight. It was so close now she felt her body balanced on a razor’s edge. One touch in the right place and she would catapult over into the abyss of bliss.

“I’m so close…..”

She whimpered weakly.

Rob stroked a soft up and down stroke with his tongue. With that stroke Ronnie’s body suddenly jerked up off the bed and twisted. Rob had learned to go slow at the end and to tease patiently. But he had misjudged this time.

The wife splayed across the bed, her body hot and sweaty now, screamed out a guttural, wild primitive scream. Her hands clenched tightly and her nails dug into Rob’s skin. Ronnie’s blazingly enflamed body arced off the bed like a flesh bridge. She was coming in a huge shuddering release.

Rob quickly gathered his wits. The young man flicked his tongue as fast as he could while increasing the pressure of his tongue strokes. Ronnie sucked in for a fresh gulp of oxygen to re-fill her emptied lungs. The sensitive surface of her skin was oven like. Veronica’s next scream of pleasure was even more high-pitched and louder than her first as she shouted her happiness to the heavens.

Rob’s attention was completely focused only on the orgasm of the woman he had fallen in love with. He slid his long index finger up behind her clitoris and made fast rapid circles with the tip of his finger. The studious young man had learned this move would drive Ronnie insane with pleasure.

After only a few soft circles with his finger Ronnie’s hips thrust up and jammed into his jaw almost knocking his teeth ajar. Veronica’s sex-crazed body jerked and bucked a few final times as her erotic release crested to its peak. Veronica’s long pretty nails ripped deeply into Robert’s scalp as she cried out how much she loved him into the silent candle lit room.

As suddenly as Ronnie’s explosion of ecstasy had arrived her body collapsed back down onto the bed sheets sated. The dizzy disoriented woman felt her body drifting back down into a soft dream-like orgasmic after-glow. Her cries of overwhelming release were now reduced to faint whimpers and soft mews of “thank you” murmured to her hard muscled male lover.

Young Robert lifted his cream-coated mouth off Veronica’s throbbing engorged puffy pussy lips and slid his slick wet finger out as he felt her contractions fade. Ronnie’s small triangle of faint blond silky pussy hairs were plastered dark with sex juices. Rob’s face and chin were also coated in a slick coating of saliva and vagina secretions. The young teen was grinning in pride at his achievement. Young men have such egos when it comes to sexual performance.

“Did you like that Ronnie?”

Eighteen-year old Robert asked in a soft loving whisper. Ronnie giggled and her hands pulled at his shoulders urging him forward. She was almost too weak to smile. Ronnie’s arms felt so limp from her release. Men were very insecure creatures Ronnie was learning when it came to sex. Even the best lover required a lot of reassurance.

“Come here baby…I want you….”

She cooed softly, a playful delight dancing in her soft blue eyes. Rob grunted as he pulled his body forward on top of her warm slender petite body. He twisted off of her and with a few adept moves Rob wriggled his hips to discard his pants. Now all he was wearing was a pair of soft cotton briefs.

The masculine teen pulled his body on top of hers again. The softness of Ronnie’s flawless skin and her feminine curves made his hard thick cock throb with desire. When Rob’s beaming face became level with Veronica’s he wiped away some of the juices with the back of his hand. The two lovers kissed a soft tender kiss. Rob kissed the tip of her nose lovingly. And then they kissed a more passionate kiss their tongues tangling.

Ronnie felt Robert’s thick hardness pressing into her thigh. She may have been still dizzy and weak from her huge orgasm, but she wanted to feel joined to her lover. Somehow the exhausted orally ravished wife found some energy to move her arms.

Veronica slid her slender feminine hand down between their sweat-coated bodies. She reached under the elastic waistband of Robert’s white cotton briefs searching for Robert’s hard jutting cock. Ronnie pulled and tugged at the white cotton and Rob shifted his hips and body until Ronnie had worked his briefs off past his knees. Using his feet he pushed the white cotton briefs completely off and onto the floor.

Wiggling her sexy wide hips and spreading her legs wide the sexy wife soon had Robert’s engorged purplish cock head at the entrance to her wet and tingling tight pussy. Veronica murmured and closed her eyes. She always savored this moment just before Rob took her and made her his woman.

The long ignored woman felt a dreaminess overtake her. Was this what “being in love” felt like? If so it was glorious. She used a finger to pull her soaking black lace panties to the side. Her left arm pulled young Rob more tightly against her body. The still horny woman shifted her hips and body, silently urging her young lover to fill her. “Thrust forward and fill me,” her body seemed to be saying.

Young Rob made soft male sex sounds as his hips thrust forward with a new confidence. By now he knew how to make love and his movements in the bedroom were more assured. Tonight Robert had a male need that was making everything in the world disappear except what was happening on the mattress in this tiny room.

Their lovemaking that followed was especially intense. Robert drove his long thick hard cock into Ronnie’s tight wet slick love tunnel. As his pelvis ground down onto hers a new round of tingles began to build inside her. Ronnie spread her legs wide letting her lover have his way with her. She gasped in gleeful ecstasy as his full eight-inches of thick hardness completed her as a woman. Thus began the most intense lovemaking session either had ever experienced to date.

Ronnie later got on all fours and showed the young man how to fuck her doggie style. Robert’s satisfying cock seemed to drive so deeply into her in this position that she screamed openly to express her joy. The sensations built quickly now and Veronica released letting her orgasm crest from a huge wave into a massive transporting climax.

As Robert slammed into her from behind her breasts swung free. The young man’s fingers dug into her hips as he held her steady for each forceful thrust forward. Veronica’s whole body shook and her thighs trembled turning into pillars of trembling jelly as her brain dissolved in rapture. Rob grunted, gripped her hips securely, and finished her orgasm off with a flurry of rapid thrusts.

Rob had become very experienced by now and could restrain his own orgasm. After taking Veronica doggy style the strong young man flipped his exhausted lover onto her back. The object of Robert’s amorous attentions had felt several huge orgasms come and go by now. Ronnie was so sated and spent from her multiple orgasms she simply flopped back on the bed and made a feeble effort to spread her legs.

Ronnie felt sluggish and couldn’t help grinning and giggling as she looked up at Rob towering above her. He licked his lips as he moved to take her again. Without any period of respite from her last orgasm Ronnie’s rampant lover slid his hard cock between her spread thighs to find her warm wet opening.

Rob gripped under Ronnie’s knees with his strong male hands. Lifting her legs up with his strong arms he hooked them over his shoulders. This position allowed Robert to drive his cock straight into Veronica’s tight pussy to a maximum depth. She closed her eyes and let him take her.

“Oh god you’re so sexy. I love you Veronica!”

With those tender words the newly confident young lover slammed his cock forward filling her again and again. Robert grabbed onto her hips and lifted Veronica’s taut firm curved ass off the mattress. In this position with her ass in the air it gave Robert maximum penetration. Ronnie felt like a tiny ragdoll under the manipulations of Robert’s much stronger male body.

Ronnie’s body was still drifting down in an orgasm afterglow as Rob’s final cock attack began. The wild wife murmured and clung on as he slammed into her. With her legs over his shoulders she was at his mercy. The surprise of being taken so forcefully like this and having her body flipped about made Veronica gasp for breath. Using her fingers and nails she clung desperately onto Robert’s thrusting sweaty body as she felt a final wave begin to build.

How many orgasms had she had? The dazed sexy woman had lost count. Her body was so sated she found it hard to summon any more energy. By now she was a passive vessel receiving his male intensity. The sexy wife was literally just holding on the best she could as she clung to her lover’s hot rippling muscles. Rob’s body needed its own release and he was attacking her pussy in a flurry of furious cock thrusts.

“Oh god you feel so tight. Ronnie my cock is burning.”

The wanton wife blushed a hot pink as she held onto Robert’s wide shoulders. She hid her pink flushed cheeks against his sweaty chest. In the intimacy of their love both Ronnie and Robert had realized they savored the freedom to talk dirty and be naughty together. The playfulness and freedom of being in love had surprised Ronnie more than anything else.

The older woman had also learned that she loved sex with a man who adored her. The long-ignored wife cherished compliments and feeling beautiful. This feeling made her feel sexy and special. She wanted sex every day and several times a day if possible. When Ronnie and Rob had the chance they would make love twice and even three times a day.

Ronnie had no idea her body could be this horny. Rob grunted as he drove deeply into her. His fingers dug into her ass. He was so close to his own release. Ronnie felt her clitoris throbbing and her pussy was starting to contract. Her nails dug into Rob’s shoulders. Suddenly the feelings were back. Realizing she really could have another orgasm she thrust her hips up into her thrusting lover. She had no idea where she found the energy, but it came from somewhere.

“OH GOD! Rob! Fuck me hard darling. I’m coming again.”

Veronica’s instruction took him over the edge. Rob felt his balls tighten up into his scrotum as his whole body tingled in anticipation. He closed his eyes and pulled his hips back to begin a new round of thrusts. As he drove into Ronnie’s warm slick tightness he groaned. Veronica’s pussy contracted suddenly and he catapulted over into his long delayed orgasm. Rob came in a crazy hip-thrashing release of total passion.


The young man grunted in a guttural animal-like grunt as he drove down. His fingers gripped at her ass and hips. He was pulling her hips down onto his body giving him maximum depth. Ronnie felt her lover’s body shake and shudder above her. She smiled as he spilled himself into her. Her own orgasm came, a soft wave this time. Small perfect tremors as her pussy walls clamped down on the thickness filling her.

Veronica mewed softly and stroked Rob’s head softly as she felt his seed shoot into her convulsing contracting pussy.

“Oh god baby….Yes….oh god it feels so nice….”

With that the two lovers collapsed into each other’s arms. They tumbled into the sheets together a sweaty ball of clinging limbs. There was intimate soft kissing, deep looks, a kiss on the nose, a brush of the cheek, some whispered words of love and then they fell asleep.

To be continued………

Published 10 years ago

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