There were now over 475,000 USA personnel in South Vietnam supporting a massive war effort. The number had peaked at almost 550,000 in April of 1969. But then President Nixon had started a slow un-declared withdrawal. The public mood had turned sharply against the war.
In spite this change in public sentiment towards the war, it had expanded and then expanded some more. But now a change was happening. Government debt and the political elite’s leadership spirits were both in a shambles. People were still talking about the My Lai massacre that had occurred in November of ’69.
Unknown to Rob or Ronnie a man named Henry Kissinger had begun secret peace talks with North Vietnam in February of 1970. The secret meetings took place in Paris. Notwithstanding these meetings the war carried on and men kept dying. In late April of 1970 the war was expanded into Cambodia to clear out enemy “sanctuaries”.
On the 4 th of May 1970, the anti-war anger in America had exploded when four young students were shot in cold blood on the campus of Kent State University. The Ohio campus and much of the country was still in blood-dripped shock at the death of young American protesters on their own soil at the hands of their own soldiers.
By the middle of 1970 a steadily growing majority of Americans considered the US military involvement in Vietnam to be a huge mistake. This depth of this “mistake” would be laid bare decades later by the then head of American war planning, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, when he tried to cleanse his soul in a self-critique.
Gritty and heroic frontline war reporting by the media had played a big part in changing the public’s mood. Horrific images of the war had seared American eyeballs almost nightly. Never before had unvarnished images of such a brutal war been transmitted almost instantly to the people huddled in front of their home-fires like this.
A young girl screaming and running while dripping in flaps of skin and Napalm was an image that would still resonate even decades later. This is also true of the up-close execution of an “alleged” spy with a pistol to his head and his brains spilling out the other side. These images played a huge role in altering America’s view of the war.
NBC’s Frank McGee had made an open admission during the news broadcast in 1969 that “the war is all but lost”. Significantly Martin Luther King had come out against the war, as had many prominent leaders of the women’s movement. Counter-culture artists like Bob Dylan, Joan Baez and Joni Mitchell provided the music to cheer the protesters on.
The most popular “anti-war” anthem is actually a song few people outside the generation and outside the anti-war movement will even remember decades down the road. This song “The Fish Cheer” by a band named “Country Joe and the Fish” was far too radical to get radio play on conventional radio or “Top 40” stations at the time.
The “Fish” song was recorded in 1965 in Berkeley, California, at Arhoolie Records. It was sold at “teach-ins” for fifty-cents as a 7-inch EP. About 100 original copies were sold. If you “Google” the Top-40 songs of the era this song won’t come up. But for those who attended the rallies, who protested, who went to Woodstock, this is the iconic song of the period.
It was “Country Joe and the Fish” who first introduced Americans to the “F. U. C. K.” cheer. This version first occurred at the Shaefer Summer Music Festival in 1968 in front of 10,000 fans. The “cheer” of “F-I-S-H” was altered to “F-U-C-K”. The Ed Sullivan Show immediately canceled the band’s scheduled appearance. The cheer would rouse the anti-war spirit of a generation.
Country Joe made an unscheduled appearance at the Woodstock Music Festival. Anyone who watches the movie decades later can hear Joe imploring the huge audience as follows: “Listen people, I don’t know how you expect to ever stop the war if you can’t sing any better than that. There’s about 300,000 of you fuckers out there. I want you to start singing. Come on!”
In June of 1970 on the CBS evening news the reports were coming in about the Battle of Kompong Speu and the Battle of Prey Veng. In coming decades would anyone other than devoted military historians even remember these battles?
In total America would suffer 58,193 soldiers killed in the Vietnam War. It was a war the government was forced to call a “conflict” as their euphemism to avoid accountability. Of these casualties the greatest number—14,095—would be twenty years old when they died.
Vietnam was also a very “white” and largely “Christian” war. Of all the American dead 50,120 were Caucasian. Only 269 of the dead were Jews as their protective mothers probably took dramatic steps to keep them in college, or suitably out of harm’s way. A mere 12 of the dead were Moslems and the bulk of the rest, over 7,000, were black. Eight of the dead were women.
Interestingly and surprisingly California contributed more dead soldiers than any other state with 5,573 residents killed during the war. In 1970 the rate of killing was petering out with some 6,081 Americans killed in the conflict. By the time Rob lost his life in 1972 he would be counted among a very unlucky 641 Americans who lost their lives that year.
This is the traumatic backdrop to our tale. For those who didn’t live through it, well, to comprehend the time will be difficult. In every conflict since America has refused to commit troops to any war that would result in “kill ratios” anything approaching what was suffered and endured during Vietnam.
June 1970 American Pop Culture
In the summer of 1970 bellbottoms and a wonderful invention called the “Mini Skirt” were all the rage. Things called the “cassette tape” and the “eight-track” were becoming popular and even appearing in cars. Who could know this was only the beginning of the end for LP’s. In November of ’69 rumours of Paul McCartney’s death swept the world and “Abbey Road” sold 2.5 million copies in four weeks.
In 1968 Kodak had introduced the “Instamatic” camera. This would forever change the way people took pictures. Peter Max’s psychedelic posters and lava lamps are popping up in dark teenage bedrooms everywhere to go along with the new wave of music and drugs.
In 1969 Jacqueline Kennedy remarries and changes her name. Bill Cosby apologizes for his crude comedy to the audience of the “Tonight Show”. Later in the year Harvard University will name him their “Man of the Year” showcasing the change in public tolerance and taste.
Also in 1969 preachers and pastors across the nation are going apoplectic as Sears begins opening stores on Sunday. GASP!! Canadian singer Gordon Lightfoot is growing in popularity in the USA. Robert Reed now plays the lead character not only for “The Brady Bunch”, but also for a new show “Mannix”. The action show “Mission Impossible” is getting ever-higher TV ratings. It utilizes innovative technology to entertain in a way that many decades later shows like CSI will pick up on.
For women Clairol has begun airing a commercial with the tagline “Does she or doesn’t she?” It’s a hair colouring product. The number one movie in 1969 is “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”. The number one pop tune that year is “Suspicious Minds” by Elvis Presley.
The politically “incorrect”, but very popular show, “The Smother’s Brothers” is in the news and secretly under siege by President Nixon’s attack-dogs. Later the actors will say over seventy per cent of their shows were censored. Yes in America—censored. By the end of 1969 the show was off the air. Gone. Poof. Edward Snowden was not even a twinkle in his parent’s eye when this happened.
In 1969 Ralph Nader had published his book “Unsafe at Any Speed”. His book and his carefully researched approach to consumerism will forever change consumer activism. Mr Nader will save millions of lives by forcing the adoption of an innovation called the “seatbelt”.
In July of ’69 125 million Americans and 700 million people worldwide watched captivated as Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin performed a moonwalk. This was the largest global TV audience ever.
In August of ’69 Woodstock became a monster hit. This marked a new peak in the anti-war sentiment as support became widespread in the American public. The festival also cemented the new musical trends and increasing numbers of radio stations moved to rock, pop and “top 40” music playlists.
In automobiles 1970 marked the peak of America’s lust for “muscle cars”. For this new macho status symbol of the nation’s unbridled industrial success the “image” was just as important as the performance. “Brand image” was becoming paramount as the Madison Avenue crowd took control. They had already proven even Americans would buy a Volkswagen Beetle if advertising could convince them to “Think Small”.
As Detroit battled for the hearts and minds (and dollars) of the baby boomer generation, each brand did everything it could to set itself apart through marketing. Words like ‘Six Pack’, ‘Ram Air’ and ‘Cobra Jet’ all became part of the landscape. When 1970 came around, big scoops, hood tachometers, bright colors and stripe packages were a big part of the muscle car experience. It was just another example of the influence of the psychedelic pop culture of the time.
The 1970 American muscle car was as fast and outrageous as it would ever get. Notable cars were the Camaro Z28, Challenger T/A, and the Boss 302 Mustang. Although the Pontiac Trans Am actually debuted in 1969, it was with the debut of the second generation F-body in 1970 where the car really started down the path to becoming the 1970s icon that it is – Shaker hood, screaming chicken and all.
In April of 1970, on the cusp of Rob leaving to serve his country in Vietnam, the Beatles announced their breakup. In December of 1970 the movie “Love Story” would be released. The phrase—“Love means never having to say you’re sorry”—will become a part of the contemporary lexicon.
Ronnie will watch the romantic movie that month with a girlfriend along with her very large pregnant stomach. The straying attractive wife would never tell young Rob about their child. The time wasn’t right. She didn’t think it would be fair considering everything he had to face in the dark jungles of Vietnam. And Carl still assumed it was his. Ronnie’s secret hope, of course, was that young Rob would return from Vietnam and take her back in his arms. That was her dream.
June 1970 SoCal Suburbia America
When we last left our two characters handsome eighteen-year old Rob had been lured into his sexy older neighbour’s bedroom. Ronnie’s ruse was asking the young man to “listen to Linda Ronstadt”. Men who struggle to come up with similar ploys need to grin in support of Ronnie’s ingenuity.
Rob had never been in a room so pretty, or that smelled so nice. His heart was pounding as he looked around. His eyes always came back to settle quietly on beautiful Ronnie. She was so gorgeous. Was this a dream? Would he wake up and realize this was all a horny teenage dream?
Veronica walked to the long teak chest and picked up the record jacket of “Silk Purse”. It was a cute album cover. Gorgeous Linda Ronstadt was sitting in a pigsty with a group of adorable white pigs. She held the black vinyl disc by its edges so as to not scratch it. Ronnie gently placed the record on the record player.
Pressing the “play” button they both watched the record player arm slowly descend. As the needle touched the rotating black disc the first song “Lovesick Blues” began to play. Linda Ronstadt’s voice was so beautiful.
“Here sit with me on the bed.”
Ronnie motioned and patted the bed beside her softly. Her eyes were friendly and her smile inviting. Young Rob gulped a nervous gulp, his throat tightening. His sexy neighbour looked so beautiful, but the large bed she was sitting on made him extra nervous. The little tiny rose pattern seemed to swim before his eyes.
Rob’s heart was pounding and his very uncooperative penis refused to deflate. The nervous boy tried to think of sheep, or how to spell “Mississippi”, but no matter what he tried his throbbing appendage still throbbed and swelled. The besotted young man moved towards the bed, his nerves growing worse with each step.
Ronnie was in a place she’d never been before. She was nervous, but now she was ready. She had found the eye of the storm and she was calm. Actually Ronnie had been ready for a long time, but hadn’t realized it. Still Veronica minded her pace and did her best to not scare the poor boy away. Move too fast and even a deer in the headlights can bolt.
For the young wife it was step by step. Light teasing touches, bashfully batted lashes, deep glances with her eyes, shifting her body slightly closer; a woman instinctively knows how to attract a man and send out the necessary signals. The genetic imprint is in her brain. The “I want to mate” behaviour is just there inside a woman.
Slowly and surely the mood got lighter and lighter and Rob’s jumpy nerves calmed. The beer he had consumed also had an effect no doubt. Veronica took his hand and held it softly as she chatted. Soon Ronnie’s chatter and easy manner had the young man feeling relaxed and cheerful. You could not say he was entirely “carefree” since the cares still lurked, but he was distracted and beaming.
Rob couldn’t help looking. Veronica’s pale blue eyes were so pretty. Her blonde hair and flip-curl were so pretty. Her skin was so perfect. Her lips were so pink. Her breasts were so….so…..close! She smelled so terribly good. Every aspect he chose to consider made him more buoyant and horny.
Rob’s lusting eyes kept feasting on the buffet of Ronnie’s cornucopia of sexual attractions. At the same time his groin kept pulsing in surging waves of blood as his cock engorged and throbbed almost painfully. He squirmed trying to adjust the hard rod. The swelled snake trapped in his pants was uncomfortably pushing upwards attempting to be freed from his restrictive briefs. “Let me out to play.” It seemed to be saying.
Five minutes or so had passed. Now the turntable was starting on the third song “Will You Love Me Tomorrow”. The Shirelles’s tune would become a big hit for Ronstadt this year. It would later be recorded again by Roberta Flack in 1972 and become a hit for her as well. Ronnie would play the Roberta Flack version after Rob had been killed to remind her self of this special evening they shared.
“Oh Rob I love this song. Hold me. Let’s dance.”
The uncertain eighteen-year old looked so nervous and embarrassed. He sheepishly cast his uncertain eyes downward and his cheeks flushed a brighter pink. He’d never really danced much.
“Um huh Ronnie, I don’t really know how to dance.”
The older sexy woman poked him playfully in the ribs. Ronnie grabbed Rob’s larger male hand pulling him up off the bed. The reluctant, but secretly eager young man, made his body a dead weight and half-resisted her playful tugging. Finally Rob stood up and reluctantly followed his sexy neighbour’s lead. He shuffled his feet and twisted his hands nervously.
“C’mon it’s easy. Not real dancing. Just hold me and let me lead.”
Veronica’s pale blue eyes were soft and tranquil. Her unruffled assurances steadied the man-boy. They were standing close to each other. The soft song was filling the room. Ronstadt’s high sweet voice and the steel string guitar chords melded nicely.
Ronnie took the hesitant unsure boy in her arms. Rob felt a hushed, breathless, almost serene intimacy as she wrapped her arms around his torso. The flirtatious wife cuddled into her young neighbour’s broad chest. They started to sway and shuffle to Ronstadt’s tune. Oh god Rob felt so amazing. Ronnie made small cooing sounds to indicate, “I like this spot”. For Rob the feeling of Ronnie’s tiny body snuggled tightly into his chest made him swoon.
The aroused young man closed his eyes. His sexy neighbour’s floral perfume wafted back to his nose. Ronnie snuggled in even closer. The intimate contact with Rob’s body whet her appetite for more. Pressing her hips forward the older woman felt Rob’s big thick bulging erection press into her hips. She grinned. The horny look on Veronica’s face was unobserved by Rob since she was pressing her face into his strong chest.
The still wavering but very stimulated young Rob started to pull away as the song’s sweetness ended. But the next song was “Nobody” and it was even slower. The desirable woman holding him wouldn’t let him leave.
“This feels so nice Rob. Just hold me. Let’s dance some more.”
Veronica murmured the soft words into his chest. She was feeling so safe being held by his strong arms. Involuntarily the besotted boy stroked her shining blonde hair without even being conscious he was doing it. Rob’s agitated brain had floated off into some kind of erotic dream-state. Thoughts of the draft, of Vietnam, of death, were far, far, away.
Ronnie snuggled against Rob’s chest and squeezed tightly with her arms. The sexy wife pressed her more delicate female body into Rob’s harder and huskier male body. The young man’s strong muscular arms squeezed firmly around her; feeling Ronnie pull tightly against him he sighed softly. Oh god the boy from next door didn’t want this moment to ever end. Ronnie emitted a half-whimpered and almost felt a tear come as a kind of profound joy swelled in her heart. “How long? How long?” She murmured silently to her self.
When it happened, or exactly how it happened, it is unlikely either one of them could have told you had you asked. The hugging, the shuffling together, the warmth of their bodies, the romantic music, the floral perfume, his broad chest, her wet pussy, and his throbbing cock: it all coalesced into a moment of perfection. One of those moments you dream about and then in a fleeting second they come and are gone. They remain for us only as memories. If Ronnie smelled Diorissimo thirty years later, the scent would trigger an image of this moment instantly.
Ronnie opened her eyes a tiny crack and tilted her head up. Rob was a lot taller than her. The look in her eyes as she opened them more fully drew him in. It was a completely magical moment and yet real. His lips got drawn down towards the waiting pink perfection of her lips as if by a supernatural force.
Ronnie clenched her eyes again tightly. She was waiting for the “perfect moment” to get even more “perfect”. In her mind Veronica was savouring this kiss before it even happened. Young Rob lowered his face as if he knew what he was doing. Of course he had no idea what he was doing. Yet he could not resist the pull of the moment.
In Rob’s anxiety and eagerness to kiss his gorgeous sexy neighbour he moved his head a tiny fraction too fast. He was so afraid of the moment passing by without him that he rushed it. Men often make such romantic blunders. Ladies please forgive them. The young man pushed his mouth forward a tiny bit too keenly. Rob was frankly too awkward and nervous to approach a moment of “perfection” on his first try.
With a startled instant of “oh my god what have I done?” Rob’s front teeth smashed into Ronnie’s soft plump bottom lip. She gave a tiny “yip” of startled surprise at the unexpected sharp contact. Ronnie pulled back opening her pale blue eyes widely in shock. She smiled and giggled softly.
Luckily for both of them the more experienced woman remained completely composed. She hadn’t expected everything to go smoothly. He was a virgin after all. The mistake seemed to make her desire him even more. The moment was still not lost. Rob’s cheeks were flushed hot and red. But like a deer in the headlights he was struck dumb and remained standing in place, his feet as if cemented to the floor.
“Not like that silly.”
Veronica paused letting her soothing voice affect him. She batted her eyelashes with coy design. Unruffled she eased her quarry’s nerves while hoping Cupid’s aim would be true. Ronnie badly needed some love in her life.
“More softly. With a woman you need to start out more tenderly.”
She smiled seeing the man-boy’s tension ease.
“Pay attention and be gentle.”
Veronica lifted her slender hand toward his strong chiselled jaw. Gently she used a crooked finger to guide his lips slowly to hers. It was as if a moment was being captured in “slow-motion” for a movie close-up. The script at that point would read simply: “Older woman seduces younger man. LOVE scene. Camera—zoom in. Lips close-up.” Millimetre by millimetre the gap between their mouths closed until their soft lips touched.
The first touch of their lips was electric for both of them. Ronnie exhaled and mewed in exultation. It was finally happening. Her life was changing. Skies festooned with vast explosions of tiny red hearts began to flicker in her brain like a visual July fourth fireworks display. The same show of lights was exploding in Rob’s overwrought sexually fevered mind. His own heart was pounding.
Ronnie felt her woman’s body go weak from Rob’s lips. She swooned under the intensity of the almost virgin-like kiss. Rob’s hesitation and naiveté had made the sensation so intimate and special. To teach a young man to kiss was so delicious and remarkable. What woman would not treasure such a moment? Ronnie’s heart was racing. Her body wanted more, hungered for more. The learner’s-kiss was not nearly enough.
One kiss carried on into a second more intense kiss.
Veronica’s whimpers and mewing sounds were being muffled by Rob’s increasingly hungry and provocative kisses. Less and less timid the man-boy began to venture forth. His tongue tentatively touched Veronica’s bottom lip gently testing her limits. Encouraging her skittish lover Ronnie opened her lips just enough to send him the signal to go further. “Yes please, put your tongue in my mouth just like that.” The young wife wanted to implore.
Each of them was learning the new language of lovers. Touches, suggestions, questions, answers; all of these were delivered via the unspoken lover’s smoke signals. This special code was only comprehended within the privacy of their lover’s conversation. Had they been given time no doubt these two could have learned to communicate largely without language.
Ronnie smiled. Her eyes were warm. Her body was on fire. Teaching this sensitive young man how to make love was now her one single ambition in life. Veronica moved her lips forward and closed her eyes. She let the kiss and the darkness take away everything except that moment. Her tongue tangled with Rob’s in an intimate dance.
Ronnie’s perfume teased Rob’s nose. Her strands of hair tickled his neck and cheek. Her soft sensuous lips pressed onto his. With more throbbing his cock got even harder—if that was even possible? The nervous, but ardent lover, felt the vibrations from Ronnie’s mouth pass into his own as she let out a soft moan of female pleasure. His cock jumped and throbbed with pulsing rushes of hot blood.
There was a lot of awkward fumbling—too much to describe to be honest. After all young Rob was a tentative virgin and Ronnie? Well for Ronnie this was only the second man she had ever been with. So it took a while for the clothes to come off. There was a lot of blushing. Ronnie giggled more than a woman should. Her own cheeks flushed and turned pink more than once.
Finally in spite of it all the yellow skirt and sweater had been cast aside into a rumpled pile next to the bed. Rob had been completely unaware of how to unhook a bodysuit. This had necessitated Ronnie eventually doing it her self to help the young man with his unsolvable dilemma. She reached to her crotch and quickly unhooked the small hooks holding her bodysuit top in place.
With each piece of clothing that came off Rob became more terrified. What was he supposed to be doing? Ronnie’s confidence grew as she realized the young man needed her to remain calm if this was going to work. Somehow her composure kept him from running from the room. Now as the young man gazed at the tight white bodysuit top being pulled over Ronnie’s firm braless breasts his jaw dropped in wonder.
Ronnie reached out her arms and pulled Rob’s head and his tousled brown hair into her heaving chest. When his mouth first suckled onto her nipple Veronica almost screamed with joy. Her body craved a man’s touch, his tenderness, and now she was ready to let it all happen. Young Rob’s first suck was tentative. Slowly she taught the young man how to play with her nipples.
Ronnie lay back on the bed. Rob eagerly moved forward. Ronnie smiled and pulled his head down. Every second his lips were away from her nipples was like a lost century to him. She directed his lips back to her pink nipple.
“Tease them slowly. Be gentle.”
Her novice lover began to suck and lick and explore. Veronica murmured and closed her eyes running her fingers playfully through his thick hair. Closing her eyes she began running her nails teasingly over his scalp.
“Now bite lightly, but not too hard.”
She instructed. When he complied the feelings that erupted made her gurgle with unexpected joy. Did sex really feel this good she wondered to her self? Soft sex sounds escaped her lips.
My god the feeling was so intense it made her head spin. Ronnie felt her pussy getting very wet. She grinned at the garbled sex-sound she had just uttered.
She laughed lightly.
“You are a fast learner Rob. Yes just like that.”
Veronica then kissed his left hand tenderly and placed it on her heaving right breast.
“Now with your hand tease my other nipple. Keep sucking and licking, but use your hand to tease the other one.”
Rob groaned with his husky groan vibrating against Ronnie’s firm plump breast. His cock was throbbing inside his white briefs. Ronnie closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of being a woman, a sexual woman, with a lover adoring her near naked body. His licks, his nibbles, his touches, they were all taking her to a place she had not really ever visited—a kind of dreamed of sexual Shangri La. All kinds of murmurs, mewing, yelps, yips and shudders began to overcome her increasingly aroused body.
There was something Ronnie really wanted to try. She was still bashful, but the desire inside her was so powerful. She was almost thirty and she had dreamed of this for years. Veronica didn’t want to wait another minute, let alone weeks or years. She used her hands to push young Rob’s head past her breasts.
“Here kiss the undersides lightly. The skin is very sensitive there.”
She paused as the tender kisses began.
“Hmmmmm…..yes…..just like that Rob.”
Ronnie was becoming more confident. She pushed his head even lower.
“Kiss my tummy. Yes…..lightly…..Mmmm just like that. Keep rolling my nipple with your fingers.”
Where was this coming from? Ronnie was shocked at her own boldness. Was she really so sexually venturesome? She giggled inside. Who would guess that Ronnie Robinson was a wanton seducer with such wild ideas? And yet the urges originating from the sacred triangle between her thighs would not let her deviate from the path she was travelling.
Ronnie pushed on Rob’s head of thick lush brown hair. Her hands were now firmly directing his mouth and tongue where she wanted them to go. The sexually deprived wife had never in her life acted with such vamp-like demeanour. Tease him a bit? Yes she could flirt. Trifle and be coy with him? Yes that was possible. But for Ronnie to play the seductress and become a sexual siren was beyond her prior imagining.
Rob was lost in some new realm of his own as his mouth tasted Ronnie’s skin. As his lips and tongue playfully fondled her rubbery hard nipple, suckled so sweetly in his craving mouth, and he felt her naked skin against his own, his body became on fire. As he caressed, brushed, pinched, plied, poked, pressed, squeezed, fondled, groped, pawed, clasped and fumbled his way forward the naïve young lover did his best to listen and follow Veronica’s whispered instructions.
Rob’s wet lips were now down at Veronica’s sexy hips. He was laying a soft trail of kisses across each hip. A new rich musky scent was striking his nostrils and inflaming his cock. Her nails were digging into his scalp more deeply as Ronnie’s arousal became more and more intense. Also her nerves were rising. Her stomach muscles had hardened into a flat plain of muscles as she anticipated the ultimate act.
Veronica’s body was tingling. Her skin was like delicate rice paper. Every touch from Rob seemed to ignite the strongest response. And yet what did she truly crave? A man’s tongue and mouth had never touched her pussy, but that was her dream. Rumours had swirled in high school of girls who had tried it. They were “sluts” of course, but still. Ronnie had always wanted to know what it felt like. More than anything else, this was her strongest hidden sexual fantasy.
Veronica wanted young Rob’s mouth between her silken thighs. She wanted his tongue to split her labia and suck her pussy juices. Rob gazed down at the woman’s almost naked body spread on the bed beneath him. He propped himself on his elbow. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she gulped nervously for air. Her breasts were perfect firm mounds topped by delicate pink nipples, now pert and hard, pointedly aroused and erect.
Ronnie bashfully moved Rob’s hands to her sole remaining garment, her delicate pale yellow panties. She placed one of his hands on each side of her hips. She had to start Rob’s motion, as he was too nervous to take the initiative.
At Ronnie’s haltingly whispered instructions Rob hooked a finger under her panties and pulled downwards on each hip. Slowly her panties were pulled to her knees. Veronica, her eyes closed, brought her legs together and lifted her hips to help her lover remove her final garment. Rob lifted his chest off her body enough so the panties could be pulled down to her ankles and then off completely.
Rob now looked down in awed wonder. His first pussy was covered in a soft triangle of light curly strawberry blonde hair. Before the young man could admire it much Ronnie’s firm hands pushed his face downward. He closed his eyes as his lips made contact with the tickling tightly curled hairs. Did he have any idea what to do? Absolutely not of course, but just like women men have a genetic imprint, a book of instructions lodged in their brain.
Soon enough with Ronnie’s hands imprisoning his lips and mouth and her smooth silk-like thighs pressing on his ears he was lapping and sucking on his neighbour’s peachy sweet pussy. As Ronnie felt the new sensations course over her body she went wide-eyed and completely absorbed by her fantasy now coming true.
“Oh god Rob……yes…..softer…..faster….”
Veronica’s instructions came in short staccato bursts like machinegun fire. Then she would lie back for periods of silence and just enjoy the rising intensity of the orgasm building in her body. Ronnie hadn’t really had real orgasms with men before so it was a struggle learning how to let it happen. Carl had been her only lover. Carl just climbed on top, thrust a few times, groaned and rolled off. He’d never shown any interest in pleasing Ronnie’s body.
What was happening to Ronnie now was a revelation. The gates of heaven were opening and sexual ecstasy was flowing down with St. Peter’s blessing. Her body would shudder and jerk and then she would dig her nails in even more deeply as the next sensation was even more intense than the last.
“Oh god Rob…..yes…..right there…..faster….”
Ronnie thought of how her husband had never gone down on her; how her pussy was, in this sense, a “virgin pussy” for young Rob’s tongue, his playful lips, and his eager imagination. Suddenly she gasped as her frisky learning-lover licked rapidly over her increasingly aroused clitoris.
Ronnie could never have imagined how intense it would feel to have a mouth and tongue exploring her most intimate body parts. Her body was squirming and twisting on the bed as the feelings rose. Rob was having a hard time keeping his mouth centred on her gyrating pussy. He grabbed her firm ass and hips with both large hands to steady his shifting target.
“Don’t move so much, I can’t lick if you move.”
These were the first words Rob had spoken since their clothes had come off. This sentence was a sign that his nerves were gone and Rob was now focused on the task at hand. He didn’t know how to give a woman an “orgasm”, but he had read about it in Playboy. He decided he would try his best. Veronica’s instructions were sure helpful.
Rob had been nervous when he first smelled the musky rich peachy smell of Ronnie’s pussy. Wasn’t a pussy dirty? Yet her hands pressing him down were insistent. Young Rob was too unsure of himself to say no.
The first taste of Ronnie’s sweet sexual fruit made the young man an instant convert. Oh my god this was so much fun he decided. The tangy acidity of her juices tasted wonderful. As Rob licked and probed with his tongue he felt Ronnie shudder and whimper in response to his eager efforts. With her responses he felt his ego swell. “Okay maybe this stuff isn’t so difficult.” He decided mentally.
Rob rested his arms on Ronnie’s legs, as his oral efforts got more serious and concentrated. Veronica was shaking with desire as she became unsure of herself. Yes the tongue felt amazing, but increasingly as a woman she wanted to be filled by his hard penis. And then something completely wicked popped into her brain; she wanted to put her lips around his big cock. She blushed thinking of wrapping her soft pink lips around her lover’s large purplish-red bulbous cock head.
Ronnie whimpered and gasped as young Rob’s tongue struck gold again and again. He was mining a rich vein of erotic pleasure and her body was taking flight. Oh god Veronica was getting so close. Rob’s soft voice pierced her swirling fantasy and her clenched-eyed darkness.
“Does this feel good Ronnie?”
Young Rob asked tentatively. Hearing her lover’s voice relaxed and calmed the extremely aroused woman. She was approaching the edge. Yes I can do this she decided. I can be a woman. I can love this man. I can make him happy in so many ways. She held her self back to savour the moment.
Rob continued flicking the tip of his tongue on the top of a hard bit of tissue nestled between Ronnie’s soft puffy pussy lips. Touching this spot seemed to make Ronnie very happy. He had no idea it was her clitoris, but he did know that touching it caused her to make a lot of noise.
“Oh god! Yes Rob. RIGHT there.”
Her hands pushed his head harder into her groin. Rob’s lips smashed firmly against her pussy now coated by slick viscous juices. Ronnie was whimpering and her thighs were trembling. Rob opened his eyes and looked across his lover’s gorgeous prone body. The sight was amazing. Her breathing was shallower, her chest rising and falling with a steady cadence.
Gazing across Veronica’s swells and curves Rob was struck by how breath taking this blonde beauty’s body was. Her cheeks were pink and flushed. Her hair was now a tousled blonde mess cast across the bed sheet. Her mouth was hanging open sucking air and making sex-sounds. Her eyes were tightly shut. Rob had never imagined a woman so sexy, so ripe, so sensitive, so responsive, and with her legs spread open ready for the taking.
The young virgin was surprised and a bit shocked by Ronnie’s wild unrestrained response to his efforts. He had never imagined that a woman would actually enjoy and want sex this much. This is a revelation to the horny teenager and inflames him even more. His cock pulses and throbs.
Testing the responsiveness of the body he is playing with Rob slows his tongue and eases the pressure of his mouth slightly. His change in pace and pressure is met by whimpers, groans and an imploring downward thrust from Ronnie’s hands. He smiles. Knowing how badly Ronnie wants his tongue makes him grin.
Slowly young Rob is learning to stroke and pause and begin again. He is learning to develop a cadence with his tongue. The young virgin moves his hands to spread Ronnie’s thighs wider. The way she is scissoring his head with her legs is hurting his ears. Ronnie eases the grip of her thighs. The aroused wife then reaches down and draws Rob’s hands back up to her breasts.
The lovers can both feel the intense heat of the moment. With his hands back on her breasts Rob grasps each rubbery nipple between a thumb and forefinger. He gently squeezes and rolls and manipulates each nipple feeling Ronnie’s taut body jerk and gyre in response. The horny woman lets out a series of husky throaty growl-moans of satisfaction as her nipples joined the fray adding their contribution to the sexual cocktail of sensations.
Teasingly Rob learned to graze and brush and then more firmly pinch the rubbery pert pink nipples. With each new effort he gauged Ronnie’s response and logged it away for future reference. The physical responses from Ronnie’s body are akin to an electric charge being zapped through her. Rob is enjoying his new task immensely as he learns Ronnie’s body.
Gingerly Ronnie’s hands replace Rob’s on her breasts. Rob lets his hands trail gently back to her hips. The highly aroused wife is lost for a second; she is unsure of how permissible it would be, but then gives in to the moment yet again. She begins to pinch her own nipples in a sympathetic rhythm with Rob’s enchanting tongue strokes. A heavy sigh escapes Ronnie’s lips as she feels her body’s arousal growing incredibly intense.
Ronnie cranes her neck and urgently arches her back off the bed. Her pale blue eyes roll into the back of her head. She bites down hard on her lower lip. Her hips thrust and rise to meet Rob’s lapping tongue.
“ARRrrrgghhhhhh……oh YES!! Right there baby….”
Veronica blushes. She has just called him “baby”? Yes she is lost in the moment. The sex-starved woman is so aroused she could faint. Rob’s amazing tongue-lashings are so intense she wants to scream. Veronica now realizes she wants to call this lovely man-boy by all sorts of endearing names. “Honey”, “Lover”, “Mine”: a host of possible couple’s nicknames stream through her sex-befuddled brain.
Her former reserve fading, Veronica begins to knead her own nipples with new vigour. She feels Rob’s tongue taking her towards the edge of erotic bliss. Ronnie can now see over the edge into the bottomless canyon of total pleasure. Peeking over the precipice it looks like she will fall into an obsidian blackness so dark no light can escape, but her body hungers still to tumble forward and experience the fall.
Ronnie smiled. It has been so long. She had forgotten how sensitive her breast were, how her nipples had an almost direct connection to her pussy. It had been forever since they had been touched and played with like this. The wet feeling between her legs was such a flood it was almost embarrassing. Ronnie realized she would need to change the bedding.
Ronnie sighed and pulled at her throbbing nipples as she spreads her legs even wider. “Oh god, please lick faster.” She thinks to her self as her body cascades forward with rising sensations of lust. Completely lost in her feelings Ronnie is unaware of how loud her moans are getting and how animal-like her grunts sound.
While Veronica’s naked body is completely open and at the mercy of her new young lover, she feels powerful as a woman. She knows that he wants her just as much as she wants him. This is a pairing of equals, of lovers, a joining of a man and woman where they are both “sharing” and not “taking”. She smiles and feels so happy.
Rob traces his fingers tenderly over her taut stomach teasing her skin. On fire her onionskin membrane feels like it might implode from his light touch.
“Oh god baby…..Rob… feels so amazing!”
Veronica cups her firm mounds and rolls her pink rubbery nipples. She knows it’s coming soon. Slowly, slowly, she urges her self to measure the pace. Ronnie doesn’t want to rush this special moment between lovers. She lets her hands move to Rob’s head. She thrusts her hips up and drives his head down. Her triangle of hair is now dark and matted with sex juices. Rob’s nose is now immersed in her sex juice, his mind heady with her rich musky aroma.
A deep guttural gasping-groan escapes Ronnie’s chest and throat followed by breathy whimpers of pleasure. The intensity is near torture now and Ronnie grinds her pussy into Rob’s mouth. She can barely take it anymore and she wants to scream out for him to go faster.
“Oh god Rob……Pllleeeeaaaazzzzzeeeee…..”
She implores his tongue onward and sucks for oxygen. Nothing has ever been like this for her. The young virgin also has never been here before. He has never taken a woman to the point of a huge orgasm, but somehow he knows what to do. His tongue slows and he eases the pressure. He toys with her clitoris with almost butterfly-wing light flutters of his tongue. Ronnie gasps and grunts in exasperated frustration.
Her command is insistent. Still the young virgin holds back. How did he know? He just knew. Measuring the moment Rob feels the tension building up in Ronnie’s body like an elastic band stretched to its very limit. He waits. Then he waits some more, biding his time for the correct moment. Ronnie is beyond frustration and wants to pound him with her fist.
Suddenly the young virgin lover knows the moment is right. Not just “right”, but “perfect”. His hands move to Veronica’s pink hard nipples. He presses his mouth firmly into her triangle of love. He laps at her clitoris with a new wild abandon. His unbridled lust is let loose and he rolls her nipples simultaneously and very firmly.
Ronnie’s body bucks and her hips thrust up almost jarring Rob’s jaw. He laps faster with his flagging tongue. She lets out a tiny yelp of joy that segues into a scream.
“Oohhh god!! Rooobbb I’m coming!!!”
All the gentle strokes, all the teasing, all the almost there moments, all the nipple rolls, and the romantic kisses, the slow dancing: it has all led to this moment of ultimate release. Ronnie gasps and bites on her lower lip. She thrusts her hips up and down frantically. Her manicured nails dig deeply into Rob’s scalp. Her body bucks and then bucks again as her muscles contract in massive spasms.
Ronnie’s body is shaking, her thighs trembling, and her skin is on fire as her body flushes and becomes coated with a light sheen of sex-sweat. Veronica alternately sighs, moans and cries out as she sucks in oxygen. Rob’s hot breath sears her pussy as she becomes lost in her fantasy.
Another rough groan of pleasure as Rob’s tongue lashes her soaking wet slit with stroke after viciously pleasurable stroke. Her wild cries of release rose to the ceiling.
A string of animal sounds rolled chaotically on top of each other to get past Ronnie’s lips. From some hidden place in his brain Rob received new primordial instructions. He brought his left hand down to Ronnie’s pussy. Quickly he slid a finger inside her slick tight wet channel. Without knowing what he was really doing he begins to flick his finger back and forth inside her pussy in a sideways motion.
Ronnie’s body jumps and her nail dig into Rob’s damaged scalp once again. Her mouth gapes open and she cries out the most unexpected of cries.
“OH GOD……OH Ffff…uuucckkkk!”
To be continued…….