Dominique, the new girl in my class and my obsession, straddled me, and I could smell her, I could feel her body heat. The hairs on my body stood erect. I stood erect. Her little shirt was cut just below her breasts and her nipples held onto the fabric as she moved on top of me, sliding up and down my stomach and hips. I watched her perfect breasts move, the nipples outlined and pronounced. She sat up and leaned back, her body arching, and her crotch thrusting forward. Oh Jesus, I could see her pussy so clear, so wonderfully soft and smooth and swollen through her panties. So far she hadn’t moved back far enough to touch my dick, but if she even came close I knew I would cum. I was gripping my fists, biting my lip, and praying she would give me permission to cum…oh please, please give me permission, I thought. She smiled her wicked, sweet smile and moved back toward my cock. Heaven knew nothing on the feeling of her swollen, ripe pussy moving across my body.
“Please, oh please, please,” I begged.
“No, you promised,” she pouted, her soft, pierced bottom lip poked out.
Sitting over me, she moved her hand behind her, and, dearest heaven, I felt it moving toward my cock. She was going to touch it, she was going to feel my pre-cum soaked underwear. Would she get mad if it got on her fingers? Would she hate me if I made her hand all sticky with my sticky excitement?
“But…oh God, pease, please, I need to cum,” I begged. I was dying. I couldn’t hold out much longer.
“I’ll never let you cum…never,” she whispered, “Beg all you want but you’ll never cum.”
She moved over me, her body slipping over me like a snake. Masterfully, she never touched my cock, but I could feel her heat, and my eyes locked on her hard nipples pressing through her shirt. Soon it wouldn’t matter if she gave me permission or not, I was going to cum. I simply couldn’t hold back.
“Oh, pluh…pluh…please…please, I don’t think I can…”
“Never,” she said, and just as she said it, she lowered her breasts onto my chest and slipped down. I felt the impossibly baby soft touch of her bare nipples on my skin. Her top slipping away and nothing between us now. The touch of her bare nipples on my skin was enough to send a thrilling pleasure wave through my body, but it was nothing next to feel of her panty covered, warm pussy pressing down on my cock. My body rocked up into the pressure of her soft warmth, and she reached behind and her delicate finger touched the spot just under my balls, and that was it, I felt everything release…I came. Huge spurting jets of cum. It soaked my shorts, it soaked my body, and it started to feel…wrong. Jesus, Dominique wasn’t here, it was just a dream. I was waking up to the largest explosion of cum in a wet dream I’ve ever had, but worse yet…I heard a voice through the haze of my waking brain.
“Are you ok? Sure sounded like you were having a crazy dream, all that moaning and calling out,” my mother said.
“Mom! Oh God, Mom, do you have to barge in my room while I’m getting ready for class? I mean can’t a guy have a little privacy around here?” I said through sleepy eyes. I quickly pulled my blanket over my lower half, trying to hide the result of my dream and my still pulsing erection.
“Oh phew, I’m your mother. Plus it is laundry day, and I just came in to get your laundry, unless you are finally going to start doing your own?” Mom asked, giving me a look and picking up my basket, “No? I didn’t think so. Here…give me your shorts,” she said, holding out her hand.
“What? I’m still wearing them! Geeshh Mom,” I said, embarrassed and horrified. I knew she wasn’t going to walk away without my shorts, after-all, this was a regular routine of hers and she didn’t change her routines. She was going to stand there until I gave her the shorts, and all I could do was comply. I reached around under the covers, wishing for an old pair of shorts to appear, but I knew none would. I hung my head and peeled off the sticky mess.
“God, Matthew, you can be so difficult some times, are you afraid I’m going to see your little wanker? Just hand them over, not like I haven’t seen it before,” Mom said, expectantly.
I thought of one last ditch thing I could try, “Let me just bring my clothes down later. I’m late for class, I really gotta hurry up and get out of here.”
“Now!” Mom barked, using her voice she reserved for when she was done being patient.
“Matthew…really, this is getting on my nerves, hand them over or I’m going to make sure you regret this,” Mom said, with a level of frustration I’d rarely ever heard.
I knew I’d pushed this too far. Dominique was controlling me even when she wasn’t around. Not only did she tell me when I could masturbate and when I could cum, but she now dominated my dreams. No aspect of my life wasn’t starting to have her in it. The thought of her controlling me so completely scared me, but also thrilled me. I was snapped back to the present moment when Mom pushed the basket up into my face. I pressed the messy shorts into a ball, and I quickly pulled the ball out from under the covers and shoved them down into the basket as far as I could.
“What the hell?”
“What?” I asked.
“They are…Oh my God, Matthew, what were you doing before I came in?” my Mom asked, and she picked up the shorts with two fingers, holding them away from herself like they were radioactive, “Matthew, that is utterly and completely disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. I mean first thing in the morning and everything. Dear lord. What I’m going to do with you and your brother…between the two of you, I don’t think I can keep up with all of this.”
Mom kept muttering to herself as she walked out of my room still holding up my cum soaked shorts. I put my head in my hands and tried to get the blood flowing to my brain again. I hated living with my parents.
Later, in class, I waited for Dominique to arrive. When she finally showed up, she surprised me again by coming directly over to me and sliding into the desk right next to mine. Today she wore a little checkered patterned skirt and striped stockings, ripped all around the knees, or maybe cut to look ripped. Her underwear wasn’t showing above the skirt today, but in the same style as the other day, her shirt was unbuttoned allowing me to see her smooth stomach and cute little navel piercing. The shirt she was wearing was just as tight as yesterday, only instead of a bra, she wore a tight little shirt under her button-up top. As if her colored hair, piercings and outfit weren’t enough to set her apart from everyone else, she also wore a hat today with little cute kitty ears perched on top. Looking at her settling in next to me, my heart beat so hard it threatened to burst out of my chest.
She leaned forward and whispered, “Are you wearing it?”
She was referring to the bracelet she had given me on our first meeting which now served as an effective cock ring.
“Yes,” I said.
She leaned forward a bit more, acting like she was looking down through my desk to my dick. At first I thought she was just being silly, and maybe she was, but leaning forward like she was, it gave me a nice shot right down her shirt. She looked up, saw what I was looking at, and instantly I turned away, embarrassed. I was trying to find the strength to turn back and face her when I felt her hand on my dick.
“Yep, already hard,” she whispered.
She touched my dick in the middle of class! Did anyone see? I was positive that everyone in class had seen and were now focused on the fact that my dick was so hard it could literally drive a hole through my pants. Even with the burning red shame I felt, I was also really happy she had touched me. But I couldn’t face her, not after she had touched my erection.
Much later, and well into class, I finally found the courage to face her again, but she wasn’t looking at me. I made noises, and tried to get her attention, but she wouldn’t even turn to me. Throughout the entire class, she kept her head turned away from me, and ignored me. My only thought was, I had made her angry some how, but how? What had I done? How could I make it right? I wanted to make her happy more than anything, and her obvious anger at me made me feel empty, barren, and dead.
After class I wanted to catch her, try to talk to her, and find out why she was angry at me. But she was swallowed up by a sea of students who wanted to talk to her, each other, and compliment her new outfit. I was pushed back further and further into the open classroom until there was almost no way I would get near her. With my head hanging low and my heart heavy, I decided to hurry to my next class. I pushed through the edge of the crowd of people, pressing under and against bookbags and elbows and finally burst out into the hall only to slam into someone.
“Watch it you fucking loser! Oh God, I probably have weirdo, loser sperm on me now from just touching you,” Nicole said.
Nicole stood in front of me with her arms crossed. Nicole was blonde, tall, big breasted, curvy hips…in short, she was every typical guy’s dream girl, and she knew it. Also, I had known Nicole since I was younger; not to say we had ever been friends, that would be pushing things beyond the scope of reality, but I had been exposed to her since I was young. Being exposed to Nicole was a bit like being exposed to something radioactive, as long as you kept your distance and never tried to touch her, you were mostly okay…only now I was thrust right up in front of her, and no way to get away. The crowd of people had closed in around us, and bookbags and bodies pressed and pushed me closer to her. Nicole’s huge breasts were pressed up high by her crossed arms, and her angry face held a touch of delight at having me cornered. It was obvious Nicole enjoyed her power over nerdy guys, and I was one of her favorite torture victims. Behind her, I could see Dominique and her new friends watching me. Dominique’s eyes seemed to show surprise and curiosity. I simply needed to get away from here as quickly as possible.
“Sorry,” I said.
“What was that, nerd dick? You bet you are sorry, you and all your geek friends in that fucking loser house are sorry; a sorry fucking lot. Yeah, go ahead and stare at these babies. This is as close as you’ll ever get to real tits, loser. I bet you and your geek club sit around and jerk off to pictures of me, huh? What would you even do if you actually touched a pair of real tits?”
The jock guys that seem to circle around Nicole like satellites around a planet, closed in and pressed behind me. Nicole gave a cute, flirtatious grin to them. I don’t think I knew any of the guys she’d attracted to her, and who knew if any of them even knew Nicole? Jocks are just attracted to big tits and beating up nerd guys, and seeing Nicole ready to rip me apart was like hyenas drawn to a wounded animal. Fuck…this day was sucking bad.
“That’s not what we do,” I whispered.
“What was that fag?” a guy behind me asked.
“I said that’s not what we do,” I repeated a little louder.
“What is it, exactly, that you do do in that place?” Nicole asked.
I didn’t have an answer. No matter what I did at this point I was going to get my ass kicked. There was no point in talking and girls like Nicole just enjoyed the power her big tits gave her over guys like the ones behind me. It’s not like this hadn’t happened to me before. Usually if you just let them do what they were going to do, you could walk away with minor cuts and bruises. I prepared for the worst.
“Hey Matthew, are we still having a club meeting this afternoon?” Dominique asked, and pushed through the crowd to come stand next to me. Like a guardian angel, she pressed in close to me. She looked at Nicole and the others and said, “They have the coolest house, it’s so amazing. The art club is fucking cool as hell,” and Dominique winked at me, “See you there this afternoon Matthew,” Dominique said, and walked away.
She had done it, she had stopped the attack. Cool, beautiful girls have that kind of power. Nicole looked like she was about to bust a gasket. The sport-o jock guys looked confused, their poor brains could only handle simple situations, and this had become much too complex for them. Did they kick my ass still and risk pissing off Dominique, who they obviously wanted to fuck, or did they make Nicole happy by beating me up, and maybe score a chance to get to fuck her. Fortunately for me, Dominique was a girl they had to work to fuck, and they knew it, whereas Nicole had been fucked by everyone, and they all knew it (or at least I’d heard). But would they be able to walk away having done nothing? They decided to take the happy medium and smack me in the back of the head with a book, which may be the only use they have for books, and then walk away.
As soon as the bigger guys walked away, and the hallways had cleared, Nicole and I were left standing mostly alone, except for the odd student rushing by late for class. The look on Nicole’s face was one of confusion and intense, absolutely consuming fury. I don’t think I’d ever seen a look like that before, and it scared me. I started to slowly back away from her. She didn’t seem to see me, she looked like she may burst into flames at any moment, or start screaming. I don’t know if she was more angry at me for not getting beat up, or at Dominique for thwarting her plan, but whatever the cause of her rage, I was smart enough to not stick around and find out. As soon as I was at a safe distance from Nicole, I turned and ran.
Back at the art club, everyone sat around the table like always, bored and trying to find things to keep us occupied. Gayland started up again, “I’m telling you, how could she not have been a spy?”
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” Steve asked.
“It makes sense,” Gayland continued.
“It does not,” Steve countered, but without enthusiasm.
“She is surrounded by jocks, she’s absolutely beautiful, she is cool and she could do anything she wants, have any guy she wants. I’m telling you, why would she want to be around us? The only explanation is, she’s a spy,” Gayland argued.
None of us argued. Rarely did Gayland make any sense, and rarely did any of his conspiracy theories pan out, but this time…this time there seemed to be some logic to his argument. My heart sank further, and my head seemed too heavy to hold up.
“Hi gang! Did you miss me?”
I think we were all flabbergasted when we heard her voice. None of us even moved when she walked through the door. But soon I felt the blood flowing again, and my energy return. Dominique was back, as hard as it was to believe, here she came through the door.
“Actually we did miss you. In fact we were just sitting around talking about you,” Steve said.
“Steve,” I said, frustrated. I was trying to stop him. Steve has a way of just blurting everything out and giving away too much.
“Oh really?” Dominique asked.
“Yes, in fact, we were fairly convinced that you are a spy for the jocks. After all, what better way for them to find out what we are doing and figure out ways to further humiliate us,” Gayland said, very proud of himself.
“Hmm… sounds like you have this figured out,” Dominique said.
“See!” Gayland jumped up and pointed at her.
“Guys, seriously, come on,” I said.
“Well, since you have this all figured out, and are all,” she looked at me, “convinced I’m a spy, then I guess I have to prove myself, huh?”
“Oh, yes, that’s exactly what I was thinking,” Steve said.
“Hmm…,” Dominique pondered theatrically, obviously enjoying this game, “…so what, if I may ask, would I have to do to prove my loyality?”
“Come on Steve,” I said. I knew Steve would say something dirty and push it too far and then she’d get mad again and the best thing in the world would walk back out the door. She had just come back into our lives, I couldn’t even think of her walking away again.
“Ok, so we were just discussing if you are shaved or trimmed. We already know you like to wear skirts that show off your panties, but are you the type of girl that shaves her pussy… or are you the type that trims it?” Steve asked, proudly puffing out his chest and looking over at all of…