Dogging Part two – Maria And The Band And Another Evening Parking

"Part Two, Nicky Admits She Enjoyed being Shared And Confesses She Wants To Do More"

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We had barely spoken about that amazing evening in the parking area after Nicky had urged me to leave her alone in the car. She had let two strangers fuck her and then sucked three strangers’ cocks. I had tried to bring it up in conversation, but, each time, Nicky just changed the subject. A couple of days later, we had arranged to go with her best friend Maria to see a band in a pub. Maria was seeing one of the band members.

I collected Nicky, and then, we drove the few hundred yards to Maria’s parent’s house and picked her up. I had met Maria a few times before; she was taller than Nicky and maybe even slimmer too. I also found out she was a few months older than Nicky. She had very long, straight hair somewhere between light brown and blonde. I fancied her a lot but found her very cold and had hardly ever spoken to her when we had met. Maria climbed in behind the front seats and sat squeezed across the car.

It took maybe twenty minutes to get to the pub. Nicky and Maria gabbled on to each other during the drive, not including me at all. The band was setting up as we arrived and they all seemed to know Maria. She hugged and kissed them all and introduced Nicky and me. We were greeted with handshakes and waves. We took a table, I got drinks, and we settled down waiting for them to play.

I was surprised at the ages of the band members; none of them looked to be under thirty. The drummer was much older. Maria buzzed around them as they finished setting up and did a basic sound check. I could not tell whom Maria was seeing. She seemed very friendly with all bar the keyboard player.

Over the next half hour, the pub really filled up. The band must have quite a following. I noticed there were much more women than men in the crowd. The music started and I knew I was in for a long night, not my style at all. They were good, just not to my taste. Though I was distracted watching the group of girls dancing energetically at the front. Maria was front and centre and she dragged Nicky up with her a few times.

When Nicky returned for a break from dancing, I asked whom Maria was seeing, though it was hard to hear with the band playing.

“Originally, she was seeing the keyboard player, Dave, for a long time, but he ended it just before Christmas.”

“Oh, I did notice she didn’t really talk to him.”

“Yes, she still has not forgiven him. Anyway, then she was seeing the singer for a while. But now is seeing the guitarist, Billy.”

“So everyone but the drummer.” I could hear myself sound a little sarcastic; it was not so intentional.

“Oh yes, the drummer, he asks Maria out all the time. He has asked me too. He is the only one in the band who is single but we think he is a bit creepy.”

“So Maria is seeing a married man?”

“He says he is leaving his wife. I’m not sure, Dave said the same. She really only gets to see him when they play every couple of weeks or if she bunks off and they meet up.”

I started to think I should learn an instrument and join a band. The group of women dancing included a few I would love to get to know. My thoughts were interrupted as Nicky changed the subject.

“Maria told me how to not get pregnant.” She suddenly had my full attention. “When she first started seeing Dave, her doctor would not put her on the pill without also seeing her Mum. Dave told her to really rinse herself out after sex. Use the shower hose with the head taken off. She did that until she started seeing Billy who has had a snip so he can’t get her pregnant.”

I think my mouth must have fallen open. “So Maria is not on the pill?”

“No. She is frightened it will make her put on weight, it does that. It can make you really fat they say.”

“I think it can stop you from getting much fatter,” I said flippantly.

“Well, she has not got pregnant for a year, so it must work.” Nicky folded her arms. I thought better of asking why we were still using condoms.

The band finished their current song and announced a half-hour break. People returned to their seats but Maria did not come back.

“Do you want to go parking after this?” This was the first time I’d asked directly since the last time.

“We can’t; we have to give Maria a lift home, sorry. But I do need to tell you something.”

“We could go after we drop her home.” I was in the mood after watching so many fit girls dancing. Watching some lovely braless boobs bouncing and the odd short skirt flick up revealing a bit more leg than intended among the dancers.

The band returned to the stage, and Maria reappeared. The band played for almost another two hours until they finished. Maria danced all night, and Nicky split her time between dancing and sitting with me. We talked and seemed to be getting back to normal after the last few curt days from her. I waited by the door while Maria snogged Billy and then hugged the rest of the band goodnight. I watched the drummer talking to Nicky as she stood waiting for Maria, and put a slip of paper in her hand. Finally, we made it out to the car and drove home.

“I saw the drummer chatting you up,” I said as we drove along from Maria’s house.

“Oh yes, he asked me out again. He said I should try an older man and gave me his number again.”

“Where did Maria go?” I don’t know why I asked, I was pretty sure I knew the answer.

“Billy’s van. The band always takes a break, and that is when she lets him fuck her. All of the band knows what they do. He has a big van, you can stand up in it. Maria said sometimes another band member will also take a girl in there if he gets lucky with someone in the crowd.”

By now we were parked outside Nicky’s parent’s house, “Drive around the corner, I have something I need to say.”

I didn’t like the sound of that and drove along out of sight of her parent’s house. “What’s up?”

Nicky turned on her seat to face me, she looked serious. “I really like you, you know that, right?”

I nodded, this did not sound good. “I really like you too, what’s up?”

“Nothing I hope, but I need to tell you something, about why I have been so,” Nicky paused for a second. “So naughty lately.”

“Do you mean the last times we went parking?”

“Yes,” Nicky smiled for a second, “yes, and I don’t know how you feel, and I need to try and explain.”

I went to speak and Nicky held up her hand and continued. She told me that her parents had split for a few months a couple of years back. All caused by her Mum whom she had overheard talking to her Dad once they got back together. Nicky explained that her Mum had only slept with her Dad who had been experienced and older when they met. That over the years she had begun to wonder what she might have missed out on. She had gone from curious to obsessed to find out and after a boozy office party had slept with a colleague.

The one drunken incident turned into a series of casual flings. She apparently slept with quite a few men over the summer they were apart. Nicky said that her Mum and Dad love each other and are now back together.

“What does this have to do with us and you?” I was confused.

“Mum told Dad she had always felt she missed out on experimenting when she was younger. Now she has found she needs a little more excitement than she gets at home, but it is pure sex. Every now and then I think Mum still goes out for sex, and I’m sure Dad must know and accepts it.”

“I still don’t really get it.”

“Look, I can see us staying together forever. I don’t want to make the same mistake, to not experiment and experience things while I am single. I don’t want to end up having secret affairs later on or break up a marriage or live with regrets and doubts. I was pretty sure you had parked by the woods on purpose. I had seen people hanging about there when you left me in the car before. I got turned on by the idea of being seen but did not think things would develop so quickly. Those last couple of times I felt that you were almost showing me off. When I felt a different hand on my leg, I decided to take my chance and go along with anything.”

We sat in silence for a few seconds. “You are right. I was so turned on thinking about being watched, but I didn’t plan anything else to happen, honestly. I did find it a huge turn-on when you were touched. I can’t explain how excited I was when you got me to leave the car.” My heart was thumping in my chest. “I loved watching you with them, I really did. I want you to experiment if you want to like that, I don’t want to lose you.”

Nicky smiled, really smiled. “Thank God, I was so worried you would be mad or jealous or something.”

“I was worried, you seemed cold, or distant and I thought you had had enough of me.” I leaned across and we hugged, awkward in the small car, and kissed before I swung the car around and dropped Nicky off at home.



The next day, Sunday, we spoke on the phone for a while but did not meet. I said I’d come round Monday evening and we would just stay in. Her parents were cool to let us hang out in her room usually. Nicky seemed particularly happy when I arrived, up in her room she told me that she had gotten her period that morning. I was caught between the joy of her not being pregnant and the sadness that means no pussy fun for a few days.

Life went on as normal through the week until Nicky announced on Thursday evening while we were out for a drink that she wanted to go parking again. “But don’t park by the woods this time,” she said.

As soon as the evening began to darken we drank up and I drove to the parking place. I killed the lights as we swung in and parked up farthest from the trees. There were a few cars dotted about. I didn’t notice anyone walking around. We moved the seats and Nicky slid back up onto the rear of the car. She left her top on but pulled her jeans down to mid-thigh. I pulled them down and off, followed by her knickers, and took my usual kneeling position.

It seemed almost tame this time, licking and kissing her pussy. She enjoyed it and got very wet while I guided her through a couple of nice slow orgasms. Unusually Nicky encouraged me, she had barely ever said a word during sex until the last night we spent here. I kept my eyes on the windows, no shadows or faces to be seen. Secretly I wanted someone to appear but sensed that although Nicky was enjoying my attention, she was not in the state of total abandon she had reached before.

“Do I need a condom?” I’d not asked before, I had wanted to ask while we watched the band, but didn’t.

“Yes, best be safe, it made such a mess in my knickers and jeans last time.”

I got one out and pulled it on. The fuck was good, very good in fact, a nice relief for me. Nicky was more animated than usual, she pulled her top up to tease her own nipples. I felt one hand snake down between us. I felt her fingertips brushing my cock, and realised she was massaging her clit as we fucked. I lasted a good few minutes with my hands gripping her bum, squeezing her to me. I could feel Nicky building to another orgasm as I came, but I could not hold back. I held myself tight against her and could really feel her hand rubbing her clit fast as she brought herself to another orgasm. Her pussy clenching up in waves on my cock and practically spitting it out during a deep contraction.

We dressed and started to drive away, I dropped the condom in a bin as usual. I told her I had enjoyed it, and hoped she did too. I also asked if she might want to come back tomorrow.

Nicky gave me a playful jab in the ribs as I drove away and said. “When I went in after we were here last time, Mum told me I had mayonnaise in my hair. Why didn’t you tell me?” Nicky didn’t sound mad, she was smiling.

“I didn’t see it in the dark. What did you say?”

“Oh, that you had been mucking about while we shared a burger. That you tried to open a sachet with your teeth and it went everywhere. I went straight up to shower before she got a closer look. I did what Maria told me, and it worked.”

A minute or so later Nicky said, “Maybe we could go parking after a film tomorrow, park by the woods again?”

My cock leaped in my jeans, I knew she had really enjoyed it. I hoped she was looking forward to a bit more experimenting, and perhaps I might get my blowjob this time too.

“Why don’t you get a bigger car or an estate car like the one Dad has? Or a van, a van with lots of space inside would be good?”

I wasn’t really ready to give up my little sports car for a ‘Dad’ car. Though the appeal of more space in the back for late-night activities was obvious. I started to think about where I could borrow something bigger.

Published 2 years ago

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