Dog Gone

"Met a man at the dog park. My clumsiness gets me into trouble once again."

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Dog Gone
By Miss Anonna

I had been looking to get a dog for quite some time now and still was undecided so I thought I’d head down to a local Dog Park and chat with some people who had dogs. I looked up a few on the internet and chose one about 3 or 4 miles away near the creek. I was so excited I could hardly contain myself as I slipped into my halter top and tight jeans. I did not really think that I would need a bra so I didn’t put one on as it was a very warm, sunny day.

I got to the park and was huge but quaint. Lots of trees and paths all the way down to the creek and yet completely fenced in with a gate near the creek in the event one would want to let their pooch play in the water, I guess. I walked down the first path expecting to see many people and dogs but there seemed to be no one around and yet I heard some faint calling in the background so I headed towards the sound. As I got closer to the voice I could tell it was the voice of a younger man and soon I saw him just past a distant tree calling out. “ Taylor !” He yelled with his hands cupped against his face. “Come here, boy” He yelled in a softer tone while patting his hands on his thighs. He was quite handsome with a medium, thin stature and I watched intently as he squatted to assure his friend he was pleased.

I approached him slowly as his dog’s ears perked up. Taylor turned to me and began to bounce towards me like a playful deer in a new spring meadow. I slowed my pace and proceeded cautiously. “ Taylor !” His master cried. “Stop!” His dog stopped two feet in front of me, sat and wagged his tail. He did not take his eyes off of me and I could swear he was smiling. The handsome young man walked quickly and steadily toward the dog and I, smiling sweetly and he also did not take his eyes off of me. “Sorry, Ma’am,” he said as he got closer to us. Taylor just sat calmly, still wagging his tail and waiting for me to greet him. “He’s just a big teddy bear, he wont bite but he might jump on you so just put your hand out and say ‘Down’ and he’ll stay down.” He hesitated for a moment and looked around. “No dog?” He said calmly while patting the shoulders of his furry friend.

“No, no dog,” I said as I bent down to pet Taylor who greeted me with constant licking of my face, though I tried to thwart it somewhat. I looked up at him to speak and realized he was staring right down my shirt but instead of getting upset, I was a bit turned on. I could feel my back arch a little, pushing my breasts further out. “I actually came here to find some people with dogs because I’m looking to get some, er I mean one, or possibly more.” I stuttered and tried desperately not to laugh at what I had just blurted out. He laughed slightly and as I drew my eyes back down towards the dogs face I noticed a slight protrusion from the front of his sweat pants. I grabbed Taylor ’s face and vigorously rubbed his cheeks, blurting out some things one would say to a fuzzy pooch like him but while I pretended to be talking to the dog, I couldn’t help but look straight ahead at the growing mass directly in front of me. I looked back up at the man and his eyes darted from my chest to my eyes. “What kind of dog is this?” I said without missing a beat.

“He’s a mix of lab and rotweiler.” He said proudly. “ Taylor ’s a great dog, if you like big dogs.” Taylor lifted his paw towards my face and his paw fell, then rose again as he shifted his weight. I grabbed his paw and shook it.

“Hi Taylor ,” I said. “My name’s Anna. Who’s the handsome guy behind you, huh? I said smartly and smiled, looking up at the man. He smiled and began to speak but he soon became frantic as Taylor’s again pawed at me and caught the neck of my tank top, breaking the shoulder strap and exposing my full breast to the world. I shifted my weight back in reaction and lost my balance. Falling backwards, I had no choice but to forget my embarrassment and attempt to steady myself by throwing my hands behind me.

“Taylor!” He screamed and grabbed the dog by the collar but it was too late, the damage was done. “Oh my God, I am so sorry.” He said while reaching down to help me up. I had completely forgotten about my shirt and reached up to take his hand, giggling about the whole situation. His eyes widened as I took his hand and I realized then my breast was still exposed, so I quickly tried to find the strap with my fingers while he began to hoist me up off the ground. My eyes darted past him as I caught movement behind him and quickly realized he had another dog but before I could warn him of the danger he was hit from behind by an excitedly playful pooch. “Fuck!”

Again I felt my body heading for the ground below me only this time my hand was in the clutches of a young, handsome man falling towards me and his playful horse of a dog had managed to yank down his sweats right before my very eyes. Headed towards me was a flesh colored fuselage of a zeppelin that was no doubt going to blacken my eye on the way down wherever we ended up but I was not about to let that happen so I threw my hand out in front of me to block this oncoming face threat.

In his attempt to catch himself he threw his left leg in the air and fell towards my side, nearly in slow motion as I attempted to save him from his crash landing. I managed to pull my hand out of his and wrap my left arm around his waist as if I was somehow going to catch him and I watched him slowly reach the ground.

My hand was completely wrapped around the head of his cock but I didn’t realize it until he was sliding backwards along the grass on his back and my still hand pulled his hard shaft back pushing its way, through my fingers. For a moment I honestly could not believe I was holding such a huge penis in my little hand and then I realized what had just occurred. The man looked stunned.

The dogs took the whole ordeal as an invitation to play and proceeded to pounce on the mangled mess we had become. “No!” He yelled at the dogs and frantically waved his arms around to push the dogs away from us while I threw my hands over my head and buried my face in his stomach. I felt a paw hit me on the neck and then right on the head and I guess in shear reaction I realized his package was completely exposed to a possible bombardment of dog paws. I quickly covered his crotch with my arm and elbow as dogs were jumping all over us. “Damn it!” He screamed as he picked up a stick and heaved it out into the yard. I felt Taylor take off running and the other dog hesitated but then jumped over me and took off after Taylor.

We were still for a moment and I felt him take a deep breath and he sat up. “Oh my God, are you OK?” he asked as he sat up and placed his hand against my back.

“I don’t know.” I exclaimed. “Hang on.” I opened my eyes and there in the palm of my hand was the head of this man’s cock. I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle this but I was not in the least offended. In fact, I was getting pretty tuned on. I started to giggle and moments later he joined in the laughter. “I think my arm is stuck under you.” I said and began to sit up but couldn’t get far because of my arm. He started to scoot back and lift up and the way my hand was situated caused his beautiful tool to rise up and head towards me like a cobra. “Wait.” I exclaimed and he stopped. His shaft was inches from entering my mouth. I moved my arm under him but claimed I was unable to pull it out. “A little further, really slowly. “I urged him and opened my mouth up wide as I could.

I watched as the thick head of his cock entered my mouth but had not touched my lips. I wondered how long it would take him to realize what was going on. I flexed my arm muscles causing him to rise up slightly and his cock slid along the roof of my mouth.

“Oh shit!” He exclaimed and let his weight back down onto my arm.

“Ow, ow, ow!” I hollered and he lifted himself back up, scrambling to find the right way out of this situation only this time his staff ran up the side of my face. I grabbed it to keep it from going into my eye and then wriggled my arm out from underneath him as he finally sat up, leaving me fumbling in his lap. “Wait, don’t move.” I said as I was planning my next evil trick.

“What?” He said with disbelief. “Can I pull up my pants at least?” I cut him off.

“Don’t move, I lost a contact.” I said quickly, pretending to look around. I began to poke around and picked up his tool to move it aside as if it were just in my way. I watched it grow quickly into a full erection while urging him consistently not to move. I grabbed his cock again and squeezed gently. “I think I got it.” I said giggling. I heard him begin to chuckle.

“If you don’t put that away soon, you may just get more than asked for.” He said still laughing. “That thing is fully loaded and dangerous, Miss.”

“Really?” I said chuckling. “It’s very impressive.” I started slowly stroking him and he seem to fall back slowly while taking in a deep breath. His cock grew immensely large in my little hands and seemed to have quite some strength to it while I wrapped my other hand around the base and began to caress his testicles. I felt his hands slowly wrap around my neck and shoulders and I fully expected him to rip me away at any second but instead he held me there as he began to quake. I stopped stroking him and just squeezed his big pulsating head, watching the drop of clear liquid on the tip get bigger and bigger.

“Shit!” He cried. “Shit!”

“What?” I said turning to him. “Are you OK?” I said watching him wince and as I turned back around I watched a never ending stream of cream strike my cheek. I was stunned, then I was turned on as he started squirming and pushing on my back. “Oh my God!” I cried. “You were serious!” I started to laugh in amazement and then my laugh turned seductively evil as I began an everlasting fury of masturbation madness on him. I had no idea my hand could move that quickly and as I continued the assault on his pulsating shaft, semen seemed to be flying everywhere, including a slow liquid cascade off of my lower lip but I was determined to get it all out. He finally settled down a bit and I squeezed the last little bit out of him and pushed it to the tip where I let it drip slowly onto my tongue. I let go of his still hardened tool and let it slap back onto his stomach. “Ok, then.” I said smartly. “That was interesting.” I smiled at him and slowly got up turning onto my knee and slapping his tummy. I wiped the sperm from my lips and stuck my finger in my mouth.

“I am so sorry.” He said as he quickly pulling up his sweats. “I did warn you, though.” He continued, smiling.

“Why are you sorry?” I said. “I just took the bat and ran with it.” I said laughing. He laughed too. We sat and talked for another ten minutes or so and I followed him out of the park with his dogs. He asked for my number and I gave it to him and thanked him for dinner.

Published 14 years ago

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