Do Not Disturb

"What happens when babygirl breaks her Daddy's rule?"

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The girl sat at her Daddy’s feet under his desk as he worked away tirelessly. Her arms were wrapped around one of his calves in a soft embrace with her cheek pressed gently against his knee. He let her sit like this only if she promised to be quiet without disturbing him. He had been working for several hours straight, and the girl knew with his workaholic tendencies he was just getting started.

She sighed as his fingers continued to tap away at the keyboard, but she knew he had an important job and was proud of his commitment. At least his job allowed him to work from the comfort of his home where she could keep him company. A pile of her pen and ink sketches lay scattered over her lap, she picked them up and put them down on the floor – unable to feed her creativity any longer. What she needed was another way to entertain herself for the time being until Daddy took a break to eat or if she was lucky, watch a movie with her.

Her ears perked up as he exhaled and shifted in his seat, shaking her off his leg so he could spread them out further. Her frown turned into a pout as he adjusted the crotch of his gym shorts which were at her eye-level. It just wasn’t fair. She hadn’t had his physical attention in weeks.

Sitting on her knees she crouched over and tugged the edge of his shorts with her teeth very carefully – trying to get a signal from him, but her attempts were in vain. His fingers tapped away without missing a beat and so she took to kissing the inside of his thigh. Her lips lingered over the supple skin for a few moments before proceeding to plant several little wet kisses up his leg, each one an inch higher than before. Her fingertips delicately pushed his shorts up to his hip so she could reach the inner most parts of his leg with her smooth lips.

His cock lay dormant just a few inches from her face now, and she just couldn’t resist nuzzling her face against it. His strong thighs pressed against either side of her head – making a snug fit as her nose moved in gentle circles against his balls through the thin fabric. Opening her mouth she exhaled hot, moist air over his crotch and smiled to herself as she saw it twitch and grow slightly. She kissed the shaft of his cock and squirmed as her pussy pulsated with need.

The wetness from her cunt began to soak through her underwear and slide down the back of her legs under her dress. Lost completely in the moment she pulled her panties to one side and inserted a finger deep inside her glistening sex. With lips parted she let out a soft moan pushing her face more firmly against her Daddy’s covered cock. Her hips made tiny thrusting motions against her hand as her tongue worked it’s way up his shaft and back down to his balls completely dampening the front of his shorts.

Her eyes lit up in delight as the wet fabric hugged the shape of his cock, making it more definitive. Oh how she loved his cock, especially when she was the cause for it being hard. She admired the thickness of his member and how it pulsated with need as it grew. Her admiration was short lived as she pressed her needy mouth against the firmness of his thickening erection once more. It such a sweet sensation that drove her pussy mad with want. She closed her eyes as her teeth sought out and carefully nibbled at his sac.

She wanted him so badly. Down her throat, in her womb, against her ass – she didn’t care at this point; she was willing to risk breaking the rules in order to get his full attention. Her fingers sped up inside her soaked little hole as she moaned against his inner thigh. With her free hand she pulled at the elastic waistband of his shorts, watching with eager eyes as it slid lower and lower.

Suddenly the office chair slid back and Daddy’s hand grasped her wrist sharply twisting her arm.

He looked down with intense eyes, “Girl, what are you doing?”

Her face turned a crimson red as she blushed deeply and slowly removed the finger from her cunt, absolutely mortified.

He rephrased the question,”What did I tell you about distracting me while I’m trying to work?”

With eyes pointed towards the floor she pleaded her case.

“You told me to be quiet, I wasn’t talking Daddy…”

He scoffed, “Are you back-talking me when you are already in a pickle of a situation?”

She continued looking down at the floor defiantly, but with embarrassment.

“Look at me and then answer me girl,” he demanded.

She looked up at him hesitantly.

“No Daddy, sorry Daddy.”

“That’s what I thought,” he said standing to his feet.

He bundled her hair up at the back of her head and yanked her out from under the desk.

“Heel, girl,” he commanded as he began walking to the bedroom with her crawling after him.

A little hope sparked inside her as they headed towards the bedroom.

Maybe he wasn’t really mad, she thought, and maybe she was finally getting what she wanted.

“On the bed, you know the drill,” he stated plainly.

She nodded compliantly and spread out on the bed laying on her stomach with each of her appendages spread to the four corners of the bed where she waited for him to put her in the restraints attached to the bedposts. He buckled her in firmly, took a belt from the wardrobe and smacked it down on the mattress making a loud popping sound. The girl closed her eyes at the sound knowing very well what is store for her. She was in trouble.

Daddy pulled her dress up around her waist and yanked her underwear up high causing it to tear off between the cheeks of her plump ass. He paused for only a moment before laying into the whippings – smacking the folded belt over her bare ass strike after strike after strike. Her eyes became glossy as tears collected in the corner of her eyes, and her porcelain colored ass welted into jagged scarlet lines. She wasn’t one for crying, but this spanking was more intense than the others she had become use to.

He let up for a moment and inspected his work, rubbing his hand over the welts causing them to sting and then started up with the beatings once more. This went on for several minutes before he tossed the belt on the floor. Tears were now streaming down the girl’s face as she turned her head towards her Daddy whom she saw was now completely erect. She only caught a glimpse of his member at full mast before he ducked behind her out of view.

She pressed her face against the sheets of the bed and groaned as her ass burned from the blows of his leather belt. She waited for her Daddy to release her from her binds, but moments ticked by and he still hadn’t let her go. She tried to crane her head back to look at him, but the restraints refused her mobility. The mattress shifted as her Daddy straddled over her upper thighs and she inhaled sharply with anticipation. Was he finally going to fuck her? Now that she was done with her punishment?

The bed began to shake with little movements as her Daddy stroked his cock violently in his fist behind her, tugging it at rapid speed. He spread the precum from the swollen head over the length of his shaft, and the bed shook more as he gave himself over to his passions. The girl buried her face into the mattress and clutched her fists around the near by bedsheets with great frustration. Not being able to assist him in pleasure was eating her alive, and the fact that she wasn’t even able to watch drove her insane.

Tears of anger replaced those of pain as she closed her eyes and had to savor only the sounds of him cumming over her bruised and battered ass. After he had expelled the last of his essence he took the flat of his hand and rubbed his cum into the deep, raw welts the belt had left. This made the burning sensation even greater before it began to cool and sooth the puckered flesh. He gave her ass another light smack before pulling his shorts up and composing himself.

Her wrists and ankles fought against the restraints.

“Alright, I’ve been punished – now let me out,” she said in an angry and hurt voice.

Her hopes for being fucked by him had been smashed several times throughout this session. He smirked at her from the doorway

“You’re going to have a little timeout, and you are going to stay here so I can work without being disturbed – you bad little kitten.”

She flopped back against the mattress and sighed.

“You disturbed my work, you wanted attention, and you got it… and you still aren’t happy?” he asked with a knowing smile.

“NO,” she huffed.

“Ah, ah – say ‘Thank You Daddy,'” he chided.

There was a long pause…

“Thank you, Daddy.”

Published 11 years ago

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