Chapter Nineteen
Eight Months Past…
“Do you want the appointments,” Marla asked.
Marla was tempting me with another offer of what I called ‘Cinderella Dates’ because they ended at midnight. Marla really wanted me to accept more ‘dates’ because she charged more. One date made Marla, and me, much more than two daytime appointments. She was offering me three!
I was tempted. Very tempted. It was three weeks after I’d had my initiation to group sex at the bachelor party/gangbang and two weeks after I’d rented my new apartment. In those two weeks I’d discovered that the only thing more expensive than renting an apartment was furnishing said apartment from scratch. First and last month’s rent… A hefty security deposit… Utilities hookup fees… UTILITIES HOOKUP FEES!!! WTF for? It’s not as if someone has to come to my apartment building and run water pipes and electricity cables to my place. NO! I’m paying out my ass for someone in an air-conditioned office to simply type my name into a computer! Whatever… All of these had my bank balance nearly empty.
True, I had an apartment, but it was empty except for stacks of boxed clothing and a few toiletries. I could change clothes and take a shower before going home. I could sit on the floor and eat take-out. I splurged and bought a radio alarm clock and a pillow so I could even take naps on the floor on the days I didn’t have a client. I was broke and couldn’t shop. I couldn’t watch TV or cook. No TV, no cable, no Wi-Fi and no utensils in my kitchen.
Now Marla was tempting me with a way to earn a great deal of money in a short amount of time. All I had to do was get Sandra to back up my lies to my parents that I’d be spending the weekend with her: Eating ice cream, watching TV and going shopping with her and her friends.
Date #1: Friday evening/night. A corporate guy wanted some arm candy at a party for a retiring high mucky-muck. Sexy but not slutty gown. I get to stand beside ‘my guy’ and drink cheap champagne. I do everything I can to enhance his image. All the while, around me intrigue abounds as everyone wonders how to slip a knife into the backs of everyone between them and the job that just opened up. Sex after the party would probably be expected.
Date#2: Saturday afternoon. A gay guy still in the closet needed a beard at a family cookout/pool party. Family-Friendly swimsuit, sunhat and a wrap to prevent sunburn. Sex afterwards was doubtful.
Date #3: Saturday night. Small bachelor party for groom and three or four friends at a downtown hotel room. Sexy lingerie. Some impromptu gyrations that might be mistaken by the visually impaired for dancing. Sex was assured.
I’d be tired and fucked out Sunday morning by the time I took the train home to attend church with my parents. But my bank balance would be healthy again!
Marla smiled as she slid her clincher across the desk towards me. A company credit card… “Of course, I told each of them that you’ve just started as an escort and had nothing suitable to wear. Each said to buy whatever you needed and just add it to the fee. Free dress, heels, swimsuit and whatever… Just put it all on the card and bring me the receipts.”
Shopping with other people’s money! Did life get any better? I snatched up the credit card as Marla sat back in her chair smiling. She knew she’d hooked me.
“Actually, you had me when you said how much I’d earn. This,” I waved the card in the air. “This is just icing on the top!”
It was Tuesday and I had only two clients between now and Friday night. Plenty of time for shopping! With visions of new clothes, shoes and the bedroom suite I’d soon be able to afford flitting through my brain, I was skipping down the sidewalk to the amusement of others.
The Present…
The loud music suddenly blasting my eardrums startled me awake. Not in a good mood.
I was still moving my arms and legs to escape my warm cocoon of blankets and sheets when a heavy body made me ‘oof!‘ as it landed on me, squashing me into the mattress as Danny reached for the OFF button of my alarm radio. In the sudden silence, the heavy body remained on top of the blankets and of me. In fact, the weight moved to cover more of me, pressing me deeper into the mattress. Hands moved blankets and sheets to expose my neck. Kisses and hot breath on my skin caused me to squirm in a feeble attempt to escape.
“Good morning.” The soft voice in my ear was familiar though the tone was far too chipper for this ungodly hour.
“Wuh… Blurs… Whaa time is ittt?”
“Unfortunately, it’s time for me to go to work,” Danny sighed. Kisses and hot breath on my neck disappeared and the weight on top of me moved away. I heard Danny in my bathroom and the flush of my toilet. I clawed the covers off my face. I peered around and saw Danny’s tight ass beside my bed as he pulled his gym shorts and shirt on.
Holy crap! The dim light outside my window told me the sun wasn’t even completely up! What was it with Danny and his habit of waking up at un-Godly hours?!
“Did you put the seat back down,” I asked. It was never too soon to start potty training the male of the species.
Danny walked back into my bathroom and nodded when he reappeared. “Would you like me to start coffee for you before I go downstairs to dress for work?”
Coffee? I knew coffee… I wanted coffee… “Snuree,” I yawned and buried my head back under the covers.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Danny laughed and left my bedroom.
I yawned again but my eyes were open under the covers. I knew I wouldn’t be going back to sleep. I was awake and my need to pee was already becoming uncomfortable. Plus, there was the promise of coffee … No, I just wanted time to think in the privacy of my cocoon of blankets. I was wondering if our sex yesterday had been a good thing or bad thing? Whether one or the other, it had definitely been a ‘thing’. A very nice thing. But was it only a thing that had resulted from horny hormones and excitement from learning about being rich? That was the question. Had I forgiven Danny? In the cold light of morning would Danny want this thing to continue after he thought about it?
So many questions and it was too damned early to list all of them let alone think about them! Soon the smell of coffee brewing came from my kitchen. Unable to wait any longer, I said a few choice cuss words about, ‘I’m six freaking feet tall with a bladder the size of a walnut!’ Throwing off my covers I had a good stretch and then slid off my bed to fast-foot it to my bathroom to piss. I bunched my hair up and out of the way with a scrunchy to splash water on my face. I could open my eyes wider, but I was still yawning. I toweled off, found my fluffy slippers and slump-walked towards the kitchen.
Danny watched me from in front of my coffee machine. He smiled but thankfully didn’t remark about how I’m not a morning person. In the dim light of the rising sun filtering in through the window, I slouched against the counter as I yawned. I keep my apartment nice and warm, so I was naked except for my panties and fluffy slippers. Danny’s eyes never reached my face as I mumbled something that could have been a good morning.
Danny was already sipping from his cup and had another cup waiting on the counter for me. Bleary-eyed, I stood near him and yawned widely before I dug an eye-booger from the corner of my eye with a fingernail and poured steaming black gold into my cup. I thought that Danny would slip closer for a kiss and maybe a hug, but he remained where he stood. He seemed very uncomfortable. After his first glance, he stared down at his shuffling feet instead of at my boobs.
Finally, after a long sip, he mumbled, “Uh, Olivia? I swear I wasn’t snooping but I wanted sugar and when…”
“And when you opened the tin marked SUGAR, you found it full of condoms,” I finished for him.
“Uh, yeah. Umm, do you have any sugar,” Danny asked, still not looking at me.
I reached into a cabinet next to my stove and retrieved a plastic container. Adding a spoonful of sugar into my cup, I handed it to Danny.
Danny nodded thanks. He still seemed very ill at ease, looking at the SUGAR tin and glancing in the direction of my bedroom. Danny seemed unable to look at me and finally mumbled, “Olivia, do you, umm, bring, umm, clients here?”
“Nope. I had a boyfriend,” I replied, thinking of Gregg. “But you’re the only guy who’s been in my bed in six or seven months.” I answered. Which was technically true. Sandra and her friends she’d introduced me to were definitely not ‘guys’. Danny didn’t ask further questions and relaxed a little. I guess, to his way of thinking, screwing a boyfriend in my apartment was better than fucking a client in my bed.
“I meet clients sometimes at their house or their office. Mostly it’s at a hotel though. I never let them know where I live,” I explained further.
Danny nodded. He was still tense and I knew why. As we sipped coffee, my brain started functioning under the influence of caffeine and I decided to talk about the elephant in the room. “My going to work today isn’t as cut and dry now as it was last night, is it?”
After Danny informed me of the problem in getting my, our, money, we’d stayed up longer discussing money. How to get our hands on it without getting caught by the government or the original owners? The only decision we’d reached was… Until Danny was able to figure out how to get my, our, money, we’d decided not to change our routines.
We didn’t know if someone was looking for the money we wanted access to, but with that much money? If Tim had stolen it from me, I’d sure as hell still be trying to find it. We didn’t know how they might track us, but… The longer we acted normally, the longer the people whose money Tim had stolen looked for it without result, the safer we’d be once Danny figured out how we could actually collect our money. We didn’t know who Tim had stolen the money from but, because of the amount, we reached only one conclusion… A drug cartel. And a drug cartel is run by people who won’t just shrug their shoulders and say, ‘Oh, well. The money is gone,’ and just move on! It was Danny who’d reluctantly concluded neither of us should change our routines. He’d continue to go to his job while I’d continue to fuck clients.
So I would be meeting clients today and Danny was uncomfortable knowing I’d be in a hotel bed or bent over an office desk with another man in a few hours. Whatever our ‘thing’ was, whether or not it was to continue would be up to Danny. I sure as hell wanted the best sex I’d had in a year to continue! My decision seemed to be made for me. It was up to Danny to decide if he could handle the fact that I’d be fucking other men as well as him. I sighed and poured myself more coffee and topped off Danny’s cup. I made a mental note to buy him a travel mug so he could have coffee on the subway.
“I know I don’t have a say in what you do. We’re only fake fiancées but…,” Danny’s voice trailed off.
“But you don’t like that I’m a whore,” I finished for him.
“Stop calling yourself that!”
“Call Girl, whore – It’s all the same thing,” I told Danny just as Marla had told me many months ago. Holding my cup to my mouth with both hands, I sipped and shrugged. Over the lip of the cup, I told Danny, “I lie to my family, my friends and now your family. I can at least be honest with myself and you.”
Sipping coffee, I watched Danny’s eyes travel over my body and stopped at my boobs. My forearms were pressed into my 34DD side-boobs as I held my coffee mug up to my mouth, pushing my boobs together in a display of cleavage his eyes couldn’t leave. He shook his head and muttered, “Damn. I’d love to stay here and keep you in bed all day but…”
I nodded. That sounded like a great idea to me, too.
Danny’s desire to keep me in bed all day was his hormones speaking. But though his eyes had looked at my body, he hadn’t seemed able to meet my eyes. Danny’s little head was saying one thing, but his big head was saying another. Yeah, Real Life is shit and we were back in the real world after our weekend vacation together. Danny rinsed out his cup, gave me a perfunctory kiss and left. I sighed in frustration. Not even a real kiss, hug or boob cuddle. Yeah, whatever our thing was, it would be up to Danny to define.
My first client wasn’t for another four hours. I reset the alarm clock and went back to bed. I tossed and turned for half an hour before I gave up trying to go back to sleep. I had too much on my mind. Money: How to get the money. How we’d have to keep our jobs while Danny searched for a way to get the money. How much money was in the other nine accounts we hadn’t opened yet. But my mind kept circling back to: Danny hadn’t been happy when he said I had to keep seeing clients.
So I needed to keep a low profile and do nothing out of the ordinary. That meant I needed to keep fucking clients. Last night Danny hadn’t liked that I’d continue seeing clients but seemed to accept it. This morning, I could tell he really didn’t like that I’d be with two clients today. I wondered how he’d act this evening knowing other men had fuck me while he’d been at work. But if I suddenly stopped seeing clients, yet had a lot of money to spend, questions, comments and gossip would be floating around out in what I’d labeled ‘Whoreville.’ It was gossip we wouldn’t want certain ‘people’ to hear. Sure, we were being paranoid but better safe than sorry when dealing with unknown people who were undoubtedly searching for their money!
I gave up on sleep and rolled out of bed. I made up the bed and had more coffee. Gathering trash from around the apartment, I put on a thick robe and slippers. I left my apartment to toss my trash just as my next-door neighbor, Mr. Kubiak, opened his door carrying a similar bag. I hurried to take his bag from him.
Mr. Kubiak is a small, wrinkled man in his eighties who always seemed to be on the verge of tipping over. I’d invited him into my apartment a few times for coffee and Pop-Tarts. Tossing the bags down the chute I invited him in for more coffee and Pop-Tarts. Mr. Kubiak had led an interesting life and never failed to have me laughing at a funny, ‘When I was younger…’ story.
“I’m glad you and that kid downstairs finally got together,” Mr. Kubiak said after a bite of Pop-Tart. He laughed at my expression, “What? You think just ’cause I’m old I can’t hear good? The walls here aren’t that thick. The two of you were going at it like rabbits in the kitchen for quite-a-while. Reminded me of myself and a casino dancer I once knew.”
I flushed red as a beet, causing Mr. Kubiak to laugh harder. “You kids today think you invented sex! Ha! I can tell you stories from when I was younger. You sure fooled me though; I was thinking you were a lesbian. You never had men visiting you. Just that cute, black-haired girl and a couple of others. If I was ten years younger, I would have made a play for you myself if I knew you were into men, too.”
“Ten years?” I asked, smiling.
“Okay. Okay, fifteen years younger.”
I walked Mr. Kubiak back to his door after our breakfast to make sure he didn’t tip over.
A shower later with my clothing, jewelry and makeup done, I was out the door. I had two clients today. Both were Preferred Customers. A subway ride and I was in a hotel room where I fucked my first client. My client just wanted a Quicky-Nooner with a cum shot on my face and tits. I’d been with him several times before and knew he got off on pushing his cum into my mouth with a finger I’d then lick clean.
After he left, I called Danny to tell him to hurry home after work, we had shopping to do before the mall closed. I can multi-task and I’d made a long mental list of ‘things-to-buy, things-to-do’ while sucking my client’s dick. Danny asked why we needed to go shopping and asked what I was doing. I decided to not answer his first question and instead asked him if he wanted the truth about what I was doing now.
Danny seemed suddenly unsure, “You’re, ahh… You’re not actually with, umm, a client right now, are you?”
“No, of course not! I’m never on the phone while I’m with a client. He just left and since you asked what I’m doing, I’m using a wet washcloth to clean dried cum off my face and boobs,” I answered while turning my face to look at the side of my neck. I saw where cum had clumped strands of my hair together but the cum had dried by now. A few strokes of my hairbrush would break up the clump and brush the cum dust away.
Danny was quiet on his end.
I pulled my brush from my handbag and began brushing my hair as I added, “Danny, you asked and I’m trying to be honest with you because I know how you are about lies and deceit after Carolyn the Bug FUBAR’ed you. So, unless you want the truth, be careful what you ask me because I’ll answer truthfully.”
‘Or I’ll skirt so close to the truth you’ll never be able to call it a complete lie,’ I added mentally.
“I will and… I guess I would rather have the truth no matter what,” Danny added, though his tone didn’t sound happy. “Olivia, I need to get off the phone now. My boss is a great guy, but he expects people to work and not be on the phone.”
I had time to kill, so before taking a quick shower to clean all the sex off my skin, I ordered a late breakfast from Room Service and charged it to the room.
My next client was an out-of-towner. Ray traveled on business from an adjacent city pretty often and liked having fun while away from wife and kids. Wifey didn’t let him come in her mouth and, boy!, did he like filling my mouth. He liked filling his hands and mouth with my big boobs and filling my mouth with his cock and cum. But Ray was younger than my usual clientele and lots of fun. He was also an easy fuck and always gave me a nice gift.
In the early evening, I was looking out my window when I saw Danny on the street. I met him at the door of his apartment and followed him inside. When I leaned towards him for a kiss, he fended me off with his hands. At first, I thought he was repulsed that I’d been with other men but, “Olivia, I’ve been sweating all day and I’m covered in dirt and brick dust.”
When I leaned back in to show that sweat and dirt wouldn’t dissuade me, Danny didn’t push me away.
“Mmm, you smell good,” I told Danny as I kissed my way from his lips to burrow my nose into his neck. And he did. He smelled like a guy who had been working outside all day. He smelled of sunlight, dirt and sweat. He smelled a lot like my dad had smelled when he came home from work when I was much younger.
Danny smelled nothing like the men I fucked in hotels or offices. They smelled like cologne and aftershave. Danny smelled earthy. The men who moved on top of me in hotel rooms were almost always middle-aged and often older men with soft bodies. Nothing at all like the hard, muscular body my fingers were gripping through Danny’s thick, work coveralls.
Danny pulled me closer as we kissed. With small moves, he slowly maneuvered me until my back was pressed against a wall. Moving even slower, he kept his lips pressed to mine while knees pushed my legs wider apart. A hand crept between us and began pulling my skirt up. ‘Mmm. Do I really need to go shopping,’ I thought as fingers began massaging me through my panties. More delicious thoughts flitted through my mind: My hands stripping Danny’s coveralls off… Danny keeping me pinned to the wall as he filled me… ‘It really won’t take that long…’ But what started as a few minutes against a wall would only end with us in bed the rest of the night. Regretfully, I moved my mouth aside and pushed his hand away just before questing fingers pushed the crotch of my panties aside.
“I wish we had the time, Danny, but you need to get ready.”
“I’m very ready,” Danny mumbled, trying to kiss my neck again while his fingers tried to slip past my hand.
“I meant ready to go shopping,” I laughed, pushing on his shoulders until he backed off half a step. Slipping away before Danny could pin me to the wall again, I reminded him we had things to do. Refusing his offer to shower together, I gave him a push towards his bathroom. Danny hadn’t seemed to be as upset as he’d been this morning. Probably it was because his small head was doing the thinking or, just maybe, he’d had time at work to come to grips with what I did at work. That question was still to be answered.
I, at least, had answered one question I’d had. I hadn’t told Danny that I’d decided during the day that the first thing we had to do was to discuss the subject of money. The money I had and Danny didn’t. After Danny had his shower, he followed me upstairs to my apartment. I sat him on my couch and brought out the FLOUR and CORNMEAL tins. Opening the FLOUR tin, I poured out the pile of money I had inside onto the coffee table in front of him.
“This is my spending money,” I said as Danny leaned forward and began to automatically organize the bills into an orderly stack in his hand. Hundreds were all I kept in the tin. I kept loose change and lesser bills in a lacquered box I’d bought at an antique store.
Danny was mesmerized by the growing number of organized bills but stopped to stare at the large number of bills still to be sorted. “Jesus Christ! Olivia, there’s thousands of dollars here!”
I shrugged. “The clients I see are usually wealthy and they give pretty good gifts. I just toss hundreds in here and take out what I need for shoes and stuff from time to time. But I buy pretty much everything with the lesser bills I keep in the lacquered box. My rent and utilities I are paid for from the money Marla deposits in my bank account, so this money just keeps piling up,” I said. Danny’s eyes took on a strained look as he stared at the money. Undoubtedly, he was thinking about the number of men I must have been with and what I’d done with all those men to have earned so much in gifts. Then he sighed and seemed to relax. I took that as a good sign.
“This is my money. I earned it and it’s mine,” I declared as I swept the bills back into the tin and replaced the top.
I poured the bundles of bank wrapped bills out from the CORNMEAL tin and said, “This is our money. You solved the puzzle, so you deserve half of all the money Tim left me.”
I counted out ten bundles and slid them in front of Danny. I put the other ten stacks back into my tin.
Danny seemed speechless as he stared at the wrapped bundles of hundreds. “Olivia! That’s a hundred thousand dollars. I can’t…”
“Danny, before you say anything,” I interrupted. “Remember how pissed off I get when you argue about money. Besides, with this much money you can quit your job and concentrate totally on how to get the rest of my, I mean, our money.”
I waited while Danny mulled this over. Finally, he nodded and said, “Okay, my money. Thank you, but I can’t quit my job. I can quit my weekend job though.”
“Why can’t you quit both of your jobs?”
“A friend of my dad hired me after Dad called in a favor. If I quit, my dad will find out and want to know why. I sure as hell can’t tell him about this,” Danny answered, pointing at the money pile.
I had to agree that Danny had a point. Besides, both of us had too many lies and half-truths we were keeping from our families already. Standing up, I returned the tins to my kitchen and shrugged into a jacket. Telling Danny to get up, I told him it was time to go shopping and stuffed a bundle of bills worth ten thousand dollars into his jacket’s pocket. Danny balked at leaving ninety thousand dollars in plain sight on my coffee table. Shrugging, I stuffed it all under a couch cushion.
“There, out of sight,” I said and dragged him by the hand until I got him moving towards the door.
“But what the hell am I supposed to buy with ten thousand dollars!?”
I didn’t answer until we were on the street and headed for the subway. Spring was well advanced but there was still a cool bite to the wind as the evening advanced. Pulling up the collar of my aviator jacket I answered, “First, we need to pick out my engagement ring. I know! I know! We’re not engaged but believe me! Before we break up your mom is going to want to see a ring on my finger. What we need to find is a diamond large enough to show that you love me a lot, but not so large that your mom believes I’ve driven you into debtor’s prison.”
“Ah, now I see why I need ten thousand dollars,” Danny replied.
“Well, you can’t expect me to buy my engagement ring can you,” I replied huffily. Putting my arm through Danny’s, I explained with a smug smile, “Not when I have a rich fiancée! But don’t worry, no more than a thousand or two will go towards my ring.”
We were in time to board a subway car that stopped near the mall and I continued to list the things Danny needed to buy. “After we look at rings, we also need to shop for your new clothes. Then new furniture for your apartment. Oh, and a Bluetooth so you can talk to me on the phone and work at the same time. Then, you’ll need…”
“Wait! Wait a minute,” Danny interrupted me. “The Bluetooth, yes. But I don’t need new clothes or furniture.”
“Yes! You do,” I informed him, looking with distaste at his usual wear of an old jacket, jeans and a wrinkled t-shirt.
In a voice like I was doing Danny a favor, I offered a compromise, “You agree to buy five shirts, four pairs of pants, three pairs of shoes and two suits…”
I looked at Danny disapprovingly as he interrupted to sing, “…and a partridge in a pear tree!”
I continued as if there hadn’t been a snarky interruption, “...of my choosing and I’ll let you get a new computer with a high-speed internet connection to play on-line games with. Keep the old one to do research with.”
“Really?” Danny looked and sounded eager. “I’ve wanted a new com…”
Danny stopped and gave me a withering look. “Every… Single… Time! You’re doing it again, Olivia! Stop trying to confuse me. Why do I need your permission to get a computer? I’ve got a hundred thousand dollars that says I can buy a computer without buying any new clothes.”
“That’s true,” I agreed with a smile. “And I’ve got a hundred thousand dollars that says I can toss your new computer out the window unless you agree to buy new clothes.”
“You wouldn’t,” Danny exclaimed and then considered. “Crap! Of course you would! Alright! I agree, but only because there are some on-line games I’ve been wanting to play. But I don’t need new furniture.”
“Yes! You do,” I repeated with a shiver thinking about Danny’s cootie-infested couch.
“No! I don’t,” Danny said stubbornly. “I like my furniture. It’s comfortable.”
“It’s ratty, dirty, and sticky,” I countered.
“I’m a guy! I’m ratty, dirty, and sticky most of the time.”
I finger-combed my hair off my shoulder and gave Danny my cutest, wide-eyed look and purred reasonably, “You know you’re going to do what I want, so arguing is pointless.”
“You sound like the Borg from Star Trek. Resistance is futile!”
“The who?”
“Never mind. I thought you liked me as I am,” Grumpy Dan slumped back into the subway car’s seat and crossed his arms over his chest. “Why are you trying to change me?”
I put my arm around the poor guy’s shoulders and squeezed him to my side in time to my words, “Danny, Danny, Danny… Don’t think of this as me changing you. Think instead of this as me improving you. Think of Danny 2.0 taking me out on dates.”
I put my head next to Danny’s and stretched out my arm with a sweeping motion as if a whole vista of possibilities were in front of us instead of a smelly subway car. “You like history. Imagine us going to the debut of a new museum display… A concert… Walking into restaurants we couldn’t afford before… Flying South for a long weekend of sun and sand…”
Grumpy Dan shrugged my arm off his shoulder, “Next thing you’ll want are gold chains around my neck and stupid jewelry!”
“Of course not. You could never wear that crap,” I assured him. I claimed his arm with mine again and added smugly. “Besides, with me on your arm? You’ll have all the bling you’ll ever need!”
As we got up to exit the car, an older man who’d been sitting close enough to have heard our conversation looked up at Danny with a wry, knowing smile, “Get used to it, kid. Your days of freedom are over.”
It was perfect! A beautiful oval cut diamond in a gold setting. It fitted my finger perfectly, too. No need to get it resized! Large enough to show real love to Danny’s mom but just affordable enough to be almost sensible.
Danny choked a little at the cost but paid up after only a few whimpers. I wore it out of the jeweler’s and stretched my arm out to give it a good look over as we walked. I asked Danny how he thought it looked.
“It looks expensive!” Damn, Grumpy Dan was back. “Especially since we’re not engaged!“
“Oh, hush! This is my first engagement ring and I’m going to enjoy it,” I scolded as I watched how the diamond sparkled on my finger.
“Your first? How many times do you plan on getting engaged?”
“I don’t know,” I considered. “Four, maybe five times…”
I managed to select two shirts and a pair of pants before Danny dug his heels in and refused to try on more clothes without a walk further into the mall to get his new computer. I stood by impatiently while Danny and the salesman discussed megabytes and RAM and other crap I had no interest in.
I’d selected my laptop because it was a pretty color. My reasoning? With the way computers were being upgraded all the time, why worry about what’s inside when it’s just going to be obsolete by the time you get it home? My pretty laptop allowed me to shop online and that’s all I needed it for. Danny finally ended up ordering a specially built gaming computer with all the bells and whistles he wanted.
Walking out of the store, I was the one who was grumpy. “Stupid computer cost more than my ring! I knew I should’ve selected a larger diamond!”
After Danny stated he needed food before more shopping, we walked to the mall’s food court where we ordered tasteless burritos and watery soft drinks. There were still almost two hours before the mall shops started closing up. I was hoping there would be time to drag Danny into a shoe store after we’d eaten. While Danny had tried on clothes, I’d noticed again how fit and muscular he was. He went completely against the meme of nerds having flabby bodies. He denied having a gym membership when I asked and claimed it was because of growing up on a farm. “There was always another chore that needed to be done. Usually, a chore that required lifting and carrying.”
“But you’re no longer on the farm.”
“The job I have has me lifting and carrying all day, so I guess that’s keeping me fit.”
Danny began explaining his job to me after I asked. I was bewildered why anyone would pay Danny to…
“Let me get this straight. You move bricks, by hand, from one pile to another pile all day. Why?!“
“I don’t just move them,” Danny said. “I have to sort them and… It’s hard to explain without seeing. If you’re really curious, why not come to work with me in the morning? That is, if you aren’t, umm, you know… If you have the time.”
I laughed, “Sure. I don’t have to, umm, you know, until tomorrow afternoon.”
Danny quickly changed the subject. “Thank you. It would be great if you would. My mom has been calling everyone she knows and telling them how pretty my fiancée is. She called my boss, my dad’s friend, to cuss him out for not telling her if he’d known about us and hadn’t told her. My boss let the guys I work with know I was engaged and they…” Danny’s voice trailed off with a shrug.
“And the guys at work…” I prompted.
“They didn’t believe I was engaged and kind’a gave me a hard time. I don’t think they believed me when I described how tall and beautiful you are since…”
“So, you think I’m beautiful,” I interrupted, grinning.
“Don’t fish for compliments, Olivia. You know you are.”
“Are what?” I asked, leaning forward expectantly.
Danny sighed. “Hell, every guy who’s passed by while we’ve been eating has turned to look at you. You’re beautiful and you know it.”
“True. But a girl still likes to hear her fiancée say it,” I grinned while displaying my new ring to Danny’s accompanying groan.
“Anyway, I’d never mentioned you to the guys at work before and I didn’t have a photo of you on my phone,” Danny said, bringing our conversation back to the subject-at-hand. Looking sheepishly down at the table, he wiped at nothing with a paper napkin, “I’ve worked there, full time and part time for almost three years and…”
“And you’ve never had a girlfriend to talk about with ‘the guys’ before,” I added and laughed. “Okay, one more appearance as a sexy girlfr… Sexy, beautiful fiancée coming up and we’ll do some photos of your fiancée, your beautiful fiancée, for you to put on your phone. Your friends probably thought it was strange you don’t have photos on your phone of your beautiful fiancée.”
“Stop saying fiancée,” Danny interjected with a sour face. “Sends a shiver up my back when you say that. God, if my mom ever finds out, I’m toast! Anyway, thanks for coming to where I work. The guys aren’t that bad and it’s a pretty good job. Not as, umm, you know, as exciting as yours but…”
“Danny, what I do isn’t as exciting as you may think.” I could tell Danny didn’t believe that. He was a guy and having sex every day was Paradise to his way of thinking.
Of course, that led to more questions Danny had been holding back from asking. Glancing at my watch as Danny stammered out a question, I muttered, Damn, under my breath. Grumpy Danny would dig his heels in if I tried to get him to continue shopping. Besides, for once I wanted something more than shopping.
“…And the guy just, ah, did, ahh, you know, on your face? Do many of your, umm, clients…”
As Danny tried to get to the end of his stammering question about facials, I looked at the half-finished burrito on my paper plate. I hadn’t had anything except Pop Tarts for breakfast and a couple of small bags of chips all day. Oh, yea. There was the breakfast from room service and a hot dog from a street vendor… But that was earlier. I was hungry now and this was not my idea of a satisfying meal! The thought of more Pop Tarts at home later didn’t thrill me either.
I usually leave the hotel’s keycard behind when I leave after a client does. Today I’d unconsciously put it in my handbag with my makeup and some sexy lingerie I’d brought as I’d made ready to leave. It was still in my bag and I had an idea of how to get what I really wanted.
“Okay, tell you what,” I interrupted Danny’s next stammering question. I balled up my napkin and tossed it on top of my burrito. “Since you want me to go to your work tomorrow, why not come to my work tonight?”
“What?! You’re meeting another client tonight?”
“No, I’m meeting you,” I said standing up. “The hotel I was at earlier is only a little way from here and I still have the key card to the room. The room is mine until checkout time tomorrow. We’ll go there and I’ll order room service. I’ll pay cash so it doesn’t show up on my client’s credit card and I can get a far better meal than this crap!”
“We can’t just go to a hotel room…”
“Sure, we can,” I replied as I collected my trash to toss in a trash can. I was already picking out the food I wanted from an imaginary menu and didn’t realize how undiplomatic my next words were until I’d blurted them out, “I do it all the time!”
It wasn’t a very nice way to remind Danny of all the hotel rooms, and beds, I’ve been to. He’d actually seemed to be loosening up on the subject of me being a Call Girl. Too late now though. With my quest for good food now uppermost on my mind, I just barreled ahead regardless of Danny’s feelings. I picked at Danny’s t-shirt. “You aren’t dressed well enough for a good restaurant. Room service is available for another hour and we’re only a few minutes away. I want, I need, something better than this crappy burrito. It’ll be my treat.”
I could tell that part of Danny was intrigued with the idea despite his reservations about going to where I’d been with another man earlier. We lucked out and caught a taxi at the entrance to the mall. Ten minutes later I paid the driver and we walked into the hotel. Danny looked as though he expected to be challenged with every step we took through the lobby. But of course, we weren’t. A short elevator ride later I used the key card to let us into ‘our’ room.
This was a normal hotel room and not a suite. Inside were two double beds: one still made up and the other obviously used, though the wet spots my client and I had left on the sheets were dry and not noticeable by now. Danny stared at the mussed and used sheets, then looked away.
“Okay,” he said, obviously ready to leave. “I’ve seen what you wanted to show me…”
“C’mon, Danny, you know what I do,” I interrupted rudely. I wasn’t trying to rub what I did in his face but… Maybe that’s what he needed. “This, or other hotel rooms, is where I do it most of the time. I didn’t just bring you here to show you a bed. I want real food!”
“I know, but… I just find it hard to think… I think it would be hard for me to, umm, you know, do anything with a woman I don’t know,” Danny said with another uncomfortable glance at the mussed bed.
“Really? You think so?” I asked as I found the menu for room service and sat on the bed where I’d been fucked only a few hours before. “How well did you know me before that night in your bedroom?”
“Not as well as I thought,” Danny ruefully observed, gesturing at the bed I sat on.
“Exactly. Danny, with one phone call I can have a beautiful woman here in an hour that you’ll know only one thing about. You’ll know she’ll do anything you desire.”
I knew what I wanted from room service and passed the menu to Danny. He started to sit beside me, then stopped and sat on the other bed that I hadn’t been fucked on. I shook my head. I gave some serious thought to calling Sandra and asking if she was available. Danny really needed to loosen up about, ‘umm, you know.’ I had my phone in my hand but hesitated to press the autodial. I gave a thought to my hesitation. Maybe… Maybe I liked Danny just the way he was… I put my phone down.
I called our order in after Danny made his selections. My stomach rumbled at the thought of real food. Taking off my shoes, I arranged pillows against the headboard and reclined into them. Danny did the same on his bed.
“So, you could call and have another woman here that soon,” Danny asked, continuing our interrupted conversation. He seemed very interested in the thought. “And she’d do, umm, you know, anything?”
“Yes, and yes,” I answered and smiled. “Well, she’d do, umm, you know anything that doesn’t involve bodily harm or threat of arrest. Oh, and it’s pretty short notice so you’ll have to pay extra.”
To challenge Danny, I pulled out my cell phone. “Would you prefer a blonde, brunette, or redhead?”
Danny looked startled. “No! I mean, no, thank you. I don’t…”
I never for a moment thought Danny would agree but that didn’t stop me from laughing at the flustered look on Danny’s rapidly flushing face. Deciding to tease him further, I asked, “Are you sure? I wouldn’t mind a threesome if you…”
“NO!” Danny interrupted me, shaking his head. “Damn, it’s like a whole new world. I knew about, umm, you know, prostitution but never really thought about it. When I did, I thought in terms of women standing on street corners. Smoking cigarettes and waiting for cars to stop. Like on TV.”
“I know what you mean. I thought the same before I met Marla.”
Danny played with his food when it arrived before hesitantly, “Ah… You wouldn’t mind a threesome? So… Umm… Are you bi?”
“I am definitely and enthusiastically bi,” I answered with a grin.
After the food arrived and we began to eat, Danny stumbled over words while asking more questions. Finally, I waved my fork at Danny before spearing a last delicious morsel of baked potato smothered in butter and sour cream. “Look, Danny. Just assume that anything a woman can do with one or more men or women, I’ve done it. That should shorten your list of questions considerably.”
Danny looked startled. I guess he hadn’t given much thought to my being with more than one man at the same time. Stories of my being gangbanged were better left for the future though. For the rest of our meal, I had Danny laughing at my furry tale of wearing a tail while dressed up in a cat costume.
“And you still have the costume?” Danny asked at the end.
I shrugged, “The client never called to ask for it back. Maybe he’s moved on to other animals. Anyway, I thought it would make a great Halloween costume.”
I ate the last bit of my blueberry tart and felt my eyelids get heavy. Danny had woken me up with the dawn this morning and it had been a long day. My stomach was full and if I hadn’t committed myself to going with Danny to his work in the morning, I would have just gone to sleep in the room. Instead, I leaned into Danny and drowsed during the taxi ride back to our apartments.
Danny seemed undecided whether he should take it for granted he was invited to my bed tonight or to stop on the third floor and sleep in his. When I didn’t let go of his hand, his hesitancy vanished and he followed me up the last flight of steps to my apartment.
It wasn’t really that late, but I wasn’t used to waking up at dawn. Twisting my hair, I used a scrunchy to secure it into a tight bun. While I washed off my makeup, Danny was setting my alarm clock. With my face clean, I began taking off my clothes while Danny, leering, watched from the doorway. When I reached in to turn the shower on, hands gripped my hips. I couldn’t stop a yawn and afterwards told him over my shoulder, “Don’t even think about it. But you can wash my back.”
More than my back got washed as soapy hands reached around to slide over my boobs and down my stomach while I leaned back against his chest. If I hadn’t felt so tired things would have progressed further but Danny didn’t seem disappointed when I decided everything was as clean as it would become and began sluicing the soap off.
Clean panties, clean skin, clean bedsheets and a warm body to cuddle against lulled me to sleep in no time.
Chapter Twenty…
The Present…
This morning started the same as yesterday. A loud blast of music and a heavy body on top of me as the sound stopped. I was still blinking my eyes open when fingers pulled sheets away from my neck to be replaced by lips, warm breath and a husky, “Good morning, beautiful.”
I managed a ‘grmph gaf ramm’ as I tried to scrunch my shoulder up to protect my neck. That only moved Danny’s kissing lips to under my chin. I tried to roll away but a strong hand on my waist pulled me tighter to a hard body. I landed a good back kick with the heel of my foot against Danny’s shin. He let me loose and laughed, “Wow! You are really not a morning person!”
I was awake enough to stare bleary-eyed around my room. “Ugh. It’s not even dawn yet!”
“Sure it is,” Danny replied and leaned over to kiss me lightly. I’m not kissy-kissy in the morning because of being afraid of morning breath and I turned my mouth away but…
“You’ve brushed your teeth.” I could smell the minty fresh mouth. Had he been awake long enough to go to his apartment, brush and come back? “How long have you been awake?”
“Not very long.”
“Well, thanks for not waking me up before the alarm.”
Danny glanced at my clock with a guilty look. I looked and, “You bastard! You reset my alarm a half-hour early!”
“I thought you might need the extra time to get ready…”
“No, you didn’t,” I interrupted and accused. “You were thinking we’d have time for sex before we had to go to your work.”
“Well, now that you mention it,” Danny replied softly as his hand moved under the sheet to cup my breast. Kisses on my neck resumed. His hand left my breast and curled around my waist. This time I didn’t kick out when I was pulled against his body.
I didn’t struggle when his hand left my waist to slip between my legs. I only moaned and slowly moved my hips. My curtains were a soft blue. The lights from the city and a barely rising sun cast a blue-ish hue as a Smurf-ish, purple-tinted Danny began to slowly run his fingers over my panties to stimulate my clit while his mouth moved back and forth, kissing my neck or sucking my nipples to excruciating hardness. I didn’t say no as the crotch of my panties was pushed aside to allow fingers to penetrate me slightly.
Everything felt sooo good but… But I did say no and used my hands to push back when he began to move on top of me.
“Danny, I know that morning sex looks great in movies and porn, but I can’t enjoy anything until I wash my face and brush my teeth. And if you don’t move off me, I’m gonna pee all over both of us,” I finished in a strained voice. Danny laughed in reply and moved off me enough for me to slip out of bed.
Once I’d brushed my teeth and did what needed to be done in privacy, Danny joined me in my shower. Shoulder massages and back scrubbing felt good, but it was the scratching of my butt cheeks that did me in. A good ass and back scratching acts on me like petting acts on a kitten. I just want to roll over for my tummy to be rubbed. In this case, my tummy wasn’t what was being rubbed when Danny turned me to face him. Instead, Danny had my back pressed against the shower tiles. Kisses and boob play substituted for tummy rubs, as knees began to spread my legs.
Everything felt wonderful and I wouldn’t have said no to a long fucking except… Except I couldn’t stop yawning! Soapy massages and butt scratches had me relaxed and ready, but the early hour combined with being relaxed… After one time too many of yawning in Danny’s face, he pulled back with a sigh, a chuckle and a rueful shake of his head.
I rested my forehead on Danny’s shoulder and apologized, “I’m sorry, Danny. I’m just not used to being awake so early. Maybe I need coffee?”
With the hope that coffee would wake me up enough for a quicky, it didn’t take Danny long to finish his shower, dry off and run for my kitchen. I followed at a more leisurely pace and found coffee and sugar ready. The coffee worked its caffeine magic, but time had run out. With a kiss, a chuckle and another rueful shake of his head, he left to return to his apartment to dress. When Danny returned in his coveralls and hard hat, I asked him to bring all his dirty clothes and sheets to my apartment. Danny definitely wasn’t thinking about laundry and maybe, probably, definitely if he’d pushed the matter, I would have forgotten about laundry, too. Instead, he nodded and left my apartment. Danny brought his laundry and added it to the pile I had on my bed. He held up a pair of red thong panties and observed, “My laundry never had it so good.”
“My cleaner can have dirty thoughts about me now,” I grinned. “This is the first time I’ve had men’s clothes mixed with mine.”
I crushed all our clothes into my large, wheeled hamper; I could roll to my cleaners later and then we made up my bed with clean sheets. I showed Danny how to tuck the corners in to my satisfaction. We were in the real world now. Where there were schedules to keep instead of a nice bed to cuddle in. I asked Danny if he wanted a Slutty/Sexy fiancée or a Nice/Sexy fiancée to show off to his co-workers. He decided on Nice/Sexy.
Stripping, I noticed Danny’s eyes devouring my nakedness. I decided he deserved one last, well-deserved tease for waking me so early. Naked, I draped myself over my bed. It was still cool in the apartment and my nipples were hard as I traced them with my fingertips. In my sexy voice, I asked, “Danny, are you sure we need to leave now?”
“God, Olivia! You’re cruel.”
“It would be cruel if I were teasing you instead of inviting,” I replied while lightly tracing my panties with my fingers.
Danny took a step towards me as I wiggled my ass in invitation, then stopped after a glance at the alarm clock. “Dammit! We’re already cutting it close on time and you still need to dress.”
“I can dress Nice/Sexy in three minutes. I wonder what you can do in three minutes,” I asked in my best sexy voice while lazily raising, lowering and rolling my hips.
“You’re evil, Olivia,” Danny stated as he walked quickly out of the bedroom. A moment later I laughed wickedly when I heard my door slam. Yeah, I’d teased Danny. I knew his stupid work ethic wouldn’t let him miss the subway. If Danny had given in to temptation? I would have enjoyed every minute of role-playing an Evil Temptress leading an innocent down the road to Perdition.
Being a call girl gives me plenty of practice in dressing quickly. I was ready in no time. We had a long subway ride to a part of town I’d never been to. Danny held my large carry purse as I did my makeup. The trip ended on the outskirts of the city where abandoned industrial buildings were slowly returning to nature.
The sky was blue with a promise of warmth later in the day. This was proving to be a long spring with cool mornings and decently warm days. It was a short walk to a very large, fenced lot that looked like it was where rubble came to die. A concrete and brick building that was barely distinguishable from the piles of debris scattered about was the office.
I’d selected my clothes with care. A close-fitting knit pullover that molded to my tits and small waist. It had a scoop neck that showed a small amount of cleavage while advertising there was much more left unseen. The skirt was shorter than anything I would have worn when I was a temp in an office, but Danny’s co-workers didn’t need to know that. It was an outfit that showed off my assets, yet I could have worn to an office as long as I didn’t forget and bent over at the waist to flash ass cheeks. I made certain to flash my engagement ring at every opportunity and, of course, I charmed all of Danny’s co-workers.
I met Danny’s boss and, hopefully, his report to Danny’s mom would be favorable. Danny had told me I couldn’t wear heels where he worked so I’d brought tennis shoes to exchange my heels for. Wearing a safety helmet at a jaunty angle, I crunched across pebbles, gravel, and broken chunks of brick to a not-so-distant part of the yard. I didn’t need to look behind to know my butt was being admired from every window. In front of me was a huge pile of loose bricks at least ten feet tall and twenty feet long and wide. Behind me were wooden pallets with different types of brick stacked on them.
“So! What I do is separate any bricks still stuck together and knock off any mortar still on the bricks,” Danny instructed me as he picked up a rock hammer. “Then I stack the bricks by type on the pallets.”
Danny had told me this the previous evening. I still found it difficult to process. “This is what you do,” I asked, still not quite believing him. Danny nodded.
“And you get paid to do this?”
Danny nodded again.
“I told you I’d have to show you what I do for you to understand,” Danny laughed. “You see, when the company wins a bid to tear an old building down, my boss trucks the bricks here. These are old bricks. Many of them are over a hundred years old. Modern bricks look nothing like them. So, let’s say someone wants something built today but he wants it to look a hundred years old… He’ll want these bricks. Believe me, my salary is nothing compared to what the company charges for these old bricks.”
“I can’t believe people will pay so much for bricks,” I said, picking one up and only half believing Danny.
“Old bricks,” Danny stressed. “There’s big money in hand-hewed beams from old barns and houses. Weathered lumber planks… Old poured glass panes… Even old doorknobs. You’d be amazed at what rich people want built to look old.”
“You mean rich idiots. When you get me my money, no way will I waste my millions on this crap,” I declared and tossed the brick back onto the pile. Dusting off my hands, I added, “I want a yacht! Not some old/new building or wall.”
I looked around. There was no shelter at the brick pile. “You work here part-time when college is in session, what do you do when it’s cold or raining?”
“I dress warmly and when it rains or snows, there’s always something I can help out with in the office or the warehouse.”
Now I knew how Danny stayed so buff. Moving heavy armloads of bricks from one pile to another would be a nice workout. ‘For some, but not for me,’ I thought. I had other ways to work off calories. More comfortable and enjoyable ways.
Danny’s co-workers were still watching us from the office windows, so I moved to put my arms around Danny’s neck. I molded my body to his for a long kiss with tongue. For their entertainment, I reached down to grab double handfuls of tight-ass cheeks disguised under Danny’s overalls before moving away. I returned to the office to drop off my hardhat but didn’t stay long. I had to go back to my apartment. I had a subway to catch and laundry to drop off at my cleaners before meeting the guy I had an appointment to fuck.