Chapter 13…
The Present…
Stanley delivered us to the church on time. With a glance and a quiet word, he also pointed out Carolyn when I asked. I believe we made quite the entrance. With my arm draped possessively over Danny’s shoulders and his hand on my waist, I made it a point to say hello all friendly like to everyone, especially Carolyn. Even wearing high heels, the poor dear didn’t come to my chin. Of course, I was wearing heels, too, but how had a runt like this ever become a Queen Bee? Sure, she was pretty enough but in the few years since high school, without the incentive to fit into her cheerleader outfit, the poor dear had gained a few pounds around the middle and hips. Tsk…Tsk…Tsk…
As the rehearsal continued, I played my part as a girlfriend. But every chance I had, I crowded Carolyn into the background. I ‘accidentally’ moved to stand in front of her when I could. One Queen Bee can recognize another. From her tight, bloodless lips, I could tell Carolyn didn’t like my buzzing into her hive. I hate to brag, but Carolyn was utterly outclassed and there was nothing she could do as I unobtrusively pushed her out of the limelight. Especially, when Mrs. Greene and Hannah turned to me for advice on flower placement.
Walking about to say I’d put this here and that over… I ‘accidentally’ bumped into Carolyn with maybe a little tush push that sent her stumbling back several steps. Of course, I apologized sincerely, “I’m so, so sorry. I just didn’t see you…” The ‘down there’ was unspoken but clearly heard by Amber and Brie at least. Both seemed to have coughing fits at the same time to keep from laughing. Hannah turned away to hide a smile.
The rest of the rehearsal went quickly and smoothly. Afterwards, I spoke up before the ladies could leave, “Hannah, your brother didn’t give me much time to get you a wedding present. If you and the other ladies have the time, I’d like to invite you all to a place Danny told me about. Mimosas for everyone! My treat!”
Mrs. Greene declined, pleading too much to do with a house filled with guests. Hannah and most of the other ladies, including Carolyn the Bug, accepted. It wasn’t long before Mimosas were flowing like water. Everyone was having a good time except, perhaps, Carolyn the Bug who I seemed to have ended up sitting next to. I made certain not to slouch so Carolyn the Bug could compare my long, 23-inch waist to her shorter, expanding waistline.
I got the expected questions about Danny and I dating. In my answers I made sure to mention that Danny was studying to get a great job. The words ‘high paying’ went unsaid but I’m certain Carolyn the Bug heard them. In the course of polite conversations with Carolyn, she said she was dating a guy in town who she’d dated in school. Ouch! That meant at least four years of dating and still no ring on her finger.
Bless Amber’s teenage tactless way of blurting things out, “You know Olivia, Danny had a real crush on Carolyn in high school.”
“He did? He never mentioned that you two dated,” I said to Carolyn.
“Well, we never really dated,” Carolyn replied.
“That explains it then,” I sounded relieved. “If you’d dated him, you would have never let him go! I’ll tell you ladies a little secret… That man has a lot more than just a tight ass in his pants!”
“Olivia!” Hannah was laughing so hard she could barely get the words out! “Eww, that’s my brother you’re talking about.”
“Oh, come on, Hannah! You’re getting married tomorrow. You can’t tell us that you haven’t peeked down a few pants. I’m just glad Danny gave me a chance to peek down his! I’m just saying…” I finished by ordering another round of Mimosas as all the ladies began laughing. We had two more rounds and as the party began to break up, I leaned over to softly ask Carolyn with a hint of commiseration in my voice, “Do you spend a lot of time in the sun? Maybe spent a lot of time sunbathing in high school?”
“Uhh, yea. Why?”
“I just noticed those little wrinkles developing in the corner of your eyes. Crows feet? Not that big for now, but… One of my girlfriends did just what you did in high school. Sunbathing all the time,” I clarified with a sad shake of my head. “She has the same wrinkles developing. Here. I’ll write down the name of a cream my grandmother just swears by.
“I never sunbathed,” I told her confidentially as I wrote. “My skin is so fair it just won’t hold a tan. But now? I am so glad I didn’t ruin it by baking it in the sun all those years. Another of my girlfriends has a sister who’s, gosh, she’s only twenty-five or twenty-six and she has age spots on her hands already! Gross! Isn’t that just so sad! But I’m sure that you won’t have to worry though,” I ended with another sad shake of my head.
I just knew Carolyn would run to the nearest mirror to look at the corners of her eyes. Probably worry a bit about age spots, too… Bless her heart.
Check and Mate, Bitch…
It’s good to be the Queen!
Hannah gave me a ride to the hotel to change from my ‘wedding rehearsal clothes’ into my ‘day wear for Danny’s house clothes’. I dressed more informally today in jeans, a crop top with buttons and a sweater to ward off the chill of the day. While I’d treated the ladies to Mimosas, Danny had gotten a haircut before returning to the farm to wait for me. He looked pretty good dressed in trousers with a button-down shirt instead of jeans and a ratty, old t-shirt.
If anything, the horde had gotten larger. Danny and I were more at ease around each other since sharing a bed. It seemed more natural for us to hold hands as I was introduced to more neighbors, friends, and family. We were selling our roles as longtime boyfriend/girlfriend with ease.
Large grills had been fired up to supply meat to feed this small army with side dishes coming out of the kitchen or brought by guests. I was eating my second hamburger when Danny began tugging my hand. He had a look in his eyes that I recognized as he said he wanted to give me a tour of the barn. I fast chewed through the last bit of my burger. I was more than ready to be ‘toured’, but…
“There is no way I’m getting chicken shit on my ankle boots!”
“We don’t keep chickens in the barn,” Danny said.
I let myself be led to the barn. I was ready to receive a looong tour. Part of me had wanted a good touring since last night. I wanted to be toured so bad my skin itched. I didn’t get to see much of the barn. As soon as we entered, Danny pushed me against a thick, wooden post that held up part of the roof.
Teasing Danny, I stood up straight. With the two inches the heels of my ankle boots added to my height, I was five inches taller than Danny. As he tried to reach my lips with his, I smiled playfully down at him, “What are you going to do now?”
“Nothing,” Danny smiled up at me as one hand began unbuttoning my crop-top and his other hand moved behind me to grip a tight ass cheek through my jeans. “All the good parts are down here.”
“All the good parts?” I let my boots slowly slide apart across the dirt of the barn’s floor until my eyes were level with Danny’s. Running fingers through his newly shorn hair, I bit his lower lip and released it. Linking my arms around his neck to pull him closer, I whispered in Danny’s ear, “You’ve led a very sheltered life if you think my mouth can’t be the very best part of me.”
I smiled when Danny groaned, thinking of what I could do with my mouth. Biting and then sucking on his earlobe caused him to groan again before he pulled his ear away. Talking became difficult after that as long kisses replaced words.
As we kissed, Danny’s hands continued to fondle me through my jeans and sweater, causing me to groan in frustration. During one particularly wonderful fondle to the front of my jeans it occurred to me that, except for feeling Danny’s hard-on pressed against me, I’d yet to peek under the hood. I’d lied to the Mimosa drinking women about knowing the size of Danny’s cock to make Carolyn the Bug feel sorry for treating my nerd like a turd in high school.
Deciding I needed to know just what awaited me back at the hotel, I slipped my hands between us and started un-zipping…
“Whoa! Hey, Olivia,” Danny stopped kissing me and grabbed my wrists while looking around. “Kids could come running in here and…”
Of course, I ignored Danny. Grinning, I tugged the zipper of his trousers down all the way. Danny stopped arguing as my fingers slipped through the opening. Oh, fuck yea, I thought happily as I discovered… I hadn’t lied at all! The thick, long length I had in my hand had me wishing Danny could take me somewhere more private immediately for a good, hard touring of my lady parts. Feeling wicked, I inched his underwear down until I could hook the elastic of his boxers behind his balls.
Surprisingly, Danny didn’t complain at all as my hands moved in his pants. Only when I pulled his cock through the fly of his pants did he pull his lips from mine again, “Olivia! I wasn’t joking about children running in here!”
“We’ll just stand really close then,” I explained to Danny, not stopping my playing hands. “All they’ll see is a boy and a girl kissing. I’m sure they’ve seen that before.”
I continued to play with the hard shaft in my hands as Danny kissed me again. While I stroked and played with the nice, thick cock in my fingers, Danny pushed his hands under the front of my crop-top. One hand moved behind to unsnap my bra and he began playing with my tits without a bra or shirt getting in the way. Both of us were moaning our approval of what the other’s hands were doing. But when Danny pulled back again, this time he was more urgent in his demand that I stop. Removing his hand from my breast, he clasped my wrists, “Stop, Olivia! Damn…”
“I don’t hear any children.”
“I don’t care about kids,” Danny said as he succeeded in stilling my hands. “If you don’t stop, we’ll have a hell of a mess on our shirts to explain to my family!”
Looking down between our bodies, I could see the large purple-ish head of Danny’s cock. I could also see that there were wet marks already on our shirts that we’d have to explain if not given a chance to dry. I’d milked a large amount of pre-cum from his shaft. I gave Danny’s cock one last, hard stroke from the base to the head of his cock to milk what I could from his shaft before cleaning the tip free of wetness with a swipe of my palm. I, too, could bow to reality and rubbed my palms together to spread the pre-cum so it would dry quicker while Danny arranged things in his pants to his comfort.
Danny noticed how I’d milked and cleaned his cock and was now drying my hands to get rid of the evidence, “You seem to know exactly what to do… Why do I get the feeling you’ve done this before.”
Rubbing the last dust of now dry pre-cum off my palms, I put my arms around Danny’s neck to pull his mouth to mine for a kiss. Locking eyes while rubbing noses, I said, “I have been with other guys before, Danny. I’m sure you figured out by now that I’m not exactly a shy virgin.”
“Well, yea…”
Turning my back to Danny, I gathered my hair out of the way and asked him to re-hook my bra. Once my bra was hooked, Danny watched as I reached under my crop-top to grasp the bottoms of the bra cups. I think watching me shake my boobs into lying comfortably in my bra interested Danny almost as much as playing with them. Poor guy really hadn’t been with many girls lately.
No doubt Danny had been much closer to his release than I was to mine, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t in the mood to gain my own satisfaction. The teasing of last night, this morning, then before the rehearsal and now in the barn had kept me constantly moist and wanting more. My arms around Danny’s neck again and his hands on my waist kept us pressed close together.
“Danny, how much longer do we need to stay here before we can graciously leave and go back to the hotel,” I asked softly after another satisfying kiss. I felt we’d greeted enough people for the day. I really wanted to unwrap and put to use the large, belated birthday present I’d just found!
“Only until I can find Stan to drive us!”
With the thought of a large, comfortable and private bed waiting for us, we separated. Looking down towards the hardness I’d felt pressed to my mound and lower stomach, I ran my fingers over the still very noticeable hard-on in Danny’s trousers. “Maybe you should just… Umm, you know… Just stay here for a few minutes and, ahh… Deflate that,” I advised. “Think of baseball! I’ll find Stan.”
I stepped around the wooden post Danny had pinned me to and felt something squish under my boot. I looked down. I looked at Danny… Danny backed away. Very smart of him considering what I was feeling as I lifted my thousand-dollar Gucci ankle-boot from the stinking pile.
“Olivia, I said we don’t keep chickens in the barn,” Danny said placatingly, trying very hard to disguise his grin. I knew that as soon as I left, Danny was going to start laughing his ass off. “I never said anything about cows and, well… A cow’s gonna go where a cow’s gonna go.”
I would have started slaughtering cows, but I needed to get to a water hose before the leather stained.
While walking towards the water hose I noticed two men playing chess. During a phase when if Daddy did it, I had to do it, too, he’d taught me to play when I was four. Playing chess was still ‘our thing’ to bond over. Glancing at the board, I saw that Black was at a decided disadvantage. White had a passed pawn he was going to use to win the game. After asking whose move it was, I said, “Take that with this,” pointing first at the passed white pawn then at a black bishop. The pawn was protected by the queen.
“But…” the man whose move it was started to protest. I hip-bumped his shoulder to interrupt him.
“Aww, just do it. You’re gonna lose anyway. Go down swinging.”
Black shrugged, decided he had nothing to lose, and took the pawn. White was crowing as he took the bishop with his queen.
“Now,” I said. “Now, move your horsie to here. Isn’t that check?” Not only was it check, it was a forked attack, not only checking the king but also threatening the queen. White had no choice but to move his king out of check and Black was now crowing as his knight took the white queen. For the sacrifice of a bishop, he’d taken a pawn and a queen. At this point, it would take a moron to lose the game.
I left the two to argue if Black could claim it as a win since he’d had help.
“…and who the hell is she, anyway? I’ve never seen her before,” White complained as I moved away, still scanning the yard for Stan.
“That’s Danny’s girlfriend.”
“Danny? I thought he was gay,” Black grumped and knocked over his king to concede the game.
After hosing cow shit from my Gucci boot, it didn’t seem to have suffered permanent damage. Just then I saw Stan exiting the house and moved to intercept him. I was intercepted by Amber and Brie first. “Where’s Danny,” Amber asked.
“He’s probably in the barn still laughing his ass off,” I answered while trying to slip past Brie. Amber moved to block me. “What,” I asked in exasperation.
“Look who just showed up,” Brie answered with a head nod indicating…
Looking in that direction… Carolyn the Bug. “She just can’t take a hint,” I breathed. She couldn’t have shown up at a better time. After planting a Gucci boot in a stinking pile of cow shit, I had the perfect target to deliver some Royal Retribution to.
“I’m not sure why you gave her the beat down at the rehearsal and the restaurant,” Amber said. “I guess Danny told you how she treated him in high school. I was here and watched it. Whatever he told you, just multiply times two to get the real story.”
“I guess Danny in college studying for a job that will make a lot of money is more to her liking than Danny as the high school nerd,” Brie observed. The three of us watched out of the corner of our eyes as Carolyn scanned the crowd. Just then the four of us simultaneously saw Danny exiting the barn. When I didn’t move, Amber whispered, “Aren’t you gonna go…”
I shook my head. “If I go to head her off, she’ll sense weakness. Never show weakness, Ladies,” I told Amber and Brie. “Nope. The ball is in Danny’s court now. Either he’ll shoot her down or he’ll go crawling back. It’s his choice.”
The Bug was dressed in a short skirt, high heels, and a spandex top that showed a large amount of her top-boobs and cleavage. I saw The Bug tug the front of her top down a bit more as she intercepted Danny halfway between the house and the barn. The three of us surreptitiously watched as The Bug took Danny’s arm and leaned in to press some side-boob against his arm. The Bug had the Bicep Rub down pat.
“I wish I had bigger boobs,” Amber moaned, looking down at her chest.
“I wouldn’t worry, Amber. I have a friend who’s almost flat-chested,” I told her, thinking of Sandra. “She has men calling her for dates every day.” I didn’t think it was appropriate to mention that Sandra was also an escort and dates were her bread-and-butter.
Without being obvious, we watched as The Bug started smiling, giggling, or laughing at everything Danny said.
“She was a bitch in high school,” Hannah muttered as she appeared at my side. Shaking her head, she added, “Now she’s just a bitchy tramp. She’ll date anyone who has a paycheck she can get her claws on.”
“Then she’s barking up the wrong tree,” I laughed. “Danny’s broke and has years more schooling before he gets that paycheck.”
“Aren’t you going to break that up,” Hannah asked, indicating Danny and The Bug.
I just grinned, “Unless she can promise him sex within the hour, there’s nothing to worry about. We were just in the barn wondering how soon we could return to the hotel without being rude.”
“Mmm,” Hannah replied with a private smile. “I can remember a few trips I took to that barn with a boyfriend. Made me want to find someplace more private, too.” Hannah laughed as she became aware of Amber and Brie listening intently, “Don’t worry, girls. I’m sure you’ll both take a few boys to the barn, too.”
Danny started moving again with The Bug stuck like glue to his arm. Amber, Brie, and Hannah drifted away as they approached.
“I was busy cleaning off my boot,” I said to Danny, holding out my foot to make sure The Bug saw the Gucci logo. “I haven’t had time to find Stanley to ask him to give us a ride back to our hotel.”
Danny said he’d find Stan and The Bug finally let go of his arm as he made his escape. Even a dense nerd could feel the tension between two Queen Bees. As soon as Danny was out of hearing, I took off the gloves. “Don’t you think it’s a little tacky to zoom the bride’s brother the day before her wedding? And in front of his girlfriend!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. We were just talking about old times,” The Bug smiled.
“Wow,” I said. “We are so alike and yet so different. I almost feel sorry for you.”
“You feel sorry for me?”
“Almost sorry,” I replied. Keeping my smile wide for appearances, I began with all the things I’d wanted to say to this bitch since meeting her. “I’m sorry you tossed away a great guy like Danny when you had your chance. I’m sorry that Danny was ready to walk through fire for you and you treated him like shit. I’m sorry you’re ready to screw anything that earns more than minimum wage. I’m sorry you’ve gained weight.”
With a pointed look at the love muffins above her tight jeans, “Honey, either lose those pounds or stop wearing spandex!”
I advanced a step. “I’m sorry that after years of baking in the sun, your skin is going to look like cracked leather by the time you’re thirty,” I continued. “I’m sorry you feel it’s appropriate to show up looking like a tramp in a padded bra and spandex at the bride’s house on the weekend of her wedding. I’m even sorry you wore high heels in soft dirt. Honey, don’t you know that’s a surefire way to break off a heel on those cheap knockoffs?”
I advanced another step towards The Bug, forcing her to take an unconscious step back. “I’m sorry that only now do you realize that Danny is going to earn more than fifty times what anyone you’re currently screwing is going to make and you won’t be there to spend it. I’m especially sorry that after years of being used like a cheap sex toy, your high school sweetheart still won’t put a ring on your finger. What’s the matter? Is he getting tired of the same-old-same-old with you?”
“I don’t see any bling on your finger,” The Bug shot back.
“We were just talking about that on the train ride up here,” I smugly told Carolyn, taking another step to loom over her, forcing her back again. “We agreed that this weekend is all about his sister and it would be rude to do anything, like announcing an engagement, that might take the focus off the bride on her day…”
I would have continued if a small body hadn’t collided with my side. Throwing her arms around me, Amber squealed, “Oh my Gawd! You and Danny are engaged!? This is great! I gotta tell Mom!”
Aww, crap! I’d forgotten that short girls can have big ears. It was too late to catch Amber as she ran for the house yelling for her mom. Besides, I had business to finish with The Bug. “This is what’s going to happen,” I told The Bug. “You’re leaving. Now! Tomorrow you’ll show up at the wedding, doing everything you can to make Hannah happy. You’ll smile through the ceremony. You’ll smile for the photos and when everyone comes back here for the reception, you won’t!”
“And you think you can stop me,” came a snarky comeback. The Bug was so used to everyone treating her like the Queen Bee she used to be, she wasn’t ready for the new Queen Bee.
“No,” I answered, sizing her up and smiling down at her. Stepping just close enough to loom over her again, I threatened, “But if I see you, what I can do is drag you to the barn and shove your face into the biggest, wettest cow patty I can find.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Try me,” I grinned and decided to use my new, fake status. “I’m Danny’s fiancée so his family will cheer me on. I don’t know anyone else here, so I don’t give a fuck! what they think.” Lowering my voice, I leaned over to go eye-to-eye with The Bug and channeled my best Dirty Harry, “Go ahead. Make my day, Bitch!”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mrs. Greene explode out the back door of the house and onto the porch. Looking about for Danny or me, she saw me first. “If you’ll excuse me,” I said pleasantly to The Bug. I had some fast talking to do as Mrs. Greene began running to throw her arms around me.
Just then Danny came walking up with Stan. Releasing me, Mrs. Greene ran over to engulf him in a bear hug.
“Ahh, what’s going on,” Danny asked as his mom shook him in her excitement.
“Why didn’t you tell me,” Mrs. Greene yelled in his face.
“I’m sorry, Danny. I just blurted it out without thinking,” I said.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you’re engaged,” Mrs. Greene demanded.
“What!?” Danny looked like someone had just hit him in the head with a brick.
“We didn’t want to announce it this weekend,” I explained before Danny could say more. “This is Hannah’s wedding. This weekend is all about her.”
“Oh, that was such a nice thought,” Hannah told me. “But as soon as I saw how pretty you were I was going to hate you no matter what.” But she said that with a smile and a hug. Then she grabbed my left hand. “Where is it? Where is it?”
“The engagement ring you got me, of course,” I answered Danny. Turning to Hannah, I answered, “We really hadn’t planned to say anything, so I left it home.”
“When? When? When,” Amber cut in to ask excitedly.
“The wedding date, Silly,” I cut in before Danny could ruin things. Making it up as I went, I answered, “Ahh, next year about this time, actually. After Danny starts Grad School or Medical School or whatever school comes next.”
“That is so mature of both of you not to rush things,” Mrs. Greene beamed, obviously relieved we weren’t getting married because I was pregnant. “There will be plenty of time for planning!”
Mrs. Greene ran off to inform everyone. As Danny and I followed Stan to the car, I leaned over to whisper, “Don’t worry. I’ll buy it.”
“My engagement ring, of course!” Men can be so dense at times.
Chapter 14…
A Few Moments Later…
Danny and I couldn’t talk much in front of Stan on the drive to the hotel. Nonetheless, as I sat in the front, I could feel Danny’s eyes glaring holes into the back of my head. Once alone in our suite, I watched as Danny took a short vacation from reality.
“Who are you? What are you,” Danny asked while pacing the floor in front of the minibar. I was sitting on a bar stool opening little bottles and pouring the contents into glasses.
“A week ago, my life was simple,” Danny continued in a voice drained of emotion as if talking to himself. “A week ago, I was happy. A week ago, she was ignoring me. I was okay with that. She asked for my help. I was okay with that. I thought, ‘Hey! Maybe she’ll go to my sister’s wedding with me?’ I was okay with that.”
Danny’s voice began showing emotion as he turned to look at me, ” My mom would be happy that I was dating someone as pretty as you. Carolyn would see that I was doing great without her… Sure, it was all a lie, but I was okay with that!”
Danny took a step towards me, throwing his hands into the air and looking at me in confusion. His voice rose an octave, “But now? Now… My family, my mother thinks we’re engaged! Are you serious? Are you some kind of angel sent by God to punish me for something I did? No! No, you’re not an angel! You’re a Demon! That’s it! You’re a Demon sent to turn my life into a living Hell!”
I handed Danny a glass before he started pacing again, “Here. Have some bour-bour-gin-vod. I kind’a mixed up the bottles.”
Danny absentmindedly took a healthy gulp of his bour-bour-gin-vod and started choking. Slapping his back, I took a sip from my glass. It wasn’t that bad. “Take smaller sips,” I advised Danny.
Danny took another slug of bour-bour-gin-vod and pointed his glass at me, “You…” he started to say in a falsetto. He cleared his throat and continued in a more normal tone, “You’re not a Demon…”
“I’m glad we cleared that up,” I said and picked up the house phone.
“No, you’re the Devil. The actual Devil! I’m dead. I just don’t remember dying. I’m dead and I’m in Hell. A week ago, I only knew your name. We’d say hello on the stairs. I’d admire your ass in those tight jeans you wore, and now… Now we’re engaged?! I’m in Hell and my family is gonna kill me when they find out!”
While Danny continued to pace and drink, I covered the phone’s mouthpiece long enough to tell him, “You’re not dead.” Into the mouthpiece, I said, “Yeah, room service? We’re gonna need more booze.”
After placing my order and hanging up, I traded my glass for Danny’s empty glass on his next trip past the minibar. “What do you think about an oval cut,” I asked.
“My life was so simple a week ago,” Danny muttered again. Then he turned to me, “Huh? What? What oval?”
“For the diamond,” I said in exasperation, holding up my left hand and wiggling my fingers. Really! Why can’t Danny concentrate on what’s important? “Your sister has a round cut and I don’t want to copy her. I think square cut diamonds are boring. So, I was thinking about an oval cut diamond for my engagement ring.”
I was certain his scream could be heard as far as the lobby. Agitated, he finished his second drink in two long gulps. As he was recovering from his coughing fit, I gave him the drink I’d been making for myself, “Geez, Danny. I never took you for being such a drama queen.”
For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why Danny was so upset! The solution was so simple. “I know and you know we’re not engaged,” I replied in a calming tone. “But your mom is going to want to see a ring on my finger before we break up.”
“We’re breaking up?” Danny sounded hopeful.
I was miffed! Completely miffed! Was being engaged to me so distasteful?
“Unless you want to get married, then yeees,” I told Danny as if explaining a given fact to a particularly slow child. “Look, Danny. Even when your family thought we were just boyfriend/girlfriend, we were going to have to break up sooner or later. Right? Well, breaking up as fiancées is no different. You just have to wait three or four more months before you announce to your family that we’re breaking up. Two or three weeks before Christmas would be good. You might score some great sympathy gifts.”
“Oh, God,” Danny moaned, sounding disappointed that he couldn’t tell his family we were breaking up tomorrow and sat heavily on the couch. Gulping, he choked after he drank the last of his third bour-bour-gin-vod.
I poured the last bourbon bottle into a glass for me and added cola. As I sipped, I thought of a terrific plan, “You can blame our break-up on irreconcilable differences or… Hey, I’ve got a great idea! You can make me out to be a skank. Yea, I can see it now… You came home early from college and you caught me in bed with another guy! No! Two guys! If I’m going be a skank, I want to be a huuuge skank!”
“Oh, God,” Danny repeated. He didn’t seem to find my being a skank amusing and turned the glass up to catch the last drops of booze. Putting his now empty glass on the coffee table, he leaned back to rest his head on the cushion. He rested only for a few seconds before opening his eyes, sitting up straight and squinting. “Whoa! My head is spinning!”
I sat down next to Danny and rubbed my hand over his back. In a soothing voice, I assured him, “Danny, you’re not dead. I’m not the Devil and this is not God’s punishment.”
Danny’s eyes closed as his back muscles relaxed. “You know what this is,” I asked, leaning in to kiss his neck and nip at his earlobe. I whispered into his ear, “This is the most vivid wet dream of your life.”
“I’m dreaming? Yes, that’s it. All of this is just a dream,” Danny said in satisfaction as he leaned away from me. Further and further away… I straightened him up to a sitting position again.
“Yes. All of this is just a dream,” I told him. Molding my body to his side to help him sit upright, I lightly ran my fingers over the fly of his pants. Kissing his neck just below his ear, I told him, “You’re in your bed dreaming about me. Dreaming about all the things you wanted to do with me.”
Danny said in a soft, dreamy voice, “You’re so beautiful. I’ve wanted to do sooo many things…”
“And you will, Danny,” I whispered. “Because the only way to wake up from a wet dream is for you to take me to bed and just fuck my brains out.”
“Will that make me wake up,” Danny asked in a hushed voice, his eyes still closed.
“I don’t know about waking up, but I’ll sure as hell feel better,” I muttered to myself. His cock was growing harder in his pants now. I stood up and pulled on his hand. “C’mon, Danny. Let’s go to bed.”
“We’re not engaged,” Danny asked as he stood up slowly. “This has all been a dream…”
“We’re not engaged. It’s all a dream. We’re going to have sex and then you’ll wake up feeling much better,” I said, leading him slowly towards the door of our bedroom.
“That sounds really great…”
Just then there was a knock on the door. Expecting room service, I gave Danny a shove towards the bed. “Lay down, Danny and I’ll get the booze.” Yes! Finally, I’ve got Danny in a bed without rusty bedsprings, I thought as I dug through my purse looking for money to tip the server. We’ve got booze. We’ve got all night… I paid the server and waved the fifth of bourbon in the air as I did a little celebratory dance on my way to the bedroom… Gonna have sex! Gonna have some sex, tonight! Yeeeooww!
With bottle, two glasses and great expectations, I ran to the bedroom. Kicking the door shut, I jumped onto the bed next to Danny. Kissing him, I started unbuttoning his shirt and…
“Danny?” I shook him. “Hey! Danny!” Son-of-a-bitch! I grabbed his shoulders and shook him. “Hey! Wake up!”
All I got was a mumbled, ‘It’s not time for school…’
Fuck! Gulping down eight… Eight? Oh, crap! I’d handed him a third drink… Ten shots? Twelve? How many shots were in each of those bottles? Fucking shit! Sitting back on my ankles, it didn’t help my feelings of disappointment as I began to realize that Danny’s boozy reactions were possibly my fault. I shouldn’t have kept pushing glasses into his hand. Maybe I should have given some thought that Danny probably hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast. All that booze I kept handing him on an empty stomach… SHIT! Twelve or more shots of bour-bour-gin-vod in less than thirty minutes… No wonder he was passed out.
Danny was conscious enough to sleep-move on command as I stripped his clothes off. I finally had him naked and in bed… A bed without squeaky bedsprings and no family around… And the bastard was drunk, semi-conscious and useless! As limp as his cock! I began to reconsider Danny’s suggestion about God being pissed at one of us. ME!
I saw my reflection in a mirror and asked myself, “What the hell do I have to do to get laid in this town?”
With nothing else to do, I stripped to my bra and panties. In the bathroom I washed off my make-up. Danny was lying on his side still passed out when I returned. Lacking further inspiration, I took my bra off and left it on the nightstand beside the bed before squirming under the covers to snuggle against Danny’s warm back.
‘I’ve never really taken the time to notice how muscular my nerd is,’ I thought while running my hand over a hard chest. Nerds were supposed to have soft bodies. Danny was lean with well-developed chest and arm muscles. Lifting the covers, ‘Yep, that’s a mighty fine ass, too!’ Danny didn’t have the bulging muscles of a body builder, but there were definitely some very tight muscles under my fingers as I ran a hand over his chest and arms. From his lean hips and thighs, he was pretty much the same size to almost his shoulders. No wonder his t-shirt had been so tight across my boobs. Now able to take a close look at his hips and mine lying next to each other, I started to wonder…
A few minutes later I was posing in front of a closet’s sliding door that doubled as a mirror. I buttoned and tugged on the waistband… “Son-of-a-bitch, they fit,” I muttered as I twisted to get a better look at my ass. There was some, but only a little, slack in the hips and ass… Cut for a man, there was plenty of slack at the top because of my smaller, tapered waist.
Much of my height came from my long legs so the legs of the jeans ended just above the top of my ankles. I considered, ‘With boots? No, with sandals! Yeah, definitely with sandals.’ I decided I could wear these. I felt a little better at the thought of a new closet I could raid for clothes. I looked at Danny and wondered what his tight ass would look like in my hip huggers… Something to look forward to, if he ever regained consciousness.
Out of inspiration for something to keep me distracted, I cracked open the seal on the bottle of bourbon. Pouring a little into a glass, I propped my back up on the headboard of the bed beside Danny. Hopeful that the limp form next to me would wake up, I took my time sipping it down. Danny seemed in no hurry to wake up. After finishing the bourbon, I felt relaxed enough to cuddle close to him under the covers again.
‘I’ve never had this much trouble getting cock,’ I thought as I draped an arm and a leg over Danny. A couple of times, since working for Marla, my problem had been too many cocks…
Seven Months Ago…
Getting out of the Uber, I rechecked the address against what Marla had sent in her text. They were the same, so I paid up and walked to the front door. Home visits are very rare for the same reason I never have a taxi or Uber drop me off at my Brownstone after seeing a client. Anonymity is lost once someone knows your home address. This home was very nice! A gated community but without a guard at the gate so we’d just driven through. I rang the doorbell, waited and when the door was answered…
“Ahh, I’m sorry. I must have the wrong house.”
I nodded.
“Wow! No. No, this is the right house! I’m Kevin. Would you mind coming in before the neighbors see you?”
I warily stepped inside and let the door close before asking, “Okay, kid. What’s going on.”
“I’m not a kid. I’m eighteen.”
I crossed my arms under my breasts and gave him the same look my mom often used on me.
“Okay! Okay, I’m sixteen.”
He looked sixteen, so I let it slide. “You’re the K. Milton who called our service?”
“Yep! I found your card in Dad’s wallet and used his credit card. He’s Milton Senior and I’m Milton Junior.”
Ignoring Kevin, I looked around while walking, ending in a large den. Everything was tastefully decorated. Top of the line linen wallpaper trim. Fantastic hardwood molding. Furniture, well, everything, screamed top of the line. First impression… Money. Second impression… LOTS of money! No wonder Dad’s credit card had a limit high enough to cover Marla’s requirements. I didn’t know a Kevin Milton, Sr. but that meant nothing. Fake names are a dime-a-dozen in the biz. If I’d fucked Milton. Sr., I might not even recognize him now.
I hadn’t seen any cameras during my walk-around, but that meant nothing as small as they can be today. This was weird. Not on the level of some weirdness I’d seen, but… Best to be sure. Entrapment of a sex worker using a minor or someone posing as a minor wasn’t unknown so… I put my phone on record and stuck it in Kevin’s grinning face. “Okay, Kevin. Here’s the deal. Are you with or working with any law enforcement agency?”
The surprise on the kid’s face was real. “What? No! My parents are out of town for a couple of days and I just wanna get laid!”
I wasn’t feeling entirely safe from entrapment. I took my phone out of Kevin’s face but left it on record. “Then go get a girlfriend! Do you know the shit I’ll be in if I screw around with minors?”
“Yea. Actually, I do. Dad’s a lawyer and I looked it up in one of his law books in his library. The age of consent in this state is sixteen, so you’re safe.”
“If you’re sixteen.”
“Do you want to see my ID?”
“Oh, please! I knew where to buy fake IDs when I was twelve.”
“Look, all I want is to get laid. No entrapment. No nothing. I just figured a Call Girl would… Ahh, you know. You’d…
I interrupted, “You thought a Call Girl would be the best to teach you about sex.”
“Exactly,” Kevin said enthusiastically. “I’ve got more money if you…”
“No, I’m paid already from your dad’s credit card even if I walk out the door right now. Look, kid…”
“Stop calling me ‘kid’. Hell, you can’t be more than three or four years older than me.”
The kid… Kevin had a point. What the hell… I don’t have anything else to do this afternoon!
“Okay, Kevin. Here’s Call Girl Etiquette Lesson One: My service is paid for as soon as I show up. At an office, hotel room or home doesn’t matter. I get paid. Lesson Two: It’s customary to give a tip, except call it a ‘gift’ afterwards. For me that’s usually around three to four hundred dollars. It’s polite to put the money in an envelope and just hand it over without comment afterwards…”
“I’ll give you a thousand! Grandparents give me money instead of presents,” Kevin explained.
“You really are a horny little toad, aren’t you?” I made up my mind. I remembered how horny I got at sixteen. “Why don’t you show me your bedroom.” Kevin’s bedroom was typical male teenager, messy and unorganized. Except around the desk his computer was on. It was clean and organized.
I nodded at his computer, “Do you watch much porn, Kevin?”
“I’ll take that as a yes. So, you know the basics already, what you need,” I laid down on his bed. “What you need are the practical lessons you’ll need with a girlfriend. Lay down beside me. Kiss me and at the same time undress me.”
His kisses were sloppy, but he got better when I told him not to open his mouth like a frog. His hand fumbled on my buttons as he learned that female buttons are buttoned on the opposite side to a man’s. My bra was undone with no trouble. Distracted by sucking on his first nipples, his hand fumbled at my mound, searching until I sighed, “The zipper is on the side.”
We were both soon naked and I let him play with my tits until I had to hurry things on to do as much as possible in the time we had. I had him in my hand with the tip of his cock to my pussy when I told him, “Go slow. Even if the girl is wet, go slow or you’ll hurt her until your cock is wet, too.”
“Oh, shit,” Kevin sighed as his cock disappeared inside me.
“Feels good, doesn’t it.”
“Better than I ever imagined.”
“It feels just as good to a girl,” I told him. Surprisingly it did for me, too. Probably because Kevin was my first virgin in years.
Once inside me, Kevin began to fuck me fast until I put my hands on his ass to still his thrusts. “Slow down. Don’t move. Kiss the girl you’re with. Kiss her neck. Suck on her nipples. Play with her tits. She’s a lot more than just a pussy.” His movements became better under my instructions.
Soon, I let his hips begin thrusting as fast as he wanted until he came for the first time in a pussy. The first of many times that afternoon and into the evening when I agreed to stay longer if his dad’s credit card limit was high enough. It was and soon we were shaking the bed…
The Present…
I felt myself being shaken. A voice in my ear… I was still in my own dream and mumbled, ‘I can’t believe you want more sex…’
The shaking stopped and the voice became louder, more demanding, “Who wants more sex? We haven’t had any sex.”
“What?” I woke up more and lifted my head up to blearily look around. We were on our sides facing each other. Close, but Danny’s face wasn’t so close that I couldn’t focus on his questioning look. “Danny?”
“Yes. It’s me, Danny! But who were you dreaming of having sex with?”
I shrugged, “I have no idea. It was just a dream.”
“Uh-huh. Sure…”
“Look, Danny. I’ve been with other men. Get over it. If you’re going to act like a petulant child every time you’re reminded of that…” I left the rest unsaid. I was rather proud of the fact I’d used the word ‘petulant’. After all, how many times in one’s life do you ever have the opportunity to use that word?
Danny nodded his head, admitting the justice of my words, but he still didn’t look happy.
“Besides,” I reminded him, resting my head back onto my pillow. “I’m sure you think of the girls you’ve had sex with…”
“Girl,” Danny interrupted me to say. He shrugged, “I’ve been with one girl… And how many have you been with?”
I purposely misunderstood his question while pretending to use my fingers to count with. “Girls? Let’s see…”
Danny thought I was making a joke. Then his answer registered and, “Oh, fuck, Danny! Please tell me you didn’t lose your virginity to The Bug!”
Danny didn’t respond. Not meeting my eyes, he flopped onto his back. Still, he didn’t answer.
“Oh, shit! You did!?“
Danny continued to stare at the ceiling and hesitantly admitted, “It was just something that happened. It was the Summer before high school started and I still thought she… It was before she turned into a Class A Bitch.”
“I’m sorry, Danny, but I’ve just lost every ounce of respect for you,” I said severely, though with a smile to let him know I was joking. Well, mostly joking…
Danny turned to face me again. Adjusting the pillow under his head, he asked, “And I’m to respect a girl who still hasn’t answered how many men she’s been with?”
I sighed. If I told the truth… But I also didn’t want to lie. I needed Danny’s help with Tim’s puzzle and if I lied then if, when, he learned the truth about what I did and that I’d lied? I didn’t want to be another Carolyn in his memory. But I wasn’t sure if I should lie and try to keep my life as a Call Girl secret or tell the truth. I made the decision to tell the truth, but this was a discussion best left for another time.
“When we return to the city,” I told him seriously. “I’ll answer any questions you have. Okay?”
“Okay,” Danny finally nodded in grudging agreement.
“In the meantime,” I trailed a fingernail down his cheek. “Has it struck you as odd that we’re naked… In a bed with no squeaky bedsprings… And we’re only talking about sex?”
“That is odd,” Danny agreed with a grin to match mine. Then his grin changed to a look of embarrassment. “I wasn’t thinking last night and… I’m not sure if… I haven’t been alone today to… Do I need to go and get condoms,” he finished in a rush.
I shook my head, No, “I’m on the pill.”
I lasted through several minutes of long, wonderful kisses. The hand fondling my breasts made my nipples hard for Danny to suck on before I pulled his head away, whispering, “Danny, you know what I really want to do?”
“I really want to pee,” I told him in a strained voice. I’d needed to pee since waking up. Not wanting to ruin our mood, I’d held it until I couldn’t anymore. “I’m sorry, but I really need to go!”
I scooted off the bed and ran for the toilet as Danny remained on the bed, laughing. Afterwards, I decided a hot shower was just what both of us needed after a long day. The shower stall would be the perfect place for us to learn the contours of each other’s bodies without the pressure to rush into sex. I turned the water on in the shower. Adjusting the water to a good temperature, I got into the shower stall but left the door open, calling out, “Are you gonna just lie there or join me?”
In record time Danny was closing the shower’s door behind him. Once in the shower, Danny pulled me to him in a hug so tight I had difficulty breathing. But I didn’t complain. But then Danny released me with a groan. I watched as he wobbled on his feet before, holding his head, he slid down the wall to the floor of the shower.
Looking up with pathetic eyes, Danny admitted, “Olivia, I hate to say this. I don’t feel good. I think I drank too much. I was okay laying down but when I stood up… My head is still spinning.”
I couldn’t help it. I started laughing. I squatted on the floor beside Danny and let unlimited hot water splash us.
“Oh, sure! Laugh at the hungover nerd!”
“I’m not laughing at you! I promise, I’m not! I’ve been hungover before and it’s nothing to laugh at,” I assured Danny. I stood up to adjust the water to just this side of ‘too hot’. Opening the shower door, I turned off the bathroom lights. I sat back down beside Danny in a gloom more suitable to hungover eyes. I pushed until Danny was sitting with his back to me. When I started massaging his shoulders, Danny’s head slumped forward as he let out long moans of enjoyment.
“I’m laughing at the whole stupid, fucked up thing,” I continued as Danny’s tense shoulders relaxed. “We were in your room last night, nearly naked… Each of us hurting from wanting to have sex and we couldn’t because of rusty bedsprings! This morning, we couldn’t because there wasn’t time for anything other than a quickie and I didn’t want that for our first time. After I woke up from my nap, we didn’t have time before the rehearsal even if you hadn’t teased me. And now we can’t because I got you drunk!”
“Well, when you look at it like that, it is pretty funny,” Danny managed to chuckle. “I just wish I didn’t feel like crap. When I think what I would have done before this trip to get you naked and in my shower… Now here you are and I feel like crap.”
“What you would have done… Would you have proposed engagement to me,” I joked.
“Oh, God. Please don’t remind me about that!“
I shifted so we faced each other over crossed legs. Putting my hands to the sides of his head, I used my thumbs to massage his temples in the way that always eased my hangover induced headaches. Danny opened his eyes and stared at me. For once, his eyes stayed on my face rather than drifting to my boobs. “God, you’re beautiful. If this is still a drunken dream, I don’t ever want to wake up.”
Damn, every once in a while, the nerd says just the right thing… “Dreaming, no. Still drunk, yes.”
“I feel like I’m drunk. I haven’t been drunk in a long time so I’m not sure.”
“I’ve been drunk plenty of times so, take it from one who knows, you’re definitely still drunk.”
“Okay, I will. Why are you being so nice to me,” Danny mumbled as his eyes closed.
I slid around to sit behind Danny with him between my legs. I leaned him back to rest against me.
“I told you. I take care of my nerd. Now hush! Just breathe in the steam and sweat out the alcohol.”
We spent several more minutes under the hot water. I was pretty sure Danny fell asleep. I didn’t mind sitting on the tile floor. The water was hot, and I was warm and comfortable. Not sure how long it was until Danny woke enough to weakly pat my knee, “I think I feel well enough to get up. At least, my head has stopped spinning.”
I helped Danny up to be sure he had his balance. He did look more sober.
Danny may have felt better, but it was not until much later that we exited the shower. Under steaming hot water, we took our time washing each other in the misty atmosphere. The sun had set and with the bathroom lights out, we had to rely on touch for much of our explorations. Hands spreading soap over slippery skin while exploring those curves as we kissed. Exploring hands began fondling, stroking. A long, satisfying game of, I’ll wash yours if you’ll wash mine. Getting my long hair wet was going to cost me at least two hours tomorrow morning. Washing, drying and teasing out the tangles… But that was tomorrow and today in the now I didn’t care as Danny held me under the stream of hot water.
Danny’s tongue and lips on my neck were making my knees tremble. Pulling away enough to press my lips to his ear, I whispered, “Do you remember me telling you in the barn that my mouth can be the best part of me?” When he nodded, I smiled as I spread my knees to either side of his legs and slowly slid down between the wall to my back and Danny’s hard muscles to my front.
Squatting on my heels, I took my time as I took the measure of what I’d felt pressed against my mound and hips. In the barn, I’d only really seen the tip. Now, I took in all of the thick length. Not just with my eyes and hands, but also with my mouth as I tasted a lingering hint of soap. I liked the heavy, in-drawn breath I heard as my tongue licked the tip.
The shaft wasn’t huge like a porn star. I estimated a nice seven inches as I stroked. Oh, but it was thick! I love a thick cock and I just knew I’d have many hours of enjoyment with this shaft inside me, moving and stretching me. Looking up as I sucked his cock in long, slow movements, I saw that his eyes were open and watching me. It wasn’t long before his hips began to move. I removed my hand from the shaft and pressed the back of my head against the tile wall as more and more cock was pushed past my lips.
Danny’s movements became surer. I held my head still as I let Danny fuck my mouth with longer, deeper strokes; controlling my gag reflex when the thick head of his cock bumped against the back of my mouth. Looking up, I saw that Danny was still looking down as he moved in my mouth.
Still looking into Danny’s eyes, I put my hands on his hips to still them. Holding my breath, knowing from so much experience that I could do this, I pushed forwards. The soft flesh of the large bulb triggered my gag reflex. Not giving in to the urge, I pushed more until the tip was past the last barrier between mouth and throat. I began to alter the position of my head to make it easier to let the tip slide deeper into my mouth. Pushing forwards, I took all of Danny’s cock. When my lips and nose were pressed against the hard pubic bone, I stilled except for the motion of my tongue. The wet sound of my slurping on Danny’s cock rose over the sound of the running shower water.
Moving slowly, I began throat fucking Danny’s tip. I sucked and tongued cock until I was unable to hold my breath longer. I pushed on his hips to free my mouth of enough cock to breathe. Letting the cock slip from my mouth, I coughed and caught my breath. Thick strands of saliva connected my mouth to Danny’s cock as I pushed his hips away. They broke as I slowly stroked and spread my spit over his cock. After clearing my throat, I took him deep in my mouth again. I knew I could make Danny come quickly in the shower. I decided not to. Not for our first time. Spit had run between my breasts. Standing up, I let hot water wash my tits clean as Danny whispered, “That was incredible.”
I kept my legs parted just enough to keep my eyes at the level of Danny’s and admitted, “I’ve wanted to do that ever since last night.”
Danny pressed forwards, knees pushing my legs further apart. Flesh moved against flesh as we kissed. Hands captured my wrists and pinned my arms to the wall as lips left mine and trailed kisses down my neck and chest to my breasts. One after the other, my nipples were sucked on until they ached.
Danny’s mouth finally pulled away from my hard nipple. Still keeping my wrists pinned, he rose to look in my eyes, “I want to take you back to bed.”
“Then why are we still in the shower?”
In answer, Danny turned off the water. Our slow, playful game of you-wash-mine-and-I’ll-wash-yours in the shower became a fast game of I’ll-dry-yours-and-you-dry-mine.
Back in bed, we didn’t waste much time in fondling parts we were already familiar with. I was on my back and already had my legs spread as Danny settled on top of me.
Danny rose up on locked arms and paused, trailing his eyes from my face down my chest and waist to where our hips met. “Damn, you’re beautiful,” was all he said as I took his cock in my hand to play the tip up and down my slit until it was wet with my juice. I put the tip to my hole and then…
“It’s pretty quiet in there.”
“Do you think they’re asleep?”
“Must be. If they were screwing around, there’d be more noise don’t ya think?”
“How should I know…”
The hushed conversation outside our door could only be from Brie and Amber. They must have returned while Danny and I had been in the shower. Danny hung his head down and sighed out a long, heartfelt groan.
“Well, knock on the door.”
“I’m not gonna knock. You knock!”
Taking my hand from Danny’s cock, I whispered, “Danny, I’m going to kill your sister and cousin.” Then, I yelled, “WHAT DO YOU TWO WANT!?“