Friday lunchtime and the buzz was already building. All the talk in sixth form college was about plans for the weekend. Who was going where and with whom. As I walked out of the art rooms, I could see my best friend Holly coming towards me.
I’d been best friends with Holly forever. We were born within half an hour of each other. Our mums had been in adjoining beds on the maternity ward and since we only lived two streets apart, we’d grown up together.
“Alright Chelle, how’s it going?”
I ran my fingers through my blonde hair, tucking a loose strand behind my ear.
“It’s good.”
I opened my bag and showed her the pot of pink hair dye.
“Lizzie Ferris gave me the rest of her hair dye. I’m going to dye my fringe when I get home.”
Holly laughed. “You do know your mother will kill you.”
She had a point. I might have been almost eighteen and saw myself as an adult, but I was still my mother’s little baby girl. I still shuddered at the memory of my mother shouting at my brother the time he came home with a mohawk.
I grinned at Holly and shrugged. “Yeah, well, it’ll still be so worth it.”
The fun part of Sixth-Form College was that even though we were still at school and studying for our A levels and worrying about places at university, we didn’t have to wear school uniforms any more and were treated more like adults.
“I’m going to head outside for a smoke. You coming?”
I nodded and together we went and sat on the low stone wall in front of the college. I watched Holly swinging her legs as we sat and smoked. She was wearing black over the knee socks and converse boots and, together with the ruffled black skater skirt and cropped white top, looked just on the classy side of slutty.
I loved Holly dearly, but sometimes, she liked to push things just that little bit too far and lived life dangerously. Not that I was complaining. She supplied the disco biscuits. Those delicious little tablets of MDMA with which the colours of the world collided and made everything ok every weekend.
Not that Holly was a dealer or anything. Her big sister Imogen got them for her. Imogen would only supply enough tablets for me and Holly. She refused to provide any for our other friends because she claimed Holly was too stupid not to deal with all sorts and it would come back to bite her.
So it became a Friday night ritual. I’d call round to Holly’s and Imogen would supply us with the tablets and we’d neck them down with a bottle of water then hit the club.
There was something about ecstasy that made everything and everyone beautiful. I remembered the first time I took it. I’d spent ages running my fingers over Holly’s face. I loved her and wanted to touch her, to hold her and as we danced till god knows when, I thought I’d never feel like that ever again.
Needless to say, the next Friday night, once the MDMA kicked in, I was as loved up as ever. Not that me and Holly were gay or anything. We might stare into each other’s eyes and run our fingers over each other but that was only while under the influence. We’d never even seen each other naked, beyond a possible glimpse in the communal changing rooms after PE at High school.
So, at eight o’clock, I rang the doorbell of Holly’s house. Usually, her mum answered the door and would just send me on up but tonight, Holly opened the door and dragged me by the arm down the path towards the gate.
“What’s up?” I asked, worried about my friend as I’ve never seen her quite so stressed before.
She didn’t reply until we had turned the corner of her street and gone down a little tree-covered path where we wouldn’t be seen.
“Imogen has fucked up,” Holly whispered as she glanced around, checking we weren’t being overheard.
“What do you mean?”
“She’s sick, she can’t get us the tablets, but she really needs our help.”
Holly looked so stressed and kept looking around.
“Look Holly, what is it? What’s she done? It’s no big deal, we can do without them for one night”
Holly took a deep breath.
“Promise you won’t freak out?” I nodded and she continued.
“Imogen gets her supply from Disco Dave. He lives in one of the Crescents. Well, she, in turn, supplies some guy and it turns out she owes him quite a bit of money. She was paying him off with the tablets she got from Dave.”
I was confused by all of this. Surely if she was dealing, he’d owe her money, not the other way about but it turned out Imogen was bartering with Dave, then giving this other guy most of the drugs to pay off her debt. The unasked question hung in the air and finally I had to ask it.
“So what does she give Dave? Is she fucking him?”
Holly looked shocked.
“No, it’s not like that. But she needs us to go to Dave’s and get her supply. Otherwise, she’s going to be in the shit.”
Holly looked into my eyes. “Please, Michelle.” She took my fingers in her hands. “Will you come with me to Dave’s? I don’t feel safe going on my own.”
She only ever called me Michelle when she needed something. Finally, I nodded and smiled. “Of course I will. Do we need to go now?”
Holly took a step back and ran her eyes over my outfit. I was wearing a little black bodycon dress which I thought showed off my curves nicely.
“Are you wearing tights?”
I shook my head. “No, it’d be far too hot dancing. Why?”
“No reason. Come on, we need to get the number 17 bus to Dave’s.”
I followed Holly as we headed to the bus stop. She was still in her over the knee socks and skater skirt and I asked her why she hadn’t got changed yet.
“Been too busy dealing with Imogen. She’s been a right stressed cow. Here, drink this anyway.”
She handed me a bottle of water and I shrugged and took a sip.
“No, you need to drink the whole bottle.”
“Why?” I laughed. “Are we going somewhere hot?” Holly just sighed and turned and stared out the window and chewed her fingernail, taking drinks from her water bottle every few minutes.
I sighed and drank some water and by the time the bus stopped at the Crescents, I’d finished the bottle.
“Disco Dave lives on the 4th floor of Wellington Crescent,” Holly muttered as we tried to get our bearings in the maze of concrete crescent-shaped five-story high rises. Finally, we spotted the worn and battered nameplate on the side of the right building.
Naturally, the lift wasn’t working so as we trudged up the four flights of stairs, I cursed the fact I was in my heels and wished I was still in trainers like Holly. We stopped outside a metal door which looked like it belonged on the outside of a bomb shelter rather than a front door. The spray-painted arrow pointed to a doorbell halfway up the wall. Holly reached over and buzzed it a couple of times.
A flap in the door opened and two bug eyes stared out. “What do you want?” it demanded.
Holly swallowed, I could tell she was nervous as she told the guy that Imogen had sent her to see Disco Dave. Without speaking, the eyes disappeared and the flap was slammed shut again.
We turned to look at each other, not sure what to do now. Holly was just about to ring the bell again when the noise of bolts being drawn back stopped her.
The door swung open and we stepped inside into a dark hallway but we could see a patch of light at the end which we guessed was the living room. Holly gripped my arm.
“You do trust me, don’t you?”
I nodded. Holly gripped my arm tighter.
“You did say you’d do this, didn’t you?”
I whispered, “You haven’t told me what this is.”
We stepped into the light of the living room. A group of guys and girls were lounging around on a variety of sofas and chairs. At the far end of the room, there was a glass coffee table on some plastic sheeting and what looked like a homemade gold throne. There was a stink of cannabis in the air and as we carefully stepped our way through the piles of overflowing ashtrays and half-full glasses and mugs, no one spoke.
Holly stood in front of the throne and stared at the middle-aged balding man who was sprawled over the seat. He scratched the stubble on his chin as I ran my eyes over the beer belly protruding from beneath the stained football shirt.
“Are you Dave?”
When he nodded that he was, Holly continued, explaining that Imogen had asked us to come instead. Dave smiled, slowly licking his lips as he ran his eyes over the two of us. He sat upright on the throne and clicked his fingers. Immediately a young guy in his late teens sprang to his feet.
“Get the biscuits.” The order was immediately obeyed and the young guy left the room.
I turned to Holly and whispered, “What exactly have we to do?”
Holly didn’t break eye contact with Dave but spoke out of the side of her mouth.
“We have to pee on him.”
“What?” My mind reeled. “What the fuck?” I grabbed Holly by the arm as I turned to Dave.
“Excuse us, Dave. We’ll be back in a second.”
I dragged Holly back out of the living room and pushed her against the wall of the darkened hallway. I was about to bawl her out when she started to speak.
“Look, Michelle. Imogen told me all we have to do is pee in front of him. He gets off on watching an attractive girl piss. That’s it. He’ll pay double for the two of us to do it at the same time. It’ll clear Imogen’s debt and we’ll have plenty for ourselves too.”
She looked so sincere. Her big brown eyes looking at me, eyelashes fluttering.
“So that explains the water bottle. Fuck, I wish you’d told me earlier.”
“I was worried you wouldn’t come with me.”
“Come on,” I said, taking her hand and leading her back into the room.
Dave grinned as he watched us come back in and stand in front of him.
“So, Dave. How does this work?” Holly asked.
“You get up on the table. I lie underneath and watch.” He picked up a plastic bag and shook it. The tablets inside rattled. “Then you can take your biscuits with you.”
He grinned at them. “So come on, girls. Knickers off and get up on the table.”
“What? Here? Now?” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.
“Aye, darling. Don’t mind them, they’re all off their tits.”
He stood up, unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down. He got down on his hands and knees and rolled and slithered until he was lying underneath the glass coffee table.
I glanced at Holly, who was standing biting her lip, then looked back at Dave. He had his boxer shorts down and was stroking his rapidly hardening cock. My eyes moved from his cock to the bag of tablets then back again.
A movement beside me caused me to glance over and I watched Holly as she pulled her black lace panties down her legs. She stepped out of them and reached down and picked them up and pushed them into the pocket of her denim jacket. She turned to me.
“Please, Chelle.”
I bit my lip, swallowed and nodded. I slid my hands under my dress. I felt the material ride up my thighs, exposing my ass as I dragged the red satin thong down. I felt the cool air on my pussy as I slid it down my legs and stepped out, balancing slightly precariously, cursing wearing those stupid heels.
I left the thong on the ground and put my hand on Holly’s shoulder for support as I climbed up onto the table. I looked down. I could clearly see Dave lying underneath. He was grinning as he stroked his cock. His hand moved in a slow, regular rhythm. His eyes staring up between my legs.
Holly clambered up beside me, grabbing my arm and giggling as the adrenaline kicked in.
“Come girls now. You cannae keep a man in suspense.”
Holly giggled and sank down onto her honkers, pulling me down with her. We held hands, looked at each other and Holly whispered, “On the count of three?”
I nodded and together we counted, “One… Two… Three.”
I relaxed my bladder and felt and heard the gush as a stream of acrid yellow urine flowed from my bladder. I glanced down and watched the yellow stream bouncing off the glass. Dave’s face, while distorted could be plainly seen, mouth open, as if trying to drink the streams of piss.
The smell rose and hit my nostrils. I could feel the splash on my ankles, whether from mine or Holly’s piss, I couldn’t tell. I glanced behind me and watched as Dave wanked his cock faster and faster.
I looked back at Dave’s face, watched his eyes moving from me to Holly and back again. As the streams started to slow, I saw Dave screw his eyes shut, yell out, “Ya wee fucking slags,” and come. The ropes of white cum splattered against the underside of the table as the pool of our urine flowed over the edge of the table like a mini Niagara Falls.
I held on to Holly for support. The last few drops trickled out of me as I leant over, peering down at the mess I had made of my suede heels. Dark patches of piss splatters dappled all over the grey suede. Holly stood up and stepped down from the table. She held my hand as I stood upright and teetered on the edge of the glass. I knew I was flashing my ass and pussy and as soon as I was standing on the floor, I quickly pulled my dress down again to cover myself up.
I cursed inwardly as I stood in a puddle of piss. Holly reached over and picked up the bag of pills.
Dave rolled his head to one side and grinned.
“If you ever need any more, you know where to come. Any time.”
Holly giggled and told him we’d think about it as I dragged her by the hand to get her out of there as quickly as possible.
As we left the room, a guy in an armchair that I had thought was asleep raised his head and snarled, “Ya wee fucking piss whores.”
“Oh my god, did you hear what he called us?” I cried indignantly as we made our way down the stairs.
“Well, we are,” laughed Holly. “Dirty fucking slags he called us as he came watching us piss out of our fannies. I swear, Chelle. I felt like frigging my clit as he wanked himself off watching us.”
“You dirty slut.” I could feel my face blushing as Holly told me how much it turned her on.
“Oh come on, Chelle. You’d do it again, wouldn’t you?” She pulled the bag of pills out of her jacket pocket and rattled them. Her panties fell from the pocket and landed on the ground.
“Oh fuck,” I suddenly remembered. “I left my knickers on Dave’s floor.”