It had been a really enjoyable lunch. Tony, who was coming up for retirement next week and was sixty-five, had been taken out for lunch by a long-standing supplier.
His work colleagues, Mark and Hannah, had been at the lunch as well. Mark was fifty-five and Hannah was thirty-two.
Mark and the supplier had both left after two hours, but Tony was used to having long lunches with suppliers and he happily stayed, and Mark told Hannah to stay with him and make sure that he got back to the office okay.
Two bottles of wine later, most of which had been drunk by Tony, and he said, slurring, that they should now go back to the office as well.
As they walked back Tony was clearly the worst for drink and was very happy but too relaxed and wasn’t thinking straight. He started to make advances towards Hannah who, he knew, he did find very attractive. She was taller than him, slim, with long dark hair and bright blazing eyes, with pert breasts, and a strong personality with a haughty commanding voice.
Tony wasn’t even properly aware of what he was doing as he chatted away, albeit slurring, but suddenly Hannah grabbed his hand which was now placed wholly over her breast and pulled it away, saying, “Stop it, you dirty old man.”
Tony was really apologetic and said, “I am so sorry, Hannah. I just meant to put my arm around you but guess I shouldn’t have done that either should I?”
In fact, Hannah didn’t mind, but now that Tony had groped her, she wanted to have some fun at Tony’s expense. Having thought that, she was pretty sure it would be something that Tony wanted to happen as well. She had used his computer when he was away a while ago and searched his history and saw the porn websites he looked at.
Hannah said, in a stern tone of voice, “I think this ought to be reported to HR, don’t you?”
Tony was horrified because he knew that even though he was just coming up to retirement HR would take firm action, which would probably include him being sacked. He certainly didn’t want that to be the way that his career ended.
So, Tony pleaded with Hannah, albeit still slurring his reply as he asked, “Please, Hannah, don’t do that. I’ll do anything you want. Just tell me what will make you happy without you reporting me to HR.”
That was exactly the reaction that Hannah had wanted. She then explained, “There is one thing I could do to punish you.” She let the words hang in the air and looked at Tony’s face to see his reaction.
Tony heard the word, ‘punish,’ and asked, “What do you mean by you could punish me?”
Hannah replied, “I’m pretty sure that when you were younger the standard form of punishment would have been a spanking. Wasn’t it for you as well?”
Tony knew that he had never been spanked but it was a long-held fantasy of his. In fact, when no one else was around at the office he would often go onto spanking websites and look at photographs and even videos, always watching men being spanked by women. It never even worried him what age the woman was, because, for him, a spanking was a spanking and was intended to hurt, and, frankly, women much younger than him could hurt just as much as women much older than him.
So, almost reluctantly, he replied, “No, Hannah, I was never spanked.” He decided not to explain what his fantasy was.
Hannah took the answer together with the websites he watched as meaning that he wanted to be spanked. So, she replied, “Well that’s a pity, but I still think that is a very good way to punish someone who has done what you have done. Tell me though, were you ever caned by any of your teachers or headmaster?”
Tony replied, “No, I wasn’t caned either.” He didn’t add that his fantasy included being caned by a headmistress because he was definitely only fantasising about being submissive to a woman.
Hannah then explained, “As you know I live in a flat just a hundred yards away, and so if you want to know what would satisfy me in this terrible situation, we will both go there, you will take off your trousers and underpants and go across my lap, and I will give you a bare bottom spanking. I will then give you twelve strokes of the cane followed by another bare bottom spanking.”
Hannah again looked at Tony to see his reaction and saw that he was actually thinking about it. Well, she knew that she had used Tony’s computer at the office and wasn’t surprised that someone his age didn’t realise his search history was kept.
Tony was thinking, and in fact, thought just how close that was to one of the favourite videos that he watched at the office. He thought about that for a few moments but then thought about the alternative Hannah had threatened of him being reported to HR. He knew which one he would prefer, and had even fantasised about being spanked by Hannah. He had pictured himself so often across her lap and he was being offered that exact experience right now.
Tony was still worried because whilst he would get the experience he had wanted for so long, he was concerned that it would also get around the office, and so he looked at Hannah and asked, “Would it just be our secret?”
Hannah managed to keep a straight face, albeit she was surprised that Tony seemed about to agree to her truly outrageous demands but supposed that as he was the worse for drink, he won’t have been thinking all that straight. However, she replied, “Yes, Tony, I won’t be telling anyone.”
Hannah also saw the bulge that appeared in Tony’s trousers and that confirmed to her that he was going to go ahead with her demand.
Moments later Tony was blushing but also trying not to smile as he replied, “Okay, Hannah, then my punishment it is.”
Hannah was surprised at the suppressed smile and saw it as a challenge to wipe the smile off his face before she was finished with him. The thing was, she didn’t actually mind him groping her as few men did, given her small breasts, but that wouldn’t stop her from making Tony suffer.
So, Hannah replied, “Okay then, Tony, let’s go. We will be able to get there without anyone from the office seeing us, and no one will be expecting us back yet.”
With that settled, Hannah hooked her arm into Tony’s and they walked off as though close friend’s and she was pleased to find there was no resistance from him. Hannah didn’t go very quickly because she didn’t want him tripping, and it still only took a couple of minutes to get to the door to her flat, which she opened and then closed after they were both inside, then leading Tony up the stairs and into the flat.
Once in the living room, Tony watched as Hannah went to the dining table and turned a chair around into the room. She then looked at Tony and said sternly, “You wait here.”
Tony watched as Hannah went out of the room, and then just about a minute later came back carrying a hook-ended cane. It was just like the one he had seen so many times when watching videos of a headmistress caning an albeit adult student. He knew he got so many hard-ons when watching those videos, but then looked down at himself and realised that he had a hard-on just then.
Hannah also looked down and saw the bulge in Tony’s trousers and had to smile particularly when he looked up at her with a shocked look on his face. Would he run out of the flat, she asked herself, but after a few moments, he still stood where he was and seemed to be looking her up and down. Well, she was very pleased that she had worn a short-sleeved dress with a high hem, and had her legs bare because it was the middle of summer. At least it meant she would be able to yank her dress up so that Tony would be lying across her bare thighs just in case he leaked his cum over her when across her lap.
Hannah decided it was time to take full control and ordered, “Take your trousers and underpants off, Tony. Then you can come over to me and bend across my lap.” With that stern command, she went and sat on the dining chair she had turned into the room, putting her hands on her lap and sat just watching Tony.
Tony had reconciled himself to being punished by Hannah. After all, he had groped her which was unforgivable. Equally, even though she was half his age, he found her so attractive and was now just thinking about the fantasies he had of being across her lap. To top it all she was even wearing a dress similar to the ones he pictured her wearing, except it had short sleeves rather than being sleeveless but he knew he wouldn’t have sight of her arms once he was across her lap.
Tony then followed the instruction and sat on the sofa and undid his shoes and took them off. He undid his trousers and pushed them down to the floor, stepped out of them and scooped them up. He then pushed his underpants down to the floor, stepped out of them, scooped them up and put them with his trousers. As he stood back up, he did feel awkward as he still had an erection which actually stiffened as he looked again at Hannah. He wondered if she was embarrassed by his erection, but clearly she wasn’t because she crooked her finger clearly indicating he should go across to her, and as soon as he started walking, she pointed to her lap.
Tony went and stood to the side of Hannah looking down at her bare thighs but was wondering whether she would go through with spanking him. That thought was short-lived because she said almost immediately, “Now get across my lap.”
Tony found the voice authoritative, but then Hannah did have one of those haughty tones of voice that he liked. He could also see that his true submissive persona was really coming out because in all the years that he worked there he was the alpha male and a leader, but now he actually understood how in his private life he just wanted to be submissive.
Once across Hannah’s lap, balancing with his hands on the floor, he loved the feeling of submission in seeing her bare upside-down legs and his own dangling under the far side of the chair. Again, he had fantasised about this view whenever he thought about being over Hannah’s lap but had to admit that the reality was so much better than the fantasy. Mind you, he had fantasised about being spanked and caned and was now thinking whether the reality was going to be better than the fantasy as well, or just much more painful.
Hannah was still wide-eyed as she looked down at Tony lying across her lap. She had yanked her dress up as she sat down so that when Tony bent across her bare thighs his still erect penis would press down on her bare skin. It was just so strange having someone so senior being so submissive to her, but she would never have even thought of doing this if she hadn’t used Tony’s computer and seen from his history that he was into pretty much exactly this.
As soon as Hannah saw that Tony was settled in place, she raised her hand and brought it down spanking his far bottom cheek, then his near bottom cheek, and then proceeded to spank him on alternate bottom cheeks. She did like the way that his bottom cheek flattened under her hand before bouncing back and swirling around just as she spanked the other bottom cheek.
Even as she continued to spank Tony, she still didn’t understand why he accepted the threat because there was actually no way that she would have reported him to HR. He had helped her settle in when she first joined the firm, and although her boss he always treated her very fairly and listened to her points of view, even if it turned out subsequently that he didn’t agree with them.
Now that she was spanking him Hannah didn’t think any less of him and just saw that she was helping him experience something that he clearly wanted to. Of course, she didn’t know whether he was spanked by anyone else, but the fact he didn’t object, and immediately bent across her lap having taken off his trousers and underpants as instructed, told her that he was up for this.
Hannah had to admit that she was enjoying giving the spanking, and saw that there was no reason to hold back but make each spank very hard. That was what she did and quickly turned both bottom cheeks bright red. She tried smacking the backs of Tony’s legs and when he just gasped loudly but stayed in place, she proceeded to turn both his legs as bright red as both bottom cheeks.
As she was getting to the end of the first spanking Hannah turned her mind to the cane which she was really looking forward to using on a real bottom. She knew that her own interest in experiencing giving someone a spanking and also the cane came about only because she had looked at the same websites that Tony had. Not at the office, but at home, and it led her to purchase a cane which she had practiced with on a pillow. It meant she was confident that she knew how hard to land the cane, and was glad that she had had that experience.
Once happy with the bright red colour of Tom’s bottom cheeks and legs, she ordered, “Right, Tony, stand up and then bend over and grab the seat of this chair. You have twelve strokes of the cane coming.”
Tony heard the instruction and was immediately worried because the spanking had actually hurt more than he had expected. He supposed that Hannah, although slim, looked and was very fit, and so in the end wasn’t surprised she spanked him so hard. However, that might not bode well for him when it came to the cane. Even so, he got himself up into a standing position, waited for Hannah to get up and move away from the chair, and then immediately bent over and clasped hold of the seat of the chair. He had seen this done so often in the videos, and whilst it felt strange him doing it himself, he knew that he still wanted to experience being caned, no matter how much it hurt.
Hannah watched as Tony did exactly as she told him to do. She smiled to herself thinking how it would be nice if he obeyed her the same way when at the office, maybe him getting her a coffee rather than it always being her getting it for him, but then he was the one in charge there.
She quickly reminded herself, though, that she was the one in charge here. It was then that she realised that she was getting turned on by having given a spanking and was about to give a caning and that her knickers were now ever so damp. She got really excited at that thought and was even more pleased having told Tony that he had groped her though she knew it was just a mistake. However, because they had both watched those videos, she reckoned they were both living out the fantasy so there was no harm there really.
Once Tony was in position Hannah positioned herself and rubbed the cane from side to side across Tony’s already very red bottom cheeks. She focused on his bottom and where she wanted to land the cane which was going to be about halfway up his bottom. She took a deep breath, held it, and then brought the cane down really hard and watched as it cut into his bottom leaving his cheeks swirling around just as they did when he was spanked. She was thrilled with the result and smiled knowing Tony wasn’t able to see her face.
Tony was nervous as he felt the cane being rubbed from side to side across his bottom and reckoned that Hannah would not cane him so hard, then yelped as the cane bit into his bottom and the pain cascaded around and he closed his eyes and shook his head to try and cope with the pain. So, Tony told himself that he was wrong and that Hannah was giving him a serious punishment. Still, it was exactly the punishment that he had fantasised about getting, and so he was actually thankful to her. He still didn’t know how come the punishment she chose was so close to the one that he had fantasised about, but first things first and he knew he had eleven more strokes to get through.
Hannah watched as the first welt developed and then landed the cane for the second stroke just below the first stroke. She thought Tony had yelped the first time but wasn’t sure, and listened out more carefully this time and heard that he did again, and again with the third and fourth strokes. Even though he yelped again with the fifth and sixth strokes Hannah was determined to make sure it remained a hard caning and possibly one that he couldn’t cope with, but certainly looking at the videos that he watched the man being caned in those certainly knew he was being punished.
Tony found the caning much more difficult to deal with than he thought it would. He knew it was going to hurt, and so it should, and in fact, he was still delighted that it was Hannah who was caning him. He did look at the floor behind him and saw her bare legs with her calf muscles tensing as the cane was on its way down towards his bottom, and, once it struck, he yelped once again. He counted out the strokes to himself but lost count after eight strokes but just yelped as each stroke landed time after time. Still, Hannah could be trusted, he told himself.
Once the strokes ended, presuming it was all twelve but not being sure, what he did know was that it was a punishment he realised he hated but loved at the same time and could see that being submissive to a woman and spanked and caned by her was the most fabulous experience. What he saw was that the reality of submission was far better than the fantasy as was the actual spanking and caning experience in reality also far better than the fantasy.
Hannah made sure that the last few strokes were even harder than the first ones, and the last stroke was the hardest of them all. She saw all of the welts develop, and wondered how Tony would be able to sit down, but then smiled because that was going to be his problem. What she knew was that her knickers were so damp she was going to have to sort herself out and knew that she would be able to finger herself to some huge orgasms. She did think, momentarily, of telling Tony to give her tongue sex but wasn’t ready for that yet.
It was then the thought went through her mind of, maybe there would be a next time, and that thought led her to say in her haughty tone of voice, “I’m not going to spank you again now, Tony. I think that after you have retired next week you can come back here the day after when I am home from work and that’s when I’ll give you another spanking and caning. By the way, I’m telling not asking.”
Hannah looked at Tony and wondered what his reaction to that would be. Was he as up for another session being dominated by her as much as she was up for it?
Tony was rubbing his stinging bottom cheeks but had sobered up. He looked at Hannah who he still found so gorgeous even as his super Dom. He understood what Hannah was really saying. Whilst he was up for a second spanking today he would rather follow all of her instructions and come back again. That might even become a regular occurrence which would be a huge bonus. So, he was very happy to take a rain check on the next spanking, and definitely liked the idea of coming back here and submitting to Hannah again. Even again and again. He was so taken by her authoritative tone of voice which was demanding and commanding and not respectful like the assistant she was at the office. So, he replied, “Whatever you say, Hannah.”
As he said it, he realised that he was getting another erection, even though his bottom was stinging so much. However, he now understood much better the whole principle of those who enjoyed being spanked and caned and got turned on by it. It was the pain and the submission that did it for them, and he had those very feelings right then. Being spanked and caned by his beautiful and authoritative assistant was an added bonus that he had dreamed about and was now a reality.
Whilst he didn’t know it, those feelings were matched in reverse by Hannah’s as she realised just how turned-on she was by spanking and caning Tony. She wondered if his feelings of submission matched hers of domination, and that would certainly be interesting to find out when they met again the day after he retired next week. Maybe after an even harder spanking and caning, he would give her tongue sex as a thank you, and she was certainly up for giving him a blowjob once he was a good bloke again. Maybe that would all happen, and she now hoped so.