After Timothy didn’t reply, Jessica added, “Tim, you awake?”
Still no reply. She figured he was asleep and decided it was about time she slept too, but she didn’t want to get up to turn off the TV. She was lying with her back on Timothy’s chest with his arms wrapped around her. Very few things would be able to convince Jessica to give up Timothy’s warm embrace and the TV certainly wasn’t one of those things.
In no time Jessica had fallen asleep and just as quickly she was rudely awakened. The TV was now playing a particularly loud scene which is what had disturbed her.
She tried her best to block the noise out and fall back asleep, but it was no use, she was completely awake now.
This was when Jessica noticed just what exactly the noise was that had awoken her. It couldn’t be, she thought, but when she opened her eyes, her suspicions were confirmed.
It seems more time had passed than she had anticipated, as the movie that she remembered watching before she fell asleep had been replaced with an extremely erotic sex scene.
Jessica was no fan of porn and had tried her best to avoid it her whole life. She could get up and switch off the TV, but she would certainly wake Timothy up. She could also just wait it out, the scene couldn’t last forever.
Jessica continued to weigh up her options, but slowly the sound of her conscious faded and soon only the sounds of the moans, groans and grunts filled her head.
“Arrh,” she growled in frustration, trying to will the sounds away. She refused to watch anymore and decided to turn off the TV sooner rather than later. She gave the screen one last look before getting up and without even realising, her eyes became locked. She wanted to move, but she couldn’t, she just had to watch.
Only a little more…
Just this once…
I can’t get up anyway…
Her thoughts chiseled away at her resistance until she finally gave in. Her body fell limply back into Timothy.
TIMOTHY! she thought, coming back to reality. “Tim?” she squeaked, praying that she hadn’t woken him. No reply. “Phew,” she sighed.
Looking back to the screen now, Jessica noticed things had really escalated. A man had pinned some woman over a table and was furiously thrusting into her repeatedly. Annoyingly, the camera angle left much up to imagination. More… she wished.
No! she told herself. You’re better than this Jessica! She continued to argue with herself, but her internal debate was interrupted by the camera angle change she had wished for.
On the screen before her was a close up view of the man’s penis buried inside the woman’s vagina.
Being a twenty-two year old virgin, much like Timothy, who had avoided porn as much as possible throughout her life, Jessica became very aroused, very quickly.
She began to feel a warmth forming between her legs and the more she watched, the more intense it became. The need to touch herself began to overwhelm her and soon one of her hands dropped onto her crotch.
She began to rub herself through her clothes. The friction of the rough material felt unbelievable good, causing a gasp to escape from her mouth. To avoid anymore unwanted outbursts, she covered her mouth with her other hand.
The scene on the TV was coming to an end, or at least she thought so, as the man had stopped thrusting and was just lying on top of the woman. Another close up of the couples’ genitals was shown, except this time the man slowly withdrew his penis and once completely withdrawn, a white trickle started flowing out of the woman’s vagina.
This image, coupled with the sighs of satisfaction from the man and woman made Jessica moan involuntarily through her hand that covered her mouth. Her body felt weak, but she summoned the energy to rub herself harder and faster.
Her chest was heaving now and she started to feel the crotch of her pants becoming damp. The smell of her arousal and the sounds of her rubbing filled the air.
She would surely wake Timothy if she carried on, but she didn’t care, the thought of him catching her just made her even more aroused.
Out of nowhere, a feeling that could only be described as a wave, hit her. Her jaw dropped, her toes curled and her back arched, pulling her out of Timothy’s embrace. Her mouth was wide open and she felt like she was screaming, but no noise escaped.
She held this position for a few seconds before collapsing back onto Timothy, totally exhausted. All fell silent and Jessica lay still, in total bliss, savoring the remains of what she had just felt.
“Jess?” Timothy’s sleepy voice interrupted Jessica’s afterglow.
“Yes?” Jessica managed weakly.
“Why are you still awake?”
“The TV woke me.”
Remembering the TV, Jessica wondered what Timothy would think when he saw what was playing. Turning her head towards the TV she noticed the credits were rolling up the screen.
What a relief , she thought.
“Oh, sorry about that.” Timothy grabbed the remote that was lying less than a few inches from them and flicked off the TV.
“There we go, goodnight beautiful.”
Timothy, none the wiser, wrapped his arms around Jessica again and fell back to sleep, leaving her in darkness and silence. The only thought in her head was how grateful she was that she hadn’t seen the remote.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! I’m a long time reader and first time writer. I’d like to hear your (honest) feedback, but please be nice.