Dinah’s bedchamber was quite spectacular. The walls were a similar brown to the rest of the apartment, and the oak doors leading into her closet looked to be quite expensive. She had dressers along the walls that were probably worth more than an average person made in two or three months, and there were paintings hanging before me that were more than likely originals and not cheap imitations. Her bed was king-size, and she had the sheets and comforter all pulled back as she sat on the middle of the mattress waiting for me.
Smiling from ear to ear, the beautiful brunette asked, “Do you have a preference to what side you sleep on?”
I noticed that the bed sat directly next to a window overlooking the city. I thought it would be amazing to lie with her and gaze out across the lights of the nightlife, but I didn’t have to be directly in front of the window to do that. I shook my head and told her, “I’m good with either side.”
She scooched over toward the window and began patting the spot to her left. “Come on over, then!”
I made my way across the floor and could actually feel how comfortable the carpet was through my socks. When I stood in front of her bed, I paused for only a moment as I cleared my throat and brought up, “I want you to be honest with me, okay, Dinah?”
She solemnly nodded while studying my countenance.
“This is your home and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, so would you be okay if I slept with my shirt off? I get a little warm if I…”
The buxom beauty broke out into an uncontrolled laugh as she pointed out, “We’re not twelve, Marcus! I won’t be offended if you sleep with your clothes off!”
Her words didn’t go unnoticed as I peeled my t-shirt off. I thought about how fun it would’ve been to discard more than my shirt, but something held me back from doing so.
I glanced back at my brown-haired compeer while folding my shirt and setting it on a nearby dresser. “What is it?” I asked.
Dinah looked my chest over and studied it closely with some assistance from the lamp she had on beside her bed. Her expression told the story, but in case I needed a little help, she mumbled, “Look at you…”
I glanced down at my hairy chest and realized that the sultry cougar appreciated my physique. When I met her eyes again, I couldn’t help but smile since she was still staring.
“Hit the gym much?” she asked as continued to examine my build.
“Actually, I don’t. It’s not exactly my scene.”
As I made my way back toward the bed, Dinah moved over to the side I would be sleeping on and threw her legs over the edge of the furniture. Her hands firmly gripped the mattress as she looked me over and pressed, “Where do you ever find the time to stay in such good shape?”
“You should talk!” I chuckled as I stood about four feet away from her. “Look at the definition on those arms of yours!”
She playfully flexed for me before asking me to do the same for her. I complied but felt silly while doing so since it wasn’t something I often did. Yes, I was in shape, but I was no bodybuilder by any stretch of the imagination. I didn’t think I was nearly as cut as she was making me out to be.
After a little more playful banter back and forth, Dinah caught me completely off guard once again when she spoke up, “Marcus, before we go to sleep, would you be terribly offended if I touched myself?”
I wasn’t sure I had heard the sultry cougar correctly. “Huh?”
The buxom brunette shoved a hand down the front of her pajama pants and started viciously pleasuring herself while staring directly at my torso. I wondered if she noticed the boner she was giving me as well.
I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. I had been with girls who were older than me before, but not by a decade…and Dinah was super hot. I’m sure I’m not the only guy out there who feels that older women have a certain mystique to them that’s unparalleled. Add the fact that Dinah’s chest was stacked with the biggest rack of boobs I had ever seen on a natural beauty before…
Instead of doing as nature dictated and grabbing my own piece to pleasure, I decided to instead clear my throat and ask, “Um, Dinah? Would you maybe want to take your shirt off also?”
The top-heavy vixen answered by deviously smiling at me and then holding both of her arms up.
I mouthed a silent “thank you” to any deity paying me any heed as I stepped forward to help the buxom beauty with her tank top. She continued to hold her arms up for me as I grabbed the bottom of it and started tugging it upward. It took me a few seconds to wrestle it past her enormous chest, but once I had done so, her tits came tumbling out of her top like a couple of boulders rolling down a hillside. They were nothing shy of miraculous.
Those two breasts were wonders of the modern world that I could actually get behind. Not only did they look even larger once freed from their confinement, but her nipples were beyond perfect. I had been half expecting them to be the kind that looked like “pepperonis” due to the mammoth size of her breasts, but her areolas were of the same immaculate design as most of the other women I had been with. Her nips were just as flawless, and even though I’ve said it before, the allusion applies here tenfold: A baby could’ve sucked from those teats for a year and never been in danger of going hungry.
Her areolas had bumps along them that I couldn’t wait to run my tongue over, and along with the nubs protruding from them, they were a light-brown color that complemented her tanned skin tone perfectly. I’m sure I looked like a loon as I just stood there staring at them.
“Like what you see?”
I finally met Dinah’s eyes and did my best to nod as I told her, “Like you wouldn’t fucking believe.” I added the curse for extra emphasis.
I think she approved of my answer as she suddenly reached forward and grabbed me by the top of my pajama pants. She tugged me toward her and smiled cunningly as she said, “Now it’s my turn to see something I’m going to like!” And with that, she whipped my pants down…and my penis lunged forward like an untamed jungle cat as it connected with her face.
After witnessing my sausage bashing Dinah in the left cheek, I couldn’t help but pull my pelvis back and begin profusely apologizing. “Aw, crap! I’m so sorry, Dinah! I didn’t mean for that…”
“Are you kidding me, Marcus?” The sultry cougar cut me off with a laugh as she playfully batted at my swaying pecker. “That was fucking great! In fact…”
I watched on in amazement as the mature vixen clasped my base and leaned forward so she could begin pounding my hard cock all over her countenance. I was witnessing it before my very eyes and I still couldn’t believe it.
Pornographic mediums have us believing that all men sport dicks the length of a ruler with the girth of a woman’s upper arm, but that’s just not reality. I may not be nearly as long or thick, but I’ve always been fine with what I do have, and when Dinah began thumping my rigid organ against her face and smiled up at me before shoving it in her mouth, I’m pretty sure she was good with it as well.
I ran my fingers through Dinah’s brown locks and closed my eyes while feeling supreme satisfaction course through my veins. I let out a few groans of approval as the woman worked her magic on my shaft, and when I felt my cock snaking its way toward the back of her throat, I couldn’t help but smile since it felt amazing to be with a woman who was ten years my senior. While the buxom brunette was by no means old, I think at some point in our lives, every man desires an “older” woman.
I opened my eyes and glanced downward so I could watch Dinah pleasure my prick. “You’re so fucking good at sucking dick,” I complimented her as her head moved back and forth along my pole. I wasn’t sure if she was the kind of girl who would appreciate such a commendation, but I said it anyway. I’m pretty sure it did manage to tug at her heartstrings in some way because not only did she glance up at me and try to flash me one of her glorious smiles with her mouth full of my cock, but she suddenly shoved her free hand back down her pants. “Fuck yeah…”
Dinah finally pulled my wanker out of her oral orifice and gasped for air. Strands of saliva connected my length to her lower lip and chin, and she gazed up at me again while saying, “You’re so fucking GOOD, Marcus! I could eat your dick all day, every day!”
I couldn’t help but chuckle as I ran a hand through her wavy, brown locks and told her, “I think I’d like that a hell of a lot more than you would!”
“I wouldn’t be so sure!” The mature vixen fired back as she shot forward and began gobbling down my inches yet again. My body shuddered as she did so since the feeling of having my cock down her throat was breathtaking.
In the past, I usually let any woman I was being intimate with control the tempo of how she wanted to go about blowing me. The way I figured it, if a girl was willing to go down on me, she should be the one in control of what she was doing. That was kind of an unwritten rule I had. However, something about Dinah made me want to break it. I don’t know if it was due to her age or her overall demeanor around me, but I couldn’t hold myself back.
With both hands on the sultry cougar’s head, I began moving her back and forth along my length as I started to thrust my pelvis forward and back. The second I started doing so, she released her hold on me and opened her mouth even wider. She tightly closed her eyes and let me whale away on her throat as her tits wildly flopped about below. I had never done anything so sinfully delightful…but I quickly snapped back to reality when I heard intense gurgling sounds coming from her.
I pulled my cock out of the brunette’s mouth and released my hold on her head as I immediately apologized, “I’m sorry, Dinah! I wasn’t hurting you, was I?”
“Why’d you stop?” The busty vixen resolutely queried. “I was just getting warmed up!”
“It sounded like you were choking!” I replied. “I’ve…I’ve never really taken control of a blowjob like that before, and I was afraid that…”
“You might be a little too sweet for your own good!” The charismatic cougar educated me. “While I appreciate the fact that you don’t want to hurt me, I think you should know that a little force never hurts…and if it does, trust me when I say that I’ll let you know!”
I promptly nodded my understanding.
“With that being said,” Dinah deviously finished her thought, “Shove that cock back in my mouth and fuck my throat!”
It was amazing that I didn’t blow a load right then and there. I can’t think of too many red-blooded males who wouldn’t want to hear a beautiful woman say those very words.
The blue-eyed beauty opened wide for me as I placed my hands on the side of her face and guided my prick back into her oral orifice. I let out a low moan while feeling my inches glide across her wet tongue and toward her gullet. I once again closed my eyes while taking complete control.
Dinah didn’t have to know it, but I did my best to go easier on her the second time around. She had told me that I could be a little forceful, but I truly didn’t want to inflict any kind of harm on this warmhearted woman. I didn’t want to physically hurt any woman for that matter, but after everything the brown-haired beauty had done for me, I would’ve never forgiven myself if I had accidentally gone too far.
I know there are a lot of guys out there who like to throw their weight around during the act of lovemaking. In my opinion, when a guy gets rough beyond what’s good for the woman, it can no longer be identified as “lovemaking,” but becomes flat-out domination. While some guys enjoy this and some women out there are even okay with it too, I’m just not one of those guys. I could never get enjoyment out of purposely hurting my partner, and being overly physical with a girl has just never appealed to me. I’m all for some action and acrobatics, but when it comes to causing a female permanent injury to get off…fuck that.
As Dinah gargled while devouring my dick, I glanced down and noticed her squeezing her massive melons together. Well, maybe I should say that she was “trying” to squeeze her massive melons together because her mountains were so large and sweaty, they were spilling out of her hands. She kept trying to do so until finally giving up and shoving both of her appendages down her pants. I could only imagine what kind of slippery fun she was having in there.
A couple minutes passed with a few breaks for air in between before my beauteous partner asked if we could do something else. I was certainly game for whatever she had to offer, and when she suddenly stood up before me, I took a step back to allow her room as my heart raced. I wondered what she had in mind as she placed one thumb under the elastic band of her pants and looked me directly in the eyes while asking, “Do you promise not to make fun of me?”
At first, I had no idea what the voluptuous vixen was talking about, but then my mind was completely diverted from whatever my brown-haired compeer had planned as I noticed something for the first time. “Holy shit, Dinah!” I called out in shock.
“What is it?”
Due to her enormous jugs blocking my view earlier, I finally laid eyes on her toned abs for the first time. Her breasts were so big that they covered part of them, but when I finally stepped forward and lifted them both out of the way a bit…
Dinah laughed and asked, “What are you doing?”
“You have washboard abs, girl!” I called out as I checked out the fit figure of the mature woman I had the honor of being with. “Holy shit! I knew you were in shape, but I didn’t know you were this fucking in shape! And to think that you were actually impressed by me! Holy hotness!”
Dinah continued to laugh and playfully batted at my hands. I think she may have actually been blushing a bit. I found it incredible that I could make an older woman become giddy in such a way.
“You said I was toned, but look at you!” I carried on since I was so enamored by her physique. “Fuck me!”
“I plan to if you’d let me get that far!” The sultry cougar laughed.
The blood in my penis made my boner hard enough to break down a brick wall.
“Now,” the brown-haired vixen got back on track as she continued to smile and returned to what she had been trying to say earlier. She cleared her throat and shoved a finger into my chest as she informed me, “If you laugh, you have absolutely no chance of getting laid tonight, okay? I had no idea that something this marvelous was in store for me today, so I didn’t bother taking care of things earlier!”
I had no idea what the beautiful woman was going on about, but I nodded my understanding as my penis did the same. “I’d never make fun of you, Dinah.”
The untamed cougar then bent down and whipped her pants completely off. I’m not sure if she had even been wearing panties. If she had been, they were nowhere in sight either. When she stood up straight again, she placed her fists on her hips and almost looked to be flexing as she warned me, “One laugh, mister, and I’ll knock your block off!”
I’m pretty sure the brunette beauty was referring to the fact that she had a full bushel of hair going on down below…and if she was embarrassed by the fact that she hadn’t shaved it, she obviously didn’t know me as well as she thought she did. I absolutely adored pubic hair on a woman…especially on an older woman.
“I apologize for having kind of an ‘eighties’ thing going on down here…”
“I’d say more like the nineties,” I commentated as I stared at the fuzzy goodness. “And in case you’re wondering, I fucking loved the nineties.”
The busty brunette laughed at my response and certainly wasn’t prepared for what happened next.
I caught Dinah with her pants down…no pun intended, of course. She watched on in complete silence and absolute shock as I reached down and gave myself a hard tug while stepping forward. I then dropped to my knees and placed my hands on her thighs as I pushed them a little farther apart. She allowed me to do so…and then let out a high-pitched squeal when I shoved her face directly into her hairy puss.
I didn’t bother nibbling; I just went straight to tongue-fucking that furry gash between her legs. The moans coming from above me were unprecedented, and as I worked my magic on that hirsute hole, I noticed that my older partner was beginning to gyrate her body in almost a circular motion so I would hit every pleasure spot she possessed. I took note of how she had a hand on herself directly above my head, and I hoped I was pleasing her half as much as she had pleasured me only minutes before.
“Oh, fuck, Marcus!” The brown-haired vixen started to pant. “That feels so fucking good! Yeah…yeah…yeah…” I couldn’t help but notice that when she started repeating the word “yeah” over and over again, it almost sounded like her voice had regressed about twenty years.
I finally stood back up and firmly pulled my dazzling partner closer with one arm. Her soft breasts pressed up against my body as I felt her pubes graze my flesh below. I looked her dead in the eyes as I told her, “I want to make love to you, Dinah. I want to show you how much you mean to me.” I then cracked a warming smile as I informed her, “If it means anything to you, you’ve made that ‘list’ you asked to become a part of earlier, and if you’ll let me, I want to show you how special you are to me.”
I think the gracious woman nearly melted in my grasp. She had become putty in my one-armed embrace, and as she dug her nails into my chest while gazing longingly into my orbs, she whispered, “Take me, Marcus…I’m yours.”
With a smile on my face, I scooped the beaming woman up and plopped her down on the bed. I then sprang onto it next to her and mentally prepared myself for what was about to happen. I silently prayed that I could hang with her long enough to please her because I had a feeling she was going to push me to my limits.
Dinah warmly smiled and looked to be letting me set the pace of things to come. She just continued to look sexy as she made herself comfortable and awaited whatever it was that I was going to do first to her. She was lying on her left side and eagerly watched my each and every move.
I decided to start things simple as I made my way closer to the busty brunette and lifted her legs into the air. Doing so caused her to roll onto her back, and after she was in a supine position, her tits dropped off to the sides since they were so massive. I took a deep breath and realized it was a damn good thing I had masturbated in her shower earlier. If I hadn’t, I would’ve been hosing her down right then and there.
Grasping Dinah’s ankles, I gingerly spread her limbs apart and eyed my furry prize below. I exhaled and imagined how great it would feel to stick my dick in that hairy hole between her legs…and then I chided myself for thinking about it instead of doing it.
Inching closer to the beautiful woman who was now playing with her tits while watching me, I released my hold on her left ankle and grabbed onto myself with my right hand. I gave my manhood a few tugs and then aimed my hard member directly at her bristly patch. I closed my eyes as my tip came in contact with her pubes, and my mouth dropped open in awe as I started to push myself further in.
“Oh…FUCK!” Dinah called out when I had only about an inch inside of her. Her entire body seemed to flex like one gigantic muscle as I shoved another inch in.
“Fuuuck…” I moaned as I slid forward and inserted all of myself within the entrancing cougar. As I did so, my body landed on top of hers and my hands went to her head. I started running my fingers through her hair as I let my pelvis handle the motions down below. I then planted my lips on hers as our bodies became one.
Dinah’s hands ended up on my back and her nails started to work their way down my flesh until she reached my butt and dug her claws into my cheeks. She squeezed as I continued to thrust, and I could hear her moaning in delight beneath me as we continued to exchange saliva. With each pass my dick made, I could feel her prickly, brown pubes against my length. I was loving every minute of it.
It didn’t take much longer before both of us were sweating buckets. Our bodies were sliding all over the place and I knew I was going to need yet another shower by the time we were done. I was totally fine with that since I knew it was going to be worth it.
Dinah and I eventually switched things up and I ended up on the bottom. She rode me for everything she was worth, and her bouncing was so high and intense that I thought one of her massive mammaries would smack her in the face and knock her out. I actually went as far as to point that out, but the only response I received was a gratified yip as she hopped higher.
I placed my hands on her sturdy thighs and smiled up at her as she gleefully rode my pole. I pictured some of the other women I had been with, and I couldn’t help but think that in a way, sex was a lot like ice cream: There were so many different flavors and they were all quite delightful. As much as I cherished all the times I had enjoyed with the likes of Cassie, Tessa, and all the others, something about Dinah was strikingly different. As previously stated, I’ve been with women who were older than me before…but not like the buxom beauty currently flailing all about above me. She was something different altogether.
After careening about atop me for a few more minutes, Dinah began savagely roaring like the cougar that she was. At first, my heart lurched in my chest because I thought she was hurt, but then I realized it had just been far too long since I had shared the pleasures of the flesh with anyone. Her screeches were nothing more than a preamble to a glorious orgasm she was about to have.
I sat up and took her in my arms as I drove her back on the bed so we were once again in a missionary position. I continued to whale away as she ordered me to keep pummeling her pussy without ceasing. “Don’t…you…dare…stop…Marcus!” she shouted at the top of her lungs. “Don’t…stop!”
I didn’t. I drilled as deep and as fast as I could just as the theatre manager directed me to. I pounded her puss to her specifications, and when she finally came down from the cloud she was on, she pulled me in close for the longest and tightest embrace I had ever been a part of. She kissed me and praised my performance and technique as my manhood throbbed within her. When she finally released her hold on me, she seductively asked if I wanted to cum. I answered with a nod.
“Where would you like to cum?” The sultry cougar impishly asked as she felt my movements continue to pierce her down below.
“I…I could cum anywhere on or in you, Dinah,” I panted. “I’d be fine…with whatever you liked.”
The beautiful brunette’s hands went to her tits and she juggled them back and forth a bit from where she lay below me. “Would you like to cum on the girls?”
“If they’d like that…I would love to!” I wheezed as my cock vibrated within the confines of her sopping puss. The marvelous woman had such huge titties, I could close my eyes and still not miss covering them in a mess of testicular meringue.
“What about my face?” she cooed from beneath me. “Would you like to cum on my face?”
Ah. She was toying with me. She was offering me any spot at all to blast my load on. In a way, she may have been feeling me out. “Would you…like that?”
“Oooh,” the mature woman moaned in her bewitching fashion. Her head rolled back on the bed as she continued to squeal in delight before telling me, “Marcus, I would let you cum anywhere you want!”
I’m pretty sure Dinah was ready for me to do just that, and she was trying to coax my cream out of me with her titillating vernacular as I continued to pulverize her erogenous zone. The brown-haired vixen wanted my semen…and she was granting me sexual carte blanche to blow my seed wherever I wanted to.
I pulled out and then lowered Dinah’s legs so I could shimmy my way forward a bit on my knees. Once in the proper position, I plopped my meat down between the busty brunette’s girls, and she giggled in glee as I reached down and grabbed her drooping boobs in order to smash my manhood between them. I then started moving back and forth before jesting, “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea!”
The beauteous brunette lifted an eyebrow as she glanced up at me.
“Your jugs are so big, my dick could get lost in there and might never come out!”
Dinah reached up and playfully swatted at me with her right hand. She then placed her arms back on the bed and let me slam her knockers. Due to the sweat between those glorious tits, my cock didn’t have a problem sliding back and forth. On a sidenote, I’d just like to add that boob sweat is one of the hottest things in this world or any other. Just thought I should get that out there.
At one point, Dinah brought me to a momentary halt because she apparently wanted something from me. I did as she requested and then watched her bring her head up from her position as she grabbed onto my beefy shaft and began feeding what she could into her mouth. I inched forward so she could take in more of me while letting out grunts and groans of pleasure. The woman was fucking fantastic.
I suddenly felt a palpitation from down below and knew that I didn’t have long. I informed Dinah that I was about to cum, and she slapped my butt and told me to let her up. I backed away and watched her crawl onto her knees. From where she was positioned on the mattress, she told me to stand up on her bed and start hosing her down.
Following her erotic instructions, I stood up and placed one hand on her right shoulder for balance as I started cranking my rod with the other. She placed her hands under her tits and started moving them up and down for me as she opened her mouth and closed her eyes.
My first few blasts went wild. Each initial discharge of jizz that contacted her made her jump since she had her eyes closed and didn’t know where to expect the semen. She smiled as my gunk struck her, and she stuck her tongue further out as I viciously whacked off.
I continued to ejaculate all over the bountiful babe in front of me as sperm ejected from me in creamy waves. When I was nearing the end, a few globules flew haphazardly through the air before finding their way either onto Dinah’s tight body or the scattered blankets below us.
“Give me all that cum!” The buxom brunette shouted as she peeked out of her right eye to see if I was finished yet. When she was convinced that her spheres were safe from my gooey onslaught, she opened them up and surveyed everything I had done. “Holy hell, Marcus! When was the last time you came?!”
I plopped down on the comfortable bed near the kneeling goddess as I admitted, “Well, a couple of hours ago when I was showering.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Nope. I hope you’re not mad, but I figured if I didn’t get it out of my system…”
“You should’ve spoken up sooner! I could’ve helped you!”
I chuckled and told the beautiful female that in hindsight, I should’ve invited her in with me. Of course, I had no idea at the time that she was even remotely interested in me, and to be honest, I think our mutual brush with the paranormal had a lot to do with the fact that she was drawn to me. Unlike most of the other people in her life, not only did I not insult her due to what had befallen her, but I also believed her. I think that went a long way in drawing her to me.
Dinah suddenly flew past me on her bed and clicked her lamp off. She then gathered some of her blankets and told me to quickly come join her. I did as she asked and dropped to my right side directly behind her. My body was pressed up against hers as she pulled the blankets up and pointed to the spectacular view of the city and the distant horizon. I felt her nuzzling up closer to me as she did so and knew that she wanted nothing more than to have me hold her.
I did just that as we spooned and gazed out across the vast distance before the angel in my arms glanced back at me and told me, “Happy birthday a little late, Marcus.” She then gave me a quick kiss as we both lay there marveling at the majesty all around us before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.