I had been surprised by Laura’s relaxed attitude towards my latest act of stupidity, which had been to allow Amy to view my knickers and chastity device. Laura’s opinion had been that if I wished to humiliate myself in front of others that was up to me, just as long as I didn’t get myself arrested.
Nonetheless, Laura’s acceptance of what I had done didn’t help me feel any less concerned about seeing Amy the next day. Amy was aware that I was in an FLR with Laura and her understanding of the arrangement was growing by the day. What details Amy didn’t extract from me, she seemed to gain from Laura, who was quite happy to share information with her. Most amazingly, Laura did not see Amy as being any threat.
When I arrived at our pokey, windowless office in the History Department, Amy was already there and sitting at one side of the desk we shared. What’s more, I couldn’t help but notice that the filing cabinet, previously stuck in a corner adjoining the door, had been moved a couple of feet.
Amy saw the look of puzzlement on my face, as she wished me a good morning.
“Morning, Amy,” I replied. “Why—”
She cut me short. “Laura phoned me last night, pet,” she began. This was news to me and I had no idea when it had happened, but Laura and I are not glued together by the hips so it was quite possible there had been a phone conversation between the pair. Yet what worried me more was what they had been discussing.
“Laura found it so funny that I’d got you to drop your jeans. She thinks I must have natural talents as a leader of an FLR. What do you think, pet?”
“Er… well, er… you are very persuasive, Amy,” I conceded.
“Yes, I think I am, pet. And do you know what Laura told me?”
I gulped and dreaded to think what Laura had told her, but Amy was keen to spill the beans. “Laura said you call her ‘Miss’, at least when there’s no one to overhear what’s said. Is that right, pet?”
It was pointless me denying it, if Laura had already disclosed this embarrassing fact. “Er… yes, I do call her ‘Miss’. It’s a sign of respect in an FLR, Amy,” I explained to my co-worker, placing emphasis on her name.
But I guessed where this conversation was going. Sure enough, she smiled sweetly at me and said, “I want you to call me ‘Miss’. Understood, pet?”
“No, it’s demeaning, Amy.”
“No, it’s not! Don’t you think you should show respect to me, as a woman?”
“Yes, of course. I show respect to all women, but that doesn’t mean addressing them all as ‘Miss’.”
“If you call Laura ‘Miss’, why not call me ‘Miss’?”
“It’s… it’s different! She’s my partner and we’re in an FLR. I know you want to be in an FLR with me, and for me to break up with Laura, but that’s not going to happen.”
“Oh, don’t worry yourself about that, pet,” she assured me, but not in a very convincing way. “Why would I want to split you up? But if you were to break up, then I want to be first in line to replace her.”
“Replace her? I’m not a secondhand commodity to be passed from one person to another.”
“No, no! Of course, you’re not, pet,“ she hastened to say, “but don’t you agree that it’s worth identifying a successor, in the very unlikely event you split with Laura? Otherwise—I don’t know—you could… could end up being owned by a man, pet. Surely you would be far happier with me than with some hunk of a bloke with a three-inch-wide, foot-long cock?”
“This is stupid talk, Amy.”
“What? No man has a cock that big, you mean?”
“No! Well, yes, no man is that big, but I mean it’s silly talking about a successor. No one could replace Laura.”
“Well, I’m just planning ahead, pet. It’s best to prepare for what would happen were there to be a vacancy.”
“Which there isn’t, Amy,” I insisted, while secretly thinking that Amy wouldn’t be a bad choice, were it to be required—certainly better than Phoebe or Zoe.
“So, I want you to call me ‘Miss’, pet, so that any transition would be seamless. And I want to join in the fun that Laura has. You wouldn’t deny me a bit of fun, would you, pet?”
“Yes, it’ll be fun if you call me ‘Miss’.”
“Fun for you, maybe, Amy.”
She paused for a moment and then pointed at the freshly vacated corner of our tiny office. “See that, pet?”
“Yeeesss,” I replied, hesitantly.
“Someone could stand in that corner for hours, if necessary, and wouldn’t be seen by anyone who peeped through the little window in the door. Who do you think might find themselves standing in the corner.”
“Come on, it’s not rocket science. It’s one of the two people in this office, here right now.”
“I’m not standing in the corner,” I protested.
“Why not? Laura says you do it a lot at home, so why not at uni?”
My face was feeling flushed. What else had Laura told Amy?
“So, what is it to be, pet? Do you call me ‘Miss’ or do you go and stand in the corner, with your jeans around your ankles.” As she said this, she stood up and positioned herself with her back to the door. I heard a key turn—she had locked the door!
She brandished the key in my face, then unbuttoned the three top buttons of her shirt, revealing a black bra cup into which she deftly slid the key.
“Are you ogling my breasts, pet?” she smirked.
“No, I’m not!” Well, yes, I was, but only for a fraction of a second.
“It looked like it! What would Laura make of that? She might cane you if I told her. Anyway, James will be coming to check in with us soon. Except he won’t, because the door’s locked. What’s he going to think’s going on?”
“I… I don’t know!” I was getting worried.
“He’s going to wonder what you’re doing, pet. He’ll see us through the glass. And he’ll see the terrified expression on my face.” As she said that, she theatrically adopted a wide-eyed, open-mouthed pose of absolute horror, raising her hands as if in self-defence and looking as if she was in fear of her life. Her shirt was still partially undone, giving the impression it had been ripped apart by a maniac—me!
“You… you can’t do that! He’s going to think I’m attacking you. Stop the stupid acting and do your bloody buttons up, Amy!”
“Oh, don’t you swear at me, pet. Laura wouldn’t like that, if I told her. But back to the matter in hand, I’m sure you could talk your way out of the situation. Perhaps if you were to explain to James that your cock is locked up then that might reassure him that you’re not a menace to women. You could show him your cage, pet, like you showed me. You love showing it off, don’t you?” She paused to gauge my reaction, which was one of increasing agitation, before adding, “Or, you can choose between standing in the corner or calling me ‘Miss’. Hmm?”
Some choice! “Okay, Miss,” I said, feeling perspiration building on my forehead. “Now, please, unlock the door.”
She smiled sweetly at me. “Call me ‘Miss’ all the time in private, pet, or you know where the key will go.” She retrieved it from its hiding place, giving me a final glimpse of her curvy breasts, encased in her bra, before doing up her shirt. “And stop looking at my boobs, for heaven’s sake! I’m not a sex object to be gawped at! Understood?”
“Er… yes, Miss,” I replied. Seconds after she had unlocked the door, along came James, our supervisor.
“Morning, both! Are you all right, Steve?” he asked, staring at me. “You look like someone who has narrowly escaped being hit by an express train.”
“Er… something like that, James,” I replied, forcing a smile. “I’m fine, though, thanks.”
Back at the flat that evening, I confessed to Laura that Amy had persuaded me to address her as ‘Miss’.
“No way!” exclaimed Laura. “I knew she could be persuasive but that is impressive stuff. How did she manage to do that, poppet?”
“Er… she resorted to blackmail, Miss. It was unfair. She locked the office door, hid the key inside her bra and said she would put on a horrified expression should anyone look in through the window in the door. If James had seen us, he’d have concluded she was being attacked by me.”
“Blackmail? That’s quite an accusation. Are you sure about that?”
“I couldn’t take the risk. After all, I could have been thrown out of university, or even investigated by the police. It was so underhanded what she did.”
“Hmmm? Don’t you think it would have been her who had some explaining to do, muffin? Retrieving the key from inside her bra and then using it to unlock the door, all the while being watched by James. How could you get blamed?”
“Erm… er… I… I don’t know, when you put it like that… She… she tricked me, didn’t she?”
“Seems like it,” smiled Laura, nodding her head. “She’s quite the little minx.”
“So, I don’t need to call her ‘Miss’, then?” I said, with relief.
“Oh yes you do, muffin. She won that round fair and square in my eyes. You can’t mess her around, swapping and changing, so now you have to keep calling her ‘Miss’ in private. Okay?”
“Yes, I understand, Miss,” I replied, feeling crestfallen.
Laura laughed, “Good boy… I wonder what she plans to do next?” I wondered the same.
The next morning, Amy again beat me into the office. I walked in and she cheerfully greeted me. “Good morning, pet!”
“Morning… er… Miss,” I replied, much to her delight.
“So, what colour are they today, pet?” she asked.
I knew what she was asking, and I found myself going red. I could have argued but I sensed the outcome was inevitable. “I’m wearing pale blue knickers, Miss,” I replied.
“Sounds nice. I bet you’re wondering what colour I’m wearing, hmm? Do you want to make a guess?”
I wasn’t going to fall into that trap again. “No, Miss, I have no wish to know,” I replied, adamantly, while secretly wondering.
She smiled at me, but seemed to accept that I was determined to keep any speculation of the colour of her panties to myself. Besides which, James chose to come into the office at that point to learn what progress we were making.
Fifteen minutes later he left, and Amy said to me, “Time to head for the library, pet.”
As I led the way out of the office, she again patted my bottom, although with somewhat more force than previously, causing me to turn around and give her a stern stare.
“What?” she asked, faking innocence.
“Laura might not approve of you… er… slapping my bottom like that, Miss.”
“Laura? Laura? Oh… do you mean Miss Laura?” she smiled.
“Er… yes, Miss Laura,” I replied, realising that she had moved the conversation on, and, what’s more, was now expecting me to refer to my girlfriend as ‘Miss Laura’.
The next couple of days were uneventful, and I got used to addressing her in the way she required, which never failed to bring a smile to her lips. Whether she understood that it was Laura who was now insisting I use her title, I didn’t know, but in all honesty, the sweet reaction she gave me almost made it worthwhile.
I was still wondering what her next trick might be. It came the next day.
“Morning, Miss,” I announced, cheerfully, as I entered the office and saw her sitting on her side of the desk.
“Morning, pet,” she replied, smiling congenially.
I went to sit down on my side of the desk. “Er… what do you think you’re doing, pet?”
“Er… just sitting down, Miss.”
“Wouldn’t a gentleman usually ask a lady’s permission before sitting, pet? Wouldn’t that be the respectful thing to do?”
“But… but I’ve never had to do that. I’m not being disrespectful, Miss.”
“Seems like that to me, pet. So, shall we make another little rule. You always ask for permission before sitting in my presence? And that means standing up if you’re already sitting when I enter a room. Agreed?”
“I don’t know, Miss. It—”
“Is being polite towards me too much to ask, pet? Hmm?”
“I… I suppose not. Er… please may I sit down, Miss?”
“Yes, you may, pet. Thank you for asking.” She beamed me a big smile, while I turned crimson.
And so I fell further into her clutches. Laura, of course, was highly amused when I told her of Amy’s latest rule. “Maybe I should introduce the same rule,” she grinned.
“Please don’t, Miss,” I begged.
“Okay, I won’t,” she laughed, “At least not today.”
It was the following week when my descent into increasing humiliation took the next step. As usual, Amy was in the office when I arrived.
“Good morning, Miss,” I said. “Please may I take a seat?”
“Morning, pet,” she replied. “Stay standing for a moment. What colour today, pet?”
“Er… pink, Miss.”
“Is Laura wearing pink as well, pet?”
“Yes, Miss, Miss Laura and I are both wearing pink panties today. You know we coordinate.”
“Nice! So, show me, pet. Turn around so your back is to the door. Undo your zip and then pull your fly apart.”
“I… I can’t do that, Miss.”
“Yes, you can. You were happy to drop your jeans to your ankles not so long ago, and Laura didn’t mind, so what’s wrong with pulling a zip down?”
She was right, so feeling humiliated, I eased down the zip of my jeans and spread open my fly, revealing pink satin panties. She gazed admiringly at them, and for far too long, well aware of the embarrassment she was causing me.
“If I told you I was also wearing pink, pet, would you believe me?”
“I’ve no reason not to, Miss,” I cautiously replied.
“We’re historians, pet. We should be seeking and evaluating evidence. We can’t just take someone’s word for it! I might be lying. James says we must check facts—check, check and check again, he tells us. So, would you like to ask me to show you my panties, pet, so you can verify the information I’ve given you? Maybe you could check with James that that’s what you should do?”
She smiled at me. I knew she was once more winding me up, so I shook my head. “I know what you’re up to, Miss, but I don’t want to receive another six strokes of the cane, so I’ll have to accept that you are being truthful. Sorry, Miss.”
She grinned, but let the matter go. And then James walked in, causing me to hastily pull up my zip, fortunately with my back to him.
Once again, Laura was very amused that evening to learn what Amy had made me do. “If you want to humiliate yourself in front of her, then that’s fine by me,” she joked. “It was your choice to show her the colour of your knickers. But I don’t want you picking and choosing. Amy deserves consistency, so if she makes the same request tomorrow then you obey her without question.”
She paused, so I could absorb what she had said. “But you were a good boy for not asking to check the colour of her panties—that was very wise of you. She’s a little terror, trying to land you in trouble.” She laughed as she said it, and I was sure she was more than happy with Amy laying traps and teasing me.
So, unzipping my fly to reveal the colour of my panties became another of Amy’s rules that I had to comply with under instructions from Laura. Perhaps Amy was aware that she had Laura’s backing, but, if so, she never let on.
The next morning, we followed the same ritual. I called her Miss, I unzipped my jeans to show her the colour of my knickers, and I asked permission to sit.
She was chuffed by my obedience. “So,” she said, “how am I going to get you to stand in the corner, like a naughty boy?”
“I won’t do that, Miss. I have to draw a line. Sorry!”
“I’ve checked, pet and someone standing in that corner is invisible to anyone peeping through the glass in the door. And there’s no other window. What is there to be concerned about?”
“I… I don’t want to stand in the corner, Miss.”
“Oh? Does Laura give you a choice, pet?”
“No, of course not, but it’s different.”
“Is it?”
“I’ve told you before, I’m in an FLR with Miss Laura so she calls the shots.”
“I think I qualify as deputy leader of your FLR, so I also get to call the shots. Laura has asked me to keep an eye on you at university—remember?” I did remember. “So that gives me some authority over you. Yes?”
“I… I can see what you’re saying, Miss, but it doesn’t seem right. What… what about if someone bursts in?”
“Then you would have to pretend that you were examining the wall for blemishes, pet,” she answered, unable to keep a straight face. “But James always peeps though the glass in the door and then knocks before entering.”
“No, I can’t do it, Miss.”
“Hmm… in that case, drop your jeans.”
“Drop your jeans! I want to see the style of knickers you’re wearing. Of course, if you’d rather stand in the corner, that’s fine by me. Your choice, pet.”
“What sort of choice is that, Miss?” I asked, trying to buy time.
“Look, pet, if I’m going to be the deputy leader of your FLR, then there has to be a way for me to maintain my authority. A way for me to punish you if you’re naughty. You must be able to see that, surely? Otherwise, I’m… I’m just a toothless figurehead.”
“Has La— Miss Laura said you’re her deputy, Miss?”
“Well, that wasn’t the exact word she used, but it was the meaning she conveyed, pet. She wanted me to keep an eye on your behaviour at university, given how you have a record of behaving inappropriately towards women, asking about their underwear.”
I shook my head vigorously in protest at this contortion of the truth, but she hadn’t finished. “Surely you understand what I’m saying, pet? And if you behave yourself, and you’re obedient, then you won’t find yourself in the corner, will you? Corner time is just a theoretical possibility, and it’s down to you whether you get to spend time there. There have to be some sanctions I can apply to underpin my role.”
Expressed like that, it seemed her proposal was acceptable—just! I was on my guard with her now, watching out for her trickery, so the prospect of “misbehaving” and being sent into the corner seemed remote. “Okay, Miss,” I sighed, “I agree to what you’re saying, I will stand in the corner, but only if my behaviour merits it. I’m trusting you to be fair.”
“Goood boy, pet,” she replied, grinning from ear to ear.
In the flat that evening, I explained to Laura what had happened that day, and that I had agreed, if I misbehaved, to stand in the corner of the office. “Basically, she said that she needed to have some sanction she could use as she was your deputy—”
“My deputy?!” screeched Laura. “Where does she get that idea from? I never told her she was my deputy! For goodness’ sake, muffin, you’re letting her trample all over you.”
She shook her head at my stupidity, but then she sniggered. “I have to admire how manipulative she can be. And maybe we could call her my deputy. Anyway, you’ve made your bed, so now you have to lie on it—obviously, I’m speaking figuratively, poppet!”
I felt myself going red, but she hadn’t finished. “You must be in seventh heaven, having to obey two mistresses?”
She had a point. “Er… I see what you’re saying, Miss, but there’s only one mistress that I wish to lie in bed with.”
“Hmm… I’m pleased to hear that, as long as it’s me you’re talking about, but Amy is incredibly beautiful, isn’t she?”
“Er… yes, she’s… she’s not unattractive, Miss,” I replied, diplomatically.
“Wow! ‘Not unattractive’ you say?” laughed Laura. “Are you trying to make me jealous, with wicked talk like that?”