There had been a number of pictures of Daniel Montenegro II posing with the girl, but there really hadn’t been any information as to who she was. For the most part, the record label mogul was usually by himself.
But now, here she was…looking up at him as if he were Satan himself.
Where the hell had she come from? What was she doing here amidst the circus of fans and groupies that always trailed Diavolo?
Despite the clingy dress that showed what a great body she actually had, she looked as out of place as a nun in a whorehouse.
He rushed through the back gardens toward the building that housed the pool. Ariel had shut down the exterior lights in hopes of keeping people out of the gardens, but the pool was lit.
As he rushed through the winding trail to the pool house, he could see shapes in the dark. People in various stages of undress were everywhere, doing very nasty things. Overhead, a helicopter buzzed about like an annoying mosquito. They weren’t close enough to identify, but close enough to make Gabriel think paparazzi.
Sprinting up the three steps leading to the pool house’s entrance, he strode beneath an impressive archway between two ivy-covered columns. It felt as though he’d suddenly been transport back in time. The pool house was more like a Roman palace with a lake in the middle. Replicas of famous sculptures surrounded the twenty by forty-five-foot pool. Blue lights glowed prettily beneath the surface of the water, making shimmering reflections crawl along the vaulted ceiling with its frescos of tiny cherubs floating overhead. He strode past the array of chaise lounges, tables, and chairs, straight to the main bathroom at the end of the pool area. As soon as he walked in, the automatic lighting came on, bathing the enormous bathroom in soft golden light.
He continued to the tub area set back in a large circular room past another archway.
The walls were made of rough stone, and the floor a smoother version of the same stone. Four, thick, ancient-looking columns surrounded the circular bathtub. Looking more like a small, in-ground pool, it measured at least ten feet in circumference. Water swirled and foamed within the monstrosity. Above the sunken bath, held aloft by the columns, golden light highlighted the cupola with its paintings of more angels.
Gabriel strode by the bath to the back wall, where he set the girl down on a bench within a sculpted-out niche in the wall.
She settled back against the array of satin and brocade pillows to watch as he retrieved one of the many rolled up towels near the edge of the pool.
Gabriel unrolled the snowy-white towel and dipped it in the warm swirling water. Kneeling at her feet, he proceeded to lift her injured left foot and press the towel to the bottom of it. He dabbed at the drying blood a few times before lifting her tiny foot to see the damage.
It was just a small puncture wound oozing a drop of blood as he looked at it.
“You’ll live,” he murmured, his voice echoing in the vast bathroom.
He looked up at her. Her hands were fisting the material of his shirt in her lap, a scowl set firmly on her face. She’d probably look really pretty if she smiled, but, right now, he didn’t care much for the suspicious way her eyes were narrowing on him.
He cleared his throat. “What’s your name?”
“Abigail,” she replied primly.
He kept his eyes on her face, resisting the urge to checkout her legs. “Nice to meet you Abigail,” he returned softly, keeping his expression blank.
Her brows drew together a little more and her lips pressed into a firm line.
Gabe could tell she was struggling with some serious internal monologue and decided to stay mute just to make her squirm a little more.
Her eyes darted to his hands, which were still holding her foot as she took a deep breath.
When she tried to draw her foot away, he gripped it tighter, and raised a brow at her, curious to see what she’d do then. Her prickly reaction to him had him intrigued and somewhat amused. Pop Tart was interesting…different.
“You’re seeing my sister,” she blurted—hurled the words at him, actually, quite venomously.
Gabriel released her foot as if it were a poisonous snake and stood.
He wasn’t really seeing Mikayla Brown. She was sort of stalking him, but she was fun and the guys from the band had grown attached to her.
Abigail leaned forward, her eyes bugging out of their sockets at him. He almost wanted to recoil. “You need to stop immediately,” Abigail demanded haughtily.
Abigail clenched her fists with determination, her neck stretching up farther toward him. “You need to stay away—far away. Leave her alone—now!”
Gabriel snorted, letting his eyes flick over her. Who the hell did this chick think she was? He really hadn’t been too interested in Mikayla, had only gone as far as letting her kiss and feel him up, but he sure as hell didn’t like anyone—aside from his grandmother, of course—telling him who he could or could not see.
Abigail shot to her feet, keeping her weight off her left foot. She barely came up to his chin, but tipped her pert little nose up at him defiantly.
“Mikayla’s engaged to Daniel Montenegro II. They’re going to get married and he doesn’t deserve this callous lack of respect. He’s a good man,” she snapped at Gabriel, her eyes gleaming as if she were possessed, “honorable, and good, and sweet.”
So…Abigail wasn’t Daniel’s girlfriend, but the way she talked about his half-brother, he could tell she felt something for him. Gabriel wasn’t sure why, but that bothered him more than knowing Mikayla was Daniel’s actual girlfriend.
“I’m not forcing Micks to be with me,’ he growled at her.
Abigail’s nose rose even higher. “Good. Then you will just walk away from her,” she ordered with that haughty tone that was quickly getting on his nerves.
“What?” he laughed incredulously. “Listen, lady, Micks is the one who won’t leave me be, and even if I were to keep her at arm’s length, she’d just go off with another one of the guys from the band.” Abigail winced and he felt a perverse satisfaction at pointing at how slutty her sister really was. “She obviously has an itch her fiancé is unable to scratch.”
The slap took him by surprise.
“You are a pig,” Abigail hissed.
She gasped when he gripped her arms and hauled her against his chest. He’d never been slapped in all his life, and now he was pissed…and, weirdly enough, suddenly turned on by the little minx.
She stared up at him, her sweet mouth gaping like a fish out of water, big eyes dropping down to his mouth.
It was then he realized he was baring his teeth at her like a rabid dog. He needed to let her go…just open his fingers from around her delicate arms and step back…but it was not easy when she felt so amazing against him.
Well—shit…he wanted to kiss her.
Abigail licked her lips, her eyelids drooping half closed as another shudder went through her.
Gabriel’s head began to descend.
“Ey, am I interrupting something?”
The sound of Angelo’s voice snapped him out of his daze.
What the fuck had he been about to do? Kiss the chick who’d just slapped him and demanded he stay away from her crazy, psycho, stalker sister?
He let her go so suddenly, she actually stumbled away from him looking dazed.
Gabriel turned on his heel and stalked toward Angelo.
“Micks has been looking all over for you,” the blond drummer said, his eyes darting from Gabriel to Abigail.
“I’m leaving,” Gabriel snarled out as he strode past the bewildered man.
“Leaving? But the party’s just getting started,” Angelo called out behind him.
Gabriel did not stop. A few minutes later, he was making his way out of Ariel’s place, expensive tires screeching as he took the curve of the driveway too fast.
Flicking on the sound system in the car, he shifted into a higher gear as Alice In Chains’ Check My Brain came on.
Days after discovering he was Daniel Montenegro’s first-born son and heir to half the man’s empire, his grandmother had been released from the hospital. The last leg of Diavolo’s European tour had come to an end and Gabriel had just felt undecided about what he wanted to do.
Michael, the lead guitarist and founder of the band, and Gabriel were working on new songs for their next production and their first CD was in the top ten across the US.
His grandmother had asked him if he’d found his mother’s things in the attic. Gabriel had asked her why she’d never said anything before.
She’d just looked away and shrugged, looking very old and tired of a sudden, saying that there had been no point.
Gabriel had left it at that, for now. He wanted to concentrate on his career as a singer and songwriter rather than pursue the riches some stranger had consequently left him. That would come later. As co-owner of North Star Records, he would need to know allot more about running a business than he knew now—which was nothing.
Of course, that had been before some snobby little girl had slapped the shit out of him and called him a pig.
Gabriel cursed and took a turn too sharply, coming within inches of the edge of a dangerous precipice. The waves below slammed against the side of the cliff face, spraying the road with a fine sheen of mist.
He shifted down and tried to get a grip on his emotions. He wasn’t going to let that girl press his buttons.
Just as Layne Staley was singing—when she sang, I answered the call—his phone began to ring, interrupting the song and his dark thoughts.
Gabriel frowned when the car’s computer announced Mikayla calling.
Gritting his teeth, he tapped the control button on the steering wheel to accept the call.
“Mikayla,” he answered.
“Where are you?”
He could hear the hesitance in her voice. “Heading down Route 1,” he answered coolly.
After a few seconds of tense silence, “look, you don’t understand a thing. I’m practically being forced to marry this man,” she exclaimed, obviously angry.
“Micks, there is nothing between you and me. Whatever you do in your private life is no business of mine. We’re just buddies,” he said with bored indifference.
“But I love you, Gabe,” she suddenly wailed.
Gabriel wrinkled his nose. “You don’t even know me, Mikayla. What the hell are you talking about?”
She sputtered a moment before hissing, “you know you want me, Gabe. No one makes you feel the way I do. You said so yourself.”
Gabriel grimaced. He’d actually told her that one night he’d been drunk. Grief over his grandmother’s health plus finding out about his messy twisted past had made him maudlin one night and he’d driven all the way to Ariel’s house. Mikayla was lounging out with the guys in their rehearsal studio and he’d pulled her aside to drown himself in her kisses a while. She’d wanted to go further, but he’d restrained himself. His grandmother had taught him better than that.
“Micks, marry your rich boyfriend and give him lots of pedigree babies,” he replied, feeling tired and bored.
Just as she began ranting off a string of expletives, he cut off the call.
The music blared again and he tapped the controls on his steering wheel to change to the song. Breaking Benjamin’s Blow Me Away came on now as he settled back to drive, hands gripping the wheel tight.
What was Abigail getting out of all this? What role was she playing in this little play of lies and infidelity?
Gabriel let out a long hard breath through his nose. She looked so innocent with her scrubbed face and prim façade, but she had the heart of bitch.
He touched his face where it still stung. No doubt, he’d have her pretty little hand print there to remind him of her existence for a few hours.
He cursed again and tapped the control on the steering wheel.
“Call Diamond,” he snapped.
Once again, the music ceased and the sound of a phone ringing sounded.
After two rings a sultry feminine voice purred, “Gabe, baby, how are you?”
“Diamond. I’m fine. Sorry if I interrupted anything…” he looked at the car’s clock. It was barely past nine.
“Don’t be silly, sweetheart. You know I’m always available for you.”
Gabriel grimaced at her suggestive purr. The band’s manager had been trying to weasel her way into his pants for the longest time. Unfortunately, for her, Gabriel never mixed business with pleasure.
“Right,” he answered a bit hesitantly. “Thanks. I just wanted to know what’s been discussed with the rep from North Star so far.”
Gabriel could almost imagine her putting on her business manager mask and fluffing out her fake blonde hair.
“They haven’t really said much. I submitted the requests Michael and Rafe asked for in the contract and Mr. Montenegro hasn’t answered yet. I’m pretty sure they’ll accept, but I believe he’s been away on business for the past couple of weeks. Why do you want to know?”
Gabriel bit his bottom lip. He wasn’t about to spill the dirty family secrets to her. “Just wondering. Have you spoken to Mr. Montenegro directly?”
Diamond sighed out in exasperation. “Well I’ve tried, but that pesky assistant of his always has an excuse to keep him from answering any of my calls directly. She keeps patching me through to a representative.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. So much for trying to find a way to talk directly with his half brother. He thought that maybe he could set up a meeting through Diamond.
“Where are you? I’m just opening a bottle of wine and it’s such a beautiful night. Why don’t you come over?”
“I’m heading home to my grandmother. Sharmane said she wasn’t doing so good today.”
He hated lying like that. His grandmother was as strong as ever after having been released from the hospital months ago, thank God. He just wasn’t in the mood for anyone’s company at the moment.
“Oh, Gabe, I’m so sorry to hear that,” Diamond said softly. “Would you like me to contact a friend of mine? She has an agency that provides caretakers for sick people. They’re completely certified and licensed nurses.”
Gabriel grinned. “Not unless I want my grandmother and Sharmane to put my balls in a sling. Granma thinks she’s just fine and doesn’t want anyone else fussing over her. Sharmane would feel insulted having someone else look after my grandmother.”
Diamond laughed. “Fine. Do you want me to come over? I can bring my wine?” she purred suggestively again.
Gabriel cringed. “Wow…soundssss really tempting, but I’ve got allot on m mind right now, and I need to work on some personal stuff—“
“Is that girl still stalking you, Gabe?”
Gabriel winced at the way the woman’s tone turned venomous.
“Mikayla’s harmless, Diamond.”
“I’ve got a bad feeling about her, Gabe. I keep telling you to stay away from her. She’s just a little gold digger.”
Gabriel wondered if Diamond knew that the chick was engaged to Daniel Montenegro II.
“I’m sure you’re right, Diamond. Don’t worry. I don’t plan on getting involved with her, okay?”
The woman sighed in obvious relief. “Thank goodness.”
“Talk later, Di.”
He didn’t wait for her to say anything else and cut the call.
“Call Bromberg,” he told the car’s communication link.
Seconds later, his lawyer picked up.
Her sister wasn’t speaking to her. After calling her every indecent name Abigail had ever had the misfortune to hear, Mikayla had stormed off, dragging Angelo with her, and leaving Abigail to fend for herself.
Lucky for Abigail, Ariel had driven her back to the Montenegro estate.
Marjorie Brown had listened dispassionately to Abigail as she narrated the entire humiliating incident.
Her mother didn’t care though. The only thing important to her was that Mikayla was no longer seeing Gabriel Raven, lead singer of the rock band called Diavolo.
Was that even his real name?
She doubted it. It sounded like a stage name.
Abigail still had terrible dreams where he dragged her against his hard body and pressed his lush mouth against hers.
She’d awaken sweating, clenching her thighs together against the terrible ache she constantly experienced since setting eyes on him. Her mother was right. The man was a demon and he’d cast some sort of lustful spell on her.
Abigail steeled herself against such traitorous carnal longings by praying fervently until peace invaded her mind, body, and soul.
Daniel had returned from his trip abroad, but Abigail as of yet hadn’t seen him.
The mansion seemed abuzz with activity today. Fresh flowers bloomed in vases everywhere, and the wait staff polished and dusted everything until it gleamed.
Abigail strolled out to look at the gardens just beyond the balcony of her new room.
She’d had the wait staff move her things to a more modest room on the first floor by the gardens, unaccustomed to so much space and luxury. Her new room was still too big for her tastes, but at least it didn’t feel so overwhelming as the four room suite she was in before. It had a breath taking view of the enormous weeping willow that stood near the center of the garden maze.
As children, Daniel, Mikayla, and she had played hide and seek there amidst the tall, perfectly trimmed bushes and flowers. It had always been her favorite place and refuge.
She took a bracing breath filled with the fragrances of exotic blooms and walked down the steps into the garden itself.
Abigail needed to think. She felt confused and anxious…and she wasn’t sure why. It was as if she felt something…something very big was looming before all of them.
Heading in the direction of her favorite hiding place, she twirled a stray strand of her hair around one finger. Her bun was firmly in place except for a few tendrils that had somehow managed to escape with the ocean breeze.
That same breeze plastered her long grey dress to her legs as she walked along the grassy path.
She thought of Mikayla and her anger at having spooked Gabriel away, but her sister still hung around with the other band members, just as Gabriel had said she would.
Why? Why did her sister need to do that when she had such a good man who wanted to marry her and take care of her?
Abigail blinked the sting from her eyes. She’d once thought she was Daniel’s true love, but it had only been a silly childish crush to him.
She pushed her glasses up her nose with one finger and sighed. She couldn’t blame him though, and she didn’t. What hurt the most was that her aunt and mother had sent her away to all-girls boarding schools, apparently to groom her to be Daniel’s wife, and she’d turned out to be too boring for him after all.
Mikayla was more exotic and thrilling. She’d attracted not only Daniel, but Gabriel Raven as well…Gabriel, of the green eyes, beautiful face, and magnificent body.
Abigail hugged herself when she felt her nipples tighten under her Maidenform bra to keep from shuddering. Goosebumps broke over her flesh instead.
She really needed to stop thinking about that man. Her body reacted violently to any thought regarding him, and Abigail did not like that.
Finally, arriving at the little gazebo tucked beneath the willow in the middle of the maze, Abigail stumbled to a halt and gasped when she saw Daniel standing with his back toward her.
He must’ve heard her because he was suddenly whirling about to pin her with his dark enigmatic eyes.
Daniel was as handsome as ever with the breeze tousling his short chestnut-colored locks.
She absorbed and drank in the familiarity of him—the firm lips, the noble brow. This man, who’d once been her childhood infatuation, only stirred warm feelings of affection. The Armani suit he wore was impeccably cut and tailored, accentuating the breadth of shoulders and trim hips. He was almost as tall as Gabriel.
She felt her face flush hotly at the thought of Gabriel and the memory of how he’d yanked her against his hard body.
Oh, would she ever forget that devil’s spawn? Her mother had been right…and—oh-god—he was Daniel’s half brother too!
“Abigail?” Daniel’s eyes narrowed on her.
She plastered a fake smile on her face and walked toward him. “Daniel. How nice to see you again.”
He grinned, but his smile didn’t really reach his troubled eyes.
“How are you?” he said reaching for her hands. Gripping them warmly, he kissed her knuckles, before staring intently into her eyes.
She swallowed and looked away, feeling terribly guilty for some reason. Maybe it was because she’d never gone beyond holding hands with Daniel, while Gabriel…
“Is there something you want to tell me?” he asked softly.
Horrified, Abigail snapped her gaze back to him.
He was no longer smiling, but watching her.
Abigail stepped back, her hand coming up to her throat. “What do you mean, Daniel?”
Daniel’s straight brows drew closer together. He cleared his throat, eyes darting down to his feet before he reached into the pocket of his jacket to retrieve his cell phone.
After tapping the screen a few times, he turned it over in his palm to show her.
Abigail squinted at the grainy pictures before she sucked in a ragged breath. There were about six of them. The first showed a very compromising picture of Gabriel, with his arms around her and her sister’s dress up over her backside. What was worse was that he was shirtless and her hands were all over him. Her left leg was bent, almost straddling his thigh. They looked like they were having sex, or about to. The second picture showed Gabriel pulling his shirt on her, and then the third looked as though he were pulling her against him, almost kissing her. She knew it was when he’d pulled her dress down. The last three pictures just showed him picking her up and heading into the pool house.
“Oh-god,” was all she could whisper pathetically.
Daniel tucked his phone back in his pocket, his eyes soft now as he regarded her. “Abigail, I’m sorry I had to show you this, but it shocked me, especially since you’d expressed your desire to take up a religious vocation.”
Abigail did not know what to say. She was mortified. Her image was plastered all over the internet linking her to Gabriel…something her younger sister had managed to avoid.
“Don’t get me wrong, Abby. I’m thrilled you decided to find…” Daniel looked dubious for a moment, “…someone in your life…”
She wanted to scream and rant that she was in no way involved with that infuriating man, but the pictures were so damning. How would she explain it all to Daniel without exposing her sister?
“Just, be careful,” he continued after a while. “You are far too precious to be any man’s plaything.”
Her face flushed hotter at his pointed look. He looked as if he wanted to say more, but just shook his head and looked away.
Abigail gulped. What must he think of her? That she’d allowed Gabriel to bed her? The mere thought had her wrapping her arms over her chest as a shudder wracked her form again.
“I have a very special guest arriving today, Abigail. I certainly hope you will be present for my first dinner back home with the family after being away for almost a month.”
“O-of course,” she blurted, nodding, unable to meet his eyes anymore.
“Good,” he replied curtly, “I’ll see you then.”
As he walked off, she sat numbly on the bench of the gazebo.
Her entire reputation was ruined. People would see her and think she was…a harlot. She’d never even kissed a man…not even Daniel.
She stared at her aunt’s prized rose bushes trailing up the side trellises of the gazebo. The riot of red reflected off the small pond that wrapped around the back of the gazebo. Leaning over the whitewashed railing, she gazed at the array of Koi swimming lazily beneath the cool water. The ends of the willow trailed within the rippling depths of the shallow pond as fluffy white clouds floated across the bright blue sky overhead.
Everything looked so perfect and peaceful…so at odds with how she felt. Inside, her thoughts were a riot of turmoil. She hated that her mother had used her to save the likes of Mikayla from making a mockery of her engagement with Daniel.
She hated that Gabriel had to be so disturbing attractive, and how she couldn’t seem to stop shuddering or aching everywhere with the mere thought of the man.
Daniel had never evoked such terrible carnal desires as Gabriel. It was just wrong and sinful.
After what felt like hours, Abigail rose from her perch within the gazebo. The sun was already setting and casting long shadows in the maze.
She wound her way back to her balcony and entered her room.
Mikayla was waiting for her, pacing furiously next to the white iron bed sitting in the middle of the room.
Her sister’s hair looked as though she’d run her hands a million times through it, all mussed and wild.
Abigail stopped abruptly at the French doors when her sister pinned her with a murderous glare.
“You fucking little whore,” she yelled. “You wanted Gabriel all to yourself, didn’t you?”
Abigail recoiled. “Mikayla, I only want what’s b—“
“Shut-up, you conniving little slut,” Mikayla shouted stomping toward her.
Abigail yelped when her sister gripped her arm tight, her nails digging into her skin painfully. She pulled her other arm up defensively, fearing Mikayla would slap her. She looked ready to tear her eyes out.
“Mikayla, please! Mom just wanted me to speak with him—“
“But you fucked him too, you little tramp,” Mikayla snapped, striking out.
Abigail managed to turn her face in time, but Mikayla’s nails scraped part of her cheek and throat.
Next, her sister grabbed her hair.
Abigail cried out and tried keep her sister from doing too much damage, but the blows made her head spin and ears ring.
After a while, their mother joined the fray and tried to separate them.
It took her mother and two other maids to pull a screeching Mikayla off Abigail.
Abigail wiped the blood from the corner of her lips and stared horrified at her sister. She looked like she was possessed.
Her mother was yelling as well, but Mikayla was screaming like lunatic, completely lost to her rage.
Marjorie pulled her hand back and slapped her daughter hard across the face.
Mikayla finally shut up, staring daggers at her mother as well.
After a few seconds of stunned silence, Abigail’s mother finally spoke. “I cannot believe either of you. Fighting like bitches in heat over a mongrel.”
Her mother stared at them, back and forth, her breath coming in ragged pants.
Mikayla shook the maids off her angrily. After giving Abigail one last blistering glare, she stalked out of the room.
Marjorie smoothed one shaking hand over her blond bob, trying to gain her composure.
Abigail rushed to her nightstand to retrieve a tissue and dab at her eyes and nose.
“Be off now,” her mother shooed the maids. Both women beat a hasty retreat, giving Abigail baleful stares over their shoulders as they closed the door behind them.
Abigail stared at her mother. About to tell her it was all her fault for letting Mikayla do as she pleased since she was born, Marjorie cut in. “I am so disappointed in you.”
Abigail stared at her in shock.
Her mother sniffed and turned walking toward the door. “Your aunt and I had such high hopes for you, Abby, but your behavior is inexcusable. I hope you don’t intend on continuing to sleep with that—“ Marjorie wrinkled her nose in disgust.
“I’ve never slept with anyone,” Abigail exclaimed. “I swear!”
Her mother pursed her lips and stared down her nose at Abigail. “Dinner is at seven. Daniel has invited a guest. Let’s hope whoever it is hasn’t seen your vulgar display on the internet.”
At a quarter to seven, Abigail was ready for dinner. She’d dressed in a knee length golden brown dress with a square neckline and big black buttons running down the front. Donning a nude pair of pantyhose and dark brown pumps, she pulled her hair back in a simple ponytail. Lastly, she put on a pair of pearl earrings Daniel had given her on her sixteenth birthday.
Hearing a soft knock, Abigail pushed her glasses up her nose and rushed to open her door.
The sight of Daniel leaning against the doorframe surprised her. He looked distracted again until he realized she’d opened the door. Straightening to his full height and offered her his arm with a slight smile.
“Would you allow me the honor of escorting you to greet our guest when he arrives?”
Abigail blinked at him, stupefied. Why would he want her to stand with him to greet his guest? Wasn’t that Mikayla’s job now?
Daniel’s smile grew. “Mikayla will meet us in the foyer. She’s putting the finishing touches on her makeup.”
“Oh,” Abigail replied.
Swallowing a gulp of pure nerves, she accepted Daniel’s arm.
He felt solid beneath his sharp pinstripe suit. The scent of some wonderfully exotic cologne teased her nose. Daniel felt so safe, so familiar.
Her entire life had come apart since she’d come back. Clearly, thinking she could smooth things over had backfired terribly.
Looking up at Daniel, the way he carried himself, with such assurance and gentleness had her blinking back tears.
Poor, sweet Daniel. If anything, perhaps she’d spared him some humiliation despite tarnishing herself in the process.
They walked down the mansion’s left wing corridor until they reached the main hall with the spiral staircase just beyond the grand foyer.
Mikayla was just coming down the stairs wearing a white dress with some lace lining the plunging neckline. A long necklace of crystals glittered down the front of her body and her red curls bounced with each angered step she took. At the moment, Mikayla’s eyes were staring daggers at Abigail.
When she reached Daniel, Abigail had to look away in humiliation as her sister wrapped her arms around him and kissed him hard and deep, moaning throatily.
Daniel cleared his throat and touched his lips, clearly trying to see if Mikayla’s red lipstick was smeared all over his mouth.
“Don’t worry, baby. It’s kiss-proof,” she giggled, batting her lashes at him.
Daniel looked flustered and nodded, adjusting his tie. “Of course, Mikayla.”
A rumbling sound caught Abigail’s attention. It sounded as if a beast were approaching the house.
“Ah! That must be our guest,” Daniel said smiling broadly now.
He looked genuinely excited.
She frowned when he took her arm again and led both her and Mikayla outside.
Abigail gaped as the loud Harley roared around the circular driveway.
Its rider wore ripped jeans and a leather jacket with matching gloves. His boots had many straps running up the front with gleaming metal buckles glinting at the back of his calves.
She stared, her mouth hanging open as the rider stopped and turned the purring machine off after putting down the kickstand. He swung one powerful looking leg over the bike and proceeded to remove his black helmet.
Before he even shook his long black hair out, Abigail already knew it was Gabriel. His hair flowed around his shoulders in wild abandon, and his rugged jaw was shadowed with a day’s growth of beard. He looked dangerous, foreboding…regal. Green eyes flashed at her, burning her where she stood. Had Daniel’s grip on her arm not tightened, she might have fled as he stalked like a predatory beast toward her.
Daniel gave her a perplexed stare just before stepping forward and shocking her by grasping Gabriel in a hard hug.
Gabriel frowned, as if confused also. The moment he stopped looking at her, Abigail was able to tear her eyes away from him to look at her sister. Poor Mikayla looked sick, as if she were about to swoon.
“Allow me to introduce you to my fiancée,” Daniel was saying.
Mikayla’s face paled even more, but she stuck her hand out as Gabriel grasped and shook it, his eyes cold and distant.
“And, of course, you already know who this is,” Daniel was saying gesturing to Abigail
Again, that predatory gaze ensnared her.
Gabriel walked right up to her as she weakly offered her trembling hand.
He bypassed the hand and wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around the back of her neck.
Abigail was barely able to draw in a shocked breath when he dragged her against him and covered her mouth with his.
As if the feel of his lips on hers wasn’t enough, he slid his tongue into her mouth completely shocking her…his tongue!
Her knees immediately gave way beneath her as he assaulted her mouth and pressed her close.
She’d always imagined her first kiss in a romantic setting, a candle light dinner, a walk in the garden, or perhaps along a moonlit beach. She’d imagined it would be sweet, tender, making her sigh. Certainly, no tongue involved the first time!
Gabriel’s kiss offered Abigail none of that, except making her heart race and her legs grow weak. Again, that incessant pounding between her legs began. It had her moaning until she came to her senses, remembering that her sister and Daniel were still present.
Embarrassed, she struggled against Gabriel. Their lips separated with a wet pop. He was fisting her hair, which he’d yanked free of her ponytail.
Alarmed, Abigail twisted her head around only to discover they were alone.
Her nipples tightened when Gabriel slid his mouth down her throat with a growl, the roughness of his stubble giving her goose bumps.
“S-stop,” she hissed pushing against his chest.
He suddenly reared back, staring at her throat. “What the fuck, Abigail! Who the hell hurt you?” he practically roared.
His anger took her by surprise. She blinked rapidly, her hand coming up to where Mikayla had scratched her earlier.
He pulled her hand away and traced the angry lines. Trying to cover them with makeup hadn’t worked, obviously. His green eyes snapped to hers, his kiss-swollen lips pressing into an angry line.
“As if it were any of your business,” Abigail snapped. “My sister and I had a disagreement.”
His gaze softened. “Oh.”
That’s all he had to say? Abigail struggled for him to release her, but he held on, his gaze skimming over what he could see of her appreciatively. “Let me go. What are you doing?’
“I was greeting you,” he replied.
The breeze blew a swath of his dark hair against her cheek. It smelled so good she almost leaned close to rub her face against in it.
Instead, she shook her head as if she’d just walked into a spider web and glared at him.
He laughed, a low seductive sound that made her toes curl.
Oh—how she loathed the devil.
He touched the black rims of her glasses with one fingertip. “I like these…fucking sexy.”
Abigail slapped his hand away, appalled at his randy behavior.
He just bit his lower lip, eyes twinkling with mischief. “I think we’d better go inside before your family starts talking about us.”
Abigail’s face flushed. He was baiting her. He must’ve seen the pictures too.
“Why are you here? What are you up to?” she demanded.
His eyes grew cold again and he released her. His grin widened. “Why so scared, Pop Tart?”
“Stop calling me that.”
“Fine, baby—“
“Don’t call me that either.” She just barely restrained herself from stomping one foot in agitation. “Explain why you’re here?”
His smile died and a cruel light gleamed within his eyes. “I’ve come to claim what’s mine,” he said through gritted teeth.
Abigail felt herself pale. Her hands clasped together under her chin as she stared at him, eyes wide. “Please,” she begged, thinking of Daniel. He couldn’t do this. Gabriel’s eyes narrowed. “You can’t do this to Daniel. He’s done nothing to the likes of you.”
Gabriel suddenly gripped her arms and got into her face. “Why do you care so much for Daniel?” His lips twisted into a sneer. “Are you in love with your sister’s boyfriend?”
Abigail yanked her arms from his grasp. “No. I just care very much for him. He was a very dear friend to me since we were children.”
Gabriel snorted in disgust. “You had a crush on him.”
Abigail clenched her teeth. “Shut –up. You know nothing about me.”
Gabriel stepped into her personal space again. “He’s a fool. He picked Mikayla over you, didn’t he?” Abigail gasped when his hand tangled in her hair again, drawing her lips a breath away from his. “Mikayla thought to play with me and toss me aside for her rich boyfriend. Maybe I want revenge, Abigail.”
Abigail shook her head, unable to tear her eyes from the smoldering green of his. Her heart sank. Was that why he’d made a production of kissing her? “Daniel had nothing to do with this.”
If anything, the smoldering rage in his gaze burned hotter. “How can you defend that bastard? He ignored you.”
“He didn’t ignore me,” she snapped before she realized what she was admitting to.
“So then he dumped you for her,” Gabriel growled.
Abigail glanced behind her and wriggled free of his grasp. Looking back at him, she lifted her nose. “I decided I wanted to be a nun.”
Gabriel’s eyes went round…for at least three seconds before he threw his head back and laughed.
Abigail gripped the lapels of his leather jacket and tried to shake him silent. It was like trying to shake a sturdy tree. “Be quiet. How dare you laugh at me!”
Gabriel wrapped his arms around her again. “Baby, the Kardashian’s are more fit to be nuns than you.”
Abigail tried to rear back, offended by his words, but he cuddled her close. “I can feel and see the passion in you, Abigail.”
“Stop this behavior this instant. Release me,” she demanded pushing against his chest.
He let her go, and crossed his arms over his impressive chest. “Fine. You decide. Either you play along at being my girlfriend for a while or I tell Daniel everything.”
Abigail stared horrified up at him. “W-what? B-but why? What could you hope to possibly gain by this absurd pretense?”
He just shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets as he stared at her through narrowed eyes.
“It’s up to you,” he challenged. “You either walk with me into that house, or you walk in behind me to pick up the pieces of your precious Daniel,” he finally spat with disdain.
Abigail stared after him, mute, as he brushed past her toward the door.
Would he dare?
In a panic, she rushed after him, gripping his arm to halt him before he entered the ornate double doors of the mansion. He looked down at her and gripped her hand, hauling her in after him. “I’m not sure I’m glad you changed your mind. I just might spill the beans anyway, you know.”
About to tell him off, she bit her tongue instead when she caught sight of her mother coming down the stairs. Marjorie Brown’s blue eyes were wide as she took in the sight of Gabriel holding onto Abigail’s hand.
His boots sounded loud as he crossed the room to where Daniel and Mikayla stood.
Mikayla just stared blankly at the huge vase of flowers under the crystal chandelier in the middle of the foyer. Daniel smiled at Both Gabriel and Abigail as he slipped his arm around Mikayla’s waist.
“Marjorie, I’d like to introduce you to Gabriel Brinks, better known as Gabriel Raven, lead singer of Diavolo. Gabriel, this is a very important person for you. Marjorie Brown is Abigail’s mother.”
Marjorie had stopped at the bottom of the stairs, gaping at Gabriel. He stepped closer to her and took her hand. “It’s a pleasure, ma’am,” he murmured as he kissed her knuckles.
Marjorie just gaped at him. After a while she seemed to have found her voice when she asked, “And why would I be an important person to this—“ her eyes flicked over him coldly, “gentleman?” she finished.
Gabriel grinned at her. Or, at least that’s what Abigail supposed he was trying to do. Unfortunately it came out like a vicious snarl. “Because I’ve come to ask for your daughter’s hand.”
All eyes fell upon Gabriel.
He was taking this revenge thing too far. Abigail felt faint. She tried to yank her hand from Gabriel’s, but he held it in a vise grip.
Meanwhile, her sister looked like she wanted to kill both Gabriel and Abigail. Daniel was grinning in absolute surprise and joy, and her mother…her mother looked as though she’d swallowed a frog.
“Well,” Daniel began exuberantly, “This is certainly a surprise. Frankly, I was worried when I heard of your acquaintance with our dear sweet Abby.”
Gabriel’s demeanor changed drastically. He squared his shoulders and wrapped his arm around her waist possessively. “And why would my acquaintance with dear sweet Abby worry you?” he finished through gritted teeth.
Daniel chuckled, nonplussed by Gabriel threatening demeanor. “I worried that perhaps you didn’t have good intentions toward her. I will be honest. Abigail is a very special girl. You won’t find anyone sweeter,” he grinned, oblivious to Mikayla’s killing glare. “I just happen to have the other Brown sibling.” He finally looked at Mikayla, who switched her glare for a big fake smile. “She is the most precious, sweet thing to me.”
Her sister walked into Daniel’s arms. He gave her a one armed hug and grinned at Abigail and Gabriel. “Let’s go into the dining room. I’ll have the staff open our best wine for this occasion. We must celebrate. When are you planning on announcing your engagement, if you don’t mind my asking?”
Abigail followed alongside Gabriel in a daze.
“Well, Baby and I still haven’t discussed all the details of our engagement, but I guess we’ll have to do it soon. Right, sweetness?”
She just looked at him with wide eyes. How was she supposed to reply to that?
Daniel laughed. “It was a bit of a whirlwind thing. I didn’t even know until this morning that Abby had come back home, and now this. It was quite the shock.”
“Yeah,” Mikayla finally piped up. “Who would’ve thought Abigail would ever get married.”
She looked pale and shaky, but things had gotten so far out of hand, he hadn’t the slightest idea how to stop the lie from growing bigger.
Christ—what had he gotten himself into?
Mikayla’s barb had made Abigail wince. His ex-stalker was very vindictive and Gabriel suddenly realized he didn’t like it one bit.
Abigail was his to torment only.
Turning disdainful eyes to the younger sister, he sneered. “I don’t know why you’d think Abigail wouldn’t make a good wife for anyone. She’s not like the typical women that hang around me and the band looking for an easy lay with a rock star.”
Mikayla’s face went beet red, and her mother choked.
“How did you meet Abigail?” Daniel questioned, one brow rising at the both of them.
Next to him, Abigail stiffened and began to open and close her mouth in that adorable way that reminded him of a fish.
“We met at a party she and her sister attended. Mikayla was trying to get her to have some fun, and Abigail ran into me. Best night of our lives, wasn’t it, babe?”
Daniel face turned red this time, and he cleared his throat before nodding and gesturing they follow him and Mikayla.
“I’ll go see if Paulina is ready,” Marjorie blurted before making her escape up the grand staircase.
That woman had acted as if she’d seen a ghost…or maybe the devil himself when Daniel introduced her to him.
Had that woman also known his father?
He hadn’t had much opportunity to talk with his younger half brother. Gabriel’s lawyer had taken all of the documentation Gabriel had and contacted Daniel.
Two days later, he’d received a call from Daniel’s assistant requesting he come directly to North Star Records. The infamous Daniel Montenegro II wanted to schedule a personal meeting with him.
Expecting hostility, Gabriel was surprised when Daniel had welcomed him warmly, his eyes gleaming with genuine curiosity.
They’d talked for hours.
Daniel had the opportunity to go over the letters and diaries, and even had his own lawyer review the legal documentation their father had drawn up years ago.
There was no denying they were brothers.
Daniel expressed his regret about Gabriel’s mother and felt appalled his mother had been the cause of so much grief.
He’d insisted both Gabriel and his grandmother move into the Montenegro estate.
Gabriel, of course, had declined. He had his own place and was content to remain there for the time being.
He’d felt a little guilty knowing he’d let his brother’s girlfriend suck him off a few times aside from the other stuff she done, but he’d never gone after the girl. She’d stuck to him like Velcro one night in Vegas after a show. If anything, it was Angelo’s fault for giving her all their numbers and keeping her abreast of where they were all the time.
Pulling out a chair for Abigail, he frowned when Daniel pulled the chair next to hers for her sister.
“Gabriel,” Daniel began, “Would you do me the honor of occupying my father’s chair?”
Both girls gaped at Daniel.
Gabriel looked at the imposing chair at the end of the table. With a grin, he nodded and turned. One of the butlers immediately pulled the chair out for him and Gabriel sat slowly.
Cold seeped up his legs as he thought of his father.
Looking down the center of the table, he stared at Daniel as he took up the chair at the other end of the long formal dining table.
“Normally, there are ten seats, but since it’s just us, I requested the table be shortened to six places for tonight. My mother and Marjorie will be joining us shortly.”
Daniel turned to the head butler and ordered a bottle of wine.
Appetizers were passed around as the butler came back with the prized bottle.
“I think we should give the honor to our guest of honor,” Daniel said gesturing to Gabriel.
The butler approached him with the bottle and a glass.
The bottle was presented to Gabriel for his inspection.
A nineteen-forty-five, Romanée-Conti.
Gabriel’s hands began to sweat. It wasn’t everyday he was privy to opening a sixty-year-old bottle of rare red wine. The thing had to have cost a fortune.
He looked at Abigail. She was staring at him as if he were about to murder a puppy.
Well, here goes to celebrating his fake engagement to Pop Tart.
Gabriel nodded to the butler, who proceeded to pop the vintage bottle open.
Abigail began to fan herself.
He just stared at her as the butler poured the first taste.
It was much like tasting a woman for the first time. Like tasting Abigail.
He took the glass and swirled the liquid, appreciating the color and body. The rich, deep, red glowed beautifully in the soft candle light. He gazed at Abigail over the rim of the glass.
Beautiful color rose up her throat to suffuse her cheeks…so beautiful. He couldn’t believe he’d once thought her plain. He was out of his mind.
Keeping his gaze locked on hers, he sniffed the wine’s fragrant bouquet. His mouth watered in anticipation, the scent already making him heady.
Slowly, bringing the glass up closer, he opened his lips and let a bit of the liquid spill in.
Abigail’s pupils dilated and he could see the pulse in her throat hammering wildly.
She felt it too…as much as she tried to portray a prim demeanor. She played down her looks, but it only incited him more.
Abigail finally tore her gaze from his. She struggled to catch her breath, her composure. Her face was still flushed, gloriously rose all over. He did that to her. But why? Did he frighten her? Did he stir her blood they she did his?
Yeah. This was insane. He barely knew the chick. He needed to put the brakes on whatever it was she was stirring in him, before he ended up a statistic like his dead parents.
Footsteps had him sitting up straighter.
He already knew who approached.
Gabriel stood when Daniel stood. Two butlers rushed forward to pull out the remaining chairs.
Turning to his right, Gabriel stared at the woman responsible for the nightmare that had befallen his mother and real father…Paulina Montenegro.
The woman was tall, slim, and elegant. Her blonde hair was pulled back from her face and she wore a simple black knee-length cocktail dress that accentuated her lovely figure. He knew she had to be in her mid to late fifties, but she was still beautiful. Not a single line marred that face. Apparently, no emotions had ever etched themselves into that cold unfeeling countenance.
Her dark eyes stared at him intently, a predator sizing up a rival. She didn’t fool him though. He could see the horror in those eyes even though her face remained a blank mask.
“Mother,” Daniel began, “Meet Gabriel. Gabriel, this is my mother, Paulina Montenegro.”
Gabriel approached her. Nearly black eyes flicked down the length of him, taking in his attire.
Oh-yes. He’d dressed specifically for her tonight. No Armani suit for this bitch.
“Ms. Montenegro,” he said taking her hand.
Watching her face as he leaned over and pressed a kiss he loathed to give to that fragile white hand, he saw her eyes widen slightly, heard her breath hitch just the tiniest bit.
Slowly, he released her and straightened, allowing the disgusting knowledge that his aunt desired him to settle into his mind. Another thing he’d despise about her. Another weapon he’d use against her in his bid to destroy her.
He would not rest until he avenged his parents.