Diary Of An English Tart – Ch 1

"How Wearing Stockings To Work Helps When The Boss Is Annoyed."

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I checked my watch. I was late but what else was new. Work started at nine and I intended to arrive about ten minutes after that. But it wasn’t my fault; the public transportation in this city is terrible. The bus was late or the taxi got caught in traffic. I know I could get up earlier, but my bed is just too comfy for that.

Today I took the bus to work, but still had to walk a block to reach the office. The street was crammed with people all making their way to their office buildings and getting ready for the day ahead. I strutted as quickly as I could but
the crowds were just too much so I swam with the fishes and took my time.

When I reached the office doors, relief swept over me but that was soon shadowed with anxiousness as I saw the boss at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. He looked angry but his face softened as soon as I got closer. He ordered me to his office and I, the measly office temp, obeyed his command.

I got to the office before he did and made myself comfortable on the guest seats. They were comfortable enough but not as comfy-looking as his plush executive leather chair, it went back and forward and sideways too. I dashed up from my chair and ran around the desk, or rather I hobbled around the desk to his chair because my heels were too high for me to run in.

As I sat down in his chair, the leather was cool against my black silk skirt and the chill seeped through the fabric until it
reached my bottom. I leaned back and crossed my nylon-clad legs, picking up a pen and twirling it at my mouth. I could get used to being the boss and sitting in the big chair, ordering all the little temps around. Such a shame it wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

I’m saying that though I do love my job, traveling around different offices and meeting new people, I’m never in the same place for too long. I heard the door knob click and before I could hobble back round to the side of the table that I should have been on, the big scary boss man was through the door with his eyes glazing at me. Oops. He placed his hands on his hips and started to tap his feet, this wasn’t going to be good.

His mouth started to move and lecture me about my lateness and my blatant disregard for the rules but I was to busy staring at him, watching his perfectly sculpted lips move and his muscular chest flex when he shifted from side to side. I felt my nipples grow taut in my white silk bra and my arousal started to seep through into my panties.

They were silk, my wetness was going to stain. I stood up from his chair, feeling my sheer white, seamed stockings rub against each other, and walked towards him. I put my hand up to my hair and looked up at him with my big round eyes and pleaded how sorry I was.

My hand started to drop from my hair down the curves of my body until it got to the bottom of my skirt where I rubbed the silk in between my fingers, all the while pleading with him not to complain to the agency. A girl like me couldn’t afford to live without my cushy temp job. His face softened and his eyes dipped to my fingers as they caressed my skirt, slightly drawing it up and revealing the lacy tops of my stockings and metal garter clips.

His eyes snapped back up into his head and he looked back at my face, as sweat was starting to form on his brow. I smiled as innocently as I could, my eyes doing that, “I’m a helpless little girl,” look that all we women seem to be capable of. He
stopped staring and walked around me to his chair, shaking his head. He warned me not to be late again and just let me off with the oral warning.

I am a lucky girl. I thanked him with my most sweetest voice and trotted out of his office towards my desk. Another day, another escape. I’m glad I have legs, breasts, and those puppy dog eyes of mine.

Published 3 weeks ago

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