Diary of a Cougar, Chapter 7

"Zuri is one sexy older woman who redefines her sexual freedom after her husband dies"

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Monday, June 10, 1996.

After a long day of work, I was ready to see my baby. I had the key to his apartment. I texted him to say I was on my way. I was ready.

I pulled into the visitor parking spot, left my car, and went to his apartment. I unlocked the door. It was dark. I didn’t even bother turning on the lights. It was a straight shot from the door to his bedroom. I placed my things on the counter and took off my clothes.

I opened the glass double doors. I saw him buried under the covers. What better way to wake him up? I thought as I eased under the covers from the bottom of the bed. I found his cock. I used my mouth to bring it to life.

I heard soft moans. Then panic. The covers flew off. I looked into his eyes. “Oh my God,” I screamed, “who are you?” I asked.

“I’m Nigel’s nephew. He let me stay here.

I was mortified. I had never had my mouth on another man’s dick. And I was bootie butt naked. I left the room and hurried to find my clothes. He found me in the living room, “It’s okay,” he insisted.

“No. It’s not okay. Where is Nigel?”

“He’s with my aunt. They had to go to leave the country to see Samantha’s parents. Her dad is sick.”

I shook my head, “He didn’t tell me.” I gulped.

“Look, you don’t have to worry. I won’t say anything to my uncle.”

I shook my head, “I feel so stupid. I sucked your dick. I didn’t mean to, I swear.”

He chuckled, “It’s okay. Don’t feel horrible. I’m Theodore James Stuart.”

“Nice to meet you, Theo. I’m Zuri Michelle Bradley. I better get outta here.”

He walked me to the door. I paused and turned to him, “Tell me the truth…is your uncle planning to divorce his wife?”

He shrugged, “I can’t say one way or the other. I’ve always found their relationship a little different.”

“Different, how?”

“Just different.”

I nodded, “Sorry for sucking your dick earlier. I’m not a loose woman like that.”

“It’s fine.”


As I drove back to my place. I thought about what my mother told me. I didn’t want to be the other woman. I wanted to be the woman. Yet, there I was, other-womaning my ass off. Sure, he was taking care of me, but that’s not all I wanted. I wanted a man for myself. Someone that I could love out loud.

I had to decide if I was content with being the other woman, but if I started handing out ultimatums…where would that leave me? My heart belonged to Nigel. How could I let go?


When morning arrived, I heard a knock on my door. I put on my robe and went to see who it was. I found a box on my porch. I picked it up and took it inside. I opened it. It was a gold-dipped rose, “I know you must have been mortified, but please don’t be. It was an honest mistake. I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d rather have accidentally kissed my cock.”

I chuckled. From that moment…Theo and I had a bond of sorts. It’s kind of hard not to bond with a man after his cock has been in your mouth.


Saturday, April 17, 2021

My morning started on the balcony of my bedroom. I was double stuffed. I held onto Barry in front as Ben worked my ass. We went at it until they exploded. Then I went for my morning shower.

After breakfast, Ernesto and I fuck in the pool.

Later that day, I was preparing to go out with the ladies of the Menopause Madams when Danny entered the bathroom. I was still naked. He walked up behind me. He rubbed my ass, spread me open, and pushed his dick into me.

He placed one hand on my back, causing me to bend over. He worked my pussy until I creamed. Slowly, he pulled out. I turned to him. He bit his lip. We kissed as he pushed into me again. I was getting used to fucking him every day. I knew it was dangerous because he expressed feelings for me.

The others just loved fucking me. But he was in love with me. I suppose it felt nice to have someone feel that for me. Since Nigel was gone. I didn’t have a man that loved me like that. But he was a baby. What could I do with him?

We hummed as his cock unloaded. He giggled. We kissed. He pulled out and left.


The night was perfect. We were at our favorite club. We sat at our favorite table. We had shots upon shots of Tequila. I told them about my new adventure of being double stuffed by the twins.

Amber smiled. “Now that is living the dream.”

Josephine agreed. “That is living the dream.”

Marsha was quiet. Her mood was a little off. I asked her to join me in the lady’s room. She confessed to me that her husband wasn’t doing well. That he was in his final days. There was nothing else the doctors could do for him.

“I should feel guilty,” she said to me.

“No. He would want you to continue to live. You are here. You deserve to be fulfilled. He would want this. If you need to take a break, do it, but if you want to keep going, that’s no one’s business but your own.”

She hugged me. “And how are things with you and Danny?”

I made a face. “He is still being insistent.”

“He loves you.”

“Yes. But I don’t know what to do with his love. It’s sweet, but can you imagine me introducing him to my kids?”

“It’s no one’s business but your own. Or does that only apply to others?”

We laughed. We walked to our table; I noticed a man sitting with Josephine and Amber. “Who is that?” asked Marsha.

I sighed because I knew exactly who he was. “Ladies, come to meet our new friend; he’s a riot!” said Amber.

Marsha shook his hand, “I’m Marsha.”

“Theodore. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Oh my, that accent.”

“I know it’s so sexy,” added Josephine.

I shook his hand, “Hello, Theo.”

He smiled, “Zuri.”

Their eyes widened. “You two know each other?” Marsha asked.

I nodded “We do. He is my former husband’s nephew.”

“Oh,” she replied.

We sat talking. Just a bunch of middle-aged people reminiscing on the days of old. It was fun. When the night ended, Theo walked us to the parking lot. The ladies went their way. Theo walked me to my car. He stood by my door, “You should come home with me tonight.”

“I should. What would your cute little girlfriend say?”

He chuckled. “She’s away on business for a little while. I mean, unless you have to run home to your cute little boyfriend.”

“I have several.”

“Several.” He nodded. “Then a night with me won’t hurt.”

I shook my head. I knew I should not have opened that can of worms. It was dangerous back then. I nodded. I followed him to his car. He opened the passenger door. I got in, and we went to his place.


He lived in Apollo Beach. It was a nice home. He pulled into the three-car garage. As the garage door closed, he walked around to open my door. He reached for my hand. “There you are, beautiful.”

“I shouldn’t be here,” I said to him.

“Yet, here you are. Let’s just go inside and have a drink. You can tell me all about your boyfriends.”

I nodded. He led me into his home. It was crisp. Everything was white. The floors were hardwood. Yellowish brown. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine from the rack that was attached to the cabinets. He poured me a glass. “So, how many are we talking?”

I laughed, “Five.”

“That’s not so bad. So, you can handle one more?”

“You wouldn’t be one more.”

He smiled, “Where are you living…how? What are you doing for money?”

I tilted my head.

“They contested everything, and you didn’t even fight. You deserved everything he left you.”

“As long as the kids were taken care of, I wasn’t about to fight. Besides, I am well. Nigel taught me a lot before he left this world.”

“He taught me a lot, too.”

Our glasses touched. We went to the back patio, which overlooked the water. He had a deck that led to a boat dock. “This is nice.”

“Yes, it’s quite lovely. I didn’t think I’d like it here. It’s dreadfully warm.”

“It does take some getting used to.”

He chuckled. I looked over at him. “What?”


“You’re not thinking about that again?”

“You have to admit, it was funny.”

I laughed, “Yeah. It was.”

He stood and reached for my hand. We went inside. We were in the living room. He stood in front of the sofa with his eyes fast on me. His hands caressed me. My dress ended up on the floor. I undid his pants and pushed him back onto the sofa. I sat on his dick and hummed, “Theo, mmmm,” I moaned.

His hands caressed my body. Our lips touched. He kissed my neck, then my nipples. I started to quake as a surge of energy flowed through me. I hugged him and cried. He lifted me and ended up on top, fucking my pussy like crazy.

He paused and looked into my eyes sweetly. “Ugh,” he grunted

He rested on top of me. He listened to my heartbeat. I played in his hair. “We promised we’d never do that again,” I reminded him.

“You promised. I only listened.”

I smiled. It was many moons ago when Theo and I ran off together. Nigel and I had broken up. Or at least, I thought I had broken up with him. I was with Theo. Nigel found us. He made us promise never to go behind his back ever again.


Saturday, June 15, 1996.

He tried calling me several times. I didn’t answer the phone. He left messages. I didn’t return his calls. I knew he’d show up at my job. So, I quit. I was done. I didn’t want to hear any more excuses. I wanted action.

I was on-set doing some background work in Charlotte. I got summoned by the director. I walked over to him thinking I had done something wrong. My heart nearly beat out of my chest. “Yes, sir?”

He handed me his cell phone. I answered, “Hello?”

“Pearl, don’t hang up.”


“We need to talk.”

“I’m not in Winston. I’m in Charlotte.”

“I know, Pearl. I’m here on set.”

“Fine.” I handed him back the phone.

He smiled, “You must be pretty special if Nigel tracked you down.”

“I can’t be too special if he hides me from the world.”

“The world can be a difficult place. Maybe he is protecting you from it.”

I nodded and walked off. After I finished. Nigel walked over to me. “How did you even know that I was here.”

“I followed you. Now, don’t look at me like that.”

I huffed, “What am I to do with you, Nigel?” I folded my arms. “Why? I don’t get it. Is it so hard to tell me stuff.”

“Pearl, sometimes things happen fast, and I don’t have time to tell you every detail.”

I nodded, “Right, because I’m not important enough for that. Everyone else gets to know, but I have to find out. I told you that I don’t want to be—”

He kissed me, “I promise that’s not how I see you.”

“You say that, but all I know is what you do and how it makes me feel.”

“Let’s go to New Orleans.”


“I have a trip planned soon. I want you to join me. Samantha knows. It’s not like she’ll protest. It’ll be us. Well, I have to take my nephew. He’s learning under me.”

I shrugged. “I’ve never been to New Orleans. Sounds like it could be a right fun time.”

He smiled, “It will be a right fun time.”

I nodded, “Who Dat!”

He kissed my lips.


Friday, June 28, 1996.

After weeks of making it up to me, it was time for that trip to New Orleans, Louisiana. I was at the airport with Nigel, Theo, and Nigel’s assistant, Terry. We flew out of Raleigh that morning and landed around 9:30 a.m.

The cab took us to a hotel in the French Quarters. It was so amazing. Nigel and Theo were in one room. And Terry and I were in an adjoining room.

I was in my bed. She stood by the balcony looking down at the pool, “I love these trips.”

“You go often?”

“As often as I can.” She sat on her bed and looked at me, “So are you and Nigel like—”

I chuckled. “We’ve been together for a little bit. He was my first.”

She smiled.

“Have you ever with—”

“No,” she replied, “he is handsome, but I don’t swing that way. If I did, I wouldn’t want to be a cliché. The assistant who sleeps with the boss.”

I sighed, “Life is one big cliché. You can try hard not to become one and suddenly find yourself clicheing it up!”

She chuckled. “I suppose you’re right. Well, your secret is safe with me.”

“Thank you. Hopefully, I won’t have to be a secret for too long. I mean, his wife knows about me.”

“Um, what about his children?”

I shook my head, “No.”

“That’s the tricky part.”

I nodded. She was right. I was nearly the same age as his son. And he had a daughter still in high school. They probably would not have been too happy to know I was with their dad. Even though he was already divorcing Samantha before I came along. They would still see me as a home wrecker.”

She touched my leg, “Don’t worry about it. We are in New Orleans. It’s time to get down to Bourbon Street and get shit-faced!”

I laughed.


Shots. Shots. Shots! We drank our asses off. I never consumed that much alcohol in a short period. I could barely see straight. “We’re Bourbon Face on Shit Street!” Terry shouted.

We laughed. “I think you mean, “We’re shit Bourbon on Face Street,” said Theo.

“You’re both wrong, it’s we’re Bourbon…I mean, fuck it, we’re fucked up!” said Nigel

“Yeah, we are pretty messed up; let’s get back to the hotel.”

When we got back to the hotel, I fell across a bed. Nigel whispered in my ear as he rubbed my nipple through my shirt, “Can we have some fun, Pearl?”

“Um hmm, we can have all the fun you want.”

He smiled as he removed my clothes. I lay in bed naked. Theo and Terry were in the room. I saw them naked. I was like, oh shit! My man is into some freaky shit.

Terry rubbed my legs, then split them. Her eyes were on my gem. Her fingertip touched; she made tiny circles and then rubbed. Theo lay next to me, rubbing my breasts and kissing my mouth. I saw Nigel standing at the foot of the bed, stroking his big cock as he watched.

Terry was vigilant in her duty. She sucked and licked so good; she had me thinking I might be bisexual. My body quaked, and I squealed, which they all got a kick out of. She wiped her mouth and eased up to me.

Theo got between my legs and pressed his way inside. He stroked nice and slow. He watched Terry juggle my breasts and suck my left nipple. She kissed my mouth. I was lost. Out of my mind. She reached down and wiggled my clit as Theo fucked me. His pace quickened, and then it slowed as he felt me vibrating on his cock.

He pressed his body to mine and pushed balls deep. He had me yelping and moaning. I guess my sounds drove both Nigel and Terry wild as they stroked themselves. I heard Terry climax; I saw Nigel erupt in his hand.

After Theo finished, Nigel carried me to bed. The next morning, he eased on top of me and pressed his way inside. The sex was so intense. I held on tight. We kissed passionately. He told me that he loved me. It felt so good being in his arms.

We did that every day for a week. Then went back to North Carolina as if nothing happened. The four of us agreed that whatever happened in New Orleans stayed in New Orleans.

I had a lot of cool gifts. I went to my parents’ house and gave them some pictures, shot glasses, T-shirts, and other things. My dad was excited. My mother eyed me.

Before I left, she asked me, “So, is he divorced yet?”

“Not yet?”

“Um, so, I guess you’re content with being the other woman.”

I didn’t respond.

“All right, Pecan. I love you.”

“I love you too, mama.”

Published 1 year ago

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