I heard voices; they were talking as they approached my door. Shaking Taliya I tried to wake her up; I did not want to be found nude near her. Getting up to rapidly dress I finally managed to wake Taliya; unfortunately, by that time Master John had opened my door.
“Taliya, what do you think you are doing?” he asked incredulously. I just knelt, waiting for her to answer. “N-nothing, Master,” Taliya stammered. Master grabbed me up from the floor, pushing me down on the bed. I scrambled to get to the other side of the bed as he took his belt off. “Wait, Master, please!” I couldn’t control my emotions; I was crying so hard. “What were you two doing in here, huh? Why is Taliya nude? Tell me that, Ceres!” Master shouted as he stormed over to me. I was terrified. I didn’t want to crawl back over my bed to the other side. I had no where to run to; my fear kept me from moving like I wished too. “Stop crying, Ceres. Tell me the truth and I’ll think about not punishing you along with Taliya.” He wiped my tears away as I answered him. “Taliya was wet, Master,” I said, just waiting to be asked what the hell I was talking about. “Her cunt, Master; she was soaked from Mistress Julia’s moaning so she came in here to sleep, Master.” I couldn’t look at him. “Is that all, Ceres?” he said threateningly as Taliya turned away from her Mistress to answer my Master. “Master John, I-I came in here cause I was horny, sir. I didn’t mean to disappoint you and Mistress. Ceres and I made out last night, Master. I am so sorry. I’ll take any punishment! Please don’t harm Ceres. It wasn’t…” I had to cut Taliya off. “It was my fault, not hers, Master. Please, it’s not Taliya’s fault. It’s mine. Please master, don’t harm her. I’ll….” He silenced me with a back-head blow. My face was on fire. I tried to rub it but Master just slapped my hand away. “Ceres, you will show your sister respect. You will not be rude. Do you understand me, Ceres?” Master thundered. “Yes, Master, I’m sorry, Taliya.” Taliya smiled at me. Master pushed me on the bed. I didn’t dare move; he walked over to Taliya, putting his belt back on. Mistress Julia looked mad enough to kill someone. Taliya grabbed her clothes, walking out the door with Mistress. Master leaned down, grabbing me up from the bed, nearly throwing me out the door. I didn’t actually mean to run from him but I did. I got past Mistress and Taliya, running down the stairs. “Ceres, don’t you dare go out that door!” Mistress Julia screamed down to me but I didn’t care. I opened the door, running off at full speed, as fast as my legs would carry me. I got to Master’s car when I heard him call out to me. I looked back to see him running out of the house. It was too late by the time I started running again. I barely make it to the neighbors’ car when he grabbed me, dragging me back inside. Mistress and Taliya were downstairs by that time.I still had to get ready for school: it was my first day back to college: this was already starting badly. I keep saying that Taliya is my older sister: we’re not related by blood. We are a family. That is a term used for those of us in service to a House. . Taliya has been Master John’s and Mistress Julia’s submissive for 6 years; I have been for only six months. It was like living in the house with two mothers and a father. I was 18 years old; Taliya was 24. Master is the oldest. He’s 36 and Mistress is 35.
“Ceres, what made you think you could run away?” Mistress Julia asked me as Master finally let go of me. Taliya just looked at me. She was mad at me for running, for acting like a child. In my defense, well, I am. I’m the only baby in the house and I don’t get my way at all. I was now in Taliya’s care. Master and Mistress had left me, going off to work. I didn’t move until Taliya said to follow her upstairs. “Taliya, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to run. I wasn’t thinking. Please, don’t be mad at me.” Taliya stopped at the bathroom, looking angrily at me. “Shut up, Ceres. Let’s get this over with so I can get you to school”. She pulled me in the bathroom, stripping me down. While I was in the shower she had gone to my room, returning with my clothes, hiding something behind her back. I was almost finished showering when she walked up to me with a belt in her hand. “I can’t wear that belt to school, Taliya. It is too big.” She just smiled evilly at me. “Ceres, turn around for me,” she said. I turned around, knowing that she was going to strike me.
I had never heard Taliya scream in my six month stay; I jumped up because it scared me. Given my previous day’s punishments I started crying, thinking I was again in trouble. It took Mistress some time to calm me down. When Master returned he was carrying Taliya in his arms. Placing her in bed he told her to stop crying. She tried to calm herself. Master came to me and carried me to my room.
“Am I in trouble too, master?” “No, Ceres, you are not in trouble”. I thought to myself for a little bit while Master lay me down. “Is something wrong, Ceres?” he asked me with a puzzled look on his face. I shook my head no. “Is something wrong, Ceres?” he asked again, more firmly this time. “Taliya didn’t mean to hurt me, Master. She was punishing me for trying to run away!” “She had no right to punish you like that.” “But I was in the shower, master. My skin was wet. That’s all.” He just looked at me and smiled. He stayed with me until I was fast asleep. I ended up being out of classes for a week. But that is jumping ahead of my story. When I woke up at midnight I tried to go down stairs but Master stopped me. He was coming up the stairs with some water. Turning me around he lead me to their room. I didn’t want to sleep by myself so I was allowed to get in the middle of Master and mistress and slept there until morning. Mistress woke me up with a kiss. “How are you feeling, little one?” “Better, Mistress. May I go to school today?” “No, sweetie.” “But mistress, I’m fine now, so please?” I said with a disappointed look. She then told me to wait until after breakfast to see if I could hold anything down, so I did. We ate breakfast. Correction: they ate. Mine ended up being hurled down the drain. I still couldn’t hold anything down at all. Mistress had to get me something hot to drink. It stayed down. I wanted to attend classes but that didn’t quite work out. Taliya checked with the administrators. They agreed that I should not be allowed to disrupt other healthy students in my professors’ classes.However, I was allowed to go in. I just had to do my classes from the nurses’ office. I tried, I really did, but my illness so drained me that I didn’t have such a good day. I couldn’t get much of my class work done. Nurse Taliya made me lie down until Master could come and got me. On the way home with the cool breezes blowing in through the car windows I started to feel better. Between the combinations of the cool air as well as the motion I was soon lulled me to sleep in the car.