Dianne was feeling particularly contented. Life was good at the moment. She had recently met and slept with an older man who was a new arrival to the town. He ticked quite a lot of boxes for her. He was at least ten years older than her but kept himself in good shape. He had a full head of hair, a neatly trimmed beard and a decent-sized cock which he knew how to use.
Their first shag had been a rushed affair in front of a wood-burning stove in the cottage he was renting while he considered whether he was going to buy it and renovate it if he decided to settle in the area.
Dianne was lying in her bed early one morning and looking at the empty side of the bed. She remembered that Adam had said something about having to be up at the crack of dawn for work. He had also said that he had never, ever been late for work in forty years. These were all qualities that Dianne admired and made Adam such an attractive catch.
The previous evening they had been out to dinner in the town and returned to Dianne’s house for the first time. As soon as they were through the door Adam made it clear what he wanted and they had retreated to Dianne’s bedroom for an energetic session.
In the morning as Dianne lay waiting for the alarm clock, she was dozing and dreaming of the night before. As the alarm went off Dianne threw back the duvet and got out of bed. it was then that she noticed that there was fresh cum on her chest. This confused her for a minute because she remembered that Adam had cum twice the night before, once in her pussy and a second time in her mouth.
She quickly worked out that Adam must have had a wank over her before he let himself out of her house. The thought of this turned her on immensely and she plunged two fingers into her pussy and was quickly able to climax thinking about Adam wanking.
Having pleasured herself, Dianne made some coffee and a light breakfast before heading out to work. As usual, she stopped at the supermarket to pick up some bread and tease Adam.
Adam was in his element behind the well-stocked bread counter. Dianne was going to thank him for his deposit when she spotted that he was talking to Alison Chambers. Dianne didn’t know her very well, but she knew of her. The Chambers ran a stables and riding school just outside the town. It was a successful business and popular with locals and visitors alike. The rumour was that the Chambers enjoyed an open marriage and both fucked around. Another rumour was that Alison was a naughty fuck and that horses were not the only thing she rode skilfully.
Dianne paused and checked Alison out from a distance. She was wearing traditional riding clothes, and her jodhpurs in particular emphasised her great arse. She was clearly flirting with Adam and he was flirting back. Dianne knew she would need to keep an eye on that one.
Assertively asking Adam for a Focaccia loaf that she didn’t really need, Dianne put a stop to the flirting and gave Alison Chambers an icy look. What Alison did not see was Dianne make a very lewd gesture to Adam letting him know she was looking forward to sucking his cock again.
In the middle of the day, just as Adam was finishing the early shift he messaged Dianne to say that the in-store butcher had let him have a lovely piece of pork that was on its last day and needed cooking. Would she like to come to his for dinner? Adam also let her know that he had bought an old leather sofa which he had sent off for restoration. It was being delivered back to the cottage that afternoon and Adam wondered whether Dianne would like to start breaking it in.
Pork and a poke, Dianne didn’t need asking twice.
Later that evening after a delightfully cooked meal and a nice bottle of wine Adam and Dianne retreated to the beautifully restored leather sofa. Adam had poured them both a cognac which they sipped while the log burner warmed the room.
The ambience and the good food and drink soon had them both relaxed and at ease with one another. They were kissing passionately when Dianne confessed that she really liked the feel of leather against her skin.
Adam picked up on the hint and before long Dianne was naked on the sofa. She looked amazing sprawled on it. Timeless classics both of them, Adam thought, before dropping his head between Dianne’s thighs.
After mutually pleasuring each other orally and demonstrating their respective skills and abilities Adam knew that he wanted Dianne. He got her to sit on the arm of the sofa and then lie back on it. This allowed Adam to stand at the end and push his magnificently erect cock into her. The way she was lying meant that Adam was able to deeply penetrate her and really use all of his strength to give her the vigorous fucking they both wanted.
The makers of the classic British sofa probably didn’t have this in mind when they designed and built it, but it held up magnificently while the two lovers pounded one another.
After climaxing noisily, Adam led Dianne through to the bedroom which was cooler. He opened a window before getting under the duvet with her. Both were quickly asleep after their satisfying exertions.
Adam had only taken the job at the supermarket for three days a week so did not need to work the next morning. When he did wake he started to get everything ready for Dianne because he knew she would need to go home first and change.
When Dianne did wake she quickly showered and walked into the kitchen area. Adam was naked and making her coffee. She admired his body from a distance. Still slightly tanned, and toned with just enough grey hair on his body to turn Dianne on. If she hadn’t needed to go home and then onto work there was no doubt in Dianne’s mind that she would have fucked him again.
Still naked, Adam walked Dianne out to her car; the cottage was isolated enough for him to do that. They kissed and Dianne drove off.
After changing and setting off for work Dianne was driving past the entrance to the supermarket when she noticed Alison Chambers’s car leaving. Dianne felt exceptionally smug knowing that she was leaving empty-handed unless she had picked up a bargain.
Dianne was away on a long-planned reunion for the next weekend so couldn’t see Adam. It was a lovely weekend in good company but by the end of it, Dianne was feeling horny and frustrated. She had thought about stopping off at Adam’s cottage to relieve her frustrations but long delays on the motorway meant that she didn’t get home until much later than anticipated. It would not have been fair on Adam to turn up unannounced given that he had an early start the next morning.
When Dianne did get home she poured herself a well-earned glass of wine. She then logged onto Lush Stories and enjoyed a couple of sexy chats to help her unwind. Having got herself nicely relaxed and aroused Dianne got into her bed and masturbated with her vibrator imagining it was Adam’s cock.
The next morning she genuinely had a good reason to stop off at the supermarket on the way to work but she was also looking forward to seeing Adam. Half a mile from the turning into the supermarket Dianne came to a halt at some temporary traffic lights. While waiting in line she was looking at the cars in front of her when she saw that Alison Chambers was three cars ahead of her.
The lights changed and the cars moved off. Dianne saw Alison’s car signal to make the turn into the supermarket. Dianne was now on alert sensing the presence of a possible rival. Suddenly the car in front of her came to a sudden stop in the roadworks. Dianne hit her brakes and put on the hazard warning lights. By the time the other driver had got the car started the lights had turned red and Dianne was kept waiting.
When she finally got into the supermarket her fears were fully realised, Alison Chambers was standing by the bread counter. She was clearly flirting with Adam. Dianne did the rest of her shopping but kept a beady eye on Alison. Her possible rival finally left the bread counter but not before she bent down to retrieve something from a bottom shelf. She was giving Adam a good view of her bum in her tight jodhpurs.
Dianne paid for her shopping and headed off to work. Just before she went in, she sent Adam a WhatsApp message inviting him to her house that evening. She also suggested that it might be a good idea for him to get some rest in the afternoon because she had plans for him later on.
Later that evening Dianne cooked Adam a lasagne and they enjoyed a lovely bottle of wine together. After clearing away the dishes Dianne didn’t waste any time. She ordered Adam to strip off because she wanted to suck his cock.
Dianne enjoyed sucking cocks and was good at it; she wasn’t in a hurry and wanted to pleasure Adam with her mouth. She had also decided to tell him about her bisexual side and some of the adventures she had recently enjoyed. The effect on Adam was obvious as his cock swelled and twitched in her hungry mouth.
By the time Dianne got around to telling Adam about her recent adventure in Wales with the Polish builders he was clearly losing his self-control. He pulled his rigid cock out of Dianne’s mouth and turned her over. He then mounted her and pushed his cock deeply into her with one single thrust. It felt wonderful to Dianne to be taken so forcefully. She wanted Adam to know how good in bed she was so that he wouldn’t be tempted by others.
Dianne reached into her bedside drawer and retrieved a tube of lube. While Adam was fucking her she reached behind and touched her bum. Adam took the hint. He lubed his cock generously and gently pushed it into her bum for the first time.
After their passionate and energetic lovemaking, Dianne and Adam didn’t feel like getting up so they just stayed in bed chatting. Adam was intrepid to hear more about Dianne’s recent adventures in Wales and she was not in the least bit reticent with details.
Adam mentioned that a couple of his old mates would be visiting him soon and wondered whether Dianne would like to meet them. He also explained that they would be travelling by a narrow boat on the canal which passed to the South of the town.
A couple of days later Adam’s friends arrived and he showed them around the town. Whilst enjoying a couple of drinks in one of the pubs they met Dianne and were immediately taken with her. They said they would be delighted to show her the narrowboat and suggested lunch at a canal-side pub a few miles out of town. The pub had a superb reputation for ambience and for food.
Dianne stayed the night at Adam’s cottage. While he was fucking her, she remarked what nice gentlemen his friends seemed to be. Adam kept it to himself that the reason that they both enjoyed time on the narrowboat was to get away from unhappy marriages.
The next morning Dianne and Adam walked to the canal and climbed aboard the narrowboat. It was beautifully restored and a wood-burning stove kept it lovely and warm inside. They cruised for a couple of hours through the beautiful countryside.
They were able to tie up at moorings right outside the pub. One of the main reasons for the pub getting such good reviews was the food. The chef had recently left the army. While he was deployed to Afghanistan he took a great deal of interest in the local cuisine and cooking methods. Traditionally in England, lamb is cooked with either mint or rosemary. The dish all four guests chose was lamb with some Middle Eastern spices, rice and aubergines. It was delicious and all four tucked into it along with a couple of bottles of good wine.
The food, the wine and the ambience made conversation easy and all four relaxed with each other. For Dianne there wasn’t a downside to being in the company of three charming, witty men who were paying her multiple compliments.
After the meal, Dianne and Adam had intended to walk back to the cottage before it got dark. However, the meal had lasted much longer than anticipated, and in all honesty, they had all drunk more than they had intended. They retreated back to the narrowboat intending to call a taxi to come and collect them. That was when they discovered that none of them had any signal on their phones. Dianne went below with Adam’s friends while Adam returned to the pub to see if he could use their landline to call a taxi.
When he got there he found it was locked up with a note saying that it would re-open as soon as power had been restored. Adam walked up to the road bridge and saw that all the nearby houses were also in darkness. He returned to the narrowboat. As he approached it he could hear laughter.
Adam was about to enter the cabin when he caught sight of what was happening inside. Dianne was sitting on one of the padded benches with his friends on either side of her. She was taking it in turns kissing them both. Her blouse was open as both men explored her generous cleavage. Adam decided to watch for a while. Secretly he had hoped what he was witnessing would happen.
After a few minutes, Dianne instructed both the men to undo their trousers and get their cocks out. Both men obeyed her instantly. Dianne began pleasuring them in turn with her hands and in her mouth. When Adam saw this he entered the cabin and told them to continue. He did suggest that it might be wise to move the narrowboat to a more discreet mooring so that they could continue without being disturbed. He offered to do this and soon everyone heard the engine start and felt the boat begin to move.
When Adam returned to the cabin all three of his friends were naked. One of his friends was taking Dianne from behind, doggy-style, while the other stood in front of her and pushed his cock into her eager mouth. Dianne was in her element. Adam stripped off and began filming the action on his phone.
For the rest of the night, the men took it in turns with Dianne. They had her individually and jointly; it was a night of uninhibited hedonistic pleasure. They fucked into the early hours and then all fell asleep in the main cabin under the duvets. The wood-burning stove was refilled so that they didn’t get cold.
In the morning they enjoyed a cooked breakfast with coffee made on an old-fashioned percolator. They had all worked up a good appetite. By moving the boat Adam had repositioned them within range of a phone mast he could get a signal, and he called for a taxi to pick them up. They then moved the boat closer to another bridge so that the taxi could see them.
The bridge was close to a bridleway. As a dishevelled and clearly well-fucked Dianne emerged from the narrowboat, closely followed by Adam, Alison Chambers rode past on her horse followed by some girls on a riding lesson. The look she gave Dianne could only be described as thunderous. Dianne didn’t care.