Diane’s penchant for exhibitionism leads to a most memorable encounter.

"Showing off her body attracts a couple, then leads to uninhibited sex."

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I have mentioned before that Diane was a natural exhibitionist. My previous stories focused on my own exhibitionism and submissiveness with her. I will now relate some of her own techniques and episodes, in which I was a willing and enthusiastic accomplice, while still being submissive.

She was blessed with full, round and sumptuous breasts, and took every opportunity, away from the office, to show them off. Being a competent dressmaker, she designed or altered clothes that could easily reveal, accidentally, their bounteous glory. Sleeveless sunfrocks would have the arm-holes exaggerated, so that, by merely lifting an arm, and leaning forward a little, a voyeur could feast on an entire boob, for as long as he wished. through that open arm-hole. No bra, of course. This technique worked very well in a bus, while she stood in the aisle holding the overhead strap, entertaining guys either standing near, or sitting beside her.

This technique was also good in shops, where she might stand next to an appropriate target, reach out and over for a shelf item, and hold the pose while reading the information written on the item. On these occasions I would watch for the reactions, and give her the details later, to her great delight.. Mostly she would avoid eye-contact with the target, until she decided to change hands, at which time she would frequently look at him and smile innocently, then look the other way.

She also made a blouse with bare midriff that would also reveal, from the underside, those perfect boobs, whenever she so desired.

Who could refuse to be entertained this way, especially while enduring such a boring activity of riding a bus, or shopping? Diane was so selfless and charitable to allow menfolk such pleasure, in what were otherwise, such mundane and uninteresting activities.

On a couple of occasions, she might choose a short dress, and occupy a seat along the side of the bus opposite seats on the other side. She would start off sitting well back, gradually slipping forward little by little, as the back of her dress stuck to the seat, particularly in warm weather, leaving more and more of her upper legs and thighs exposed. The target, sitting opposite, would begin to wonder what might eventually come into view, and as Diane was allergic to knickers, he was usually rewarded for his interest. Sitting beside Diane, I could study the facial reaction, and know exactly when that moment came. A slight elbow nudge to Diane would indicate to her that the time had come for her to engage in some slight adjustment to her position, which would inevitably result in her legs separating even more. He need wonder no more!

During this time Diane, who was wearing sunglasses, and pretending to flick through a magazine, could watch her quarry. At some stage she would look up, notice him watching, smile, and resume a more lady-like position. If the trip was long enough, she might go through the routine again.

Diane possessed what was originally a beige ballgown, passed down to her by her grandmother. It was a one-piece gown of lace over satin. Diane had redesigned it so that it was now four separate pieces, top and bottom lace, and top and bottom satin. Each part could be worn independently. I never knew her to wear the top satin. Her top was always just the lace, and her delightful tits were partially covered, partly not, by the lace. It was particularly gorgeous how one of her nipples would work its way through a hole in the lace, find itself trapped, and then remain permanently on exhibition.

The bottom of the dress usually began as an ensemble-lace over satin. We might be out for dinner, or at a somewhat formal party. Only twice did she leave the satin at home. Once, at a restaurant at a table near the door. When the room was quite full, she decided she needed to go to the ladies room. The lace was quite pervasive, and so her nakedness was not immediately obvious. Her outward trip drew only sporadic attention, but enough to turn heads, and initiate whispers. By the time she set out on the return trip, there was silent expectation, studious attention, followed by copious chatter after she passed each table. Her pussy was well covered, but her nudity was obvious by her hips and bottom.

Diane’s friend Leah was a junior account executive in a large advertising company. She invited us to the firm’s Christmas bash, informing us that many showbizz personalities would attend, and that the women always took the opportunity to display plenty of their best assets at these events. Diane accepted the challenge. Lace top, lace bottom! Nothing else! She had the most on display, but she had enough competition that no one regarded her as having “gone too far”.

However she attracted a tall, slightly greying black Ameriacan and his wife, who joined us at our table. He represented a large American advertising company that was exploring a relationship with Leah’s company. They both complimented Diane on her dress, and on her “brass”, or “sass”. By night’s end we were best buddies, and invited to a pool party at the house they were renting while he was in Australia.

The pool party is a story in itself, but I’ll be brief. We rang the doorbell on arrival, and the door was opened by the wife, dressed only in a large white towel. Almost immediately she was joined by her husband, absolutely naked, sporting a cock so long I could not take my eyes off it. I think he revelled in my obvious amazement. We were ushered out the back to the pool, to meet a much younger black American, also naked, but a little less well-endowed. This guy’s wife could not attend as she was tied up with one of their child’s activities.

Small talk began. Our hosts’ children were in college back in the States, and they missed them dearly. Diane and I undressed and occupied separate pool lounges. We listened to  their splendid impressions of Australia, and I offered some commentary on my impressions of the US. Some political talk followed. Our hosts were not impressed with US civil rights, or its international policies. 

Our host and his wife rose to get some food and more wine, and he approached Diane to offer her some, standing in front of her as she sat, his monster only a foot or two from her face. His wife sat beside me, drinks and a plate of snacks on offer. She was a big woman, huge tits and bottom, but not really fat, with a well-preserved face, and a very bushy pubic area.

“Have you ever tasted black meat?” he asked Diane, as he took his cock in his hand and offered it to Diane’s mouth. Her Pavlovian reaction was to open her mouth and accept it, with a cursory glance in my direction. In almost no time she had taken into her mouth as much as she could manage, with her hands around the remainder. Obviously black meat is very tasty. Myself, I now had as strong an erection as I’ve ever had, a condition remarked upon (in case I had missed the fact) by my hostess. She took it in her hand as if to prove her point, as she whispered in my ear “you love to watch, don’t you?”

I really had no interest in the hand squeezing my cock. I was totally obsessed with Diane’s situation. He bent over, and lifted her onto and over a small outdoor table. Somehow he managed to get a good part of his cock, which was by no means fully hard, into her hungry pussy, as he indicated to his younger friend to join in. He obliged by offering his ample, but limp cock to Diane’s accommodating mouth. To demonstrate her lack of bias, her one hand that had been helping the older man gain entry below, moved to help the younger man harden and directed him to her mouth. Being a lighter shade than the older man, I could observe that brown meat was also tasty.

Now that the younger man was nice and hard, he was invited to swap places. This took some organisation, as the younger man preferred doggy style, but needed something to stand on in order to accommodate the now too-high impatient target. My hostess reluctantly left my cock unattended while she obliged with a conveniently located box, before returning to her task.

The eager hard cock initially tried its luck in what Diane considered the wrong hole. It did not push, but merely lingered enough to wet the entrance before invasion. Her mouth, almost fully occuped with cock, somehow muttered displeasure, while a hand reached down and directed the errant penis into a far more accommodating hole.

I’m not exactly sure, but I think I came first. The sight of Diane’s beautiful white body, being bookended by such attractive and attentive dark bodies, overwhelmed me. My climax was also quite embarrassingly noisy, a fact that my hostess took great pleasure in bringing to my attention later. My climax also diverted my attention for a short time from the real action. Diane had been clearly rewarded from both ends, with semen visible in each location. She now sat on the table, visibly dazed, holding each cock as if reluctant to allow them to escape, as each man now stood in front of her.

Then, in a display of absolute wantonness, she bent over each cock in turn, to lick and suck any remaining residue. How much time this took, I do not know. But it was sufficient for me to orgasm again, the older man gallantly suggesting to Diane that she might like to clean me up as well.

We sat around for about half an hour, discussing what had happened. The guys were very enthusiastic about Diane’s sexuality, as was the hostess. I was thanked for my generosity, somewhat ironically I think. My hostess complained about my lack of interest in her, for which I apologised. I explained that what was happening with Diane had turned me on to the exclusion of anything else, and that she should not be offended. I could tell that Diane was a little embarrassed, but I noted that she had made no effort to clean herself up.

She sat the whole time wearing the semen, no longer runny, like a badge of honour.   

The hostess now questioned Diane about her reactions to what had happened. She explained that she, and her husband, had expected some degree of cooperation, but had been flabbergasted by Diane’s enthusiasm. As she responded, Diane’s embarrassment disappeared. She had found both naked male bodies absolutely beautiful. She was more comfortable since I was there, naked, also beautiful, and always supportive of her experimentations. The presence of the hostess, naked, helpful and enjoying proceedings also loosened any inhibitions she may have had. And those penises! They could not be ignored. And she always felt that she could make her own decisions without being forced or rushed. Everything seemed to happen naturally, things just seemed to flow.

Now it was my turn to be interrogated by our hostess. I admitted that Diane had led me into some very enjoyable sexual situations, and that I was only too happy to be a part of what made her happy. To see her so uninhibited, so intensely engaged, was what made me fulfilled. No jealousy, no personal embarrassment or humiliation, no shame.

Then, without any encouragement, Diane took over. She described briefly the events of my thirty-sixth birthday, and the night we had with Jim and Allan. “So my boyfriend has had bisexual experience, and made it obvious that he very much enjoyed attending to men’s cocks. I have had so much pleasure with your cocks, I wonder if you might allow him to experience what I had found so delicious.”

They each commented on how attracted I had been to the sight of the host’s penis. This was totally unscripted, and embarrassed me no end. Both men were agreeable, so it was up to me. I was lost for words, but as I considered the offer, it was obvious to all that I had become hard again. “You know you want to.” suggested the older man, endorsed by his wife, and Diane. “You’ve wanted to have it since you first saw it,” he continued.

His was a cock that never seemed to get fully hard, nor did it ever seem to be flaccid. But it was beautiful, proud, uninhibited. And it was right there, available, on offer, and magnetic. I wasted no time playing with it. It was a cock that needed to be sucked immediately, long and hard. So I grabbed it, thrusting it into my mouth. It was big, it was experienced, it was delicious. I quickly lost any semblance of control. There was so much pent-up sexual energy inside me from watching Diane’s escapades, and discussing them, that I exploded emotionally. I took in as much as I could. Then I serviced the rest from the side, like eating corn on the cob. I bombarded it with lust. 

The younger man’s cock sought an opening. I could not take in both together, but I licked each lavishly, joining them together with my hands to try to pleasure both. I tasted and delighted in the pre-cum, thirsting for the real stuff. I felt a hand opening my anus, and the grease being applied. Diane? The hostess? I was too engrossed to learn. But I did know what was coming. And now that I knew, I became impatient, begging, pleading to be fucked.

One cock left my mouth – the smaller, harder one. The other took full control of my mouth. I felt the harder cock searching for the opening. Somehow I managed to get a hand around to help it find its mark. I needed it inside. I wanted to back onto it, but this might let the cock in my mouth escape. Then this cock pushed harder on the back of my throat, reflexively pushing my anus back along the cock inside. Now we were a team! We rocked together in unison, as I felt the balls slap against my upper leg, and the groin they hung from, slam against my bottom.  Could such lust go on forever? The softer cock was now exploding down my throat. It made me splutter, and back away a little to be able to breathe, as I swallowed whatever I could. Even though I gasped, I could not relinquish my grip on this glorious intruder, nor the one pushing and thrusting deep inside me, urgently, as I anticipated its load. When it came, I felt its owner tremble, thrust again, and collapse on my back. I felt the cock collapse also, and with my hand, I eagerly tried to keep it from leaving me.

I begged for each penis to stay, but they had clearly finished their assignments, and needed to leave. Without really considering it, I rolled onto my back, lifted my legs towards the sky, and savaged my own cock. Strangely, it had not been erect, but now I needed it to be satisfied. Diane held my legs further upwards, and now I wanted the taste of my own cum to mingle with what was already there. Diane sensed this, and tried to steer the forthcoming ejaculation. I captured a little in my mouth, a little on my chin and cheeks, but mostly on my chest.

As I recovered I felt, much more than on any other occasion, an acute sense of humiliation, even shame. The reason was not remorse for what had taken place, but embarrassment for having behaved so desperately. Everyone else had become silent. Words were difficult to come by. For everyone. “Well that was interesting” remarked the older guy, just to break the silence.

“Exceptionally” exclaimed his wife, who I now saw was surreptitiously removing her fingers from her pussy.

We did not stay much longer. Farewells were brief but courteous. Diane could not resist a quick and gentle handshake to our host’s beautiful long penis. We had not washed, merely putting on the swimming costumes that we had brought, but not used. We both wanted to luxuriate in the afterglow of this extraordinary encounter.

Well, that digression wasn’t particularly brief, was it?  I’m sorry, but I got carried away reminiscing. Back to Diane’s penchant for public nudity.

The techniques above were meant to display a sense that they were accidental. However she sought out opportunities for blatant nakedness, whenever encouraged and sometimes without encouragement.

On one occasion, she borrowed a camera from Leah’s firm, wore only an overcoat she had brought out from England, and asked bystanders if I could photograph her with them. It was then that she adopted her acquired British accent, pretending to be a tourist. She would quickly jettison the coat, often handing it to her target, while I took a quick snap. She then retrieved the coat, thanked the person, and we left. Sometimes there was no-one around, but we were in an interesting place, so she would drop the coat, quickly pose and be photographed, and we would move on.

On another occasion, a cyclist caught her naked, so she asked him if she could be photographed on the bike. On another time, caught by a motorcyclist, she encouraged him to give her a short ride as a naked pillion passenger.

Leah managed to have the film developed at her work, and the first time we met our neighbours, Jim and Allan, she took delight in showing them the album she had made from the shots. It was convenient for me to give both young men a lift to work, along with Diane, and so they would let themselves into our apartment to wait for us to be ready. Both Diane and I were usually naked, until just before we left. They then started to conspire with us to plan other naked adventures for Diane.

On one occasion, she entered the ladies room of a small shopping centre and undressed, then exited, handing her clothes to me. She casually walked naked to the nearby main entrance where Allan was waiting with the car. Not too many saw her in the centre, but plenty were approaching the entrance, having parked their cars. Much cheering!

Another time, driving along the beachfront, she noticed a group of ten to twelve people waiting at a bus stop. She asked me to turn back, as she undressed quickly. I then approached the group again, Diane got out, walked in front of them wishing them a good morning, and got back into the car a little further on.  A similar incident involved her walking naked past a line of senior citizens, waiting to enter the cinema for the weekly seniors’ double-header. 

One morning she noticed three young guys on the roof of the home next door, replacing slate tiles. Naked, she went out onto our patio, which was at about their level, and engaged them in pleasant conversation for a few minutes. 

“Are you boys thirsty?” she asked. Of course they were, so soon we had them in our lounge room, as Diane, naked, served them coffee. “How delightful they were,” she told me as they reluctantly went back to work.

On another occasion, Jim and Allan told us that their squash club was holding a barbecue to raise money to help send their club champion to the National titles in Perth. “That won’t raise much money,” Diane suggested. “What if you put on a show and charged an entrance fee?”

“What sort of show?”

“Maybe Leah would allow me to challenge her to a naked game of squash.”  Leah somewhat reluctantly agreed, so the entrance fee was twenty dollars. Because the girls stayed naked after the game to serve sausages and steaks, they charged considerably more for the privilege. “You just need to be a little more entrepreneurial,” she remarked. As you might expect, the takings from the event exceeded previous expectations by a long shot. Even the female club members and guests were delighted with the show.

She loved the abandonment, freedom, attention and gratitude she got from these episodes. She loved to think she shocked her marks. I loved it. There were many such adventures, brief, uninhibited, and often spontaneous. I can still see them. What do I enjoy more? Watching and helping a friend’s exhibitionism, or performing my own. The answer-I cannot do without either.

I have three more vignettes about Diane’s love of exhibitionism, and search for new experiences. I’ll save them for my next contribution.





Published 8 years ago

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