Diana Comes First

"Diana was wronged, now armed with the gift of manipulation she begins her revenge."

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Chapter 1

Diana was not the most physically attractive of girls. A little over five-foot with dirty blonde hair, she weighed around twelve stone but was considerably flat in the breast department. But she had a loving personality and was greatly loved by her father.

Her mother had left many years before but, sadly, her father died when Diana was only twenty-three. He left her a large sum of money and it was about a month after the funeral that Diana met and fell in love with Joe. That was her mistake: to love and trust him.

Joe was a handsome man. In his early thirties, slim with dark hair and over six-foot, he had a small decorating business but it needed major investment and he made huge efforts to meet Diana. They connected almost instantly — well, Diana certainly felt a connection as soon as their eyes met in a crowded pub.

It was all rather whirlwind. After a couple of weeks, Joe proposed and totally-in-love Diana said “Yes” straight away. Diana thought she was lucky that a guy like Joe wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Diana also thought that getting married meant ‘what’s his was hers and what’s hers was his’ so she decided to invest in Joe’s business. That way, working together, they would always be close.

They set their wedding date a year ahead.  All the girls in school who’d teased that she was too ugly to get married would be invited to the wedding to see how well she’d done. Meantime, Joe moved in with Diana and she invested in the business. Within six months it was booming but Diana still paid their general day-to-day living expenses and the cost of their upcoming wedding and reception.

Only days before the wedding, Joe took Diana to the pub on their first date. Diana was so happy as they sat at the same table — until Joe, pulling his hand from hers, looked at her and said, “Do you really think I’d marry you?”

Diana was stunned as Joe continued, “I’ve been proud of the fact that I haven’t been sick while keeping up this act for over a year.  You’re disgusting, I can’t believe you thought I was going to marry you.” He stood and glared down at her, the tears starting to trickle down her cheeks. “You need to find someone less good-looking than me, maybe someone like the bum sitting on the kerb outside.”

Joe walked away without even a glance back at the sobbing Diana.

Diana soon learned that scheming, devious Joe was actually engaged to a girl who’d worked for her dad. A slim blonde with perky tits, Stacey was definitely a career girl with a snobby attitude. What’s more, she knew the size of Diana’s inheritance and she’d come up with a plan for her and Joe to get their hands on it. Diana was even more distraught and devastated when she realised that Joe and his bitch fiancée had tricked her to get rich.

Having to tell the guests that the wedding was off — oh, how her old classmates cynically pretended they were shocked and sorry for her —  was so painful and Diana just wanted to get away from everyone. At least there was a ready solution for that — she’d got the booking for their surprise honeymoon in Jamaica.

Chapter 2

In Jamaica, Diana tried to make the best of it, sightseeing and acting like nothing was wrong. But a chance meeting with an old woman changed everything.

Incredibly, the old woman told Diana exactly what had happened to her and that she shouldn’t allow Joe and Stacey to get away with it. Diana was hooked and the thought of revenge pushed her to ask, “But what can I do about it?”

“I can teach you techniques that my mother and her mother before have passed on to me,” said the old woman. “They allow you to make people do what you want them to do using the power of your mind.”

Diana was so eager for revenge that she would have agreed to anything. The woman wanted a hefty payment but Diana still had substantial money left, despite being ripped off, and for the next three months she learned the mind control skills she would need to complete her revenge.

When Diana arrived home, she learned that Joe and Stacey lived in a fancy area and had set a wedding date. They had expensive cars, business was still booming, and Stacey spent money like it was going out of fashion.

Diana wanted to hurt them more than anything, but she followed what she’d been taught: she would follow and study them, devise a plan of action.

Joe had a dozen or so guys working for him, mostly illegals. He could pay them way below normal rates and they worked so much harder. And Joe didn’t find it a problem being ruthless, forcing them to work all kinds of hours for no extra cash.

Stacey shopped relentlessly. She also went to the gym to maintain her perfect body, then off to the salon to top up her tan and have her nails and hair done. Hating how perfect Stacey looked and how shallow she was, Diana decided it was time to act.

She followed Stacey to a bar where she was meeting friends to talk about her wedding arrangements. Diana sat in a booth a little behind the table where the girls sat with glasses of wine.

Stacey wore tight black crop trousers, black heels, and a white silk blouse unbuttoned enough to be on the verge of exposing her cleavage. The ensemble was completed with pearls and a red scarf around her neck. Her two friends were obviously hooked on her every word and apparently agreed with everything Stacey said.

Diana watched a waiter approach their table. He was a greasy-looking guy in his late fifties, bald, short and overweight.  “Are you ready to order, ladies?” he said, craning his neck to peer down Stacey’s blouse.

Stacey quickly pressed her blouse close to her chest and waved the man away with her other hand. “We’ll tell you when we’re good and ready to order,” she snapped. “Now go away.”

The waiter blushed and scuttled off as Stacey turned to her friends. “Honestly, what a disgusting little man, trying to sneak a peak. I should really call over the manager and get him fired, the disgusting little—”

Stacey didn’t finish the sentence. Instead, she had a strong urge to wave the little waiter back over and, as he approached, she turned away from him, pulling her scarf from her neck and unbuttoning her blouse to show even more cleavage.

“Stace, are you okay?” one friend asked.

Stacey turned to face the waiter. “Shush, he’s coming over,” she excitedly whispered before putting one elbow on the table and arching her back to push out her pert tits.

“Are you ready to order, madam?” the waiter asked hesitantly.

“What do you recommend? Do you serve anything hot?” Stacey emphasised the last word, allowing it to run off her tongue.

The waiter looked confused, staring from Stacey to the other two girls and back again. Stacey felt incredibly attracted to this hunk of a waiter; she’d never been so horny and all thoughts of Joe and the wedding were forgotten.

“Yes, madam, we serve a lot of warm dishes.” He was still confused and tried not to look when Stacey lifted her chilled wine glass from the table and brought it to the soft smooth flesh of her chest.

“Actually, maybe I’d better get something to cool me down. I’m feeling so hot.” Stacey moaned the last of the sentence.

“I’ll have the pate and salad, please,” cut in one pal, looking shocked and trying to defuse the situation.

“I’ll have the same, please,” said the other friend.

“And what would madam like?” asked the waiter, now blatantly leering as Stacey rubbed the glass across her chest.

Stacey had a sudden urge. “I’ll have two servings of the chocolate fudge cake with cream, please.” She couldn’t believe she was breaking her strict diet. But her shallow wants disappeared with every warm throb from between her legs every time she looked at the little waiter.

“Very well, ladies.” The waiter bowed and walked away to place the order.

“What’s happening, Stace?” both girls asked.

“He’s so fucking hot… tell me, is he looking over at me? Do you think he’s interested?” Stacey said, ignoring the girls’ question while taking out her compact and applying more lipstick.

“You can’t be serious,” the girls said in unison.

“I’m only looking for a bit of fun, Soon I’ll be married to Joe and won’t be able to have fun. One last fling.” She sighed. “I bet he’s hung like a stallion, and Joe doesn’t need to know anything.”

Deep down, Stacey was disgusted but she couldn’t help herself. All she wanted was the old, bald waiter.

Somehow, the trio managed to get through their meals without any further strange Stacey behaviour. But, when they left, Stacey made an excuse to go back in. She found the waiter and slipped him some money and her mobile phone number, telling him to phone soon. The waiter didn’t know why but he responded with, “I’ll think about it. If I get time I might.”

Stacey was hurt. Here she was, a knockout girl asking this disgusting old man to call her, and he didn’t appear keen. “It will definitely be worth your while,” Stacey said, almost pleading.

“Like, maybe, sex?” said the waiter, lowering his voice and looking around.

“Oh yes, babe.” Stacey leaned slightly to whisper into his ear. “Lots of no-strings, dirty hard sex, just give me a bell,”  she said, grabbing his crotch.

The waiter pushed away Stacey’s hand. “As I said, I’ll think about it.”

He couldn’t believe he’d said that to this beautiful girl. And Stacey was raging.  Offering herself to this pathetic guy and being brushed off, was a total insult. Used to getting what she wanted, she turned and stormed out, not noticing a girl drinking coffee with a huge smile on her face.

Chapter 3

A week later and again Stacey went to bed without washing, brushing her hair, or putting on her expensive creams. About twenty minutes later, a very horny Joe joined her. Usually, Stacey would let him fuck her as long as he wore a condom (she didn’t want to ruin her figure by having babies).

“How about it, babe?” Joe reached round, feeling her tits under her nightie.

“Not tonight, babe. I’m not in the mood.” Stacey couldn’t believe she was lying; she’d never been hornier, thinking about the waiter was soaking her pussy.

“Babe, come on, please. I’ll get you that leather jacket you wanted.” Joe tried bribery even though it was usually Stacey who suggested the bait.

“Joe, shut the fuck up. I’m not in the mood.” She turned over and went to sleep, leaving Joe frustrated and unhappy before he, too, eventually slept.


Diana followed Joe to work. Three of his illegals were working on the job and Joe took his frustration out on them, threatening them with sackings. Joe felt good seeing them scared — even making one of them cry — and, now satisfied, he walked back to his jeep and climbed aboard.

But he jumped when he heard, “Hi, Joe,” from behind. “It’s okay, Joe,” said Diana, “you’re happy I’m here in the back seat. You’ve wanted me in here for ages.”

Joe nodded, he wanted the sexy Diana. “Oh yes, why don’t we go somewhere quiet, Di?”

“Yeah, Joe, okay.”

Smiling, he drove to a quiet country road, parked, and turned to look at Diana.

“Come sit in the back with me, Joe.”

Joe climbed into the back and started kissing Diana. “Now Joe, slow down,” she said, but he was so frisky. He couldn’t remember Diana looking so good.

“You look so fucking hot, I really want you.”

Diana smiled. “I do look amazing, don’t I? Joe, listen to me, I’ll let you slip your cock into my goddess of a pussy if you promise to reward me afterwards.”

Joe suddenly thought about his cock — it was tiny. Could he let Diana find out what a shrimp he was in that department? But he so desperately wanted to be in her gorgeous pussy. “What do you want?”

Diana smiled. “Money, Joe. I want lots of money. How much do you have saved?”

Without hesitating, Joe answered, “About sixty-thousand cash.”

“And how much are your business and property worth?”

“About six-hundred thousand.” Joe was annoyed he couldn’t stop answering but he needed to be between her legs pumping into her. “In fact, I received an offer for the business for two-hundred thousand last week from a guy. But I turned it down.”

Diana smiled again and pulled up her skirt, displaying her bare pussy. Transfixed, Joe wanted to jump on top of her. “Okay Joe, I’ll let you stick your cock inside my glorious pussy if you accept that offer, sell all your possessions, and give it all to me.”

Joe looked away. It was too much, he had to say “No”. But he got an even bigger urge to fuck Diana. “Okay, I’ll sell the house, the cars, the business and give you all the money.”

“And the sixty-thousand cash.”

Joe looked desperate as Diana played with her glistening pussy. “Yeah, but you’ll need to give me a couple of weeks, though.”

Diana laughed. “Of course, that’s fine, Joe. But a deal is a deal. Okay, do you want to stick it in me now or later when you’ve raised the funds?”

“Now, babe,” Joe shouted. “Definitely now.”

Diana spread her legs and Joe got between her hefty thighs and shoved his rock-hard cock into her wet tunnel. She groaned and asked, “Is it in? I can hardly feel you.”

Joe was embarrassed but continued fucking, plunging his cock into her perfect hole. Diana continued to lie, saying his tiny tool was crap, but she actually loved his big cock. Joe fucked her hard and fast until he shot a massive load into her.

“That was worth every penny,” he gasped.

Diana held him close. “It certainly was, Joe, it certainly was.”


Two weeks later, Joe sold all of his and Stacey’s belongings without her knowing, and transferred all the money into Diana’s account.

Despite the way he’d treated her, Diana still loved Joe — but she wanted him to suffer. Every time he was with Stacey, Joe wanted the sexy Diana. He couldn’t believe he’d fallen for Stacey, she was revolting.

Stacey’s little ugly waiter had phoned. She could be his special little fuck bunny as long as she didn’t want a serious relationship. Stacey was unable to refuse him anything and she also didn’t take as much care of herself. She had constant urges for chocolate and fast food.

Diana was happy with the results of her revenge so far and decided to travel for a while. As soon as she got back, she’d check up on her little projects.


Six months later, Diana returned. She’d met a lovely Italian guy who was totally in love with her and had moved to be with her.

Diana checked on Stacey first. She’d moved into a crummy apartment in a bad area and when Diana knocked on the door, Stacey answered and looked horrified. Diana knew why — Stacey looked terrible in stained pink baggy joggers, cheap plastic pink sandals, and a once white t-shirt that was too tight as she’d put on weight, maybe close to three stone. Her hair was like rat tails and her once beautiful skin was pale and spotty.

“What do you want? Come to gloat?”

Diana grinned. “My, how the beautiful have fallen.” She pointed to Stacey’s swollen belly. “You’re not, are you?”

Stacey tried to pull the tight t-shirt over her belly.

“You are pregnant… is Joe the dad?”

Stacey had to tell the truth. “No, Joe’s not the dad, a waiter named Mario is and I haven’t seen Joe for months.”

Diana thought it was all too good to be true. “Do you love this man?”

Again Stacey had to be truthful. “No, he’s disgusting but I just can’t refuse him, and now I’m pregnant.” Stacey started to cry.

“It’s okay, I’m going to help,” Diana said comfortingly.

Stacey stopped sobbing. “Oh, thanks, Diana, thank you.”

Diana’s smile turned menacing. “I know Mario, I’ll speak to him and convince him he has responsibilities and he should look after you. You’ll have a tasteless, cheap wedding, inviting everyone you know so they can see how well you’ve done. You’ll even get married in a rag you’ll find in a second-hand shop. Although you’ll hate every minute, you will commit yourself to married life with the disgusting Mario, allowing him to take you anytime he wants and doing whatever he says, no matter how disgusting you find it.”

Diana laughed after she’d completed her instructions and Stacey resumed crying but nodded her head to show she understood. Diana left to seek out Joe.

Joe was working for the company he’d sold. He was paid even less than the illegals and was forced to clean up after them. He still longed for Diana, and when he saw her, he dropped to his knees, grasped her hand, and announced his undying love for her.

Chapter 4 the revenge.

Diana laughed. In front of all the people he worked alongside, she took great delight in pulling her hand from his grasp and telling him, “Do you really think I’d marry you? I’ve been proud of the fact that I haven’t been sick while keeping up this act.  You’re disgusting, I can’t believe you thought I would marry you. You need to find someone less good-looking than me, maybe someone like that one-legged whore on the corner.”

Diana smiled as she walked away. Joe was left sobbing uncontrollably but with a strange urge to ask the disgusting whore her name and invite her out for dinner.

Published 2 years ago

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