Dessert’s On Me

"The anniversary dinner was over, but she had one more treat for Him!"

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Our anniversary is this coming weekend and I have already begun planning a very special surprise for you. You have been so wonderful to me all this past year, the way you have taken care of me, treated me so well, and been so patient with my crazy moods. I wanted to find a way to show you just how much you mean to me and how much I adore being your girl.

On Monday, I told you to meet at my house on Saturday for a special anniversary dinner. I was so looking forward to it. That night I was so horny I had to masturbate. I got out all my toys, including a pink vibrator, my anal beads, and a twelve inch “Big Jake” dildo.

I lay on my bed and parted my pussy lips. Closing my eyes and giving myself over to the feelings, I imagined you were nestled between my widespread legs, sliding your wonderful tongue all over my clit and my cunt. I have had other lovers, as you know, but no one eats me out better than you do!

I took the anal beads and pushed them into my horny ass. I remember when you brought them home for me. “It will be fun, you’ll see,” you said, showing them to me, “If you don’t like them we won’t use them anymore.”

Well, you didn’t have to worry about that, did you! I loved the way they felt, both going in and the way you took them out. I took my pink vibrator in hand and turned it to a medium speed and ran it all over my tits. My cunt was dripping by now, so I pulled out the anal beads slowly, just like you showed me, to build my orgasm. Then I shoved the vibrator in my hungry cunt as far as it would go. I took the dildo and deep throated it several times while using my other hand to stimulate my clit and pinch and tug on my tits. This got me moaning like a porn star and then I cummed over and over, soaking my bed! My bed was filthy, saturated with my pussy juices and I liked it.

As you know so well, when I cum it is always a wet sloppy mess! *giggle* I rolled around in my pussy filth for about five minutes before going to take a shower. When I was done showering, I went back into the bedroom and changed my sheets and pillowcases and read until I was ready to sleep.

* * * * *

The rest of the week went by so slowly… I was repeating my masturbation sessions every night. Planning this weekend’s activities had gotten me so horny, by Wednesday I could barely function! I knew I had to get to the grocery store that day, but I was sooo fucking horny! I decided I had to relieve some of this pressure so I masturbated again. It was incredible and left me panting, sweaty and drenched in pussy juices. God you make me crazy! But now I was running late, so instead of showering, I thought I would leave myself sweaty and dirty which only added to the kink.

I made it to the grocery store and got busy shopping. I wandered first into the fruit and vegetable aisle where I picked up the makings for the salad – lettuce, cucumber, carrots, mushrooms and the rest of the salad. As I picked out the cucumber, I got a naughty little thought and I smiled mischievously. I picked up an extra cucumber and then got some bananas while I was in that section. Next, I went to the frozen section where I bought popsicles, chocolate syrup, and of course a couple big cans of whipped cream! I did the rest of my shopping with my last stop at the liquor section to get a bottle of Jack Daniels for your drink. I know how my Master likes his evening drink!

With the shopping done, I headed back home and quickly put the groceries away. I had to call you… had to talk to you. This was getting to be too much!

“Hello?” you said, picking up the phone. Your voice was like the sweetest sound I knew.

“Hello, Master. I had to call you… I miss you so much. I can’t wait until Saturday,” I whined.

“Hello, slut. I miss you, too. But Saturday is coming soon and we will see each other then,” you said. I knew you were right even though Saturday still felt like a lifetime away.

“Yes, Master. It’s good just to hear your voice. Knowing you miss me too, makes me feel better. I have done the shopping, and I am getting everything ready for our anniversary dinner.”

“Good girl. The preparations will keep you busy and help you pass the time.”

“Good girl.” The sound of you calling me that makes my panties wet and causes my heart to skip a beat. I always want to be your good girl. I am smiling broadly now.

“Yes, Master. I know you are right. I will try to keep busy and not think about it too much. But you’d better not be late, mister… I am counting every second until we are together!” I said in my best stern voice. It didn’t work very well, though.

“Okay, okay… I won’t be late.” I heard you chuckling on the other end of the line. “Now I have to go and you need to go to bed. Have sweet dreams, my little slut, and I will see you Saturday.”

“Yes, Master. Good night and you have good dreams, too. I love you, Master,” I said, disappointed we couldn’t talk more but grateful for the time I got.

“I love you, too, slut. Good night,” and you hung up the phone.

Finally Saturday arrived, and I bounced out of bed bright and early wanting to get everything done and get ready for you. I jumped in the shower making sure I was fresh and clean. I checked over every inch of my body, inspecting it critically so I would be perfect for you. I had a bit of stubble on my pussy which I quickly took care of, making sure I was smooth and soft for you.

After my shower I laid out the clothes I had gotten during the week. I had found this new boutique that sold clubwear and it had a lot of super sexy dresses and lingerie pieces. Knowing the plans I had for the evening (and knowing that you had some of your own) I wanted to have something that looked sexy, but wasn’t too hard to get out of! I picked out this sleek red latex mini dress that when I tried it on looked like someone just spray painted me glossy red! It had a deep scoop neck to show off plenty of cleavage and a full length zipper down the front just for easy exiting. I also got some new thigh top black seamed stockings because I know how you love seamed stockings, and a pair of red stiletto-heeled, open-toe pumps.

With my clothes laid out, I could go about the rest of the preparations. I finished the last of the housecleaning I had been doing since Wednesday’s phone conversation with you. I wanted the house cleaned good and proper – it wouldn’t do to show you a messy house! Then I started dinner. On the menu was prime rib with baby red potatoes, broccoli in cheese sauce and fresh baked bread.

At long last it was time for me to get ready. I went into the bathroom and set out all my makeup supplies. With great care I put on my makeup, looking it over with the eye of an art critic. I know that you always want me to look my best, and this of all days it was important to be perfect. I fussed over my eye makeup, my lipstick, and blush until I was happy with the whole picture. Then I set about to brush my long brown hair. I went into the bedroom and struggled into that red latex dress. I was ready.

I sat down in the living room anxiously waiting for your arrival.

Tonight I promised you a special night, a dinner and after that… well, I am sure we can come with some way to spend the evening! You arrived promptly at 5:00 as we agreed and when I heard you knock, my heart stopped! I rushed to the door, but paused for a second to take a deep breath. “Okay calm down, you aren’t a teenaged girl on your first date you know!” I told myself. I opened the door and my panties dampened despite my feeble attempt at self control.

“H-hello Master,” my voice cracks as I speak. You look amazing, in your fitted Armani suit. Now be honest – did you wear that suit to try to outdress me? Because if you did, you did a hell of a job at it!

“Hello, my slut,” you say standing there in the doorway. We stand there for a few moments, while I drink you in until I finally come to my senses.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Master – please come in!” I say, blushing at my silliness and I open the door further and let you in. I take your suit jacket and hang it carefully on the coat rack.

Once we get inside, I take your hand and lead you to the living room so you can be comfortable sitting on the couch. You sit on the right side of the couch so the end table is on your right and I would be sitting on your left. Always on your left when I sit next to you. You had explained why the left when we first started our journey together. “You will always sit or walk on my left side. I am right-handed and with you on my left, I can better protect you should I need to. Also when we walk together, you will be on the curb side of the sidewalk away from the street which is safer. Finally, the left is the heart side and I want you close to my heart.” It was that last factor that nearly made me cry when you said it.

“May I get you a drink, Master?” I ask you. With a smile and a nod, I scamper off to fix you a drink – Jack Daniels and Coke, your signature drink. I have learned just how you like them, too, and I carefully mix the drink. “One third Jack and two thirds Coke in a tumbler glass. No ice. Always pour the Coke into the Jack,” you had instructed me, “so it mixes properly.” When I finish making the drink, I return with it coming up in front of you and kneeling, head down and knees apart, holding the glass out to you.

“Your drink, Master.”

You take the drink and taste it. It must be acceptable because you tell me to come up on the couch with you. I raise my head and shoot a quick glance at the clock. “Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes, Master,” I say as I snuggle up next to you. I hope it is a long fifteen minutes.

I have just got comfortable and am enjoying laying on your chest with you running your fingers through my hair when the kitchen timer goes off.

“Sorry, Master, dinner is done. I was soo comfortable too!” I say getting up.

I go into the kitchen and get dinner out of the oven and begin plating it. A couple minutes later I come into the living room and up to you kneeling again. “Dinner is ready, Master.”

You get up from the couch and offer your hand to me. I look up and smile taking your hand. “Thank you, Master.”

We walk into the dining room and you seat me and then take your own seat.

“Dinner looks wonderful, slut,” you say and I beam with pride and gratitude.

As I have been taught, I wait for you to take the first bite before beginning to eat myself. The meal goes perfectly, everything came out just right, thankfully, and we enjoy good conversation as we eat.

Dinner finished, I tell you that you can go into the living room and relax while I clear the table. You take the rest of your drink and move to the living room and sit back down on the couch where you were. I quickly clear the table and get the dishes in the sink to soak so I can get back to you. Seeing you reclining a bit on the sofa, I move quietly up behind you and begin to massage your sweet sexy body. You feel so good in my hands, I can barely contain myself.

I start at your temples and work my way over your scalp to your neck and shoulders. Your shirt is in my way so I reach around your neck and unbutton as far down as I can reach, leaving the last couple of buttons fastened. But that gives me enough room. Now my hands can roam freely over your strong muscular chest, caressing and stroking. It feels so good for both of us. I lean down and begin licking and kissing your neck and nibbling on your earlobe.

I hear you moan as you feel my lips on your skin and it encourages me further. I slide my hands under your shirt and play with your nipples, feeling the little points harden. You reach up with one hand and put it on the back of my head as I continue to help you relax.

“Come,” you command me and I move around the sofa until I am in front of you.

I start to kneel again as I am supposed but you stop me and instead pull me closer to you, between your knees. You sit up and place your hands on my hips. Looking up at me, you say “I love you, little one,” and my knees go weak.

Your hands move around to my stomach and begin to slide up my body. I close my eyes and my body begins to tremble as I feel your touch. This latex dress is so tight I feel your fingertips through it and you are driving me wild.

Your hands move up to cup my breasts through the dress. I moan out loud and arch my back a bit, offering myself to your hands. I reach up and place my hands over yours as a spread my legs as far as the tight dress will allow. You squeeze my breasts and push them together, playing with my sensitive nipples and you can see them harden under the dress as if trying to poke through it.

Your hands move around my sides and slide down my back until you reach my ass. Holding a cheek in each hand you squeeze them and I gasp. I lean down and put my hands on either side of your face, kissing you with all the love and passion I can offer you.

“I love you so much, my Master,” I breathe into your mouth.

You pull me closer to you, wanting me to sit on your lap and I have to hike up my dress in order to get my legs far enough apart to straddle you. I settle down on your lap, wrapping my arms around your neck and smiling broadly.

I feel your hardness as I sit there and I know you feel my wetness in return. My breath is coming in short pants as I feel the electricity between us. You make me crazy when you are away and you make me even more so when we are together!

“You look amazing tonight, my sexy slut,” you tell me and I look down, blushing a bit.

“Thank you, Master. I’m glad you like my outfit,” I say in a soft whisper.

“It’s not the outfit that makes you so amazing, my dear,” he says, “you make it amazing on you.”

My heart leaps at your words! Your hands move up to cup my breasts again and I softly moan my pleasure. I close my eyes and lick my painted lips as my fire is ignited by your touch.

My eyes pop open a moment later when I hear the zipper of my dress start to move. I look at you and you smile mischievously. You begin again moving the zipper agonizingly slowly down… down… down. I freeze and hold perfectly still as the zipper slides down my trembling body until you stop just under my breasts.

As I watch you, barely breathing, you reach up to take the edges of my open-zippered dress and pull them apart, revealing more of my cleavage. You lean forward and kiss the freshly exposed skin and I moan softly. I run my fingers through the hair on the back of your head as I hold your face in between my aching breasts. I feel your lips and tongue on my skin, tasting my flesh and raising goosebumps on it.

I moan as you kiss me between my breasts and pull the zipper down further. When you reach my navel, you stop once more. You pull the edges apart again, further this time, and my breasts come fully in view. My nipples are hard as pencil erasers and ache for your attention. You take one into your hot mouth and I die a little bit. I moan loudly and thrust my chest out, wanting more. You begin licking and chewing on the thick nub and I feel my pussy getting even more damp. I begin to rub my steaming pussy on the growing bulge in your pants. Ohh, I want that inside me so much!

I’m on fire now and I can feel my pussy yearning for your thick hard cock. My breasts throb as your mouth teases and toys with them. I can feel your hands on my ass, kneading and squeezing my tight ass cheeks and sinking your fingers into the soft flesh.

“Master,” I pull away panting, “please, I have a very special dessert for you. May I go get it ready?” I say, trying to restrain myself.

You look at me and smirk, knowing how difficult it is for me to hold myself in check. “Yes, my little slut, Go do what you have to,” you tell me.

“Thank you, Master… I won’t be long. You just relax and I will call you when it’s ready.” I pad of softly to the kitchen to prepare.

“Master, it’s ready!” I call from the kitchen. You come in and stop at the doorway of the dining room when you see what’s for dessert.

I am laying on the dining room table on my side, totally naked. In front of me like an erotic buffet are a variety of sweet treats; a couple bananas, a can of spray whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and a bowl of strawberries.

“Choose your pleasure, my Master, you can create your own dessert. So how can I serve you tonight?” I say with a smile.

Before I have a chance to say anything more, you push me down onto the table on my back and stand over me with a wicked smile. You pick up the squeeze bottle of chocolate syrup and hold it up over me. I close my eyes and you started pouring. When the chocolate first falls on me, I jump with a startled sigh. The chocolate is colder than I anticipated even though I had taken it out of the refrigerator hours earlier.

After the initial shock, I lay back down and just close my eyes and let you do what you will. You start at my neck, making a straight line all the way down my body to just above my mound. Then you begin to get creative, drawing with chocolate little circles around my areolas and adding a drop right on the tips of my nipples. Then on my stomach you make a design of interesting wiggles. Next you make zebra stripes down my legs and I begin to moan. I open my legs wide and you can tell how horny I am by the wetness between my pussy lips.

Then you begin to pour chocolate on my mound, covering my freshly shaved skin in sweet stickiness. Then you put the syrup down, wanting to taste my chocolate-sweetened body. You lick every inch of me with your wonderful tongue… down my neck… and over my aching chocolate breasts, causing my nipples to harden even more than before. Moving down my trembling stomach, I moan out, whimpering my need to you. You smile, then you edge further down until you get to the place between my legs. You begin to lick all the chocolate off, tasting the chocolate, mixed with my own sweet wetness.

As I lay there enjoying every incredible sensation your hot tongue was producing in me, you spread my pussy lips, adding a bit more chocolate between the lips. Your tongue begins licking the length of my dripping sex, tasting me and tasting the rich chocolate as your fingers curled upwards inside of me finding my own sweet spot. Within just a few moments, I was writhing as an incredible orgasm hit me. Suddenly you can feel my pussy muscles contract and taste my sweet nectar as it pours out. You greedily lap up and down my drooling slit, drinking the chocolate and my juices at the same time.

As I lay there coming down from my first orgasm of the night, you reach over and grab one of the large strawberries in the bowl. I moan, knowing that you haven’t finished with me yet and that there is much more “dessert” to be had. You rub the rough textured fruit up and down the length of my pussy and across my pulsing clit. The roughness makes me squeal and I arch my back in response.

Then you push the strawberry into my hole, but not all the way. Then you begin to eat the strawberry from my pussy and eat me in the process. My body explodes, a second orgasmic wave hitting me even harder than the first, and I writhe and twist on the table as I go through the throes of my ecstasy. Once the strawberry is completely eaten, you are greeted with a nice surprise as my juices once again explode out of me, this time in a waterfall-like gush.

You sit back now watching my orgasm work it’s way though my panting, spasming body. As my senses slowly return, you take the bottle again and add more syrup to my body, only this time you use the chocolate syrup as a delicious edible massage oil. With your strong manly hands you rub the chocolate syrup all over my body, as I moan and squirm under you.

My head is swimming; this whole dessert experience is overloading my mind. I am laying on the table is complete and total bliss. My moans and whimpers have merged into one constant rapturous howl. You smile at my hyper-excited state and decide to raise the stakes even more. Getting between my legs, you part my fat pussy lips again, rubbing your fingers in the pink hole and using your thumbs to rub and toy with my clit. I grab at the edges of the table as the room starts to spin. I am quickly losing my mind. Yet you continue to tease and torment me. Maybe this dessert idea wasn’t such a good one!

“Ohhh, God, Master, please… Please fuck me! Fuck me now, please!” I beg you.

“Not just yet, my dear. I have to finish my dessert!” you say, sarcastically. My moan of disappointment only fuels you more. You reach down and this time come up with a banana. “Maybe this will help, though.”

You check the end of the banana to make sure there are no sharp edges or anything that will hurt me (you take such good care of me!) before pointing the end at my wet, ravenous pussy. You rub the banana up and down my slit to lube it some before sliding it into me a little at a time. You ease the fruit deeper into my tunnel as I arch my back as throw my legs open wider.

“Ohhh fuck, Master! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! I scream as I feel the fruit opening me, stretching me, and filling my pussy. I grab at my breast with one hand and claw at the meaty globe in an effort to direct some of the impulses I am getting from my pussy, but it only adds to the chaos my mind has become.

With my pussy stuffed with the banana, you pick up another one and introduce it in similar fashion to my asshole. I can’t take it; I howl as I feel my asshole stretching and my rectum filling with the yellow tormentor. Now with two bananas inside me you use a strawberry to rub my sensitive clit sending me into orbit.

“Maaasterrr! Fuuuccckkk! I scream at the top of my lungs as I cum so hard I nearly fall off the table. I shake and rattle the table as I convulse in this, my third gigantic orgasm. You have to hold me down to keep me from falling onto the floor and the restraint only adds another component to my orgasm.

Finally I calm down enough that you can take your hands off me and you move around the table until you are at my head. You pull me by the shoulders until my head falls off the edge of the table. Removing your pants and boxers, I watch through lust fogged eyes as you take a little chocolate syrup and smear it over your steel hard cock.

I know what is next and I wait anxiously for it. You step forward and I instinctively open my mouth for you, waiting to receive your delicious, chocolate-covered cock. You slip easily into my mouth and slide deep into my throat. Mmm, so yummy!

I feel your hands on the back of my head, guiding me how you want me to suck you. I feel your cock down my throat and taste the chocolate on my tongue. I have been practicing my deep throating, and am anxious to show you how good I have become.

Your hands wrapped in my long brown hair and push on the back of my head, forcing your way into my mouth. You push deeper until I feel you cock at the back of my throat. I concentrate, willing myself not to gag as you slide down my throat. For a brief moment you hold yourself in me before backing out so I can breathe. Allowing me only a short gasping breath, you slide back down my throat again. I tap your leg indicating I need another breath and you back out. This time you only move in so I can suck your cock at my leisure.

Your cock glistens from being in my wet mouth and we both watch as more of you is exposed, sliding out from between my lips. You slip completely from my mouth and watch as I use my tongue to lick the head. Suddenly, white pearls of pre-cum begin to appear from the slit, which I quickly collect on my tongue, moaning at how wonderful you taste. I lick you from the shaft to the head, trying to coax more of that delicious flavor. Moving all around your thick shaft, tasting, teasing.

Suddenly, you place your hands on my head, pumping into my face faster. My hot wet mouth slides from the base of your cock to the head again and again. Taking you deep with every thrust, I can feel you growing thicker and harder and your excitement is turning me on as well. I begin to moan around you, increasing your pleasure as you feel my mouth vibrating you.

“I’m going to cum now, slut. I’m going to cum down your slutty throat. Are you ready?” you tell me.

I moan around your cock and suck harder, wanting to drain you of every precious drop of your seed.

Your hands hold my head firmly as I feel the first hot salty shot hit the back of my throat. I try to pull back, wanting only half of you in my mouth, but you hold me still. I feel your hot cum splashing inside my mouth, coating my teeth and tongue on the way down my throat. You can feel my mouth pulsing around you as I suck harder, pulling every sweet drop from your balls. Mmm, you taste so good, baby.

I know you are so very sensitive right now, but I can’t resist gently sucking, running my tongue over you. Feeling your body trembling from the after shocks of your orgasm. You remove your hands from the back of my head and cup my face, gently pulling me up to you. We kiss gently, my lips tasting of berries, chocolate syrup and you. You capture my bottom lip between your teeth and tug so softly.

At last your orgasm is over and you help me off the table. As you take me in your arms I smile, feeling your strength and your warmth surround me.

“Dinner was amazing my love, but dessert was incredible!” you whisper in my ear. I nuzzle deeper into your chest.

“Happy Anniversary, Master,” I said, purring contentedly. All is right with the world and I couldn’t be happier.

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters portrayed in this story are over sixteen (16) years of age.

Published 10 years ago

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