I follow her to work every morning, just to be sure she gets there safely. If her car were to ever break down, I’d want to be the one who stopped and offered to look underneath the hood for her. I’m a mechanic by trade so I’m pretty good at fixing cars.
Lily works as a librarian at Elm Creek Public Library. Luckily, it’s on my way to work so I can see her safely off to her job then slide into my own a few minutes later at Mike’s Auto Repair Shop to punch my card.
I think of nothing but Lily all morning long. I wonder if she ate breakfast before work or if she’s sneaking a jelly doughnut behind the library counter. I wonder if she’s wearing panties and if so what color they are. I wonder what her evening plans are. Curling up on the couch with a paperback romance? Or perhaps going out with her girlfriends to the coffee shop down the street?
You probably wonder how I get my work done while thoughts of Lily battle my mind for control. The truth of the matter is I’m a very skilled mechanic and I can pretty much work with my eyes closed. When I was growing up, my dad would no sooner take a car to a garage to be fixed than he’d run to the store for an ear of corn. “Son,” Dad said, “never pay someone else to do something that you can do for yourself.” I adopted that philosophy for myself and I think I’d make Lily a pretty good husband.
I’m trying to gather the courage to ask Lily out on a date. The problem is I’m afraid she’ll turn me down. Lily is lovely and delicate like the early spring flower that bears her name. She stands just over five feet tall with waist-length, stick-straight pale blonde hair. She wears a size zero, if that (I’d like to fatten her up a bit.). She’s blessed with a pair of intense, intelligent cobalt-blue eyes and a dazzling white smile. And her body smells like a fragrant flower, waiting to be plucked.
I’ve gotten quite close to Lily before, so close I could almost taste the sweetness of her petal pink plump lips. A few times I’ve shown up spontaneously at the Elm Creek Public Library with a book in hand that I’ve randomly snatched off the shelves to check out just so I could get close to her. One time it was How to Play the Guitar.
“Oh,” Lily had said with a gleam in her eye. “Learning how to play, are we?” I nodded my head yes but chuckled inside. I’ve been playing the guitar since I was a teenager and I didn’t need a book written by some so-called expert to teach me how to play. I just picked the instrument up and started strumming and soon I was not only playing the popular songs of the day but writing my own songs, as well. I’d like to play Lily a song one day. I hope she loves country music. As far as I’m concerned that’s the only kind of music there is so it’s the only kind of music I play.