Well, now it is time to go to the second visit, I’m a bit nervous, but I know that I can opt to take the twilight drug should I need to. Hopefully this time I will be able to remember what all went on. I was greeted by the same warm friendly smile as Sharon saw me walk through the door, again the last customer of the day. I walked across to her desk and she started preparing the consent forms and releases necessary by law for insurance purposes, and I remembered that I hadn’t paid for the last visit yet. I said “I really must have been out of it when I left last week, I don’t remember paying for the visit.” She smiled and said “you took care of it, no problem, that twilight stuff makes people even forget they’ve been to the dentist” and laughed aloud. “Have a seat; I’ll bring the forms over when I get them ready.” I turned and walked back to the same arm chair I had sat in a week earlier, not certain I was ready for this, but at least this time I didn’t have a hard- on, or not yet anyway.
Sharon rose from her chair and walked over to me, she had on the same snuggly fit scrub pants, and a looser fitting top than a week before, her tits were really bouncing to and fro as she walked, I guessed she was braless, and as she leaned over to have me sign the forms I saw that she was. Her breasts were magnificent; I could even see her pale pink areolas and smallish nipples. Damn it if it wasn’t starting all over again, my dick started swelling instantly. I signed the papers and handed her back the clip board as Kelly walked across the room to file some papers. I got the same show as the week before and watched her fine ass as she leaned over to do so. From my vantage point I could tell that either she had on a thin fabric thong, or was going commando, every wonderful curve of her pussy was visible, right down to the slit of her petals. This did nothing to improve my own genital status, my cock swelled up to a massive erection as I watched her. The patient that had just been finished came into the waiting area and Sharon told him the final instructions in caring for his post operative time, he wrote a check and set up another appointment. She bid him farewell, and said “see you in two weeks” as he turned and walked past me to leave. The phone rang and Sharon answered it, very professionally I thought, and replied to some comment she had heard “OK, I’ll see if he’s willing to wait, or wants to reschedule.” I watched as a tall woman scurried from the doorway to the exam area and rushed out the door. Sharon got up from her desk and walked over to me, this time she stayed standing as she said “Doctor has had to run out for a bit, an emergency at home, she can come back in about an hour if you’d like to wait, or we can set up another appointment if you’d prefer.” Though the antibiotics had reduced the pain in my tooth, I really wanted to get this taken care of as soon as possible, so replied “I’ll wait, you can have me numbed by the time she gets back and I’ll be done with this nasty toothache, if that’s OK.” She smiled and walked back to her desk, picked up the phone and dialed. “He’ll wait, we will have him ready when you get back” she said into the phone, and hung up. Sharon got up and gestured for me to follow her to the treatment room. This room was much the same as the exam room, had the same type of furnishings, but the chair was even more confining as I reclined into its soft vinyl embrace. She pushed the arm closed and locked it into place and then leaned the chair back for me to rest and wait. My dick was more cooperative this time; my partial erection was fading fast. She asked if I would like to have the twilight sleep pill again for the procedure and I said that I thought it would be a good idea, I couldn’t even really remember what had gone on after I took it last time. She smiled and said “I’ll be right back.” She returned with the packet and opened it, handing me the small pill from within. I held it in my fingers and looked inquisitively at her, she said “oops, forgot the water,” and turned to go get a cup for me. I slipped the pill in my shirt pocket and said “it’s OK, I don’t need one, I took it already.” She returned and sat on the stool next to the chair, and we began to visit about each of our respective lives, nothing too in depth, just chatting. I remembered the sensations of the drug taking effect from the week before and tried my best to imitate them, determined to see what really did go on a week ago. I guess I’m a better actor than I thought, because as I showed myself getting drowsy, she gazed intently at me and then slid her hand onto my thigh, being sure to stroke gently across my partial erection, cooing as she did so. About then Sharon came into view of my lowered eyelids, looking down at my man tool, now rising to the prodding’s of Kelly’s touch as she rubbed harder up and down its length. I lay quietly acting out the part of a drug induced sleep, though it was tough not to react to her advances more than I should. I swear that Sharon was drooling as she gently unzipped my pants and opened them, exposing my mound of pubic hair. She and Kelly lifted my hips up from the chair and slid my pants down to just above the knee, my erection now almost at full force as the blood rushed to engorge it. I still remained motionless as Kelly wrapped her hand around its girth and began to stroke it in long slow strokes, and then felt it as Sharon put her lips around its bulbous head, wetting it for the thrills they sought. It was getting increasingly difficult to maintain my imposturous imitation of slumber as they brought me to a full erection and sent spasms of pleasure through my loins, but I continued the rouse as best I could. Sharon cooed as she sucked gently on my hardened rod, apparently really enjoying having her way with a semi conscious man. Kelly removed her hand from my tool and Sharon eagerly replaced it with her own, stroking it full length, wet with her spittle. I watched as Kelly leaned into my view through almost closed eyelids, and couldn’t believe what she was doing; she was actually pushing her scrub pants down, actually removing them. I almost burst out laughing at the humor of these two women taking advantage of me like this, but was enjoying the blow job so much I remained silent. My balls yearned for release, but I withheld as best I could. I focused instead on Kelly as she moved around the chair, naked from the waist down, busying herself placing something on the floor on each side, which turned out to be small wooden stools. They were so preoccupied they didn’t even notice that I had my eyes wide open watching them. I heard a murmured voice come from Kelly and Sharon released my cock from her mouth with a slurping sound, almost a pop as it slapped down onto my abdomen. I closed me eyes most of the way again and continued my rouse, and watched as each removed one of the arms on the chair, gently laying my arms at my sides. Sharon leaned over and removed her scrub pants as well. They must have done this before, many times, I thought in silence, and wondered how many unsuspecting guys they had used as a real life blow-up doll. I f I hadn’t been so damned aroused I would have confronted them right then and there, but really wanted to see just how far they would take this activity. Sharon reclined the seat even farther, I was now lying almost flat. I felt it as one of them pulled the shoes from my feet and then removed my pants, while the other pushed my shirt up to my armpits. Their inflatable doll was now ready for the completion of the task at hand, which I guessed was to satisfy some warped sexual need, and was right. Kelly was first as she lifted one foot atop one of the stools she had placed by the chair before throwing her leg across me and standing above my huge play toy. I felt Sharon take hold of it and hold it straight up as Kelly lowered herself onto it slowly, she started panting right away and took it all into her cunt. Barely able to maintain the rouse, I watched and felt her pleasuring herself with my cock, rising up to almost remove it just before lowering herself onto its full length over and over. She moaned loudly and her muscles rippled from the excitement she was taking from me.