Mr. Sprig, I had learned, was an accountant one year shy of retirement. We would make small talk but he was more interested in his paper so it only lasted a few minutes. When the doors to the train shut, the seat in front of me was still empty and it felt a bit strange not having the old man in front of me.
Like most things in life, people tend to stick to their habits and this happens on trains, too. To my left sat an elderly woman, who took care of a child while its parents worked. Next to her sat a man who I thought was in banking or investment because he dressed similar to me, suits and ties. Across and one seat further down sat two guys in their twenties. I guessed they were students because they often talked about projects they hadn’t finished on time. All around me were people who always sat on the same seat, to and from the city.
I heard the hush of the doors connecting the wagons when they opened and I looked up. There was a young woman standing just inside them, looking around. She saw the seat in front of me and made her way towards it.
“Hi, is this seat taken?” she asked.
She sat and placed a small backpack on the seat next to her. “Hi, I’m Laura.”
“I’m Dennis, nice to meet you.”
“Do you always take the train?”
“Yep, for the last three years.”
“Oh, I just moved so this is my first day.”
“Usually, there is an old man sitting there, but he didn’t get on today.”
She smiled but didn’t answer. Instead, she opened her backpack and took out a book. From the cover, I saw it was some kind of romantic action adventure. Then she took out a pair of glasses from a case in the backpack and carefully cleaned them with a little towel that she kept in it.
I watched her while she read. I would have guessed she was in her late twenties, and she was quite beautiful in a homely way. She was dressed in jeans and a sweater. On her feet, she had sturdy shoes, and she had carried a jacket under her arm. The weather was okay for being April but there was a nip in the air.
I noticed her boobs under her sweater and her thighs were not slim but neither were they fat. Her hair was light brown and it seemed she hadn’t had time to brush it that morning. Behind her glasses, her eyes were also brown and she had a straight nose which was a bit too large for her oval face. She kept nibbling on her lower lip while she read and, once in a while, she would sniffle, as if she had the beginning of a cold.
I dozed off with my head against the window and didn’t pay her any more attention until the train arrived at the station. When she got up, she said, “Thanks for the seat; I might see you later or tomorrow.”
“Sure, have a nice day.”
When she walked in front of me, I couldn’t help notice her ass; it was her best asset. Round, with a narrow waist and it moved seductively in her tight jeans. I have always been an ass guy, meaning I prefer a nice bum to big tits. And this woman had a fantastic ass.
It was so nice that I spent most of the day thinking about it and how it would feel to kiss it and touch it and eventually fuck it. My cock grew hard several times and I had to go to the bathroom to wipe off the pre-cum. By the end of the day, I had decided that I had to have her.
When the train left to take me back to suburbia she wasn’t on it. I sighed and figured I had lost my chance. All I could do was to go home to my wife and hope to get laid, which was not likely since she didn’t love me anymore. Or at least that’s what I thought. We’d slept in different rooms for half a year and we hardly spoke. The only reason we stayed together was that our kids still lived at home. It wasn’t the best decision maybe, but that was the way things were.
The following morning, I found Laura sitting on Mr. Sprig’s seat when I walked down the aisle. I was so glad I almost hugged her.
“Hi there,” she said when I sat down.
“Hi, I didn’t see you yesterday evening.”
“No, I had things to do, and I missed the six o’clock train.”
“What do you do?”
She put down the book, which was the same as the previous day, and then she put away her glasses.
“I’m a paralegal.”
“Sounds interesting.”
“Not really. I want to be a lawyer, but I still have two years of law school left.”
“Cool, so you study also?”
She shook her head slowly. “No, I am only working now, to save up money so I can go back this fall.”
We sat in silence for a while, both of us looking out the window at the passing landscape. After a while I said, “Did you move with your parents?”
“No, with my boyfriend.”
Shit, I thought. That was it, I had no chance now.
“Oh, that’s nice,” I said, trying to sound happy for her.
“Yeah, I thought so too, but it didn’t turn out that way.”
She sighed and closed her eyes. Something wasn’t right.
“Sorry if I sound nosy, but what’s wrong?”
She opened her eyes and tilted her head a little. “My boyfriend is a functioning alcoholic.”
“Oh.” I hadn’t expected that.
“He has a very good job which pays for the house and our lifestyle, but he gets silly drunk every night and I just can’t stand it. All I want is for him to hug me and say he loves me. Instead, he drinks and watches TV.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Have you thought about getting help for him?”
She scoffed. “I tried, but he refuses to accept that he has a problem.”
“Mm, I can see that being the case.”
She smiled and said, “What about you, do you have a girlfriend?”
“I’m married and have two kids.”
“Wow, you must have a busy life.
“Almost fifteen years now. My kids are teens.”
“Do you love her?”
I must have taken too long to answer because she continued. “Or is that a too personal question?”
“No, no, it’s fine. I guess I do, but to be honest with you, after fifteen years you become more friends than lovers.”
“That sucks. I mean, if I was married to you, I would fuck you every night.”
I was shocked. Had she just said what I thought she had?
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I heard you right.”
“What I meant was that you are a good looking man, and I bet you know how to please a woman, and if you were mine I’d make sure you pleased me every night.”
She winked her left eye and then bit her lower lip, looking very sexy.
The train arrived at the station and we got off. Before walking to my job, I saw her getting into a sleek looking black Audi, which I presumed was her boyfriends.
The weeks passed and every day we would sit on the train and talk. I asked her out a few times, but she declined. It was frustrating and my cock suffered from it. She told me about her life with the drunken guy and I told her about my shitty life with my wife, who no longer wanted to have sex.
She said she felt sorry for me and that, in her mind, it would be okay to have a lover. When I, as a joke, suggested it should be her, she just grinned at me and changed the topic.
In June she got on board dressed in a short white summer dress and sandals. She looked so fucking hot my cock was standing in salute within a second of seeing her.
“You look nice,” I said.
“Thank you. It’s so warm today.”
She wiped some sweat from her forehead with a paper tissue. Then she tied up her hair in a ponytail and began to use a magazine to fan her face.
It was hot, and I was suffering inside my suit. I took off the jacket and hung it on a hook by the large window.
The train began to move so I sat down again. I noticed that my shoelace had come undone. I leaned down to tie it and when I looked up I froze.
Laura had spread her legs and I could clearly see that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her pussy looked soft, like velvet, with a small landing strip for pubic hair. I wanted to stay in that position for the entire ride but I couldn’t, so I sat up.
She was staring at me. “What do you think about my new style?” she said.
“What?” I said, confused.
“My landing strip, do you like it?”
“Eh, yeah, I guess it looks good.”
She pulled up her dress and scooted to the edge of the seat. C’mon, take a good look.”
Instead, I turned and watched the other passengers; they were smiling and nodding their permission at me.
What the fuck was going on?
“Touch it. See if it feels smooth,” she said and held my hand.
Her pussy was warm and, when she placed my finger on her slit, it was wet. I didn’t know what to do, but Laura did. Using her hand to guide me, she ran my middle finger up and down her slit until, with a light push, it entered her.
People were staring at us, and I panicked. When I tried to take my finger out of her, she grasped my hand firmer.
“C’mon, let’s give them a show. I know you have wanted to fuck me for a long time, Dennis, and this is your chance.
“Just fuck her,” said the babysitter from across the aisle.
The two students gave me thumbs up, and the banker nodded his head.
Fine, I thought, if they want a show I will give it to them. Fuck it, I don’t care if my wife finds out.
I stood up and opened my pants. They dropped to the floor followed by my boxers. Laura sighed when she saw my eight hard inches and grabbed it with both hands.
“Mm, what a beautiful cock you have, it’s so much bigger than my boyfriend’s.”
I grinned like a madman and, when she wrapped her lips around it, I had to steady myself against the window.
Laura was one of those loud cock suckers, lots of slurping and saliva. I loved watching her taking it deep down her throat and gagging on it. At one point the lady next to us applauded and the banker whistled.
I wanted to fuck her badly, so after a while, I pulled her up and turned her around so she had her back to me. She knew what I wanted and leaned forward and used her hands to support herself.
Her ass looked so hot in front of me so I simply grabbed her hips and with one long thrust I was inside. Her pussy was tight and extremely wet. As I moved back and forth I heard the wet sound my cock was making each time it hit her bottom.
“Yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me, I need it, I want it, I beg for your cock,” she whimpered.
“Good, because I am going to give you every inch of it,” I growled.
“Yes, Dennis, give it to me.”
I held out longer than I had thought and she came twice, arching her back, meowing like a cat and grabbing the seat so hard that her knuckles turned white. She turned and looked at me over her shoulders, her eyes glazed by the double orgasm and she whispered. “Come over my ass.”
With a few more thrusts I pulled out and squirted my load over her ass cheeks and crack. Then I smacked her bum and she yelped.
“Mm, yes, I have been a bad girl.”
The people around us applauded, and, as I sat down again and reached for my pants, Laura turned and, after adjusting her dress, sat down too.
“Thanks, I needed that,” she said.
“You are welcome, let’s do it again sometime.”
She smiled a sad smile at me and said, “No Dennis, we won’t.”
“Sorry Dennis, I have to go.”
“Hey! Wake up! We are in the city.”
I opened my eyes and there was Mr. Sprig with his face close to mine, shaking my shoulder.
“What, what happened?” I said, rubbing my eyes.
“You were dreaming, and it must have been some dream because you made some very strange noises.”
The train came to a halt and we got up. There was something wet and hot in my underwear and I realized I had come in my sleep.
I quickly checked the other passengers, but it was all a dream. Laura wasn’t there, she wasn’t real, and it saddened me. She had been a great fuck.