Deep Encounter PT. 3

"Ann's primal needs get met by more than she bargained for"

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Ann strolled into the grocery store after work on Monday to grab dinner items.  She was hoping to cook something nice for Chuck.

It didn’t go unnoticed to her that Chuck and she had strayed farther apart over the last few months. She felt some of it was probably her guilt after cheating on him at the restaurant, but she couldn’t shake the thought of that night.

Ann’s body wanted Mark again each morning since their fling. Her thighs ached to be spread by his long, stiff cock that hit her deepest regions. She thought it didn’t help either because she kept dreaming about it; her deep encounter, as she has come to describe it, kept her wet almost all the time now.

Ann perused the produce section as these thoughts ran through her mind, and she could feel her panties get damp just from the thoughts of him.

“Hello,” said a dark-haired younger woman that walked up next to Ann.

“Uh, hello,” Ann responded, wondering who or why this woman said hello.

“You’re Ann Allison, aren’t you?” the young woman asked more as a statement than a question.

“Uh, Yes, I suppose I am,” Ann said, taking in this young woman’s brashness and short, petite frame as she quizzically stared at her.

“Sorry to bother you, I sell real estate for a living and ended up selling one of the properties that your husband was on a few weeks back, and he said you worked for an investment firm?” asked the young woman with dark, curious eyes that now looked ten times prettier since she mentioned her husband’s name.

“I do; uh, I’m sorry; where did you say you met my husband?” Ann asked a bit more accusingly than what she was going for.

Ann couldn’t help it; before her stood a young, petite, tan-skinned, and, to top it off, she was gorgeous and was talking about her husband, and she didn’t know why or what her deal was, but she knew Chuck’s taste, and she didn’t like it one bit.

“Sorry, I met him when I was showing a house. He was repairing the home when my clients and I arrived,” said the woman.

“Sorry, where are my manners, my name is Rhea Den,” Rhea stated energetically.

“Oh, well, okay, nice to meet you, Rhea; what was it that you needed again,” said Ann filtering through the lettuce rack in front of her as she glanced back at Rhea, trying to figure out what this girl wanted and a bit annoyed that Chuck said nothing to her about his and hers encounter.

“Well, as I said, I sold real estate and was hoping I could maybe sit down with you sometime and have you help me invest my profits,” Rhea said with hopefulness and a bit of shyness in her tone.

“Well, here is my card; give my office a call, and I am sure we can schedule something for you,” said Ann, quickly reaching into her purse and handing her firm’s business card over so she would go away.

“Um, I was hoping you could meet me at my place just on the edge of town,” said Rhea as she gave Ann her best puppy dog stare that she could muster.

“I promise, I’m not crazy; I just work two jobs and the middle of the day is my busy time making it difficult to take time off to go sit in an office somewhere,” Rhea quickly followed up, hoping Ann could see she meant her no harm or ill will.

“Well, I normally don’t do house calls when it comes to my job, but I could spare an hour on Thursday evening; my husband has a business dinner he needs to attend, so I don’t have anything else on my schedule,” Ann said with a bit of hesitation, still eyeing Rhea up and down.

“Oh, bless you, Ann; you have no idea how much this means to me; if you are up for it, I do a pretty good Swedish massage if you want?” Rhea said with a big smile and what Ann thought was a bit too much of a sexy tone.

“Um, sure, I guess, wait, I thought you sold real estate,” Ann asked questioningly, watching for any hint of deception.

“Oh, I do; I also run a massage business out of my home. I just figured since you were so kind to help me, the least I could do is give you a free massage while we talked,” said Rhea, sending her sexual vibes directly at Ann now that she agreed to see her.

Catching Ann a bit off guard, “Uh, sure, why not,” Ann responded awkwardly as she took in Rhea’s facial cues and expression.  Ann could feel something was amiss but couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

“Here’s my card; the address is on the bottom,” Rhea said smiling, “I am so happy you said yes. I like keeping my business local and discreet; see you Thursday night,” and with that, Rhea turned and walked down the main isle to the exit doors. 

Ann watched as she walked away, taking in her posture and tiny body as she moved.  Ann thought about how attractive she was and how rare it was to find another woman smaller than her when she walked out the automatic doors on the way to the parking lot. She also thought how nice it must be to be young again and full of spirit.  She was also sure that wasn’t lost on Chuck, which made her grimace a bit.

Ann stood next to the lettuce rack for a few more moments, thinking about Thursday night and why Chuck didn’t say anything about this girl. Ann finally dropped the lettuce back on the rack and headed home.  Chuck could eat leftovers for all she cared as she got in her car and drove away empty-handed.


Ann grabbed the leftovers from the fridge when Chuck walked through the door that evening.

“How was your day, Hun?” Ann asked without turning around from the fridge door.

“It was good; how about yours?” Chuck tiredly responded, dropping his bag and keys on the table.

“Fine, I suppose,” Ann said, turning and kissing Chuck on the lips.

“Wow, it’s been a while since you did that; what’s the deal?” Chuck laughed a bit as he looked at her.

“Well, my day was a bit awkward, to say the least; I ran into a charming and very cheeky real estate agent that said she knew you,” Ann stated matter-of-factly as she looked into his eyes to see his reaction.

“Uh, what?” Chuck stumbled nervously as he spoke.

“Yeah, a cute little thing that said you gave her my information because she was looking to invest some of her profits from her house sales?” Ann said while watching Chuck fall all around himself; it made Chuck look like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, making Ann smile a bit.

“Oh, yeah, I think her name was Ria?” Chuck stated as he tried to conceal his nervousness.

Knowing Chuck was full of shit for messing her name up.

Ann responded, “No, her name is Rhea, and she seemed like a nice young lady,” looking at Chuck curiously as he squirmed.    

“Oh, yeah, that’s right, Rhea; sorry, it’s been a long day,” Chuck said, trying to move on from the topic.

“Sure, I can see why you never mentioned her; she’s quite the looker,” Ann responded, a bit miffed.

“Uh, I suppose so; I mean, it’s not my cup of tea,” Chuck awkwardly replied.

“Sure, it’s not; well, I am meeting with her Thursday to set her up on some investments,” Ann said with a sarcastic tone.

Ann wasn’t going to tell him it was Thursday night.  She still wasn’t sure how she felt about it and didn’t need Chuck’s input piled on top of her feelings.

“That’s great, dear; what are we having for dinner,” Chuck stated as to move from the uncomfortable topic.

While Ann told him it was leftovers from the night before, Chuck walked upstairs to change, wondering and hoping that all they had talked about or would talk about was investing. 

Guilt hit Chuck hard while he changed out of his suit and into a pair of worn jeans, not knowing how Rhea ran into Ann or why.

He pondered a life without Ann if she ever found out he had stepped out on her.  He wondered if, on the slight chance, she would accept it; it wasn’t as though Chuck would leave Ann for Rhea, she was way too young, but Rhea brought out a passion in him he hadn’t felt in years. 

He hoped that if she did find out, maybe Ann would be open to sharing him with another woman. He had thought about Ann with another man after his affair and thought he might be open to that as well. 

In the last few weeks after the psychedelic sex experience, he looked at Ann much more affectionately than he had over the last year or so. He was pretty sure Rhea was to thank for that.   


The week went uneventful as Ann spent her days at work and had cordial conversations with Chuck about the remodel she wanted on the detached garage and who could do the work for them at night. 

She had dinner with Sue Wednesday night to have a few glasses at the Bordeaux, the local wine bar.  She wanted to go back to the Italian restaurant, but nervousness and shyness wouldn’t allow her to return so soon after her chance encounter.

She discussed Rhea with Sue, who passively pushed away the notion that Chuck could even remotely get that young of a woman and told Ann not to worry about it; it was probably just a coincidence that Rhea ran into her. 

On Thursday afternoon, Ann grabbed a few brochures and breakdowns of different stock and ETA investment funds and threw them into her purse as she walked out her office door.  She couldn’t stop thinking about Rhea.  She wasn’t sure exactly what her intentions were for wanting her to come to her home tonight, but deep down, she needed to find out.


Ann pulled into Rhea’s driveway a few hours later after changing into a sundress and heels to be more comfortable. Questioning her reason for accepting the invitation, she sat in her car for at least five minutes before she gave in and walked to the front door.  Pausing, she finally knocked.

“Hey, Ann,” Rhea exclaimed with a big smile and walked to Ann, giving her a big, somewhat awkward hug.

“Sorry, I’m a hugger,” said Rhea with a sincere look.

“Oh, okay, I suppose it’s all good,” Ann said, feeling something had transpired between them.

“Come on in,” Rhea said as she walked Ann inside.

Ann took in the living room and was shocked to see that there was no furniture except a massage table and throw pillows everywhere.  Rhea had candles lit and incense burning somewhere within the room. Ann could smell its faint aroma.

“Wow, this is a unique room,” Ann said while she looked back at Rhea.

“Yeah, this is where I do all my Swedish and Nuru Massages,” Rhea stated lightly.

“Nuru Massage?” asked Ann, not understanding the term.

“Yeah, it requires oils and a rubber-skinned mattress to be performed,” said Rhea as she looked into Ann’s eyes.

“Maybe I can talk you into one someday,” Rhea replied quickly while she looked Ann up and down and admired her sundress and black heels.

Ann responded, feeling somewhat out of place,” Sure, maybe one day.”

“Well then, let’s get to it,” Rhea said while she walked over and grabbed a robe from the shelf. 

Handing the robe to Ann, “Well, just need you to get into this; the changing shade is over in that corner,” said Rhea with a quick wink, which turned Ann on a bit.

Ann didn’t know why but she found Rhea attractive in her sundress and laced flats.  Maybe her youth was getting her insides to flutter, she thought.

“I thought you wanted to talk investments?” Ann quickly responded, feeling awkward when she looked at the robe.

“I sure do, but let me give you your massage first, then we can talk business,” Rhea responded with a smile and another wink.

Ann didn’t know where this was going but decided it had been a while since she got a massage, so she thought, why not. 

Ann hurried over to the corner where there was a fitting shade she could undress behind.  Finally putting the robe on, Ann walked back over, de-robed, and got under the towel while Rhea was turned around. 

“Perfect, let me know if anything hurts as I work on your body,” Rhea told Ann while she lowered the towel to just above her butt and applied oil to her hands.

“My lower back has been sore, but mostly my legs have been giving me fits,” Ann said through the face pillow as she stared at the mosaic throw rug under the table.

Rhea worked Ann’s back thoroughly.  She gave special attention to her shoulders and spinal region while she moved down to her lower back and buttocks.

Ann was in seventh heaven while Rhea worked out her kinks and soreness.  She felt a wave of stress lift as the quiet mesmerizing music played in the background when Rhea started working her lower back and sliding the towel over her ass and down to the back of her knees. 

“Um, that’s a bit more than I need,” Ann said through the face pillow when she felt the cool air hit her bum.

“No worries, I do this all the time; no need to be shy with me,” Rhea said reassuringly to Ann.

“Um, okay?” Ann quietly said as she tried to go back to relaxing.

Rhea took in Ann’s full figure as the towel swept below her buttocks and thighs. She worked Ann’s backside like she was kneading dough while slowly spreading her thighs wider as she rubbed the outside and inside of her thighs. Rhea held her breath at the beauty she was witnessing. 

Ann was starting to get turned on by letting Rhea do her thing. Ann wasn’t sure if this was good or bad, but she started enjoying her touch as she worked her bottom and inner thighs.  Ann could feel her wetness spread when Rhea began to part her thighs.

“Wow, you are tight on your inner thighs,” said Rhea while she slid her thighs even farther apart and started working her magic between seeing Ann was thoroughly enjoying herself.

Rhea could fully see Ann’s Shaven lips as they spread wide and started dripping wet from her touch.

“Oh, God, yes I am,” Ann suddenly exclaimed when her juices started flowing, and she could feel her stomach tingle with butterflies.

Seeing her opening to turn the night into something special, Rhea worked her hands on both thighs, moving her way up to her shaven, wet mound. 

“That feels amazing,” Ann announced through the face pillow right before Rhea’s fingers hit home and slid across her parted lips. 

“Yeah, you are super tight on the inside,” Rhea said softly while she worked between her cheeks and grazed Ann’s swollen lips again.

“That feels amazing; keep working in that area,“ Ann replied softly to Rhea, wanting to feel her soft hands against her pussy.

“Let me just push down here,” Rhea said when she pushed her palm flat and rubbed Ann’s wet mound thoroughly.

“Oh, Fuck,” softly moaned Ann in pleasure.

“If you like that, you’ll love this,” exclaimed Rhea when she finally slipped her fingers deep within Ann’s crevice.

“Oh, fuck Rhea,” said Ann raising her hips lustfully.

Rhea rubbed Ann’s wet crevice up and down, working her labia between her fingers with slow, precise movements.

Turning her head sideways, Ann reached over and under Rhea’s sundress. Moving her hand up, she felt Rhea’s soft, warm lips part when her fingers rubbed across them. 

She wasn’t wearing any panties, which sent Ann’s lust higher. At the same time, she started rubbing fervently across Rhea’s mound while Rhea rubbed hers harder and harder in return.

“Fuck, you’re good at that,” Exclaimed Rhea as Ann heard footsteps come into the room and placed her hand back quickly and her face back down into the table.

Ann peered through the face pillow with nervous excitement when she saw two large bare feet come into view. 

“Hello, Sexy,” Rhea said softly to the man in the room.

“Hey, Babe,” said a deep male voice, “Looks like you two are busy having some fun; mind if I join in,” the male voice exclaimed excitedly while he watched Rhea rubbing Ann’s pussy.

Hearing the voice and what he asked, Ann went rigid; she thought she knew that voice. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but her fight or flight kicked in when she lifted her head off the table, and the male figure came into view.

“Mark!” Ann blurted out as she arched her back, putting her elbows on the table with her chest in full view for him to see while Rhea still stroked between her thighs. 

“Hello, Ann,” Mark said with a sly smile and a wink.

“Oh my God, what’s going on?” asked Ann when she looked at Rhea in confusion.

“Well, here’s the thing, Ann, Mark is my boyfriend, and I know you two fucked,” Rhea said with a big smile while rubbing slowly against Ann’s clit.

“No, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Ann, turning red in the face, knowing she wasn’t getting out of whatever happened next.

“It’s okay, Ann; Mark and I have an open relationship; we just have one rule,” Rhea spoke softly in Ann’s ear, still moving her hand across Ann’s wet mound. 

“Oh, god Rhea, that feels good; what’s the rule?” asked a closed-eyed Ann with a moan due to Rhea’s continuous hand movement across her labia.

“We get to taste what the other tastes, and we also have to taste it together,” Rhea said with a sultry voice while Mark dropped his board shorts.

Ann’s body turned over on her back right when Mark’s fully engorged cock came within inches of her face.  She gazed at the beautiful cock above her; She knew she could get up and run, but Ann’s body caved and gave into the lust that her body craved.

“Oh, I’m so in trouble,” she thought.

“Fuck it,” Ann said as she grabbed Mark’s cock, taking his head down her wet throat.

“See, I knew you’d play ball Ann,” Rhea said before she got on the table, spread Ann’s legs wide, and dropped her face between them.

Tasting Ann’s sweet pussy for the first time, Rhea felt her dampness startup.

Moans could be heard throughout the room as Rhea devoured Ann’s pussy, and Ann, in turn, tried to swallow Mark’s cock. 

Ann’s body was in perpetual heat while the experience of her first three-way took place. Ann had never been eaten out so well; she knew she was utterly bisexual. 

No man had ever devoured her with such force and softness as Rhea had, which gave Ann her first orgasm that sprayed Rhea’s face thoroughly.

“Holy shit, Ann, that was amazing,” Rhea said when she lifted her head and smiled at Ann. 

Ann had never squirted before; the feeling was like nothing she had ever felt between her legs.  She hoped for more days with Rhea after that.

Her legs continued to quake from the climax while Rhea drifted her mouth back down to her pussy.

Mark’s cock ached with pleasure while Ann looked up at him with lust while she took his cock down her throat.

His moans were loud when he reached down, grabbing Ann’s breasts with both hands, which sent her into a moaning fit.

The room was a consonant of moans and groans while the three pleasured each other before they all moved to the floor and the pillows next to the table.

Ann got on all fours while Mark settled himself behind her, and Rhea laid spread eagle in front of Ann’s face.

The penetration took Ann’s breath away when Mark’s long cock entered her thoroughly drenched mound.  Ann had never felt a cock that felt like it was splitting her cervix wide and, at the same time, never experienced eating pussy either as she dove straight into Rhea’s shaven mound. 

Ann took her time with Rhea, trying to mimic what Rhea had done to her. Slowly she tongued, licked, and sucked her way to Rhea’s core.

“Oh, fuck me,” Rhea exclaimed, feeling Ann’s tongue drink her core and her tongue flick her button.

“Damn, Ann, your pussy is divine,” moaned Mark, pushing more complex and deeper into Ann.

“Arrghh, uhh,” was all Ann could respond with, due to her mouth buried in Rhea’s snatch.

“This was the best idea you ever had, Rhea,” smiled Mark, winking at Rhea while she enjoyed her tongue bath.

“Told you, these two were prime to take that next step,” Rhea moaned, biting her lip in pleasure after she spoke.

Ann, her face still buried and enjoying the ecstasy of the sex she was having, didn’t understand what they were talking about.  She tried to concentrate on what Rhea said but with Mark’s cock deep in her womb and Rhea’s pussy in her mouth, she gave up and just enjoyed what was happening to her. 

Ann’s second orgasm hit her like a freight train pulling her mouth from Rhea’s crevice.

“Fuck, Me, oh, God, Mark!”

“You like that cock, don’t you, Ann,” Mark groaned loudly, pushing hard while Ann’s pussy contracted and squeezed his cock harder.

“Take it all, Ann, take that cock deep,” grunted Rhea when her pussy finally exploded.

“Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, FUCK YES!” screamed Rhea, drenching Ann’s face and lips with her squirting juices.

Pulling from Ann’s thoroughly wet mound, Mark moved his cock up and pressed it against her starfish while he watched Rhea squirm in her ecstasy.

“You think you can take it?” Mark asked in a seductive voice.

“I don’t know, Mark, you think she is ready for all that cock,” said Rhea, coming down from her first climax and winking at Ann’s paralyzed face.

“Oh, fuck, please just take it slow,” Ann pleaded, looking straight into Rhea’s eyes while Mark pushed in on her starfish.

“Oh, holy fuck,” Ann’s sight went dark as the overpressure hit home when Marks’s engorged head popped her cherry ass wide, and he began to thrust in earnest.

“Fuck, fuck, oh, fuck,” Ann screamed before Rhea turned around and kissed her deeply.  Rhea’s tongue felt like a warm embrace that drifted around her moist mouth while Mark’s cock bounced against her inner G-spot as Ann’s pleads went garbled with Rhea’s tongue deep in her mouth.

Pulling from Ann’s wet lips, Rhea slid under Ann’s body and put her tongue against Ann’s gushing mound.  Rhea could taste the lust coming from Ann’s body while Mark rocked his cock inside her ass.

Feeling the animalistic lust come through her body, Ann lowered her face between Rhea’s thighs and dipped her sweet tongue between her wet folds. 

On and on, they devoured each other like fornicating animals.  Each was embracing the moment and loving each other’s bodies. 

Rhea’s tongue would switch between Ann’s pussy and the bottom of Mark’s cock while he pushed against Ann’s starfish.  Ann’s body hit her next climax when Rhea’s mound gushed with her own.

“Ugh, Oh, God, YES!” yelled Ann slamming her ass back on her third climax like she was possessed.

“FUCK!” yelled Rhea when her second climax rocked her body while Ann’s pussy exploded across her face.

“Damn, girls, you know how to make a man feel special,” said Mark while he continued to ride Ann’s orgasm hard and deep. 

After the girl’s waves of ecstasy calmed down. Mark, finally pulled from Ann’s starfish, repositioned to his back while Rhea positioned over his face, and Ann slowly slipped his cock back into her love cave.

“Jesus, Mark, your cock is lovely,” moaned Ann as her ass hit his thighs and Mark’s cock hit her cervix.

“Isn’t it,” Exclaimed Rhea when she leaned forward, grabbing Ann’s neck and pulling her into a deep lustful kiss.

“Well, your pussy is divine, Ann,” exclaimed Mark between breaths while his mouth devoured Rhea’s sweet pussy and his cock penetrated Ann’s.

“Oh, yes, so good,” Ann moaned while riding Mark’s cock for all its worth.

Mark could feel Ann’s juices spread across his abdomen while she rode his cock with wild desire.

Mark, tonguing Rhea’s pussy deep and passionately, could feel her wetness spread across his face while his cock began to start to pulsate, urging the release of his seed.

“Oh, Mark,” Ann said, pressing her hands down hard on his chest when her fourth orgasm sent her body into a shaking fit she couldn’t control, clamping down on Mark’s stiff shaft. 

“Fuck Ann, you’re going to make me cum,” Mark bellowed beneath Rhea’s pussy.

“Not yet, Mark,” you need to wait.  I want you to cum all over us, keep going; I’m almost there,” moaned Rhea while she pressed her mound hard against Mark’s face.

“FUCK MEE!” Rhea screamed to the ceiling when her climax hit.  Her thighs vibrated, squeezing Mark’s face between them while her essence flowed over his tongue and face.

Ann’s eyes closed while she rode Mark like a bull through her climax and Rhea’s body convulsed while they both leaned in and kissed each other tenderly.

“Girls, I’m going to blow,” Mark shouted suddenly.

Rhea, with quick movements, pulled herself off of Mark’s face while Ann dismounted from Mark’s cock. Both women were on their knees when Mark stood up and walked to them.

“Give it to us, big guy,” Rhea exclaimed while Ann smiled and fingered Rhea’s wet snatch.

“Yeah, give it to us,” Ann said, smiling at Rhea and turning her face towards Mark’s engorged cock.

“Fuck yes,” Yelled Mark while he jerked his cock in both of their faces, spraying them with his hot load, covering both faces while it flowed all around their mouths.

Both girls reached in and held his cock while each licked and sucked it clean.

“Holy shit, ladies, you love that cum don’t you,” Mark proclaimed while he bounced his cock on each of their devouring lips.

“So good,” moaned Rhea and Ann.

For the next few minutes, both ladies embraced each other in a deep and passionate hold while their tongues explored each other’s mouths and cleaned each other’s faces while Mark looked on in satisfaction.

Finally uncoupling themselves from each other, they both stood and faced Mark. 

“Um, I don’t know where to start,” Ann said questioningly while she looked between them.

“I have never done something like this before,” Ann said with shyness in her voice.

“You mean with both of us,” Mark said with a smile and a wink

“Oh, yeah, I suppose you’re right,” said Ann when her face blushed while she looked into his eyes.

“This is my first time with a woman as well,” Ann said, looking over to Rhea.

“Well, you worked it like a seasoned pro, if that helps you feel more comfortable,” said Rhea with a genuine smile when she leaned in and kissed Ann again.

“I don’t know what to feel, I’ve been feeling guilty since you and I had our restaurant experience; I feel horrible every time I go home and look at my husband’s face, but I also know I can’t go without having this in my life,” Ann stated firmly.

“Ann, it’s okay; we both know what you have been missing in your marriage,” Rhea said with compassion and honesty.

“Honestly, we have been watching you and Chuck for some time, “Mark said, watching for Ann’s reaction when Chuck’s name was brought up.

“Uh, what the hell are you two talking about,” Ann said sternly, “How do you know Chuck, and why in gods name have you been watching us?”

“Calm down, Ann, just hear us both out if you would; we will explain all of this and why we chose Chuck and you,” Rhea pleaded with Ann while Mark looked on with his most charming and sincere smile, which calmed Ann down a bit so she could hear them out.

“Fine, but it better be a good explanation since you have involved my husband of twenty years, that will probably divorce me at this point,” Ann proclaimed earnestly.

Rhea explained that Mark and she had found Chuck and Ann’s yearbook at the local library when they volunteered last month. 

She told Ann they had seen their King and Queen homecoming photo with their relationship story below it and how they agreed that both couples had very similar high school stories.

She explained that Mark and she were also high school sweethearts, and they, too, were homecoming kings and queens. 

Mark turned to Ann and explained that while Rhea and himself were shopping at the grocery store a few months back, they both had seen the two walking down one of the isles. 

He explained that they both felt that Chuck and Ann had looked miserable in their own company, which had Mark and Rhea questioning their relationship and why they were pleased in theirs. 

Rhea turned to Ann and explained that their relationship was so happy because they kept it open.  Not in the aspects of courtship or staying with someone, but in the physical part of sex.

She explained that they had both agreed to see if they could get Ann and Chuck out of the funk that twenty-plus years of marriage had created and were trying to give them both back to the love and lust within the relationship they had when they first met.

“You see, Ann, we aren’t trying to hurt or deceive you, Chuck, and you are what Mark and I are trying to be, of course, without the misery you currently are going through,” Rhea said with honest compassion.

“Yeah, Ann, we both wanted to give you and Chuck another way of looking at your marriage and relationship so that you two would be happy and stay together,” Mark said with sweet honesty.

“I don’t know what to say; this is all new to me, I feel like over the past few weeks like I have struggled with cheating on my husband, but it has opened up my life to what could be,” Ann proclaimed, looking between the two of them. 

“It’s okay, Ann, don’t think of it as cheating, more like exploring; Mark and I don’t want to break you and Chuck from each other; it is quite the opposite; we want you to get back to lusting and loving each other again,” Rhea explained while she looked deep into Ann’s eyes.

“You said Chuck was involved,” Ann said a bit harshly. 

“Um, yeah, so that, before you freak out on me, understand that this was the only way to get you both to see that by being in an open relationship, you both need the necessary push from us to go through it,” Rhea said like she was standing on glass.

“So, what you’re saying is you fucked my husband?” Ann said bluntly, her face flushed while the heat in her neck started to grow.

Ann wanted to reach out and smack her but held herself back.  She didn’t know why, but she started to see their point. She was grappling with the thought of Chuck stepping out and fucking someone else when she realized she had done the same, and now she had done it with two people, not just Mark.

“Yes, she did, Ann, three weeks ago,” Mark said while trying to comfort her while Rhea’s face blushed a bit.

“Oh, God, it’s over,” said Ann as her eyes began to tear up while her body started to go limp.

“No, no, it’s not Ann,” Rhea said as she reached in and embraced Ann. 

“Your husband loves you, and I know this because I could see him struggling with his options; it bothered him a lot,” Rhea said, holding Ann against her. 

“Listen, Chuck is a good man, he is just lonely like you, and you both can’t seem to find that lust in your relationship again,” Rhea said while trying to soothe Ann’s shaking body.

“But how do I explain all of this to him?” Ann said through Rhea’s shoulders while she sobbed deeply and harshly.

“You won’t need to, Mark, and I will,” Rhea said while she pushed Ann’s head up and looked straight into her eyes.

“How are you going to do that? It’s not as though Mark knows him or him, Mark,” Ann asked with a sobbing concern.

 “Leave that to us; I will say that you will need to be there when it happens, “ Mark said, turning to Ann.

Ann turned to look at Mark with questioning eyes.

Mark and Rhea spent the next few minutes divulging their plan to Ann.

“Okay, well, that just might work,” said Ann, finally understanding and smiling again while she looked between the two wiping the last tears from her eyes.

“Glad that’s settled,” Rhea said with a smile when she grabbed Ann’s figure and pulled her into an embrace.

“Well, now, anyone up for round two,” said Mark excitedly with a big smile drawn across his face.

Ann’s body started heating up again while Rhea kissed her deeply while she fingered her swollen mound.  She wanted to pull back and say no; her need to figure things out was a high priority, but in the end, her body wouldn’t let her leave.  She knew then that they would be in her life forever. 

“God, yes,” said Rhea when she pulled back from Ann’s mouth.

The threesome went into Rhea and Mark’s bedroom.  To Mark’s credit, his cock went rigid on command when he entered Rhea’s pussy while Ann watched on from the side.

After a few moments of Rhea riding Mark.

“I need to taste you, Ann,” Mark said while Rhea rode his cock faster like a stallion.

“Yes, please,” Ann said, smiling while she spread her legs above his face and sat down. She knew she had nothing to lose at this point and decided she was all in to find the passion again with Chuck.

Ann could feel his tongue slash across her crevice while her body started to heat up from the lust she felt inside.  This time, she took charge as she grabbed Rhea’s neck and kissed her deeply. 

Ann couldn’t remember the last time she felt lust like this, but deep down; she felt love coming back into her life.  It was like a locked box opened, letting her sexual soul fly free.

“Oh god, Mark!” Ann screamed as she came hard on Mark’s face.

“Yes, Ann, let it out; give me your body!” Screamed Mark, releasing his fertile seed into Rhea’s warm core.

“Oh, FUCK ME,” Rhea screamed in return; her body-crushing climax hit her filling womb while she rode Mark’s cock fast and hard and felt his seed fill deep within her.

“Lay down, Rhea,” Ann sternly said to her.

Rhea looked at Ann with surprise but did as she commanded.  Rhea laid back on the bed while Ann pushed off Mark’s face and moved down his body. 

Ann grabbed Mark’s cock with one hand and slid it into her crevice. To her surprise, Mark’s cock started to get rigid again when she leaned down and buried her face into Rhea’s core.  She drank both of their essences while she sucked and licked Rhea’s cum soaked pussy. 

Ann moved up and down slowly on Mark’s long cock while he watched.  Mark enjoyed watching Ann’s pussy grip his dick while she moved her petite ass up and down.  He enjoyed how his cock looked while it spread a female’s crevice wide; knowing the pleasure was immense for her while she rode him was the most incredible turn-on, he thought as he smiled to himself.

“Fuck Ann, you’re going to make me cum again,” Grunted Rhea grabbing the sheets hard behind her head while sweat formed between her breasts.

“Yes, I am, you little slut,” Ann stated when she pulled her mouth momentarily from her pussy.

“God, I love dirty talk,” exclaimed Mark right when Rhea let loose a cacophony of obscenities

“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, me, oh fuck you, oh GOD!” Rhea spewed out while her orgasm cliched her thighs shut around Ann’s head, and her cum sprayed over Ann’s face.

Ann could taste both of them when Rhea orgasmed; it was exhilarating, she thought.

Ann felt terrific hearing Rhea’s screams of delight. She had never given head to a woman, and now she was being squirted on for the second time today.

Ann also felt her orgasm coming quickly when Rhea finally uncliched her thighs.

“OH, FUCK ME!” yelled Ann when Mark’s cock dug into her cervix with a final thrust of his hips.

Feeling Ann’s core contracting sent Mark over the edge again.

“Oh, yes, fuck Ann, take that cock, take it all,” moaned Mark when his climax hit, filling Ann’s pussy full of his seed.

All three lay on the bed, caressing each other.  They slowly moved from one another, kissing, licking, and sucking the essence from each other’s bodies. 

Each was in a state of bliss they couldn’t pull their naked forms from while they enjoyed and explored each of their bodies together.

“How about we take this party to the shower?” Rhea said when she finally pulled her body from Ann’s

“Sounds good to me,” said a satisfied Mark as he jumped up and headed for the bathroom.

“Sure, Um, Rhea, do you think the plan will work,” said a quiet Ann while she rubbed her hand through Rhea’s hair.

“I do, lovely, I think Chuck will embrace this lifestyle, but you have to accept it first,” said Rhea before she leaned in and kissed Ann deeply.

“I do accept it; I don’t think I could go on without the two of you in my life,” Ann whispered, kissing Rhea back passionately.

“I just have to ask, how was my husband?” Ann asked with sincere concern in her eyes.

“He’s a wonderful man, and the sex was wonderful Ann; he needed what I gave him; you know he’s hung like an eggplant, right?” Rhea stated with a smile and a wink.

“Of course I do; it’s half the reason I married him,” laughed Ann, looking into Rhea’s smirking face.

“I have to be honest, Ann, I have a fetish for older men, Mark knows, but I thought before we put the plan in place that you needed to as well,” Rhea said with a caring, soft voice.

“Now you have me intrigued, Rhea; I wish I were there when it happened,” Ann said, giving Rhea her smirk.

“Oh, how I wish you were too; taking in your husband was honestly the hardest thing I have ever done sexually; it was painful, to say the least, but it had a pleasure all its own,” Rhea smiled, kissing Ann on the lips.

“You don’t have to tell me; it took me three months of pain and rawness to get used to his cock; he took my virginity; he used to brag that he’d turn me bow-legged before long,” said a laughing Ann while she caressed Rhea’s breasts in her tiny hands.

“That’s a scary way to pop your cherry,” laughed Rhea with amazement in her eyes.

“I’m still sore, and it’s been two weeks,” whispered a smiling Rhea before she put her lips on Ann’s breast, which caused a moan from Ann’s lips.

The two women embraced each other, forming a true love bond as they caressed each other’s bodies with kisses and licks. They lay there a few more moments, just taking in each other’s gaze and touches before the silence was broken.

The two unknowingly formed a pack that could never be broken as they accepted each other and their lovers as one during those moments of passion together.

“You two coming?” shouted Mark from the shower, already lathered in soap.

They laughed hard like they were kids again before they both got up and headed for the bathroom.

“There’s room for only two ladies,” Mark chuckled when they both got in and closed the shower door.

The three cleaned each other thoroughly while caressing each other’s bodies. Taking turns on Mark, both women sucked and rubbed him to yet another climax while both women licked and rubbed each other to a few more orgasms before they cleaned up and got dressed.

Ann could barely put her clothes on from the soreness throughout her body, but at the same time, she had never felt so exhilarated. When she finally slipped her heels on, she looked over; a smile broke across her face while she eyed Mark and Rhea dressing and bantering playfully.

It reminded her of when Chuck and she were younger, so full of life and happiness.  She thought it strikingly odd that Rhea had pegged her and Chuck so thoroughly well.  It was like looking in a mirror from twenty years ago while she watched the two. 

“Are we good?” Rhea spoke softly when she walked up to Ann.

“Yeah, we are good,” Ann said, leaning in and kissing Rhea deeply. 

“Not sure it will work, but I’m all in for trying,” Ann told Rhea, stepping back from their embrace.

“It will; just keep an eye out for my text and let me know what night works, okay?” Rhea said with a smile and a wink.

“Will do beautiful,” Ann said while she walked to Mark.

“I hope you don’t want to slug me after all this?” Mark smiled but said it with a hint of concern.

“Not at all; I wanted to thank you, you opened my eyes to what could be,” said Ann before she leaned in and kissed Mark hard.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” Mark responded, picking her off the ground and kissing her deeply.

“I hope you know it’s not just the great sex with you,” Ann smirked at Mark after he put her down.

“Oh, I know, but it certainly doesn’t hurt,” Mark chided with a wink.

“No, it certainly doesn’t,” Ann said with a laugh and a hard smack to Mark’s backside.

Ann kissed them both again, feeling like she didn’t want to leave, but she knew she had to get back before Chuck did.  She walked out the front door and entered her car. 

She sat there for a while, watching Mark close the front door and wondering if they would get after it again in the bed or on the table after she left. 

She looked down at her bare thighs below the hem of her dress and could still see them shaking slightly from night events. 

Her body felt like she’d been used as a fuck toy for the first time in her life, and she loved every second of that thought and feeling. She smiled inwardly at the thought of Chuck and the devious plan; looking up and out the front windshield, Ann started the car and headed home.    


PT. 4 – Coming Soon! 

Published 2 years ago

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