Death Of A Dream

"Missing my little light"

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It appeared like a little light at the end of the dark tunnel of life
Beckoning me towards it calling my name
Flickering like it could extinguish at any time
But burning bright and hot sometimes, a white hot flame

It kept changing but never wavered
That little light was getting closer
Almost in reach I kept hunting for it
Its warmth enticed me to want it, to need it

It used me for fuel and I feed it willingly
I used it to feed my heart and soul
Never did anything feel so right
Illuminating the darkness so very bright

Now it has vanished it is barely a spark
My little light seems gone leaving an emptiness in my heart
So out of reach getting so much more dark
No amount of fuel will ignite that spark

I will always wait for the day to arrive
When the winds of change turn my spark back into a flame
Back to its familiar place in my life
And the fuel I feed it will make it burn bright

Published 15 years ago

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