Dead Doll

"Can you solve the case and figure out who the killer is?"

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The phone rings in another universe, but I don’t wake up until Lucy climbs over me to answer. I feel her young, firm breasts on my chest before I hear her voice.

“Jim Barlowe P.I.” she says, and the phrase doesn’t sound as nifty as it did fifteen years ago. “This is his secretary.”

The person on the other end of the line says something, and then Lucy says; “Alright, I’ll tell him,” and hangs up.

She moves herself around until she’s laying on top of me under the covers, with her knees on the bed on both sides of me and I can feel the heat from her pussy on the tip of my cock. I want to sleep more and so I pretend I’m not awake, but my cock betrays me and stiffens up.

“Well?” I say with my eyes still closed.

“It was Rowe. Some old lady got herself killed at the Darella Hotel,” she says into my neck. “He’s waiting for you there.” She starts to rub against the tip.

I open my eyes, but the world is still spinning so I close them again.

“Rowe? At the Darella? But that’s a two hour drive.”


It slips inside her, and I let her ride me until we both come. It doesn’t take long.

A shower and a cold cup of yesterdays coffee with the last drops of the brandy we had just a few hours earlier in it, and I’m somewhat able to drive. We reach the hotel as the sun peeks over the white tops of the mountains.

The Darella is part of a small ski resort, but it’s springtime and the hotel is just below the snow line now. The grass seems even greener here than farther down. We walk in and a skinny bellboy, barely out of his teens, with dark brown hair hanging down and covering most of his face tells us his name is Aron, and takes us up the stairs to the second floor.

There are four doors there, two on each side of the hall. There’s a No smoking sign on all of them, which doesn’t go well with the smell of cigarette smoke in the air. Aron takes us to number 202. He just points to the door and walks away.

Detective Rowe is inside, with two police officers.

“You look like shit, Jim,” Rowe says when he sees me.

“Good morning to you too,” I say. “Who is this?” I nod my head at the dead body on the bed. It’s a blonde woman, maybe in her early fifties. She’s naked apart from a cast around her right wrist and a dark blue silk scarf around her neck.

“That, my friend,” he says, “is Diana Doll.”

I wait for him to continue, but then I realize that he obviously thinks the name should mean something to me.


“Diana Doll. She had a few hits in the eighties. One of those broads with a shitty voice but great tits. Probably wouldn’t have sold one single if she wasn’t half naked on the cover of them. Hey, Lucy.”

Lucy smiles and waves childishly to him.

She still has great tits, I deduce. And she had obviously been a beauty once. From a distance, like say the distance between an audience and an artist on a stage, she could still pass as a bombshell. Well, not anymore of course, her blue lips and the marks on her neck ruins that impression.

“Who strangled her?”

“That’s why you’re here, Jim.”

“Any suspects?”

“Three of them, actually. Her PA and two of the employees here at the hotel.”

“Why them?”

“Because they’re the only ones who where up here before she died. There’s a security camera down in the lobby, facing the stairs. Those three were the only ones going up here last night. There aren’t any other guests here.”

“I see.”

“But that’s all we have. No other evidence.”


“Tons. Nothing useful.”

“Time of death?”

“Some time between ten and midnight, I’d say. Give or take an hour.”

“Did you question the suspects?”

“Just a couple questions. It’s all yours, Jim.”

“Do you mind?”

“Hey, the less I have to do, the better, right? Can they take her away now?”

“Give me a second.”

I turn to Lucy. “Need anything more?”

She looks around the room for a moment, and shakes her head.

“Then go and do your thing.” She spins around and walks away, a little too enthusiastic.

The curtains are pulled away, and through the window I can see the sun has already fully escaped from its cover behind the mountains.

On the bedside table, next to a digital clock that says 07:42, there’s a plate with a typical hotel breakfast on it. A toast, a sliced, hard boiled egg, a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice. She’s eaten most of the toast, and the glass of juice is half full with a distinct bright red lipstick mark on the rim of it.

On a desk by the south wall there’s an open suitcase with clothes neatly folded inside. Beside it is an open and stuffed makeup bag.

“What’s with the bandage?” I ask.

“She did a photo shoot yesterday morning. Some promotional thing. I may be old, and I can’t sing to save my life, but I still look hot in a one piece ski suit! You know? But apparently she’d never skied before, and she fell and broke her wrist.”

“That’s why she was here at the hotel? For the photo shoot?”

“No. She was suppose to do a concert down in the valley tonight. Guess she wanted to make a comeback, but I think they sold like twenty tickets or so.”

“Is there a room I can use, an office or something? For the interrogations?”


We leave the hotel room together and let the two police officers finish up.

“And get me a pot of coffee, will you?” I say.

“And maybe a mint?”

I shrug. “We’ll see what Lucy has, and then I’ll start with the PA.”

We’re in the hotel’s conference room, a medium sized room with a table with four chairs around it in the middle, a coffee machine and a ceramic sink by the wall to my left and a two seater by the wall to my right, when Lucy enters. It’s been almost an hour, but Rowe is still sipping on his first cup of coffee. I have already finished three cups and half a box of lemon tic tacs.

We’ve just gone through the recording from the security camera. As the time stamp on the screen shows 20:55 last night, there’s a woman, Diana Doll’s personal assistant, walking up the stairs. Just before half past nine she comes down the stairs again, passes the reception desk and seems to nod a hello to someone behind it, just out of sight of the camera view, and then she disappears to the right of the picture.

Less than an hour later someone who could only be Aron, the long haired kid we met when we got here, comes through the door marked Concierge behind the reception desk, leaves the desk and walks up the stairs. He’s gone for about fifteen minutes, and as the timestamp shows 22:34 he comes back and sits down in front of the computer behind the desk.

Just before midnight a young girl in the hotel’s uniform goes upstairs with a meal plate in her hands. And at 00:46 she comes back down the stairs and walks away.

Fast forward to this morning, at exactly 05:00, Aron is the one going up the stairs with a meal plate. Three minutes later he’s running back down the stairs, the food on the plate bouncing, one glass has fallen over. He’s carrying it with just one hand now, his other hand is covering his mouth as if he’s trying to keep from throwing up or maybe wiping it as if he’s already puked.

“He’s the one who found her this morning,” Rowe explains.

Lucy can’t hide her impatience, dancing from one foot to the other.

“What have you got?” I ask.

“Quite a few things,” she says. “No one can gossip like hotel kitchen staff.”

She opens her notebook, but doesn’t even look at it when she speaks.

“So, the two hotel employees are Aron, the guy you’ve already met. He’s a bellboy slash desk clerk on the night shift. Has an interesting history, got himself arrested over and over a few years ago for theft. Apparently, this guy was some kind of master pickpocket, could shake your hand while slipping your wrist watch off and you’d never know.

And he’s a hardcore Diana Doll fan. According to the staff, after they learned about her coming here a few months ago, he wouldn’t stop talking about her. Kept telling everyone that when she got here, he was going to ask her out and they would fall in love and get married and all. Then one of them told him; Don’t you know she’s a dyke? and he freaked out. Got really angry at first, then bawled his eyes out and didn’t come to work for three days.”


“I know, right? And then there’s Bethany. Room service and housekeeping, really cute girl. Oh, and… those two, Aron and Bethany? They hate each other. Used to date, but broke up a year ago or so, and they’ve barely said a word to each other after that. In fact, everyone was shocked when he walked up to her and gave her a hug this morning, when the police showed up and rounded everyone up and all.

Anyway, the reason for the break up seems to be that she was too much for him to handle, or rather he wasn’t enough for her. You know, in bed. Apparently, she’s really kinky. Like’s it rough.”

Rowe’s eyebrows raise slightly.

“And get this,” Lucy continues. “The scarf around Diana Doll’s neck, the scarf she was strangled with? It’s part of the uniform that the girls in housekeeping wear.”

“I knew that,” Rowe says, but Lucy ignores him.

“The PA is Mona Sands. She’s been working for Diana Doll for many years. She got divorced from her husband six years ago, right around the time when Diana Doll came out as a lesbian.”


“Yeah. I found an article online.” She picks a folded piece of paper out of the back pocket of her jeans, and hands it to me. It’s a printout of an article from a tabloid newspaper and the headline is; The secrets of Diana Doll. Under the headline I read; Diana Doll never goes to bed without her makeup on. But that is not the only bedroom secret this still sexy 80’s pop-singer and glam model shares in this exclusive interview.

“So did Diana and this Mona Sands have an affair?”

“Don’t know.”

“Anything else?”

“Nope. That’s it.”

“Great. Good work, Lucy.” I turn to Rowe. “Could you send Mona Sands in first? And make sure we’re not disturbed.” Rowe nods and leaves the room.

A few minutes later Mona Sands walks in.

“Lock the door, please,” I say and she does.

I stand up and shake her hand, giving her my usual “Barlowe. Jim Barlowe.”

She just introduces herself as Mona. She’s blonde, with her long hair in a pony tail, and with red, puffy eyes behind red rimmed glasses. She sits down on the chair opposite me, and folds her arms nervously around herself. She’s pretty. That’s good.

She glances over at Lucy who’s now sitting in the sofa.

“She’s just here to take notes,” I say. “Tell me about your relationship with Miss Doll.”

“I’m her… I mean, I was her personal assistant. I’ve been with her for almost ten years.”

“And did you get along?”

“Yes, of course. We were friends.”

“Tell me why you were here at the Darella.”

“For a concert. She has a new album coming out, so… It was a PR gig for the release.”

“Is it any good?”

“Excuse me?”

“Her new album. Is it any good?”

She stares at me for a while, and then shakes her head. “Not really.”

“Where you and Miss Doll lovers, Mona?”

Her jaw drops.

“Excuse me??”

“Are you a lesbian, Miss Sands? Where you two lovers? Is that why your husband left you?”

“He didn’t leave me, I left him. And no, I’m not. And she wasn’t either, by the way.”

“She was in the news some years ago when she came out of the closet. Isn’t that right?”

“Yeah, but it was all bullshit. She had someone leak,” she says, curling two fingers in the air at the word leak, “all kinds of stuff to the media. How she was a lesbian and a nympho, into weird shit like bondage and s and m and asphyxiation and stuff like that.

Being in the media is everything in this business, and if it’s about sex then all the better.

Sure, she’s been in bed with a few girls, she usually couldn’t say no to the young, cute ones, but she’s into guys that’s for sure. It was all for the publicity, that’s all. And so that…”

She cuts herself off.

“So that… what?”

“So that no one would believe me if I talked to the press about her and Charles.”


“My husband. My ex husband. They had an affair. That’s why I left him.”

“I see. But you stayed with Miss Doll?”

She shrugs. “It’s a job, right? And we talked it out. I got over it.”

“Why did you go to her room yesterday evening?”

“To discuss the concert, of course. She didn’t want to cancel, and we talked about how to do the show.”


“She broke her wrist yesterday, so she wouldn’t be able to hold the microphone. And she’s no good with her left hand. At all. But we decided to use a microphone stand, and she just wouldn’t dance around much. It would all be playback anyway, so it wouldn’t matter.”

“I see.” I lean back in my chair and fold my hands behind my neck. “So is that why you killed her, Miss Sands?”


“Because you were working for someone who was at the very end of her career? One last publicity stunt, for your own benefit this time. It would make it easier for you to get a new job for someone who actually has a future in the business, right? Like you said, being in the media is everything.”

“What? No…”

“Or, because she had an affair with your husband?”

“No. That was years ago.”

“Revenge is a dish best served cold, Miss Sands.”

She just stares at me, and I can see her hands shaking. I let her sit there like that for several minutes, giving her time to think about her situation. Giving her time to come up with her own scenarios for her future.

“Look,” I say, leaning forward again. “I don’t really care about this case. And you’re a very sexy woman, Miss Sands. I can make it all go away. For just a small favor, of course.”

“What? I… I don’t understand.”

“Sure you do,” I say. “Like I said, you’re a very sexy woman. And the door is locked…”

“You want me to…?” She turns to Lucy, but Lucy just stares back at her, chewing on her pen.

“Either that, or you’re going to the police station as the prime suspect.”

“But I didn’t do it!”

“I think you did. You were with her last night, and this morning she was found dead. Who else could have done it? And why? No one else here even knew her. You are the only one with a motive.”

She’s quiet for a long time.

“And you can make it go away?” she says finally, almost too quiet to hear.

“All of it. Just another unsolved mystery, forgotten in a few days.”

“If I…”

I get up and walk around the table. As I open my pants, I say; “If you’re not a lesbian, of course.”

She hesitates, but not for very long. After a last, quick glance at Lucy she pulls my boxers down and my cock pops out. She folds her hand around it and jerks it slowly. Then she seems to consider her options one last time before she puts her lips around it. I let her suck me for a few minutes before I tell her to stand up and turn around.

I put one hand on the back of her head and the other on her hip and she bends over the table. I pull her skirt up and her pantyhose and panties down and then I grab my cock and guide it in her. She groans.

I fuck her with my hands on her ass cheeks. She’s quiet at first, but then I hear her moaning and breathing as she begins to enjoy it. I reach around and start to rub her clit. She spreads her legs as far as the pantyhose around her thighs let her and then she puts one hand on my hand, showing me the speed and rhythm she wants. I do it the way she wants me to for a while, but then I pick up the speed, both with my hand and my cock. Soon she comes, and at the end of her orgasm I come too, inside of her.

I pull out of her and zip up. She turns around after she’s pulled her clothes back up.

“So… okay now?” she says.

“We’ll see,” I say. “You can go.”

I walk over to the sink to wash my hands.

“Bethany or Aron?” Lucy asks from behind me.

I turn around as I dry my hands with a paper towel. “What do you think?”

She licks her lips. “Bethany,” she says.

I agree.

She walks out and just a few seconds later she’s back, following a cute, young brunette in a dark blue uniform. The girl looks a little uneasy as I walk towards her and shake her hand.

“I’m Jim,” I say.

“Bethany,” she answers.

“Sit down, Bethany.”

Lucy locks the door and returns to the sofa. I sit down on the edge of the table.

“So,” I begin, “this shouldn’t take long, Bethany. Just tell me about yesterday. You were in Miss Doll’s room last night?”

“Yes. I brought her supper.”

“What was it?”

“Toast and egg. She called the reception last night and said she was hungry. I grabbed some of the things we had ready for breakfast.”

“Did you talk with her?”

“No, she was asleep when I got there.”

“So what did you do?”

“I knocked, but she didn’t answer. So I let myself in and the room was dark and she was asleep. So I just put it down by her bed.”

“And then you left?”


“And this took you fifty minutes?”

She doesn’t answer.

“You were in her room for fifty minutes, Bethany. Why?”

“I wasn’t.”

“You’re on camera, going up to her room last night and coming back down almost an hour later.”

“But I wasn’t in her room. I was… I went into 204 to have a smoke.”


“Look, we’re not suppose to smoke anywhere. But no one’s here at night. No one who cares anyway. Everybody does it.”

“So you had a fifty minute cigarette?”

“Well, not just one. And I watched TV a little. And…”

“And? What?”

“I took some things from the mini bar, okay? You’re not going to tell anyone, are you? Everyone does it anyway.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “This may take a little longer than I thought, Bethany,” I say.


“Because you were the last one in her room. And you were there for a very long time.”

“But I wasn’t…”

“Did she seduce you?”


“Did the two of you have sex?”

“What?? Eew! No!”

“Stand up, Bethany,” I say, and she does. “Open your blouse, please.”

She frowns at me. “Why?”

“Just do it,” I say.

She slowly unbuttons the top part of her blouse.

“All the way,” I say.

She looks at me, then at Lucy, but again Lucy just stares back chewing on her pen. When the girl keeps looking at her, Lucy gives her a soft but strict do as you’re told – look, and Bethany obeys.

She opens her blouse completely. “Take it off,” I say, and she does. She doesn’t have a bra on and she stands there as the nipples on her small, perky tits slowly becomes erect , but she doesn’t try to cover herself up in any way. She just stands there holding her blouse.

“Now, Bethany,” I say. “Where’s your scarf?”

The question seems to surprise her, and her hand goes up to her neck as if she expects the scarf to be there.

“I… I don’t know,” she says.

“I think you’re in trouble, Bethany.”

“I can get a new one,” she stammers. “In the concierge’s office there’s…”

“That’s not what I mean, Bethany.”

Her eyes tear up a little. I pull my t-shirt off and stand up in front of her. I hold her face in my hands and then I kiss her. She doesn’t kiss me back, but she doesn’t pull away either. I kiss her neck and down to her breasts. As I lick her nipples, she sighs deep. I move back up and kiss her again.

“Take your clothes off,” I whisper.

She undresses and I do too. When we’re both naked I lift her up on the table. She lays down on her back, pulling me with her. I lay on top of her and she spreads her legs so I can enter her. She’s very wet.

Almost immediately I begin to fuck her hard, and she’s grabbing my ass, scratching my back and pulling at my hair.

As I start to suck on her nipples I reach for her throat and put my hand on it. I squeeze just a little as I fuck her harder and harder.

“Oh yes, yes,” she cries, and puts both her hands around my neck, choking me. She stares into my eyes and moans through her teeth. She squeals as she comes. I pull out of her and come on her stomach. She doesn’t let go of my neck until I’m done.

It’s only when she’s wiped herself off and put her uniform back on that she looks at Lucy again, as if she’s forgotten she was there.

“It’s okay,” I say.

“You found Miss Doll this morning?” I say as Aron sits down.


“What did you go up there for?”

“Breakfast. She wanted an early breakfast. I knocked on her door but she didn’t open so I walked in. And then I saw that she was dead.”

“Right away?”


“You also went to her room last night?”


“Word is you had some kind of an… infatuation with her?”

“No I didn’t. She’s just some old chick who used to be famous. I went there to ask for her autograph, that’s all. I thought maybe I could sell it on e-bay or something.”

“Did you get it?”

“No. I waited a bit but she didn’t open the door.”

“So you weren’t in love with her?”

“Fuck no, of course not!”

“Why of course?”

“Because it’s impossible.”




“Dude… Cause I’m gay, alright?”

“Oh really. Well, that’s convenient isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you being in love with her and pissed off that she was into women, as people say, would give you a reason to kill her.”

“That’s bullshit.”

“I’ve seen murderers with less of a motive than that many times.”

“Yeah, well I didn’t do it. I’m gay, so…”

“I’m not sure I believe you.”

“But it’s true.”

“Prove it.”

“What? How?”

I push my chair away from the table and open the zipper in my pants. As he watches wide-eyed, I drag my cock out.

“I know one way you can prove it.”

He’s stunned at first, but then he gets up and walks around the table. He goes down on his knees in front of me, grabs my cock and puts it in his mouth. Just for a few seconds, but he’s good at it and my cock hardens in his mouth. There’s no doubt he’s done it quite a few times before. Then he stops and stands up.

“There, you happy?”

“No. A ten second blow job doesn’t prove anything, Aron. You have to be more convincing than that.”

He drops to his knees again, and this time he goes to work on my cock. Sucking on the tip, licking it all over, deep throating it, jerking me off while licking the shaft.

After maybe five minutes of that he stands up, and I’m about to tell him that Hey, you’re not done, pal, when he takes off his pants and underwear. His dick is small, but rock hard, and, wearing only his shirt, he moves over my lap. Then he squats down, grabs my dick and guides it between his ass cheeks. When the tip of it touches his asshole he pushes himself down on it. He’s tight, and it takes some effort but with my cock covered in his spit it finally goes in.

He rides me like that, lifting himself up and down my cock while he jerks himself off.

It’s just a short while before I can tell he’s about to come, and so I grab his dick, pushing his hand away, and jerk him until he squirts. I make sure I don’t get any of it on me.

When he’s done I grab his hips and start to thrust hard in and out of him until I come. I pump his ass full as he whimpers and moans with his eyes closed, and then he gets up.

“You can go now,” I say.

As I wash myself again, I look at Lucy. She smiles at me. She’s breathing heavily and her face is blushed.

We walk out of the conference room together and as Rowe sees us and walks towards us she kisses me on the cheek. “Well?” she says.

“You figured it out right away, didn’t you?” I say. “Again.”

She nods proudly. “More or less.”

Rowe clears his voice. “So? What have you got?”

“There’s one item in Miss Doll’s room on which you’ll find fingerprints that shouldn’t be there,” I say. “But I can tell you right now who did it, if you want.”



Published 8 years ago

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