It’s late evening already, but still dreadfully hot in Faerun. The intermittent touch of the bright orange sun is almost scalding, even beneath the shadowy cover of the forest trees. It’s the second week of Elesias and I’m traveling to Zhentil Keep as I do every month. I tend to move North by foot through the forest of Cormanthor and across the Moonsea between Yulash and the Keep.
I must reach the High Magistrate there by tomorrow night. He has employed my services as a scout within the regions of Cormyr and Sembia, and each month I return to him with maps, pictures, intercepted messages, and occasionally the head of one of his many adversaries. He is a young and sturdy Human, Lord Jaro Evanzer, new to his position of power and obsessed with maintaining it; and I’m gradually sensing the feeling that he wants me for more than my abilities in reconnaissance and assassination.
I don’t think I would mind it, he’s very charming and wealthy and I find myself smiling as I walk; with the thought of him closing the door behind me as I enter his chamber to report on my discoveries. He always has me disarmed before I’m allowed to enter, and it is always only the two of us alone in his Council Room. He always has me stand in place, walking slowly around me and staring at me as I answer his questions and obey his commands.
I remember on one occasion that I inadvertently tore one of the documents I was carrying, rendering its information impossible to discern. Lord Evanzer was strict and irate, grasping me by my short red hair and leaning me forward against his War Table. He bent me over at my hips, with both of my hands outstretched and resting against the smooth obsidian surface. I didn’t dare move or resist him. He left the room and quickly returned with a long wooden switch. I consider myself fortunate that he didn’t disrobe me before lashing me fifteen times across my ass. He keeps the switch beside his throne, now.
I check my satchel to ensure that none of this month’s documents are torn and continue silently through the woods. I’m wearing as little as I can because of the temperature, frequently wiping my tattered and matted hair away from my eyes as I navigate. My neck, chest, and small breasts are beaded with a light layer of perspiration as they sway freely beneath my tight brown leather tunic, receiving very little support. A green sash holds my deerskin pants around my hips while my soft boots leave no trail in my wake. As usual, I’m covered in dirt, leaves, and sticks.
Something, however, is different this time. In fact, the past few times. I know that someone has been watching me. My Elven senses can normally detect anything within a hundred yards of me, no matter the concealment, but this presence has somehow always eluded me. All I know is that it’s there.
It seems harmless, I ignore it and move on, but suddenly feel the caress of a whisper against my long right ear, “Mankoi naa lle e’ su’h y’ asca, ninde cath?” If I’m not hallucinating, the language explains the elusiveness of its bearer. I turn quickly to see nothing but forest. Then the touch of something against my left ear sends me searching rapidly in the other direction. I reach there and discover a small white rose. “lle naa n’e en’ sul ar’ weary, tender edhel,” I hear again behind me, “leth auta en’ lle dela ar’ hama.”
When I look up from the rose, the Elf is finally standing there in front of me. He’s taller than I am, dressed in black and dark autumn red. He is wearing a leather hood with a silk mask across his nose and lower face. All I can see are his shinning green eyes. He repeats again, “Relax, slender kitten, it’s late and you’re moving far too quickly.” He walks away from me and rests upon the bark of a fallen tree. “These woods are mine, and you’re the first Elf I’ve seen within them in two hundred years. Please rest here for tonight, I promise to keep you safe.”
I’m tremendously tired, he seems genuine and is likewise the first Elf I’ve encountered in more decades than I can recall. I sit down on the grass beside a fern on the opposite side of the small trail. He speaks again in soft Elfish “I’ve watched over you the past few times you’ve come through, as I’m sure you’re aware. I know you, you’re Wyverness, the birds and the locals speak of you fondly.” He re-positions himself next to me in the grass and hands me a leaflet of paper. I unfold it to see a very detailed map. I look up and reply, “A concealed passage to the West? My Lord will be very pleased.”
His eyes betray a smile, “You can trust me, Wyverness, I’m here to help you.” he takes my bag from my arm, places it on the ground, and slides his hand and long fingers gently behind my neck, “I can show you many things you’ve overlooked.” He holds forth a small canteen of water and pulls me towards it while holding the back of my head. He steadies it in between my soft, red lips as I close my eyes and swallow.
He takes me by the hand, off the path, and down a sharp embankment. It is much cooler here, isolated and enclosed in shade with a small stream running through rocks of shimmering moonstone. We sit down again in the long grass at its bank and he continues to speak, “My name is Amrynn, and I’m concerned that you’ve overheated yourself.” He may actually be right; I’ve been moving as quickly as I can to avoid being late, but I’m now far ahead of pace and can afford to pause. I don’t argue as he removes the straps of my tunic from my shoulders and down my arms. I hold the top against my otherwise nude breasts to keep it from falling off.
Amrynn moves as close as he can alongside me and steadies me with his hand behind my back. He dampens a cloth of soft fur with the cool spring water and touches it softly to the front of my neck. The feeling of the refreshing water is delightful as it cascades down the front of my body, over and between my breasts, and down to the center of my tight leather pants. I sigh and lean against him as he presses the soft, wet fur lower and lower, tightly against my chest. He inevitably reaches my breasts and brushes my hands and tunic away from them without effort. One at a time, he suspends their soft flesh against gravity with the cloth, circling them comfortingly before resting them gently back into position.
Perhaps sensing my acquiescence by the stiffening of my small pink nipples, the Elf lowers his arm to let me fall topless onto my back in the high grass. He deftly undoes my twin ponytails and releases my hair against the ground. Looking directly down into my eyes the entire time, he re-moistens the fur, applies it to my lower stomach, and swiftly moves it down, underneath my belt and pants. I open widely my eyes and mouth, gasping in surprise as he tightens his hand, pressing the warm, wet fur securely against me in between my thighs. He holds it there, sliding the fur up and down against my soft entrance while supporting me behind my shoulders as I arch my back and softly moan towards the green canopy far above.
After countless minutes, he removes his hand from between my legs and brings the fur momentarily to his nose, making sure that I’m watching. The Elf places it on the ground and resumes his position inside my pants, this time with his bare hand. Already soaking wet by the water and my own arousal, he teases along my lips with his long, thin, dexterous fingers. I open my thighs, spreading my legs apart and bending my knees to allow him to wrap his slender fingers entirely around me and deeply in between my tight pink petals.
I cry out in pleasure as he finally enters me, setting a group of sparrows to flight from the dense bushes nearby. I continue to gasp and pant, nearly screaming as he expertly penetrates me again and again with his fingers. He leans over me to bring his lips to my erect nipples, kissing them and pinching them with his teeth. It’s been so long, I grasp the green wisps of grass beside me with both hands, clawing my fingernails into the soil and arching my back as I scream in a final climax that seems to echo repeatedly throughout the forest.
I lay there seemingly paralyzed, gasping helplessly for breath for several moments before returning to myself. I sit up and look around the area to find no one. I suppose I’ll never know if it was real or a dream.