David and Hanna Part Two: Hanna

"Getting to know my favorite couple over dinner."

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“No! Fuck you – I changed my mind,” she laughed, as I hooked her knee from behind and threw her onto her back. We grinned wide-eyed at one another when the mattress lurched beneath us and the walls echoed with the impact of the headboard. Hanna worked to fight me off while I held one of her wrists solidly against the bedsheets. The other wrist fluttered like a flock of panicked birds and I couldn’t follow it quickly enough to secure her.

“I win!” she roared.

Her bare breasts shook and her ribs compressed against my thighs as she drove her hips upward in a heroic attempt to buck me off. 

Two hours earlier we had been eyeing one another knowingly and slightly nervously across the island in my kitchen. Our systems were abuzz as we squeezed fresh limes into a blender and her husband, David, carefully rimmed three glasses with juice and a layer of pink crystalline salt. I pulled the charred skin from grilled peppers and drew a knife edge through the red, glistening flesh. Hanna wiped off her hands and fussed with the playlist.

Reaching past me for ice, David placed a palm affectionately across the small of my back. I smelled light citrus notes of cologne and took pleasure in the warmth of his torso beside mine. It had been three weeks since I had breached, terrified, the topic of my attraction to the two of them. My candor was rewarded with a friendship with David that not only deepened, but included a night spent in his bed. It was my first sexual experience with another man and in the days since then I’d been buoyed by a new feeling of openness and authenticity, and by the heroin of new relationship energy. 

This evening would be our first spent as a trio. Their two children were securely in the care of distant grandparents and we could turn our full attention to Hanna’s design for our evening:  her unrestricted access to the new toy in the relationship as payback for David and I sleeping together with her consent – but not her presence – on that first afternoon. David would watch and cheer us on from the sidelines and serve as referee if absolutely necessary.

She selected a bulletproof safe word (if any partner of mine yelled out Gonzaga! during lovemaking I’d surely stop whatever I was doing even if I didn’t know it was a red light). We had talked and texted boundaries and insecurities and menus of favorite ways to interact with a human body. It made for a heady two weeks of foreplay. And now, as she chewed cubes of marinated and grilled steak behind an endearing smile, I felt her fingertips beneath the table tracing a line upward along my inseam. The heightened state of arousal that was my new normal was kicked up several degrees and in the darkness of my thin boxer briefs my erection began painting a series of quarter-sized circles of lubrication.

The sexual tension was thick in the air – even while doing something so unsexy as scraping and rinsing dishes. Hana’s ass filled a thin floral dress with a chest-pain-inducing beauty. Her shining brown hair rolled off of her neck in long languid ringlets and as her pale blue eyes caught me over one bare shoulder I could see intent, and tequila, in her gaze – intent that I returned and we watched each other’s movements closely. I asked David, once again, how he was doing. Did this all feel OK? Did he have any reservations? Do we call this off before it intensifies? He smiled. He leaned in, and he kissed me on the mouth for the first time since I’d finished a cup of coffee and left the house he shared with Hanna twenty days before.

“From where I stand, it looks like we’re all good, Adam. But I’ll keep you posted. Don’t worry.”



Hanna was still rinsing dark chocolate rivulets from the last few saucers when I stepped behind her and quietly felt the surface of her legs, mid-thigh, just beneath the blue hem of her sundress. My fingertips explored the hairlessness of her quadriceps and hamstrings. As she rotated her head and tilted it back slightly, I laid my lips against her temple, taking in the slight lavender smell of her shampoo. She smiled softly, inhaled deeply, and rested her hands against the apron of the sink. Her dress elevated with my touch as I moved closer to her hips, past the gentle curves of her butt – up further still as my fingertips found the lace texture of the top of her thong. Turning slowly in the circumference of my light grip she elevated her arms and I followed the gesture with the soft blue cotton dress and its array of orange flowers. Up and over her shoulders, elbows, and painted fingernails it went.

I broke eye contact in order to take her all in: the rosy pink of her lips, the long graceful throat, the slope of her collarbones. Her breasts were supported by an expensive arabesque of pale blue lace and wire. They swelled upward from the pressure of the brassiere and my hands followed my gaze: brushing the point where the top of each breast became sternum and pectoral muscle. I rolled each strap free and passed my palms across the lightly-freckled slopes of her shoulders. We kissed.

The kiss was closed. It was patient. It was kind. I took her face in my hands and we inhaled one another’s breath through widening nostrils – kissing more deeply. More openly. Articulated teeth and lips and the tips of tongues. I felt her smile as she sucked my lower lip into her mouth, which then tightened from my own wide smile. We liked each other.

I pressed her into the cool stone of the countertop and she deftly worked her way through the buttons of my dress shirt. Our mouths opened and closed in a silent sensual dialogue. She managed my shirt free and leaned back slightly – maintaining our kiss while grinding her mons into my aching erection. Unclasping her bra, my hands caught the weight of her breasts, the delicate pattern still embossed on the pale skin. Hanna tore at the clasp of my belt and the buttons of my trousers. I stepped back, looked at her with wonder, lust and awe, and knelt down to unlace my shoes. She loomed above me: radiant and alive and erotic. I hooked the waistband of her knickers and drew them down toward two graceful, feminine ankles and she stepped one foot at a time into nakedness.

Bare to me, she kissed me again when I stood. My cock fought for freedom from my briefs and she gripped it through the fabric. I saw her eyes flash at my inhalation and she tugged at me teasingly.

“Maybe,” she began slowly, “this goes in my mouth.” She followed with another series of gentle tugs, pulling the skin up onto the head. The sensation was thrilling to my core.

She kissed my chin and whispered: “Would you like that?”

“I would,” I confessed, so enrapt that I lost all awareness for anything else in the world, including her husband who watched us from the corner of the room.

“Then you’re going to have to catch me!” And with that, she was bounding up the stairs two and three at a time.

I looked at David, and he just shrugged, as if to say: “That’s a new one to me, too. Good luck, friend.” I took off after Hanna – supporting myself against the wall of the stairwell – amazed by her quickness. She would enter a room and then find a way to avoid me in order to spring into the next. For his part, David suspected that this would all eventually end in the room with the largest bed, so he sat in the corner with a fresh margarita and one last slice of torte.

I guess we’ve found Hanna’s arousal style, I thought to myself as she head-faked me and dashed down the hallway just out of my grasp. Her strong legs propelled her like a gymnast in a floor routine and I’d picked up a few bruises in the pursuit. Following her into the bedroom, she attempted to leap the bed, double back, and escape me once again but I was able to manage – either through my own skill or her decision that the game had moved to the next phase – to grip her by the ankle and drop her onto the mattress.

In the warm lamplight of the bedroom, in this brief moment of stillness, I saw her foot curled below my grip and her calf extending away from me. From there, her thigh stretched into the distance and beyond that, her labia lay bare: reddened and aroused from the chase. I felt the presence of her body – beautiful and ready – in my solar plexus and I began to reel her in. She displaced the blankets in her desperate attempt to get away and they came with her across the bed, clutched in her tightened fists. I hungered for her and from what I could tell, she did for me as well. I would open her up and hold her down. God, she was delicious. Exquisite. And I hungered to fuck her.



I finally secured her second wrist and I used my body weight to pin her arms above her. She was still breathing heavily from our chase and she was spellbindingly beautiful below me. “You’ll never catch me,” she whispered, and she opened her lips for my kiss. Our movements against one another felt less like wrestling now and a bit more like dancing. I felt her legs wrap around my hips – a gesture that I can never get enough of – and I, in turn, let gravity press me into her. Sandwiched between my body and the mattress she turned her head to expose her neck and ears for my attention. I passed soft kisses and flicks of my tongue there while locating her vulva with the tip of my penis.

Using only hip movements, I caressed the floral folds of her labia with the soft skin of my frenulum. I heard her hum in pleasure and I looked up from her in search of David. He had stripped down and was comfortably sprawled in a chair nearby. He lazily worked the moisture of his precum into the head of his cock. He seemed pleased. At home. He gave me a thumbs-up and I thanked him with a look of gratitude and adoration.

Using it more like fingers or like my mouth, I continued to massage Hanna’s labia with my cock. They were now slick from the shared juices of our arousal. I placed my head just within the opening of her vagina – enough to drag her labia inward along with me, then I backed out. I felt her heels dig into my back and ass in an attempt to pull me deeper but I stayed at the threshold – gently within her, then circulating back along her lips and clitoris. Each time she pressed her pelvis toward me I arched away and stayed just on the edge. Finally, in two slow pushes, I entered her fully.

The sensation of her warmth and softness spread from my cock through the whole of my body and from her growl of appreciation I think it did the same for her. I followed this motion with a return to the surface: working her over superficially once again. Still pressing her helplessly against the bed, our mouths playing out endless variations of our kisses, I slid my penis across her clit, her lips; I hovered at her entrance, then pressed back inside against her soft corrugations and ground against her. The contrasts of the warmth of her interior compared to the coolness of her lubrication drying on my exposed shaft: it all felt luxurious. Velvet. Baroque. A somatic love sonnet.


And Release

The slow building of stimulation and the occasional penetration, only to have it taken away again, unlocked something in Hanna. I heard her breathing become more insistent and her grip on me intensified. She vocalized in a way that was like nothing I’d heard from her before and I felt it in my heart even more than in my arousal. If I thought I’d loved these two people before, it was nothing compared to the way I adored them now in this most vulnerable, human, and open state. I shoved Hanna down against the rumpled bedsheets and fucked her rhythmically and powerfully through the lifespan of her orgasm. I reveled in the grip of her cunt and the involuntary movements of her frame. I leaned in close and whispered just outside her ear as we ground our bodies together – pressing and rotating in ecstasy:

“Good girl.”

Hanna smiled dreamily at me as I released her arms. I kissed her again, tenderly, and rolled her onto her belly. From head to toe I massaged her. I worked the cocktail of pleasure chemicals through her tired muscles and marveled at her shapes. Relaxed from release, her body kneaded easily and when I finished I rolled her over and caressed her front. When I reached her feet I massaged upward to her calves and thighs, my stiff cock drooling precum at the sight of her, and I pressed her open at the hips to expose her freshly waxed and glistening genitals. I set myself up comfortably with my face between her smooth thighs.

She ran her fingers through my hair, sending shivers of frisson down the length of my body. Her voice drifted in repose and contentment:

“You’re good to me.”

I kissed all around her: inner thighs, mons, labia majora. I reveled in her scent and slid my tongue deep within, savoring her taste. Her fingernails communicated approval. I kissed. I ate. I opened her legs wider, sucked her lips into my mouth one at a time, and encircled her clit in lashings from my tongue. The pleasure of texture – of surface and rhythm and its countless combinations; I could do this endlessly. Over time, her arousal built again and I tracked the sound of her quickening respirations. I felt the rolling of her pelvis and the tightening – the thickening of her lips. I brought a free hand to her perineum and gently let its presence be known. Maintaining my tongue’s rhythm according to her body language I stayed at it until the soft touch of my fingertips on her sensitive perineum and anus brought her over the edge.  Again, she bucked and grunted and held me by the hair, and I stayed with her – with just static gentle contact – until she unclenched and permitted my movement once again.

I rolled her back to her belly. I ached to cum. I propped her hips with pillows for the angle and held my cock against her, lubricating the shining engorged head and planting it at the aperture of her vagina. Slowly I pressed back in – back into a body I had fantasized about so many times. A body I’d imagined in its nakedness but never dreamed of seeing in real life – the body of this woman with whom I was falling in love more each moment. And as I drove into her, feeling the soft resistance of her ass against my hip crests, I watched her husband. I watched his body in the dim light. I watched him pass his hand along the shaft of his cock in rhythm with us. Hanna watched him too, and I could see that they were making eye contact and he looked at her with love and appreciation.

My pace grew faster and David’s did right alongside. Hanna looked over her shoulder at me sweetly, lovingly. I took long strokes from the hips – nearly leaving her, and then returning fully to her warmth and pressure. I began cussing under my breath with pleasure and thankfulness. I saw the rigid outline of David’s abdominal muscles as his tension began to reach its peak and I walked off my own precipice at the same time. Hanna’s ass rippled from my thrusting. I watched her body, fascinated, as I filled her. My cock convulsed again and again and distantly I heard her words of praise and love. David’s cockhead swelled and seized and he threw one skein of cum after another at his chest and belly. We watched each other – he and I. And I rested my weight on Hanna’s back to kiss her softly and gratefully. “Thank you, Sweet One.”

“I think we’ll keep you,” she cooed, and turned to kiss me fully on the mouth as I slid from her, leaving a gossamer stripe of semen and lubrication across her ass. We gestured for David to join us and we all curled together into a mixture of body parts and skin. Whose was whose mattered little: any bit of flesh one discovered belonged to someone loved and appreciated. We kissed, debriefed, and laughed. At some point, we dozed a bit. And later on, in the sleepy pre-dawn hours, it all started up again.

Published 3 years ago

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