David and Hanna Part Three: Trio

"Three new lovers off for a weekend together in the mountains."

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David and Hannah and I had spent the night in my bed together for the first time. Romantic discovery is a powerful stimulant and as a result, I hadn’t slept much. There was a great deal of whispering, joking, quiet exploration of different textures of skin, and naked cuddling. I remember times like these: the elysian years during college when long sleepless nights of play with a new flame were not infrequent. But it has been decades since I’ve danced this thrilling liminal balancing act between day and night; between stranger and lover. I have missed it.



I don’t know what sound brought me around, but the scene I took in as I adjusted to the light may as well have been a dream and I will always shake my head in amazement that I could be such a lucky bastard. Hanna had gently set a carafe of coffee on the end table near my head. With only the slightest ceramic clink she rested three empty mugs beside it. Her hair was tousled, her face wore the sweetest, most engaging smile, and she was completely naked. She kneeled beside the bed, putting her face inches from mine.

“Good morning, dear sleepy Adam,” her eyes were miraculously clear despite the sleeplessness. The irises were a light turquoise ringed with indigo and I watched them as they diverted from my face and followed the rightward rotation of her head.

“And what do we have here?” she asked playfully. Her gentle fingers alerted me to my morning erection and sent the most delicious chills across my body. I felt another cascade of pleasure – waves of thrilling sensation and a gentle pop as she pressed it downward toward my feet like the arm of a slot machine. How did she know how much I would love that?

Slowly she positioned me on my back and took up a place between my legs. She massaged my scrotum and pulled tenderly on the skin of my shaft.

“Relax,” she mouthed silently, and I felt myself sink deeper into the support of the mattress, pillow, and her gifted hands. My next sensation was the gentle wash of her hair over my abdomen as she bent down toward me. Somewhere behind the screen of that long brown slightly-matted-from-fucking curtain I knew what was coming but I couldn’t see it. And when it finally arrived – that whisper-soft sensation of her lips on the glans of my penis…

Well, sometimes words just fail.

David stirred beside me and I turned to look at him with half-lidded languid eyes. I reached out in his direction.

“Hey,” he said sleepily.

With a sweeping backward toss of her hair and a sloppy ‘pop’ from her mouth, Hanna stroked me and smiled:

“Mmmmm. Morning, Honey. I’ll get you in on some of this too.”

“You’re good,” David hummed. “Keep doing that.” And he nestled in close, dozing with his head on my shoulder. His hands passed over me lazily as his wife’s mouth returned to a mesmerizing remedy for my morning wood. I felt along David’s belly and discovered his own stiff cock. I took it in my hand and massaged it gently.

“I like that. You’re nice.” His stubble made a sandpaper-like sound as he nuzzled me. “We like fucking you.”

“I like it too,” I whispered, and I lifted his head to kiss him. We kissed slowly, soaking in the first beautiful sensations of the morning.

As I felt the energy building I left David’s mouth just enough to speak:

“Fuck, Hanna. You’re making me cum.”

“Mmmm hmmm,” she replied, in a tone that said, “proceed.”

And proceed I did. I grunted against David’s lips and tongue as I felt my body flex. In the intensity I abandoned the kiss and held Hanna’s head still, riding out my orgasm by rolling my hips in deep satisfaction. I fucked her glistening, sloppy mouth as she drank from me and passed long sweeps of her hands over my ass, chest, and belly – silently praising my climax.

I kept one hand on David’s shining-hard penis and rose to my knees, matching Hanna’s pose as she sat up from draining me. I kissed her fully and deeply, overflowing with gratitude and pleasure.

“I fucking adore you, Hanna,” I muttered into her.

She pulled back and smiled.

“Yeah,” she said thoughtfully. “Yeah, I feel the same.” She took my chin in her thumb and middle finger and kissed me again tenderly.

We both turned to look at David – and at David’s pulsing member. Hanna bounced to a place beside him, planting a series of kisses on his mouth and forehead, greeting him with a cheerful “Hi Pumpkin!”

David embraced her and they kissed long and lovingly. Meanwhile, I was licking the perimeter of each testicle and taking long passes up the shaft and back down. I could feel his growing excitement and took him into my mouth, watching the break of his hips for pace. Hanna ran delicate fingers over his belly, chest, and nipples as they made out above me. With David’s growing grunts of increasing arousal, Hanna would match them with encouraging hums: an erotic call-and-response between two people who know each other’s bodies and sensations intimately. I saw her tweak David’s right nipple as if she were impatiently searching for an FM radio station that wasn’t country and that burst of pain sent him over the edge. I felt him lurch and swell in my mouth and throat and I swallowed forcefully and rapidly to keep up with the mouthful of heady, bleachy semen.

He continued to thrust and to spasm and I gave him free run of my mouth to find the friction that he needed. Eventually, he slowed, and his grateful hand came down to stroke my hair. He cleared his throat a couple of times:

“Hmmm. Thanks, you two. Damn,” he rose slowly onto his elbows and looked around. “Jesus, is that coffee?”



David got his coffee. And Hanna got her oral. There was an extensive and elaborate tongue-washing of her vulva and asshole performed simultaneously by her two male admirers. There was an afterglow and more debriefing. There were thanks and there were loving embraces and there was the time on the clock that compelled them to get out and on the road in order to clean up before the arrival of their children. Before their car had cleared the gravel of the driveway my pocket vibrated with a text from Hanna. Three shining hearts. I liked that.

Three days later I drew in a lungful of humid post-thunderstorm air. Monsoon season had come early and I sat shirtless outside with my morning coffee and the day’s stack of mail. One carefully-lettered envelope, posted from my same small town caught my attention. Inside was a simple hand-written ‘save the date’ invitation in Hanna’s feminine script. In two weeks I was to meet them for a weekend at Manitou Springs: a perfect northward retreat into the coolness of the alpine zone and the soothing warmth of spring-fed sulphuric hot tubs. There would be cocktails. There would be outdoor nakedness. There would be my two favorite friends.

I don’t know if we passed the time in a way that made the long wait worse or better, but several times a day I would set down my tools, pull off the gloves, and squint through the sunlight at some new entry into our group chat: a gif of Britney Spears in a little wiggle dance with the caption “Can’t Wait!,” an argument over a mixed drink Hanna and David had invented that involved tequila, Rose’s Lime Juice and a disputed mystery ingredient, a close-up photo of Hanna’s bubblegum-pink clitoris followed quickly by images of the two different erections it inspired.

Eventually, the nervous anticipation gave way to the excitement of arrival: I downshifted and opened the driver’s side window to let in the intoxicating vanilla smell of Ponderosa Pine, leaving the highway and winding my way into the cluster of buildings where we would spend the next two nights. The baritone drone of my wheels on the gravel announced my arrival, and as I was turning off the ignition David stepped out shoeless in a bright orange Hawaiian shirt and jeans – a bright blue kitchen towel draped over one shoulder.

“So good to see you,” he said, and we stepped in for a long, tight hug.


Rumpus Room

I set down my bag to receive Hanna’s enthusiastic embrace. She was wearing a tissue-thin tank top, beneath which her unrestricted breasts were especially animated. We kissed, rubbed each other all over, and inhaled one another’s scent. “Yay!” she beamed.

David set down a box of groceries that he’d retrieved from my passenger seat.

“This place is the goods,” I said, gesturing at the spacious cabin. I noticed that they’d fished out the mattresses and sheets from three of the bedrooms and made an enormous composite bed in the living room. The view through the picture windows from our makeshift sleeping quarters opened onto the relaxing green shades of the Rocky Mountains. I raised one eyebrow: “Nice slumber party!”

Hannah handed me an ice-filled glass, yellow and fizzing. It smelled crisp with citrus.

“What was the secret ingredient?” I asked.

“We said ‘hell with it’,” Hanna laughed. This is just tequila, lemon, and Pabst Blue Ribbon.

It was refreshing and stimulating. I downed a quarter of the tumbler’s volume and while I was wiping my lip from the foam, I noticed the refrigerator: “Hey! It’s our Yes, No, Maybe list!” Hanna had compiled our results from the submissions we’d each sent in before the trip. “Hmmm. Did we not understand that ‘no’ was one of the options?”

“Clearly we’re an open-minded bunch,” she laughed.

The list was covered, almost universally, in check marks signifying yes. Occasionally there was a ‘hell yes’ written in, and Hanna had added, in the bottom margin by hand: ‘watersports – yes, spit roasting – yes, DP – yes, please.’ It made my genitals tingle. Hanna flashed a bright smile.

This cabin was equipped with a private spring-fed hot tub. When we finished eating we littered the dining room with discarded clothing and high-stepped in that very barefoot sort of way out to the water. It felt both soothing and exciting to feel the surface of the water slide upward along my body. The fluid heat contrasted with the coolness of the evening mountain air. Hanna dove, and emerged from her submersion directly in front of me: a rippling cascade that took the form of navel, ribs, flushed breasts followed by a delighted smile, and eventually, as she swept the mineralized water from them, a pair of eyes that just kill me in the way that they burn with intelligence.

She sat on my lap and we made out like high schoolers who had just discovered the pleasures of kissing and petting. David inflated a trio of small circular life raft coasters for our tumblers of iced Sambuca and then slid in beside us.

We watched the deepening greens of the mountainsides give way to black, massive silhouettes. As we explored one another’s skin – lovingly and unhurried – the sky grew in its relative brightness and the stars became a calming resting point for our eyes as well as a reminder of a universe so uncomprehendingly vast that the only reasonable option, in the face of it, is to appreciate the experiences that we can understand and enjoy – and to give oneself to them fully.

We told stories. We took turns, and as the night wore on we became more creative and meandered in and out of truthfulness for the sake of entertaining the others: tall tales of sexual exploration, embarrassment, and elation. Stories of firsts, and dramas of self-discovery that grew in humor and poignancy in direct proportion to the storyteller’s high-wire act of vulnerability.

Opened, emotionally bare, and perfectly stimulated by our roving fingers, palms and toes beneath the water’s surface, we stood and took one last gaze at the Milky Way as it descended behind Pikes Peak. Hand in hand in hand, we dripped our way to the massive shower that had been insightfully built into the largest of the bedrooms.  

“Wait -” Hanna placed a hand on my arm as I reached for the shower handle. “The list,” is all she said before looking up with the most seductive look that I’d yet seen from her and lowering herself to her knees. She passed her hands over me and David: compelling touches across our upper thighs, our stomachs, our hips. We took her cue and stood closer, facing her. My plumbing fought between the irreconcilable drives of urination and arousal and I was able to slow the latter long enough to release the vestiges of the Sambuca, the Chianti, and finally the Pabst Blue Ribbon onto Hanna’s graceful clavicles. David’s substantial stream caught her in the throat and then the forehead and face as she leaned toward him.

She sent a hand between her thighs to her engorged clitoris, rubbing it furiously. The rubbery movements of Hana’s labia on either side of her vacillating fingertips were hypnotizing. I watched her vulva while pissing into her hair, across her chest, and along tiny rivulets that arced into space off of her goosebumped breasts and pink erect nipples. When we could no longer sustain our streams we lifted Hanna and covered her in kisses as she brought herself to orgasm. She shuddered, clenching her eyes and abdomen, and we supported her weight as she came.

More kisses followed as we rinsed the piss from our bodies with a series of shared smiles and a ‘holy shit’ from Hanna. I soaped his back and shoulders while he, in turn, lathered his wife. With the soapy excess, I reached between his legs and washed his scrotum and cock. I made repeated teasing passes between his glutes. I then found myself in a fortunate position between David scrubbing my front and Hanna washing my back.  Four hands electrified me with tender erotic care. Hanna’s nimble fingers traveled musically across my cheeks and asshole. David’s broad hands scrubbed my hips and abdomen and rinsed my cock and testicles in fresh warm water. I kissed him:

“Let’s go.”


We turned off the lights in our cabin and walked to our bed which was illuminated by the moonlight streaming in through the enormous windows. Darkened mountains spread out laterally behind David as he took his place at the edge of our mattresses. Hanna pulled him to his knees, settled herself on all fours, and blew him. She kissed, complimented, and fondled his member as if it had just been returned unharmed from a kidnapping. I knelt down behind her and rubbed her round ass – blue from the cool light that bathed us. Her back was strong and I watched it flex and relax as her head drew her husband’s penis into it and then released it. I warmed up her genitals: slow touches working inward from her back, her thighs, her hips. When I finally gripped her inner lips in my fingertips I heard breath catch in her nostrils.

I fingered her. I felt the inside of her body with amazement and love and curiosity. I felt her with hands that, I hoped, would communicate to her though touch alone that I loved her. That I saw her for the woman she was: Forest Ranger and mother; student and teacher and whore. Worrier and warrior and nursemaid.  I loved her, too, for all the things yet to be discovered about her – and I said as much with my two fingers that pulled lubrication out of her, passed it around her labia, and pressed back into that swollen, roughened, mythical focal point on the anterior wall of her vagina.

I placed my lips on the delicate corolla of her anus. I whispered to her there. Her arching and gyrating back encouraged me and I kissed her with more force: I licked and sucked at her asshole and perineum and increased the momentum of my fingertips. With the taper of my tongue, I pried her open – yearning to occupy her. She moaned over David’s salivated shaft. She grunted in pleasure. She seized. She bathed me, like a burst of erotic fireworks, in the spray of her juices.

While she was still riding the arc of her orgasm I rose up and stuffed myself within her. My pelvis slapped against her wet shining ass as I pushed toward her cervix. David was breathing heavily and close to his own release. Hanna took him in long masterful strokes while grinding her cunt into me. I increased my force and her breasts and ass shook with the increasing roughness. David held her head and arched. He cussed and bit his lip and filled his wife’s throat with semen. I could feel my own body readying itself. Energy boiled around my pelvis and back and when David released her, I pulled Hanna close to me, digging furiously against the muscles of her ass. I held her around the rib cage and released, ecstatic, again and again.

She turned and looked at me over her shoulder. Radiant. She smiled oh so sweetly.


The List

We spent the first round of afterglow sitting cross-legged and naked in front of the open windows – cooling our skin in the night air and listening to old standards: Stardust, Stormy Weather, At Last. Before my arrival, Hanna and David checked off Compliments (which I think ought to go without saying, but perhaps having it on the list reminds people), Edging, Cuddling, Foot Massage, Phone Sex, and Strip Tease. Since I got on scene we’d tackled a batch, including Rimming, Biting, Caressing, Deepthroating, Threesomes, Watersports, and Squirting (which had moved to the front of the line as my favorite). I think it will be hard for the three of us to tackle Humiliation with straight faces, so we might work up to that one on another trip. We could couple it up with Role Playing.

David got the list rolling again by placing a blindfold on his wife. He held her hands and led her back to the mattresses. He laid down on his back and brought her onto him. She covered his neck and cheeks with sensual kisses in her blindness and I took up a place between their spread legs – what a visual gift it was to be there – I had access to so many genital options. I caressed the soft sensitive surfaces of her labia, his cockhead, her perineum, his testicles. When they both began lubricating from their respective orifices, I teased her vulva with his penis while continuing to pass breathy fingertip touches all along them. They humped at each other and breathed heavily through their kisses. I squirted lubricant from a bottle into my two palms and passed that over their genitals – changing the nature of the sensation – and they cooed together in response. Finally, I placed David inside Hanna and watched them fuck. It was breathtaking.

I licked and sucked at them as they mated: cock and cunt, his balls, and then her sleek puckered asshole, which I then began to soften and reassure with my fingertips. I massaged the shining lube into her as she and David screwed slowly and lovingly. I left a finger inside her to relax her, and when she could accommodate it, I patiently added another.

“Do it, lover,” I heard her say, and I raised up onto my knees. My erection twitched in anticipation as it took the place of my fingers in Hanna’s ass. Her tension around me squeezed the blood from the head and I would then make another gentle forward movement – working my way into her bit by bit. She was impossibly soft inside and her core temperature was so present. Hot, enveloping, and tight, she opened to me and allowed me the rest of the way inside. David had paused to allow her to adjust, and now he slowly drew out from her, watching her expression as he pressed back in, gauging her discomfort and her arousal.

“Oh my fucking God,” she panted. Each movement and sensation was heightened by the presence of the blindfold.

Separated only by thin, hypersensitive, and inflamed membranes, David and I felt one another filling Hanna. When she was able to relax into it her riding became more vigorous and we, in turn, thrust back against her – pistoning back and forth into her pelvis. Her whines and moans electrified us. We were all three completely absorbed in the feelings on our skin, the sounds of our fucking, the scent of sweat and cologne, of ass and cunt – of wine breath, spunk, and perfume.

“We have to cum together,” Hanna said sternly. I laughed and rutted her more forcefully.

“I’m fucking serious,” she warned through her own laughter. “Don’t finish. Finish when I do. It’s what’s got to happen.”

I kissed her on the back and shoulders and we all sank into our shared sensations: one composite organism. A six-limbed swirling beast.

“Yesss,” Hanna slurred. “Do it. Fucking drive me. Fill me.” Her ongoing stream of profane commands whipped us into a fury. We needed no further encouragement with her writhing, glistening naked body mashed between us: arching and pouting and sliding over and around us. I heard David grunt at the same time I spasmed and swelled even more tightly into Hanna’s warm, snug grip. We held each other securely– the trio of us – and rode out our quaking breaths and seizing bodies. As the crest subsided, Hanna continued to convulse, periodically, at the center of our tight embrace. Eventually, we released our hold on one another just enough to stroke, lovingly and gratefully, arms and shoulders and torsos – whatever we could reach while maintaining our cluster of nakedness.

We lay satisfied and silent on our disheveled mattress pile, not speaking; drawing quiet fingertips across one another’s flesh and gazing lazily out at the peaceful Colorado darkness. The vastness beyond us heightened our feeling of closeness – and of possibilities that no one had told us existed and that we would have to discover on our own, in real-time, as we invented them.

Published 3 years ago

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