Date Nights, Drawing In Another Couple

"Mary arranges to send her husband on a date with her best friend, and offers herself to the husband"

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Mary finally heard the front door open and Mike calling hello as he closed it.

From the kitchen, Mary called out to her husband, “What did you tell Wayne about our date nights? I know you’ve told him something, and I’m not upset; in fact, I think you might be in for a real treat.”

Mike walked into the kitchen, and Mary was glad to see he was alone.

“I went to see Wendy today, and Wayne came home early. Something he said, along with the way he acted, made me realise you must have told him about our date nights.”

“I might have mentioned that we have been going on date nights.” Mike looked sheepish.

“How much of what you have been making me do on date nights have you told him?”

“I’m not entirely sure I can remember everything I might have said, but I don’t think I said anything bad.” Mike looked uncomfortable and hoped he had not ruined his fun by bragging to Wayne.

“Well, I would guess you have told him quite a lot. I mentioned the four of us going on a double date, and he looked like he had won the lottery.” Mary cocked her head to one side and continued, “Do you want to tell me what you told him? Be honest.”

Mike was silent for a few seconds, trying to decide just how much to admit. “I might have told him about the flirting in the pub …”

Wendy cut him short: “I’ll tell you what; why don’t I tell you what I told Wendy, and you can have another go at telling the truth?”

“Oh fuck, Wendy is a real prude, according to Wayne.”

“I don’t think Wayne knows her at all.” Mary opened the fridge and pulled out two cold beers, opened both, and handed one to Mike before she continued, “I have known Wendy longer than you or Wayne, and she is definitely not a prude. We were reminiscing about university and life in general, and date night came up in conversation. She was really interested, and I told her everything, and I mean everything we have been up to.” Mary took a long, slow drink and watched Mike for any reaction; he was staring open-mouthed.

“Wendy went as far as to say that she wished she had been there on those last date nights.” Mike opened his mouth to speak, but Mary continued, “No, it doesn’t mean Wendy has designs on you; it means she wishes she was out having that kind of fun and not stuck in all the time.”

“But Wayne says she would never talk about things like that; hell, he can’t even ask her about previous sexual partners. Wayne told me she would go mad if he tried to get her to do any of the things I make you do.”

“Ahh, so we can agree you have told him pretty much everything?”

Mike looked to the floor as he admitted, “Yes, I told him everything, but only because I find it such a huge turn-on that you let me make you do those things.”

“I’m glad you understand that I’m letting you make me do it. I have really enjoyed our date nights and the things you come up with for me to do; it took you long enough to cotton on to it all. To be honest, I don’t think you could stop things once we are out if you wanted to. I have tried to be a good wife and be faithful to you, but I have these urges and desires that date nights have started to fulfil. When we go out and I know you will find a way to get me into a situation where a stranger will see me, touch me, or more, I’m thrilled inside and can’t wait to see how far you want me to go.”

Mary took another long drink and smiled at Mike. She could see he was struggling to come to terms with her revelation as he slowly spoke. “I’ve been so nervous before each date night. I have had so many fantasies lately and things I want to tell you to do, and by the time we come home, I’m more turned on by watching you than I can say.”

“Let me tell you something you don’t know about me.” Mary looked serious as she spoke. “An early relationship, if that is the right word for it, which lasted over two years, was as a sub to a very experienced Dom.” Mary took another long drink. “He taught me a lot and introduced me to a very sexually open way of life. It was not violent or abusive, and I was one of a very small group who completely submitted to his will. One day I may tell you more about it, but for now, just know that it was my choice back then and still is my choice now.”

“I don’t fully understand what you are telling me,” Wayne almost whispered.

“I’m saying that I have a desire, or need, to be guided into sexual situations that are inherently risky and out of my control. I’m not saying I want to be or would allow myself to be abused or badly treated. I would not walk naked down the high street or through a dodgy area on my own, for example.”

Mary finished her beer and pulled a fresh one from the fridge, offering another to Mike, who shook his head. He had hardly touched his drink since she had begun speaking.

“So, when you mentioned the four of us going on a date, what did they say?”

Mary laughed before answering. “Wayne just kept repeating the last thing I said; it was funny and kind of cute to see him struggling to cope. Wendy is genuinely keen to enjoy the sort of date nights I told her about and wishes she could talk to Wayne about them. Only you know what Wayne said to you.” Mary shook her head to stop Mike from interrupting, and she continued. “I said we could go for a meal or drinks, and as I left, I did say we could just meet at the layby.”

“Why the fuck would you say that?”

“Because Wendy would love it, and from the way Wayne was so dumbstruck, it felt like he had already thought about it. Have you already said you would tell him where we were going one evening?”

Mike went crimson and tried to leave the kitchen.

“Don’t you dare walk away.” Mary smiled as she said, “You’ve already said you would let him meet us, haven’t you?”

Mike looked at the floor, knowing this would be the moment that date nights got cancelled because of his boasting. “I sort of did yes, but Wayne has fancied you for so long, and when I told him about the last few date nights, he kept on asking where we went and could he be there.”

“Would you be cool watching Wayne with me, fucking me?”

“I didn’t think that far ahead. I’m sorry.”

“Do you want to fuck Wendy?”

“I’ve not thought about it.”

“No, be honest. If you had the chance, would you like to? I know that Wayne fancies me; he asked me out at university a few times. He’s made a few passes at me over the years too. Bless him.”

“Are you saying that you are OK with all of this and about me trying to set Wayne up to meet us?”

Mary crossed the kitchen and wrapped her arms around Mike’s neck before kissing him deeply. “Does that answer your question? Yes, I’m OK with it, and I want to encourage Wendy and Wayne to join in. I know Wendy wants to; do you think Wayne does too?”

Mike nodded and hugged his gorgeous wife tightly, hardly able to believe his luck.

“What do you want for dinner? I was thinking perhaps a takeaway; I don’t really feel like cooking now.”

Mike smiled over her shoulder and marvelled at the way Mary could flip between subjects so easily.


The following morning, Mike and Mary both left for work; they had not spoken about date nights since ordering the takeaway. Mike had fantasised about permutations of a date night with Wayne and Wendy and hardly slept all night. Mary sent a text to Wendy as soon as she left the house to meet up for lunch with news to tell.


Over lunch, Mary told Wendy about the conversation with Mike and her partial confession. She told Wendy she would love to include her and Wayne on date nights if they both wanted it. Wendy said Wayne had avoided the subject when she tried to bring it up and thought he was just not keen on the reality of it. Mary asked when Wayne would be home from work and asked her friend to trust her. Mary asked Wendy to be dressed for a date night but not to say anything to Wayne. Mary called Mike as she walked back to work. She told him to be ready for a date night with a difference tonight.


Mike arrived home to find Mary in the lounge in the same loose top and skirt as she wore on their last date night. As she stood to greet him, he saw her firm tits sway under the flimsy material and knew she was braless again, something that had always turned him on. They kissed hello, and Mike gripped her bum through the skirt. He quickly lifted the material and felt the bare skin; she was going commando again.

“Get changed; we are going out, and you are going to have to trust me.”

Mike dashed upstairs and returned within twenty minutes, showered, and changed in record time. “Where are we going tonight?” he asked breathlessly.

“We are going to Wendy and Wayne’s place. You are taking Wendy out for a date night, but they don’t know it yet. I’ll explain on the way.”

During the short drive, Mary explained her simple plan. Mike would wait in the car while Mary offered Wayne a deal she hoped he could not refuse. Mike would take Wendy out on a date night, but not do anything with her himself. If Wendy did not enjoy it, called it off, or came home early, Mary would let him do anything he wanted to do with her. Mike agreed and waited on the driveway as Mary rang the doorbell.

Wendy let Mary in and led her through to the lounge, where Wayne was sitting. Wayne was intrigued by Wendy having dressed so provocatively while resisting his attempts to get close to her and seduce her.

“Hi Wayne, I’ve come to offer you a deal.” Mary stood with her hands on her hips and watched Wayne try not to stare at her nipples.

“What sort of deal?” Wayne knew this had to be something about date nights, but he was secretly scared he was out of his depth.

“I’m going to stay here with you for the evening, but nothing will happen unless Wendy says so. Wendy is going with Mike to rerun the last date night he arranged for me. If Wendy does not thoroughly enjoy it, or if she wants to call it off, or even not want to go at all, I’ll do anything you want.” Mary shifted her weight and managed to get an obvious bounce from her firm tits as she finished speaking. “Mike is outside in the car, and he won’t do anything with Wendy.”

Wayne looked between Mary and Wendy, totally dumbfounded.

“I really do want this, Wayne,” Wendy said, pulling on her shoes and kissing Wayne on her way to the door.

“Do I get a say in this?” Wayne said.

“Yes, you do, but Mike told me how keen you were to arrange to meet us, and Wendy told me that she wished she had been on our last date night. It seems to me that you two need to be more honest with each other and trust each other.”


Wendy waved and blew a kiss as she left and quickly settled into the front seat of Mike’s car. “Drinks first, or straight to the layby?”

Mike was taken aback by her directness and the amount of leg he saw as she slid into the seat. “Drinks, I think, to settle my nerves.” He said this as they pulled away.

“Mary said that you are not going to do anything with me this evening. I hope I can change your mind on that.”

Mike drove a little faster than normal out to a country pub where he was sure no one would know them.

Published 8 months ago

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