Darlene’s Bed And Breakfast – Part Two

"Spencer smiled, and with a seductive voice, he asked, "Did you sleep well last night?""

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Darlene awoke to the sound of her clock ringing. Instantly, her mind raced about what had happened last night with Spencer. She realized she liked being watched and hearing Spencer’s moans, which had added to her excitement. But how was she going to look Spencer in the eye? She shook her head, trying to clear her mind, got a shower, and went to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Darlene was standing in the kitchen thinking about how excited and wet she was, just knowing that Spencer had watched her last night. She wanted to do this again.

She smiled as she heard Spencer say “Good morning” in his deep-sounding voice.

She replied, “Good morning, Spencer.”

Spencer smiled, and with a seductive voice, he asked, “Did you sleep well last night?”

Darlene smiled and nodded yes. She could feel her face turning red because she instantly thought about the events of last night.

Spencer turned and walked to the kitchen table without a word.

As Darlene set the table, she and Spencer could hear the newlyweds coming down the stairs. Like before, they giggled and talked.

Spencer looked at Darlene and said, “It would be nice to be young and full of energy again.”

After that, everyone ate and was on their way to enjoying the day. They were leaving Darlene to herself for the rest of the day.

As the day passed, Darlene cleaned all the rooms; all she could think about was the night before. The time was near for dinner, and she had fixed a pot roast. As Darlene set the table, the newlyweds came through the door and sat, eager to eat. Darlene served them and waited for Spencer to show up, but he never did; the newlyweds finished their food and left for their room.

Darlene had almost finished cleaning when Spencer arrived.

Spencer asked, “Am I too late for dinner?”

Darlene said, “No, I can fix you a plate.” 

Darlene went to the kitchen. The thoughts of Spencer moaning while touching herself and the shadow of him pleasuring himself while watching her started to race through her mind, causing her to feel wet between her legs. Finally, she stopped to relax, trying to regain her composure. She returned with Spencer’s food, and as she walked away, he asked, “Would you sit with me?”

Darlene turned, walked towards him, and sat at the table. They talked about everything but didn’t discuss what happened last night. Finally, the conversation was over, and Spencer yawned and said, “I am going to turn in early tonight.”

Darlene realized how tired she was and decided to go to bed early too. Darlene shut the door behind her and glanced at herself in the mirror. Then, seeing the reflection, she decided that she needed to shower. After her shower, she curled up in bed. Then, finally, she drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the day.

Darlene awoke to a thump on the floor. She jumped out of bed, grabbed her night coat, and proceeded up the stairs. As she crept down the hallway, the floor creaked, and she stopped, hoping no one heard her.

She could see the moonlight shining from the window at the end of the hall. This made her comfortable, and she relaxed her shoulders and stood tall. Her night coat had no buttons, which left the front open and exposed her beautiful breasts. As she walked toward the end of the hallway, she could feel the coolness of the night on her breasts, which caused her nipples to swell with pleasure.

As Darlene got closer to the newlywed’s room, she could hear the couple whispering but couldn’t understand what they were saying. The door was open enough that she could see them completely naked. This aroused Darlene. 

She was all alone, and no one could see her. Darlene kept watching the newlyweds who were having sex. Darlene was so excited that she could feel her heart racing in her chest; her breathing was more complex. She could feel her clit swelling and needed to be touched. 

Darlene looked around, to be sure no one was there. She spread her legs, and her housecoat opened more. She touched herself softly, causing chills to run up and down her body, and her nipples grew even more with excitement. Listening to the newlywed’s moan and groan and hearing their bodies smack together drove her crazy.

Then Darlene felt a hand come across her mouth. She knew this was Spencer. But, she thought, how did he get behind me?

Spencer said quietly, “Shh, let me help you with this.”

Darlene felt his hand slide down and around the front of her body, pulling the house coat back so he could see her breasts and entire body in the moonlight from the window. When Spencer touched Darlene, this sent more chills across her, and she began to shake, causing her clitoral area to swell more with excitement; at the same time, Darlene could feel his breath softly on her neck, and this made her pussy even wetter.

Darlene was frozen, anticipating Spencer’s next move. His hand was still covering her mouth as he took the other hand and slid it upward to feel her erect nipples. Spencer was pinching her nipples, but not too hard.

Next, he slid his hand down, cupping Darlene’s entire pussy in his hand.

Darlene could feel a rock-hard cock from his trousers up against her ass. Then she felt his fingers spread her pussy lips apart and took one finger and dipped into her already wet pussy.

Darlene took a deep breath and moaned; the pleasure was more than she could handle.

Spencer tightened his hand on her mouth to keep her quiet. He became more aroused when he realized how wet that made Darlene.

Spencer slowly pulled his finger out, bringing the juices of Darlene’s pussy into an upward motion, never letting his hand move from her wet pussy. The juice on his finger was wet enough to make his finger slick, like a wet tongue gliding up and down her clit.

Darlene continued moaning.

Spencer heard this and tightened his hand around her mouth even more, muffling the sound of Darlene’s moan so that no one could hear them.

Spencer leaned in and whispered into Darlene’s ear, saying, “Watch the newlyweds.” 

Darlene did as she was told and leaned over, peeking around the door. Watching the newlyweds fuck and hearing them moan made her wetter.

Spencer kept playing with her pussy in an up-and-down motion and plunged his finger deeper each time, pulling out more and more pre-cum.

Darlene continued to watch the newlyweds and listen to the sounds; at the same time, Spencer was touching her, causing her to have an orgasm on top of her orgasm. She was not aware at this point how many she had had. Darlene felt Spencer move his hand from her dripping wet pussy and could only imagine what he was going to do at this point; when she heard a popping sound.

She heard Spencer say, “Mmmm, you taste good.” 

Spencer took his hand off her mouth, slid it down her arm, grabbed Darlene’s hand, and gently placed it over her mouth. Next, he lifted Darlene’s housecoat, revealing her ass and pussy. Finally, Darlene heard Spencer unzip his trousers.

Darlene stopped breathing until she felt him insert his cock in her wet pussy; he filled her pussy inch by inch with every slow movement, softly pulling his cock in and out, causing Darlene to tighten her hand over her mouth. Spencer kept this slow pace for a while and listened to her breathing. Then, finally, she felt him pull his cock out of her wet pussy.

Spencer took the head of his stiff cock and ran it up and into the slit, causing her clit to explode with excitement.

Darlene’s body went limp from all the orgasms she had.

Then, finally, Spencer realized that Darlene had had enough. 

Removing his finger and replacing it with his thumb, gently wiggling back and forth on the inside walls of her soaked pussy, he picked Darlene up and took her downstairs to her room. He laid her down on the bed. Spencer pulled his thumb out as he stood up, looking down at Darlene.

Darlene looked up at Spencer and watched as he held his pussy-soaked cock in one hand, letting her watch as he pleased himself. Spencer’s stomach muscles tightened, and she knew he would cum.

Darlene got up on her knees and removed Spencer’s hand from his hard cock. She had decided she would finish what he had started; she placed his hard cock in her mouth and began to move her head back and forth like he was doing with his hands. Darlene felt his cock start throbbing, and she knew it would not be much longer before she would get a load in her mouth. 

Spencer grabbed the back of Darlene’s head and pushed his cock deep into her throat, causing her to gag. The intense sound caused Spencer to cum in Darlene’s mouth; as she looked up at him, she swallowed every drop. Spencer looked down at her and smiled.

Darlene returned the smile and lay on her bed. Her body tingled still in delight, watching as Spencer left the room.

Leaving her alone, exhausted and satisfied from the night, she wondered what tomorrow would bring as she fell asleep.

Published 2 years ago

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