Darlene’s Bed And Breakfast

"Darlene smiled and looked at the man standing before her; she blushed and didn't know why."

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The day arrived that Darlene was opening her new Bed and Breakfast. Darlene has been alone long enough. Darlene has everything that anyone could need right here waiting. She could feel the blood racing through her veins in anticipation of the first call. “RING.” Darlene wanted to seem relaxed, so she let the phone ring several times. Finally, she picked up the phone, and in her most subtle voice, she said, “Thank you for calling Darlene’s Bed and Breakfast.”

The call came from a couple recently married. The couple was eager to escape the hustle and bustle of living and wanted a romantic weekend away from everything. Darlene set a date.

The day came when the couple arrived, and Darlene was excited to greet them at the door. Darlene registered the couple with a big smile on her face. They talked as she walked the couple to their suite upstairs. The excitement intensified Darlene’s hearing while Darlene walked with the couple down the hall. Darlene could hear every footstep taken along the wooden floor. The couple wanted privacy, and Darlene knew their room would be the last room on the right.

When Darlene opened the door to the room for the couple, they smiled as they looked at the rustic room with lanterns on the wall and the fresh paint smell. They had plenty of privacy. The couple was overjoyed when they saw how Darlene had decorated the room in a western setting and handcrafted barn doors. The newlyweds walked over and slid the barn doors from side to side. Their eyes gleamed when they saw their balcony and a beautiful lake view.

Darlene left the couple alone to get unpacked to enjoy their weekend alone.

She went downstairs to start her daily duties when she was startled by a giant hand on her shoulder. Darlene turned around, shocked; her heart was racing. She was not expecting anyone to arrive. But when Darlene turned around and she was looking at this man’s chest, she slowly looked up, and there stood a man with dark hair and blue eyes and a smile from ear to ear. He was captivating. Darlene swallowed hard, and in her subtle voice, she asked if she could help him.

The gentleman said, “I sure hope so,” in a deep voice. “I need some time to myself; I am recently divorced and looking to meet new people and get started on my life again.”

Darlene smiled and looked at the man standing before her; she blushed and didn’t know why. Darlene finally composed herself and asked him to follow her. They chatted on the way to her office to register him and ensure that she put him in a room that fits. “So there, that is it; you are all signed in.” Looking down at his signature on the paper, she said, “Spencer, there are several rooms upstairs and four open down on the first level.”

Spencer was tall, dark, and handsome, with blue eyes and a gorgeous smile. She debated on what room to put him in since his overall look was in a business suit and tie. However, before she could make her decision, he said, “I would like a room upstairs if one is available.”

The room she had available was across the hall from the newlyweds. Darlene explained this to Spencer, and he was not disturbed by this at all. She asked Spencer to follow her and showed him to the room. He opened the door, and the smell of fresh paint and the scenery of the new room took Spencer by surprise. The room was of an old-fashioned train set with a moving train that went around the room when the light turned on. With pictures of historic train stations hanging on the walls.

Looking toward the door that led to his balcony, Spencer asked, “Are these carriage doors?”

Darlene nodded yes with a shy smile.

Spencer walked over to the door and opened it to a sturdy balcony made from train rails from one of the old railroads not too far from here.

“The lake in full view is captivating,” Spencer said. He went on to say, “Since I was a little boy, I had been captivated by trains.” Spencer thanked Darlene as she walked out the door.

Darlene smiled in delight and closed the door to Spencer’s room, leaving him to unpack. When she stepped into the hallway, she looked toward the window separating the rooms; she walked over to look at the lake. Darlene smiled and turned to walk away.

She heard a soft moan coming from the newlywed’s room. Their cracked door let Darlene see into the room. Darlene thought they should have closed their door so no one could peek in. But as Darlene passed the door, she could not resist looking in.

Two naked and beautiful bodies lay intertwined, and all Darlene saw was a rock-hard ass moving slowly. Darlene looked away to give them privacy.

Business as usual, she walked down the hallway to the staircase, holding on to the vintage railings going down. Darlene’s mind drifted to what she had seen, her hand gliding softly across the rail as she moved from step to step. Images of his ass made her think of how long it had been since Darlene had been touched.

Darlene decided she would have vegetable soup tonight. So, Darlene prepared the meal and let it simmer for a while. Then Darlene went about her day till it was time to eat. Six o’clock rolled around, and so she started setting the dinner table. The table was Victorian and had chairs with high backs to them. On the table was a runner with candles in the center. This day had shocked her, but she figured the guests were tired and taking in the view from above. The dining room was set with old Victorian-style pictures and candles on the table to give light to the room.

The guest started arriving, and Spencer was the first to come downstairs. She said, “Right on time, Spencer. I hope you’re having a good time.”

Spencer smiled and nodded, expressing,” The view and the lake are beautiful.”

Darlene could hear the newlyweds laughing as they turned the corner into the dining room. The smiles on their face said it all. They sat at the table at the opposite end, laughing and giggling as if Spencer and Darlene were not there. Darlene looked down at Spencer and caught him looking at her. They both smiled because they knew they were young newlyweds. Everyone enjoyed their full stomachs and did whatever hit their minds.

Spencer went outside to walk around and get fresh air, leaving the newlyweds upstairs in their room. With no one around. Darlene put on a pot of coffee and finished the dishes. Then, she stepped out on the front porch, sat in the rocker, and enjoyed her coffee. Darlene could feel the breeze of the fantastic summer night. Listening to the crickets and tree frogs was so calming to her. Then, Darlene saw Spencer making his way around the lake. Spencer had been gone for some time now. When he got to the porch, he walked up the steps to where Darlene was sitting. She smiled and asked Spencer how the walk was.

He smiled and said that Darlene had a beautiful place.

Darlene thanked him. Then, Darlene asked Spencer, “Would you like a cup of freshly brewed coffee?”

Spencer said, “Yes, I would like that black,” as Darlene went through the door.

Darlene handed the coffee to Spencer and almost dropped the hot coffee on Spencer’s lap when she heard the moan of the newlyweds upstairs. Spencer noticed and cracked a joke saying, “Kids these days,” and began to laugh. After that, Spencer made things comfortable for them. Darlene and Spencer talked for a while and decided to end the night.

The day was a success, and Darlene was now in her bed. She is drifting off to sleep when she hears a bang on the wall; not knowing what that is, she gets up and puts a night coat on to look around.

As she gets closer to the staircase, she hears the moans again; they are soft and seductive whispers. She could hear her say, “That feels so good. Don’t move your cock. Leave it there.” Her husband said, “I can feel your tight pussy squeezing around my cock.”

Darlene got to the top of the steps. Her overcoat was draped open with her breast exposed to the night air; her pussy was shaven, and you could see where the split of her pussy started. Darlene was not thinking about anything but the sound. Then all at once, she was touched by these large hands. Frozen, she stood there, and Spencer leaned in and asked whether she was okay. Darlene Spun around, her face red from the heat of embarrassment. The overcoat swung open, and the candlelight showed across her nipples and soft skin.

Darlene wrapped up in the night coat and said, “Excuse me,” as she darted downstairs.

Darlene went to bed in embarrassment, but it was exciting. Darlene had forgotten what it felt like to have someone look at her that way. Spencer looked at her that way.

Darlene felt the wetness between her legs and decided that she would take care of what her pussy needed. Darlene was so excited that she turned off the light to the room, leaving the candlelight burning, but forgot to shut her door. Darlene pulled her vibrator out of the top drawer, laying back on the bed with her legs spread as far apart as possible, and let the vibrator lay against her clit, applying pressure when needed. That was causing her pussy to get extremely wet.

Darlene was taking her time while thinking about Spencer. She was thinking of words that he might use, like your pussy is so wet, and I want to lick the juices from your pussy. Darlene whispered the words under her breath while feeling the vibration from her vibrator. Darlene enjoys what she is doing when she softly plunges the vibrator into her wet pussy hole, causing her back to arch.

Darlene had a funny feeling that she was being watched. She glances up, and in front of her is her bedroom mirror. She sees herself and starts watching her body, which turns her on even more. While she was looking, she noticed in her peripheral vision a shadow. She turned her eyes to see what was going on but never stopped pleasing herself.

She saw a figure with his cock in his hand, slowly pulling back from the head of his cock to his balls. He was hard. Darlene was enjoying this and began to get on her knees so that her ass would be in the air, and the vibrator was slipping in and out of her wet pussy. Darlene pulled the vibrator out enough to rub the wet juices from her pussy to her ass, getting her ass ready for the vibrator to be placed inside.

Darlene could now hear the deep breaths from her doorway, which excited her more. Darlene knew Spencer was at the door and watching every move she made. When Darlene pulled the vibrator out for one last time, her pussy was so wet that it was dripping off her vibrator, Darlene wanted to show Spencer how good her pussy tasted, and she began to lick the vibrator clean.

When Darlene finished that, she could hear at the doorway that Spencer was still watching. That is when she laid the front of her body on the bed, raising her ass higher, so he saw when she plunged the vibrator into her now prepped tight asshole.

Darlene heard Spencer moan as he grabbed his shaft and started pushing and pulling his cock. He was getting ready to cum with his fully erect cock, and Darlene pressed the vibrator deep into her ass. Each time would send her into soft moans. She then took her other hand and slipped it down and under so she could reach her pussy and started playing with her clit while pulling in and out the vibrator from her ass; Darlene heard a louder moan.

When she heard this, she moaned. Then, with one last push, she came over her fingers, and her body began to shake. Spencer was coming with her. She could feel that and hear it in his moans.

Darlene was exhausted from the day and fell asleep on her bed naked.

Published 2 years ago

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