Dark Brown Coffee And Yellow Dogs

"A lonely single finds love"

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I passed the morning I turned thirty-six in the same way as I passed every day. I woke up, showered and dressed before having a cup of dark brown coffee (I like it black with three drops of milk) and two slices of rye toast, almost burnt and slathered in butter. I dipped the toast in the coffee as I scanned the news on my phone, making sure to keep the drips away from my clean shirt.

Once done, I washed the plate and cup and put them away in their places. I wiped the table and counter clean, swept up the crumbs from the floor and made sure everything was tidy before making the bed. I made sure all the lights were off and locked the deadbolt before I left the apartment.

The walk to work was the same as every morning – uneventful and quiet. I strolled past the apartment blocks and corner shops and blended in with the crowd of people doing the same. It was only four blocks. I took the elevator to the sixth floor (the middle elevator, I don’t trust the other two) and strolled into the empty hallway. I unlocked the door to my little office, turned on the lights and crossed the floor to my desk.

I like my desk. It is black metal with a nice wooden top. It has three drawers on one side and two larger ones on the other. It is just the right height for me, too. The black leather office chair is newer and much more comfortable than the old one I had. I turned on the coffee maker and sat in my chair as it growled and hissed, enjoying the aroma of the dark roast as it wafted through the office.

I poured a cup and went to the little fridge beside my desk for the milk. One… two… three drops of one percent milk. Perfect.

I stood by the window and looked out across the park on the other side of the street. A few people jogging, a few on bicycles and a few having a morning walk. It was the same every morning, except when it was raining. I went back to my desk and began looking at the e-mails from last night. The last one caught my attention – it was from this morning reminding me that the Auditor would be in at 8:30 and to be ready.

OH NO! I forgot about that.

I had about twenty minutes to get the files and papers together. I scrambled as I compiled everything and hoped I had it all. I quickly reviewed the previous e-mail and confirmed the list was complete just as the knock on the door startled me.

I opened the door and was greeted by a short, chubby woman with long brown hair. She wore black-rimmed glasses, a black jacket over a red blouse and a black skirt. On her little feet were sensible black shoes and in her hand, a black briefcase.

“Good morning, I am Diane Desmet from the Auditor’s office,” she announced. “Are you Mr. Frank Hill?”

“Yes, I am,” I replied. “Good morning to you as well.”

I stuck my hand out and was met with an icy smirk before she took it and shook it with a very firm grip. Obviously, she was all business and not prepared to be sociable.

“Come in, please,” I said as I gestured to the confines of my small office.

She moved past and took a look around before announcing that she would need the use of my desk for her work.

“No problem,” I responded.

I moved the picture of my parents and the small desk lamp off to the side and gestured to my chair.

“Please, sit down. Would you like a cup of coffee? It’s fresh.”

She looked at me and gave a slight smile. “Yes, please, that would be nice.”

“Milk, sugar?” I asked. “I have both if you like.”

“A little milk would be nice,” she replied as she opened her briefcase and began removing papers.

“What color would you like it? Dark brown, blonde, almost white?”

She looked at me with a curious expression on her face. “Dark brown, please.”

I added one… two… three drops of milk and gently stirred it before placing the mug on the desk. She looked into it and smiled.

“Just right, thank you.”

“I have everything from the list on the cabinet to your right,” I explained. “If you need anything, just ask.”

“I will, don’t worry,” she said in a serious tone.

I moved the other chair over by the window, refilled my coffee mug and added one… two… three drops of milk to it before sitting down. She looked over her glasses at me.

“Are you going to sit there the whole time?” she asked.

“Yes,” I replied nervously. “Unless you want me to leave?”

“No, that is fine. It’s just that most people leave.”

“Well, I have nowhere to go so if you don’t mind I will stay here,” I said.

“That’s fine,” she replied. “Just no small talk, I am here to do my work.”

I sat quietly for the next three hours and watched either her or out the window. I refilled her coffee mug once. My mind drifted as I sat there and looked out at the park. Birds, squirrels, people with dogs, people with children. I wondered what their lives were like. Surely not as lonely as mine.

I turned my attention back to the woman behind my desk. I stood up to stretch and found myself looking down the front of her blouse. The cleavage was full and round, the valley deep between her breasts. I could just make out the edge of the cups on her bra, the color almost matching her blouse. She glanced up at me and I blushed before turning away, embarrassed at having been caught ogling her. I returned to my chair and tried to calm the rising erection I suddenly had.

She glanced at me with a slight smile and sat back in the chair.

“I am going to take a short lunch break,” she announced. “Are there any coffee shops close to here?”

“There is a nice little place about three blocks over,” I replied.

“Which direction do I go?” she asked. “I am not familiar with this area.”

I took a piece of paper and drew her a map. I began to explain how to find it when I noticed her smirking at me.

“Maybe it would be easier if you came with me?” she asked.

I nodded in agreement. I walked past it every day, twice, but had never gone inside. I had looked through the window at the people sharing meals and drinks, wondering what the food was like, but had never ventured inside. Eating alone in a cafe was not something I could do. I ate at home.

“Come on then,” she prodded. “Show me the way.”

She stood by the door as I turned off the coffee maker, straightened out the chairs and turned out the lights. I locked the door and we made our way to the elevators. The left one opened first and she stepped inside as I hesitated.

“Are you coming?” she asked.

I tried to hide my nervousness as we rode to the main floor, letting out a deep breath as the door finally opened to the foyer. We stepped out and headed for the cafe.

“I see you don’t like elevators,” she said.

“Not really,” I replied.

“I don’t use escalators,” she confided. “They scare me for some reason.”

I smiled at the comparison.

Once we reached the cafe I opened the door for her (like I was taught to) and asked if she would be able to find her own way back.

“Don’t you want to have lunch with me?” she asked. “I would certainly like the company.”

“Uh, okay,” I replied.

I didn’t think she would want me to join her. I nervously entered the cafe with her and followed her to a table. I pulled her chair out for her (like I was taught to) and then sat across from her at the table. She gave me a little smile. The server came and brought us a menu and offered to bring us a beverage.

“I would like an iced tea,” she announced. “With an extra slice of lemon.”

I ordered the same. I glanced around and took in the decor as we waited quietly.

“You are right, this is a nice little place,” she said. “Do you come here often?”

“Uh, actually no,” I replied. “But I pass by every day and it’s always busy.”


“I don’t eat out often,” I explained. “I live alone…  so I eat at home.”

“Same here,” she said. “I don’t like going to dinner alone.”

I was surprised by her comment.

How is a nice, pretty woman like you alone?

“I assumed you were married,” I blurted out.

“Oh, why?” she laughed as she held out her left hand. “I don’t have any rings.”

I hadn’t looked for a wedding ring.

“I… uh…. just thought… since you’re…” I stumbled with my words as the nervousness took over.

“Since I’m what?” she asked.

“Well, uh… pretty,” I replied. “I just assumed that you would have a husband.”

She smiled and looked down at the table as a light blush crossed her face.

“Thank you, but no, no husband,” she replied. “Or boyfriend.”

The server appeared with our drinks and saved me from further anxiety. We ordered clubhouse sandwiches and sipped our iced tea as we waited.

“So, how long have you been auditing?” I asked.

“Almost ten years now,” she answered. “I started right after University. How about you?”

“The same,” I replied.

Our sandwiches arrived and we chatted as we ate. We soon discovered we had travelled similar paths, from school to university to our current careers in the same company. We had graduated the same year from different universities and had started at the company at about the same time. She worked at the Corporate office on the other side of town while I spent my time in the little office on the sixth floor.

“Don’t you get lonely?” she asked. “Why work in that little office way over here when everyone else is at the main office?”

“Sometimes it’s lonely,” I replied. “But I have a lot to do and it’s quiet here. And I live very close, so it’s convenient.”

She shrugged her shoulders and finished her iced tea as the server brought the bill.

I scooped it up and paid the server.

“How much is mine?” she asked.

“Oh, no,” I replied. “I will pay for lunch.”

“I don’t expect that,” she said. “I will pay for my share.”

“No, I insist,” I replied. “My treat, please.”

“All right, if you insist,” she smiled.

I jumped up and pulled her chair out for her (as I was taught to). She smiled again and we stepped out of the cafe and into the sunshine and warmth of the afternoon. She pointed across the street.

“Is that the big park I saw from your window?” she asked.


“Let’s go for a little stroll,” she suggested. “It’s good for the digestive system after a meal.”

“Uh, okay,” I said as I looked at my watch. “But lunch time is almost over…”

She smiled and shook her head as she began to cross the street. I hurried to catch up to her and matched my pace to hers as we began to walk the pathway.

“It’s beautiful here,” she announced. “Look at the gardens… and a fountain!”

“Yes, it’s a very nice place. I see plenty of people walking here.”

“Don’t you walk here?” she asked.

“Not often,” I replied quietly. “I usually just go home.”

“Hmmm,” she murmured. “You should walk here.”

We strolled about the park for about twenty minutes before heading back to the office. She waited with me for the middle elevator and had a slight smile on her face as we rode up to our floor. I unlocked the office, turned on the lights and offered to make more coffee.

“No, thank you,” she replied. “I am all done here.”

“You are?” I asked. “Why didn’t you just leave?”

“I felt like having lunch first,” she giggled.

“Oh, okay.”

“Well, thank you for your hospitality and your company,” she said as she prepared to leave. “I quite enjoyed our lunch.”

“I did as well,” I replied. “Thank you.”

She smiled and paused a moment before leaving.

“I need one of your business cards,” she said. “For my file.”

“Oh, of course,” I replied.

I took one from the holder on my cabinet and gave it to her.

“Thank you again,” she said with a smile.

“Thank you,” I replied as she walked to the elevator.

I closed the door and sat by the window, watching for her to leave. I saw her cross the street and look up at the building before getting into the taxi. It drove away and I suddenly felt very lonely.


On my way home after work, I stopped and looked into the windows of the cafe. I smiled at myself as I thought of my lunch spent with a pretty woman in this very cafe as others looked in at us. I went home and made a few eggs and toast for supper before sitting in my recliner and picking up the book. I was nearly done with this one and had one more to go in the series. I tried reading but could not concentrate, so I put the book down and picked up my phone.

I pulled up my dating profiles and looked quickly. No matches, again. The two dates I had managed to secure were flops. One was a much older woman looking to replace her son, the other an obvious gold-digger. I had given up long ago but still checked now and then, just in case. I looked up the company directory and looked for Diane Desmet. She was listed without much profile information and one picture. It was a good picture of her, with her hair done and a nice smile. I tried to find her on Facebook but could not. Perhaps she was like me and kept a very low profile on social media. 

I felt like a stalker for a moment and put the phone down. She was just a pretty girl who was being friendly, nothing more. After a quick reality check, I decided to take a soak in the bathtub. As the tub filled I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself a quick check. A little heavier than a few years ago with a slight paunch, a little too much jowl and some gray hair starting along the temples.

I soaked in the tub and thought about my day. It had been far better and more exciting than any other for a long time. All in all, it made for a nice birthday. Having lunch with a pretty woman was far more than I had expected when I woke up. After I dried off I went to bed, making sure to lock the deadbolt and prepare the coffee first. I lay in bed, closed my eyes and dozed off dreaming of the woman I had lunch with.

The next morning I was in a good mood when I reached my office. I poured a coffee and looked out the window at the park. I followed the path we had walked with my eyes, remembering our conversation as I sipped my steaming brew. I sat in my chair and checked my e-mails. There was one from my boss informing me that the Auditor had submitted her report as incomplete and would be returning for a follow-up tomorrow at eleven o’clock.

I blinked my eyes and read it again. I read it once more. Incomplete? What had I missed? My anxiety began to ramp up as I searched the folders and papers from the audit. I could not find anything missing or unaccounted for. What had I missed? I spent the day reviewing my files and looking at the last audit from two years ago to compare notes. I was lost. I was worried.

I left the office with an uneasy feeling. I had never failed an audit, not once. As I passed the cafe I saw myself in the window and paused for a moment. I looked across at the park.

Maybe I should walk there.

I crossed the street and began to stroll the pathway. Soon the uneasiness drifted away and I found myself admiring the color in the gardens, the rainbow that appeared in the fountain spray, the sound of children playing and parents calling. A couple passed by with a large dog, a Golden Lab I think, which was very friendly. It had pushed its head against my leg as I pet it. They informed me that his name was Rocky and that he loved meeting people. We chatted for a few moments before Rocky moved away and they continued on their stroll. I watched them walk away hand in hand with the big yellow dog leading the way.

When I arrived home I was tired. The fresh air and exercise had calmed my nerves and burned off some energy. I ate a bowl of cereal, washed the bowl and spoon and put them away in their places. I sat in my chair and read for a while before I could feel my eyes getting tired as well. I marked my page with the bookmark and headed for bed. I slept soundly.


I had everything ready to go before ten o’clock and spent the last hour pacing the office. I checked my watch and at just before eleven stood by the door and waited for the knock. I heard the bell of the elevator announce it had arrived and listened for the footsteps in the hallway. They were different, a click-click-click-click type of step. They paused at the door and I heard the knock.

I waited a few seconds and opened the door. There stood Diane Desmet. She looked slightly different. She seemed taller. I looked down to see the shiny red high heels she was wearing. My eyes traveled her body up the shapely legs and red skirt to the white blouse covered by a red jacket. The blouse was partly open and my eyes were drawn to the exposed cleavage for a moment. I quickly averted my gaze upwards and found myself looking into her brown eyes.

“Good morning, Frank,” she said with a smile. “May I come in?”

“Of course, of course,” I stammered. “Good morning, Ms. Desmet.”

“Just Diane, please,” she corrected.

“I have everything ready for you,” I said as I gestured to the folders on the desk. “Please sit down. Would you like some coffee?”

“You can relax,” she said with a smile. “Everything is in order, there are no issues. Yes, I would like a coffee.”

“Dark brown?”

“Yes, same as before,” she replied with a smile.

I poured two mugs and added one… two… three drops of milk to each and stirred gently. I placed the mugs on the desk and sat in the visitor’s chair as I gestured for her to take my chair.

“Thank you,” she said. “You are a very good host, Frank.”

“I try to be,” I replied. “I don’t get many visitors, though.”

She picked up the mug in both hands and sipped it.

“Perfect,” she announced.

“So… why are you here? What did I do wrong?” I asked nervously.

“You? You did nothing wrong,” she responded. “I did.”

“You?” I asked. “What could you have done wrong?”

She opened her briefcase and pulled out a single sheet of paper, placing it on the desk in front of me. She pointed at the bottom of the page to a blank line.

“I didn’t get you to sign the Auditor’s authorization.”

“Really?” I asked. I had never been asked to sign anything before.

“Yes. It gives me your permission to use your office space for auditing purposes. You were supposed to sign it before I started the audit.”

I quickly grabbed a pen and signed the paper.

“I hope you are not in trouble over this?”

“Oh, no. It’s just a formality we are supposed to use,” she explained. “The audit is done, you did perfect.”

“So, that’s it?” I asked.

“Yes, that’s it,” she answered. “Unless you are free for lunch?”

“Of course,” I replied.

“My treat this time,” she said with a smile. “For the inconvenience.”

“Certainly, if you insist.”

“I insist.”

“Where would you like to go? The cafe?” I asked.

“I know a little place on the other side of the park,” she replied. “Let’s go for a walk and I will show you.”

I turned off the coffee maker and the lights before locking the door. We walked to the elevator and paused as the right elevator door opened. 

“We can wait for the middle one,” she said.

“No, it’s okay…” I replied as I stepped inside.

The ride down was easy and the anxiety I expected never came. We exited the front doors and crossed the street to the entry of the park.

“You look very… beautiful,” I commented as we walked. “The red suits you.”

“Thank you, Frank,” she replied with a smile. “I was hoping you would like it.”

As we walked she reached for my hand.

“I hope you don’t mind, I am not really used to wearing heels,” she laughed.

“Oh no, I don’t mind,” I replied.

We held hands as we strolled the park for almost thirty minutes and came out on the far end. I was unfamiliar with this part of the park as I had never ventured this far. She led me up the street and around a corner to a small cafe.

“This is the place. I hope you like it.”

As far as I was concerned we could be at a trash dumpster behind a run-down hotel. I was happy to just enjoy her company.

“Looks great,” I said.

The cafe was beautiful with reddish stone walls, exposed wooden ceiling beams and antique-style tables. It was long and narrow and had a wine bar at the center with a few stools. The sunlight streamed through the large front windows.

We were taken in to a table in a quiet corner. I pulled out her chair for her and sat across.

“Thank you,” she said. “You are very polite.”

“I was taught to treat a lady properly,” I replied. “It’s very important, you know.”

She smiled as the server approached and we ordered our beverages.

We sat quietly and absorbed the atmosphere of the place.

The server brought two iced teas, extra lemon.

“Have you been here before?” I asked.

“Yes, on a few occasions I have walked by and stopped for a drink.”

“You walk by here?” I asked.

“Yes,” she replied. “I don’t live far.”

“But… you said you were not familiar with the area?”

“With your side of the park I’m not,” she laughed. “This is my side of the park we are in.”

We laughed as we realized that we did not live far from each other and sipped our iced teas. I told her of my walk last evening and of the big yellow dog.

“Rocky?” she asked.

“You know Rocky?” I laughed.

“Everyone who walks the park knows Rocky,” she laughed. “He is a popular fellow.”

Our meals arrived and we chatted about her side of the park as we ate. She ordered another iced tea and smiled at me.

“You know, I really don’t need your signature on that paper.”

“You don’t?” I asked. “Then why did you come to get it signed?”

“So you would come to lunch with me,” she said with a grin. “It was a good excuse to come here for the afternoon.”

“You could have just asked,” I said. “I would gladly have joined you for lunch.”

“This was more fun,” she teased. “Are you mad?”

“No,” I laughed. “I am glad you did it.”

“You know, that as the Auditor I can demand your assistance with anything relating to the audit.”

“Yes, I am aware of the powers of the auditor,” I replied.

“So, if I state that the audit needs more time and requires you to visit my apartment…”

“I have no choice but to comply?”

“You catch on fast,” she said with a sexy smile and a gleam in her soft brown eyes.

It took me a moment to realize that she had just invited me to spend the afternoon with her, at her apartment, under the guise of the audit. It took another moment for me to realize I was being hit on. The realization hit me like a hammer.

“Whatever you say,” I blurted out.

She laughed and asked the server for the bill. I pulled out her chair and opened the door for her as we exited the cafe. She took me by the hand and led me three blocks up the street and two blocks to the right where we reached her apartment. We climbed the stairs to the second floor and stopped at the first door on the left.

“Here we are,” she announced. “Are you sure you want to come in?”

“I have never been so sure of anything in my life,” I replied seriously.

She laughed and unlocked the door.


I nervously stood in the little entry as she closed the door behind me and locked the deadbolt. I removed my shoes and put them on the little black mat next to the black sensible shoes I had seen her wearing before. She kept her heels on.

“Come in,” she invited as she gestured for me to follow her.

The apartment was much larger than mine and had large windows overlooking the street below. It was neat and tidy, obviously well-kept and organized. There was a large sofa of brown cloth, two small chairs that matched the sofa and a large wooden coffee table with a stone top. The wooden floor was covered with an area rug that looked like a tapestry. Along the wall, there was a large shelf unit full of books and a small cabinet holding a stereo unit. 

To my left was a small, clean kitchen with an island and rows of oak cabinets. The stainless steel appliances went nicely with the stone-type countertops and large sink. I spotted a small dishwasher in the lower cabinet beside the sink and a wicker bowl of fresh fruit on the counter. In front of the sink was a small black mat covering the wooden flooring that appeared to run through the whole suite. Off to one side was a small dining area with a small oak table and two chairs. On the table were a pair of salt and pepper shakers that looked like garden gnomes and one brown bamboo-weave placemat.

“You have a beautiful place,” I told her. “It’s larger than my place.”

“Thank you,” she replied. “I love it. It has two bedrooms and big closets as well.”

“Very nice decor, too,” I added. “Very cozy and comfortable looking.”

“Would you like something to drink?” she asked as she gestured for me to sit on the sofa. “Coffee, iced tea, maybe a glass of wine?”

“Wine?” I asked. “It’s still afternoon.”

“That doesn’t matter today,” she replied as she went to the kitchen.

I sat and fidgeted on the sofa, attempting to see the books on the shelf unit while I waited for her to return. She put a glass of wine in my hand and sat next to me on the sofa. She tapped her glass to mine.

“Cheers,” she said with a smile.

“Cheers,” I replied.

We sipped our wine and chatted about our apartments. She had this one for almost as long as I had mine, about ten years, and had no plans on moving anytime soon. As we talked her hand rested on my thigh and created a stirring in my pants. Soon I had a large tent in the front of my pants and was unsure if I should try to hide it or not.

“Would you like to see the rest of the apartment?” she asked. “The bedroom, perhaps?”

“Y… yes, I would,” I stammered.

She took my empty glass and went to the kitchen. I watched her wash, rinse and dry the glasses before putting them in their place. She returned and held her hand out to me as she smiled. I stood up and took her hand. Her eyes seem to sparkle as they gazed into mine. She led me down the short hallway to the main bedroom and stopped just inside the doorway.

“You will be the first man to ever see this room,” she said quietly. “I haven’t…. been with anyone for a very long time.”

“I haven’t either,” I replied as I swallowed hard. “I have been alone for a long time.”

“Then that’s something else we have in common,” she whispered.

I took her into my arms and kissed her gently, feeling her respond to my touch. We began to run our hands over each other and I felt her shiver as my hands slid up from her waist and cupped her large, heavy breasts. I felt her hand slide over my thigh and cover the tent in my pants. She let out a little gasp as her hand felt the size of my swollen cock through the material.

“It feels really big,” she whispered.

“It is… above average I think,” I whispered back. I had never measured it and neither of the two women I had been with had commented on its size. I was sure it was a little over six inches long and thought it was about two inches thick. I considered it small based on the small amount of pornography I had watched, but I had read the average was about five and a half inches long. I hoped she would find it satisfying.

“Let’s find out,” she teased as she began to undo my belt.

We slowly undressed each other until we both in our undergarments, me in grey boxers and her in a red bra and panties. I stepped back to look at her. She was a little thick in the middle and wide in the hips, a curvy, busty woman. She looked beautiful and extremely appealing.

“You are so beautiful,” I whispered.

“Thank you,” she blushed.

I pulled her to me and kissed her as my hands went around and unclasped the bra. I felt her move as she slipped it off and felt it hit my foot as it landed on the floor. I moved my hands down to her waist and hooked her panties with my fingers. I felt her wiggle her hips as I slid them down and let them drop to the floor. My mind was racing with lust as I caught a whiff of her womanly scent and ran my hands over her naked, firm hips.

I felt her hands tug my boxers down and my cock sprang free, poking into her lower belly as she pushed into me. She reached down and wrapped her hand around my throbbing cock. The shock of her touch on my taut flesh caused my cock to twitch and grow even harder.

We somehow tumbled onto the bed and were soon wrapped in a lusty embrace as we pawed each other. I reached my hand down and felt her spread her legs apart as my fingers reached for her. I felt the tuft of hair brush my hand and suddenly the wetness of her covered my fingers. She moaned gently as my fingers caressed her.

I lowered my mouth down and took one of the large, hard nipples between my lips. I gently suckled it as my finger slid between her folds and inside of her wet opening. I felt her moving her hips and running her hands over my hair as I fingered her. When I slid my finger out and rubbed her swollen bud she groaned loudly and bucked her hips vigourously. She held my head tight to her chest as she climaxed and whimpered quietly as her orgasm passed.

My cock was ready to burst open like a sausage on a grille as I moved between her legs. I spread her meaty thighs apart and pushed the swollen head into her gently. She gasped and grabbed my shoulders as I pushed into her wet, silky opening and I moaned loudly as the feeling of her silky oven enveloped me. 

Oh, God, it’s been so long…

I couldn’t help but thrust faster and began to pump my shaft into her rapidly. We both moaned and grunted as I fucked her furiously and suddenly I felt the need for release.

“Oh, I have to cum,” I groaned.

Her legs wrapped around my waist and pulled me into her as I erupted. I groaned loudly as my intense climax hit, causing me to shake and quiver until the rush had passed. I collapsed on top of her, my face buried between her large, heaving breasts and tried to gasp for air. I lifted myself up on my elbows and we shared a passionate kiss with her legs still around me. I could feel the wetness of my cum seeping out past my still-hard shaft as we lay together in our sweaty embrace.

I slowly began moving my hips as my erection stayed and the slick, greasy feeling inside of her tantalized the entire length of my cock. I began pumping faster and suddenly we were fucking furiously again. In under a minute I erupted again, filling her with another load deep inside of her belly. She had groaned loudly and climaxed at the same time as I had. We lay in a tangled, sweaty heap and gasped for breath as we recovered from our shared orgasm.

“That was so wonderful,” she gasped hoarsely.

I nodded in agreement as I slowly caught my breath, unable to speak. The intense feelings, both physical and emotional, of the encounter left me breathless and stunned. I slowly rolled onto my back and she tucked herself against me as we lay in silence.

“That was… unbelievable,” I finally whispered.

“Yes,” she agreed.

We dozed off as we lay together basking in the afternoon sunlight streaming through the bedroom window.


I was jarred awake up by the sound of the baby crying. I leapt from the bed and hurried into the second bedroom, stubbing my little toe on the door frame as I passed. I ignored the sudden searing pain and picked up the baby, cradling her in my arms.

“It’s okay, sweetie… Daddy’s here, Daddy’s here,” I whispered as I rocked gently up and down.

I felt Diane’s arm go around my waist and her breast push into my side.

“She just needs changing, don’t worry,” she assured me. “I’ll take her.”

I handed her the baby and watched quietly as my wife took care of our daughter. I felt the wet tongue of Rocco push against my hand as he jumped on my leg. I reached down to pick him up. The little yellow puppy wriggled and tried to lick my face as I held him against my chest.

“Easy, Rocco,” I said. “We will go to the park later.”

He replied with a little ‘ruff’ and lifted his ears.

“Yes, all of us.”


Published 6 years ago

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