Dan’s Property – Part 3/3

"Emma become Dan's Property"

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Emma hurried through the underground subway tunnels. She was late for work again. She had slept poorly—very poorly, in fact. Her mind was still entangled with the vivid memories from the night before.

Upon reaching her office, she dove straight into her work, not without receiving a sharp remark from her supervisor. She tried to ignore it, focusing on her tasks to block out the relentless flashbacks. Eventually, she managed to lose herself in her work for a while.

At the end of the day, as she stepped out of the office, her phone buzzed. She froze in the middle of the street when she saw Dan’s name appear on the screen. “Hey beautiful, I’ve checked Nathan’s schedule, and he’ll be very late tomorrow night. So, I plan on coming over around 7 PM. Be ready to welcome me.” Before Emma could respond, Dan had hung up, leaving no room for argument.

That night, Emma had planned a romantic dinner for Nathan to atone for her indiscretions from the previous evening—even though he was unaware of them. She got home before him, prepared his favorite dish, and slipped into the lingerie he loved the most: a lacy black bodysuit with a deeply plunging neckline. She also had a black lace choker meant to go with the bodysuit, which she always found too risqué, hesitating to wear it for Nathan for fear of seeming “too slutty.” After considering it for a moment, she put the choker back away.

When Nathan came home, he found the living room bathed in soft, candlelit ambiance, with a beautifully set dinner table. Emma stood waiting for him, clad only in her bodysuit.

Nathan, beaming with delight, “What’s the occasion for this honor?”

Emma, returning his smile, “Nothing, just felt like it.”

Nathan exhaled appreciatively, “You look stunning.”

Emma, “Do you like it? If you want me to wear something else, just say the word.”

Nathan: “Mmm… There’s something from my perspective that could enhance your outfit. Stay put, I’ll get it.”

Nathan dropped his bag at the door and dashed upstairs to their bedroom. He returned moments later with a black skirt in hand.

Nathan: “You have gorgeous legs, but I also love when things are hinted at. This skirt would make you look divine.”

Emma froze. It was that skirt. The skirt she wore yesterday. The skirt Dan had lifted before he fucked her hard like a common whore on the table, the very same table now set for dinner.

Nathan noticed Emma’s fixation on the skirt and backtracked, “It’s not a must, if you’d rather not wear…”

Emma quickly recovered, “No, sorry, my mind was elsewhere. I’ll put it on.”

Emma took the skirt from Nathan and slipped it on right there. Nathan was right, the skirt did elevate the whole outfit.

Trying to dispel the intrusive memories, Emma forced a smile onto her face, “If you would take your seat, sir, dinner is served.”

Nathan, amused, “Sir? Really?”

Emma, her smile more genuine now, “Doesn’t it please you?”

Nathan, laughing, “Oh, it does, it’s even a bit exciting, actually.”

They shared a delightful evening filled with romantic glances and laughter. The food was exquisite, Emma was an excellent cook who knew Nathan’s tastes well. Soon, they moved upstairs to their bedroom for more intimate time. Nathan laid Emma down on the bed, slid his head under her skirt, unclasped the bottom of her bodysuit, and gently kissed her sex. Emma moaned. He then began to caress her softly with his tongue.

It was pleasant for Emma. But perhaps that was the issue. It was just pleasant, far from the raw intensity she had experienced with Dan. Yet, she refused to let Dan win, she couldn’t allow him to dominate her thoughts, so she focused as best she could on Nathan’s tongue.

When an orgasm didn’t come, she finally moaned, “Take me.”

Nathan lifted his head from under the black skirt and moved up to face Emma. Then Emma did something she rarely did, which surprised Nathan. She turned over onto her stomach, facing away from Nathan, and whispered, “Take me like this.”

This excited Nathan, who chuckled and whispered playfully, “As you command, madam.”

Nathan began to take her from behind, perhaps with more vigor and masculinity than usual, spurred on by the unexpected turn of events. His moans grew louder, indicating his rising climax. For Emma, though pleasure was there and building, it still fell short of the intensity she craved. She made the mistake of closing her eyes.

Images and sensations from the night before flooded back into her mind, and combined with Nathan’s movements, she started to moan. Spurred by her vocal encouragement, Nathan increased his pace. In her mind, Emma was no longer in her bed, nor was it Nathan behind her. She was bent over the table again, with Dan ruthlessly taking her.

Her pleasure surged uncontrollably. She started to moan louder, uttering, “Fuck me. Fuck me harder.”

Nathan, incredibly surprised to hear Emma use such language for the first time during sex, intensified his efforts. He was on the brink of orgasm but held back.

On the verge of climax, she heard herself crying out, “Yes. Fuck me D…” but, in a half-conscious state, bit her lip before she could scream Dan’s name. The scenario of imagining being taken by her boyfriend’s best friend while making love with Nathan triggered a powerful orgasm in her. Nathan came almost simultaneously.

Nathan gently collapsed onto her, both catching their breath. Emma tried to steady her breathing too, feeling the sting of guilt-induced tears, but she managed to hold them back. Explaining them to Nathan would have been too difficult. They soon fell asleep in each other’s arms.


Emma woke up abruptly, her mind still foggy. For once, she was up before her alarm. Nathan had already left for work. Emma found herself in a peculiar state of mind, unable to decide whether last night was good or not. She had enjoyed a great time and experienced a profound orgasm, but part of her wondered if, by thinking of Dan during the act, she hadn’t betrayed Nathan once again.

She shook her head, trying to dispel the troubling thoughts. She couldn’t let Dan win. “Dan… Oh God,” Emma suddenly remembered Dan was supposed to come over tonight. She couldn’t risk being alone with him again. She got up, showered, dressed, and left early for work for a change.

On her way, she called a girlfriend to make plans, ensuring she wouldn’t be home alone. The workday passed uneventfully, and she met her friend at 7 PM in the city, precisely when Dan would likely be at her place. But she didn’t want to think about that. If she wasn’t there, he’d get the message and hopefully stop pursuing her.

As the evening progressed, Emma was chatting quietly with her friend Jen, momentarily forgetting about Dan, when suddenly, her phone rang. It was Nathan.

“Hey, love, where are you?”

With a smile in her voice, Emma replied, “I’m having a drink with Jen downtown, why?”

A pause, then Nathan continued, “Oh, I think you forgot, but you were supposed to meet Dan tonight.”

Emma’s face paled, a reaction Jen noticed, stopping mid-sip to watch her friend with curiosity.

“What do you mean?” Emma asked, her voice betraying a hint of panic.

“Dan told me you two had planned to meet to go over his work project,” Nathan explained.

“Damn Dan,” Emma thought, biting her lip in frustration.

“Ah, uh… yeah, it slipped my mind,” she admitted.

“No worries, he didn’t seem too upset. I’ll let him know,” Nathan concluded before hanging up.

Emma’s heart sank as she ended the call. Her attempt to avoid Dan had backfired spectacularly. Jen, sensing something was off, asked, “Everything okay?”

Emma forced a smile, “Yeah, just a mix-up with plans. I was supposed to meet someone for work tonight.”

Jen raised an eyebrow, “Sounds important. Are you going now?”

Emma shook her head, “No, I think I’ll stay out a bit longer. He can wait.”

Jen chuckled, “That’s the spirit. But hey, if you need to go, or if there’s something else bothering you, you can tell me, okay?”

Emma nodded, appreciating her friend’s concern but not ready to delve into the complex mess she found herself in. As they resumed their conversation, Emma tried to push Dan out of her mind, but the evening had taken on a different tone now, tinged with an undercurrent of unease.

Emma returned home two hours later, where Nathan had already come back.

“Hello, beautiful, good evening?” he asked with a smile.

“With Jen, I always have a great time, so yes,” she replied cheerfully.

“Ah, and it’s all set with Dan. Turns out I have to work late tomorrow too, so I suggested Dan come over tomorrow at 7 PM as planned for today.”

At these words, Emma stopped dead in her tracks.

Nathan, while putting away his things and oblivious to Emma’s reaction, continued, “I should be home around 10 PM, which gives you three hours. I think that should be more than enough. Worst case, once you’re done, you can start dinner, and I’ll join you.”

“Three hours,” Emma thought to herself. Given what Dan had done to her in just twenty minutes, she didn’t dare imagine what he had planned with all that time. This thought sent an involuntary shiver of pleasure through her.

“Are you sure you can’t get off work earlier, my love?” she asked, hoping. “You could cook while we work, and we might wrap things up quickly.”

“No, I really can’t, and besides, from what Dan told me, this project really seems important to him, so I’d rather you take your time with him and dedicate as much time as needed,” Nathan replied.

Emma felt herself getting wet despite her best intentions. Nathan’s words, innocent as they were, sparked a fire in her lower belly with their unintended double meanings.

Emma, feeling resigned, didn’t push further. Insisting might have seemed suspicious to Nathan, and telling him the truth about what happened two days ago was unthinkable. With Nathan explicitly asking her to meet with Dan, there was no way for her to get out of it this time. The mix of emotions brought on a wave of immense fatigue, and despite the excitement, she fell asleep very quickly that night.


The next morning, she was awakened by her phone before her alarm could go off. The name “Dan” showed on the screen, and Nathan had already left. She answered.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Dan said.

“Good morning,” Emma replied timidly.

“You surprised me with your move yesterday, but as you can see, you’ve only delayed the inevitable.”

Emma didn’t know how to respond.

“I’m calling because, having made me wait an extra day, I want everything to be perfect. You’re going to call your office and say you’re not feeling well so you can take the day off. I don’t want your mind cluttered with work, and I want you to think all day about what will happen tonight.”

Emma tried to interject, but her throat was dry, and the words seemed stuck.

“Here are your orders: After calling your office, I want you to make yourself come for the first time this morning. For this once, you choose how. Then, I want you to clean your house to perfection. Lastly, I want you waiting at exactly 7 PM, blindfolded, kneeling in the middle of the living room.”

Emma: “But…”

Dan cut her off, “No ‘but’, the only thing I want to hear now is ‘Yes, sir.’ Is that clear?”

Feeling cornered, Emma heard herself reply quietly, “Yes, sir.”

Dan: “Perfect. Oh yes, very important, Nathan praised that particularly alluring black bodysuit you wore the night before last. He loved it. So, I want to fuck you in it. When I arrive, the only things I want to see on you are your bodysuit, garters, and that cute little pendant Nathan offered you.”

Emma felt her legs give way, and she sank to her knees in her bedroom.

She responded again with a timid, “Yes, sir.”

Dan, evidently satisfied, replied with a “Perfect, see you tonight, my little slut Emma,” and then he hung up.


6:55 PM, Emma was as requested, kneeling with a blindfold in the middle of the living room. The cold from the floor against her knees was uncomfortable, but she didn’t move.

She had reluctantly complied with Dan’s demands, starting with the call to her work. Her absence apparently wasn’t well received, but she had no choice. She then tidied and cleaned the entire house. During her cleaning, she paused at the glass table and bent forward until her breasts pressed flat against the cold surface, one hand gripping the edge of the table. Her other hand had found its way to her sex. The position quickly brought back memories of what she had allowed Dan to do three days prior. She had cried out, “I’m such a slut,” before being overwhelmed by a powerful orgasm.

Come evening, she took a shower and dressed as per Dan’s instructions. Looking at the black lace choker, she hesitated for a moment. She had always dreamed of wearing it, not for Dan, but for herself. She fastened it around her neck. She also put on the black skirt from the previous day.

At exactly 7 PM, she heard the sound of the door opening and closing. Footsteps approached her. Fear and excitement sent a shiver of pleasure through her. Someone was standing very close to her, she could hear their breathing. A hand gently touched her cheek, causing her to shiver and emit a small, involuntary moan.

Dan said, “I was wondering if you would try to avoid me again, but I’m pleased to see that you haven’t.”

Then Emma heard whispered in her ear, “I hope you’re ready because I intend to fuck and come in every one of your holes.”

Emma shivered again, feeling her crotch moisten. At that moment, she felt utterly lost. How could such vulgar words excite her so much? She was about to betray Nathan in the worst way possible, and yet her body seemed eager.

“But before that, I need to make some final preparations,” Dan said.

Emma heard Dan moving around the room, perhaps even into the bedroom, but she didn’t move, perfectly obeying his instructions.

After a few minutes, she heard Dan return and position himself in front of her. There was the sound of a zipper being lowered, and a few seconds later, she felt what was unmistakably the tip of his cock pressing against her lips.

Dan continued, “I’m not going to fuck your mouth right away. I want you to show me how submissive you are, and for that, I want you to do your utmost to make me come without any help from me. I want you to demonstrate how much you want to feel my cock deeply down your throat.”

Emma remained still, her lips closed. There was still an inner voice pleading for her to stop, to remove her blindfold, stand up, and flee from her house. She couldn’t do this to Nathan. It was one thing for him to take advantage of her allure, but another entirely for her to willingly indulge in it.

Dan declared, “You know you’re going to give in eventually. You have the choice: you can either fight it and not enjoy it, or let go completely and let your fantasies play out.”

Emma felt Dan’s cock press more insistently against her closed lips. Abandoning all reason, she parted her lips and moved forward, sliding Dan’s cock as deep as she could into her mouth.

She heard Dan sigh.

“Fuck, that’s exactly what I want. Now show me what you’re capable of, show me how much it turns you on to suck your boyfriend’s best friend, show me that you want it, show me you deserve to be my submissive.”

At that moment, Emma was thinking of nothing else but the present, the suction of her mouth, the tightness of her lips, the warm air she breathed out on Dan’s dick, the way her tongue glided along his shaft and simply rested on his tip to not build his orgasm too fast. Dan had never experienced such a blowjob in his life.

“Fuck. You’re even better than last time. Keep going like this, and I’ll be emptying myself in your mouth in minutes.”

Dan couldn’t help but laugh, “I’m sure you’ve never sucked Nathan like this. You must really love the taste of my cock.”

Emma let out a moan of approval while remaining extremely focused and dedicated to her task.

Dan continued, “You can’t imagine how many of Nathan’s friends have fantasized about fucking you. If they knew what you’re doing right now, they’d all be lined up outside your door.” Dan sighed as Emma took his cock deep into her throat again. “But something tells me you wouldn’t mind that.”

Overcome by pleasure, Dan couldn’t help but grip Emma’s hair firmly, starting to set a pace for her. Emma moaned, and one of her hands began to caress her crotch through the bodysuit.

“I’m going to come, slut. Keep it all in your mouth, you’re not allowed to swallow.”

As Dan let out a powerful cry, Emma felt his release filling her mouth. She continued to suck him without taking him too deep, trying her best to swallow as little as possible. Dan stepped back, his cock beginning to soften as it left Emma’s mouth, which she quickly closed to prevent any spillage. Dan was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath.

“Very good start, the rest promises to be interesting if you put in as much passion. Stand up.” With these words, Dan helped Emma to her feet, but he did not remove her blindfold. Dan took her by the hand and led her towards the entrance, where there was a large mirror in which Emma usually checked her reflection each morning before leaving.

Dan removed Emma’s blindfold, and she found herself face-to-face with her reflection, with Dan just behind her. She looked at herself for a few moments, her beautiful red hair slightly tousled, a trickle of semen escaping at the corner of her lips, all of which gave her an aura of particular eroticism and sensuality. She couldn’t help but look at Dan too, his imposing and virile frame next to hers accentuating the sense of domination he had over her. This sight excited her tremendously.

“Place your hands on the mirror and lean forward. You’re not allowed to swallow until you’ve come. I want you to associate the taste of my semen with the pleasure of orgasm.”

Emma complied, shivering once again. What she was being asked to do was so perverse and dirty, and yet, it continued to excite her immensely.

Seeing her obey so promptly, Dan couldn’t help but mutter, “Good girl.”

Emma felt Dan’s hand land on her buttocks and start to move down towards her sex. Instinctively, she arched her back and spread her legs a little wider to give him access.

He started to stroke her crotch, lifting her skirt, then he undid the snaps of her bodysuit, freeing access to her sex.

Dan, with a wicked smile, said, “I love this bodysuit, I understand why Nathan loves it so much.”

He then slipped a finger into Emma’s warm, welcoming sex. She couldn’t help but moan, and a little bit of semen escaped her mouth, dribbling down her cheek and onto the floor.

“You must keep it all in your mouth and not waste any, or I’ll have to punish you,” Dan warned.

He then gave her a moderate slap on her buttocks. Emma let out a moan, more out of surprise than pain, and her excitement spiked. However, she managed to keep her lips closed, preventing further loss. Dan crouched behind Emma and gently ran his tongue over her clitoris. Emma moaned even louder, still muffled, and screamed internally. It was torture for her. She wanted more, she wanted to feel Dan’s thick, uncut member ravaging her without restraint. Dan must have realized this because he said, “You want to come, don’t you, my little slut?”

He ran his tongue softly and firmly over her clitoris again.

Emma moaned very loudly once more. She couldn’t take it anymore, her pleasure was matched only by her frustration at that moment. Dan, for his part, had regained his vigor, the situation was clearly exciting for him as well.

He stood up and placed his hard member against Emma’s buttocks.

“If you want me to fuck you, I want you to watch yourself in the reflection so you don’t miss anything.”

Emma looked directly into Dan’s eyes, her mouth still closed, her eyes full of lust. There was no doubt that this was exactly what she had been waiting for. Dan smiled, positioning his member at the entrance of her sex. He could feel the heat emanating from it even before entering. “Poor Nathan,” he said with a smirk. Then he thrust in fully with one stroke.

This time, Emma couldn’t help but open her mouth to express her desire, letting more of Dan’s semen spill onto the floor. Dan placed his hands on Emma’s hips and began to fuck her roughly, with no consideration. Emma lowered her head and closed her eyes to focus on her pleasure. In an instant, she felt a hand firmly grip her long red hair, pulling her head back.

“I told you, you have to watch us. I want you to see me fucking you while my semen drips from your mouth. I want you to see the slut you’ve become.”

Her lustful reflection in the mirror, the words he had just spoken to her, the taste of his seed in her mouth, the firmness with which he pulled her hair, combined with the sensation of Dan’s cock thrusting deeply inside her, triggered a powerful orgasm in her. She swallowed what remained in her mouth, nearly choking before finally being able to scream out her pleasure.

“Well. It seems like you really needed that,” Dan exclaimed, surprised by the intensity of Emma’s cry. He withdrew from her, still as hard as rock. Emma let out a slight sound of frustration between breaths.

“Don’t worry, I’m not quite done with you yet.”

Without waiting for her to fully catch her breath, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the bedroom.

“Get on all fours on the bed, facing your photo on Nathan’s nightstand.”

Emma complied, and as she set her gaze on the picture frame, she paled. A small camera was perched just above the frame, clearly filming. Emma stammered, “But…”

“Oh, you can ignore it, it’s just for me to have a memory of this evening. If it helps you relax, there were two other cameras. Everything that has happened has been recorded,” said Dan, laughing.

Emma then understood the meaning of the “final preparations” Dan had mentioned upon arrival. Emma understood, if it wasn’t already obvious, that she was now completely at Dan’s mercy. She lowered her head and felt tears beginning to well up. Dan positioned himself on his knees behind her and thrust into her again to the hilt. Emma threw her head back with a sharp cry of pleasure, the lust instantly replacing the sadness.

As Dan pounded into her, she felt a finger beginning to play with her last untouched area. “Does Nathan often take you here?”

Emma answered between thrusts, “No, never…”

Dan paused, “Has anyone ever taken you there?”

Emma replied softly and almost shamefully, “No…”

Dan felt his member harden inside Emma’s sex. He gently inserted a first finger into her ass. Emma couldn’t help but moan and let out a “Yeeees.”

Dan had begun fucking her again while pushing his thumb deeper and deeper into her ass.

“Do you want me to fuck you there?” Dan asked with a smile.

Emma only managed a hoarse “Yes.”

Dan stopped abruptly. “Beg me. And do it properly.”

Emma instantly understood what Dan wanted to hear. She hesitated but was on fire, and Dan had stopped. She needed him to continue, he had to continue.

“Please…” Emma said timidly.

“Yes?” Dan responded coldly.

“Please, Master, I beg you to fuck my ass.”

Dan smiled, satisfied. He had achieved his goal. Seeing this beautiful 25-year-old woman, the partner of his best friend, begging him to fuck her was a pleasure he wouldn’t have even dreamed of a week before. And he knew this night of sex was very likely the first of a long, very long series. And he relished the thought in advance.

He withdrew from Emma’s pussy to position himself at the entrance of her anus and began to push gently. His cock was well lubricated by Emma’s sex, but it didn’t enter as easily.

“Fuck, you’re so tight. It’s so good to be the first.”

Dan was entering her slowly but surely, pulling back several times to push deeper.

Emma’s breath was taken away, between pain and pleasure, she could only manage to articulate a few words, “You’re too big, I…”

Dan began moving in and out, and for Emma, the pain slowly gave way to pleasure.

“Do you like that?”

Emma let out a moan of approval. Dan pulled her hair again, “I want you to look at your boyfriend’s picture, tell him you like it, and that since I’m the first, your ass now belongs to me.”

Emma knew that beyond Nathan’s photo, he wanted her to look into the camera. Lost in a whirlwind of pleasure, Emma obeyed without question or thought, “I’m so sorry, my love, I love getting fucked by Dan, my ass is his, it’s his property.”

Dan, very satisfied with Emma’s response, felt himself harden even more and began to pick up the pace.

Emma spoke again, now looking at the camera, surprising Dan, “In fact, I’m entirely his. My whole body now belongs to him. He can fuck me however he wants, ask me for the dirtiest and even degrading things, I’ll do it. I am and will forever be Dan’s property.”

At these words, Dan could no longer hold back his orgasm and thrust fully into Emma before coming with a primal roar, Emma climaxing with him before collapsing. Dan nearly collapsed on top of her but caught himself with his hands.

After catching his breath, Dan managed to stand, his now softened cock slipping out of Emma. On her side, Emma had passed out from the intensity of her last orgasm, the exhaustion, and the emotional rollercoaster.

Dan murmured to himself, “Fuck. That was something.”

Then he checked his watch and realized only an hour had passed. They still had time before Alex came home. He sat down on a chair in the room, watching Emma as she slept.

An hour and half later, he gently woke Emma and whispered in her ear, “Alex will be home soon, you’d better get cleaned up and do some cleaning as well. For my part, I’ll tell him you were tired and went to bed, and I’ll take him out for drinks at a bar to give you more time.”

Emma was still a bit dazed but grunted as she got up. Her ass was sore, she wouldn’t be quick. Dan was dressed and started heading towards the door.

“See you very soon, I plan on doing this again as often as possible.”

Emma had propped herself up on her knees, with her hands behind her back, smiling slightly, “As you wish, Master.”

Dan smiled, then he left, closing the door of her home behind him.


I hope you enjoyed this series. Please like and comment! It helps and encourages me to keep going! 😉

Published 5 months ago

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