Danny’s Blind Date

"Danny's blind date turns into being more than he expected."

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Danny Wells had joined the police force straight from school. He was good at his job and really enjoyed it. Danny could not keep a girlfriend for long though. He was in between girlfriends at the moment as often happened.

On this occasion, some of his colleagues decided to organize a blind date for Danny. When they told him he said to them thanks very much but please tell the lady he is not coming. He said he would sort his own love life out. They looked at him and told him that the lady, whose name is Laura, was really looking forward to this date and anyway the time was too short to cancel. He was to meet her at the Stamford Arms pub on Saturday night at seven pm.

“Let me guess. This Laura is in her nineties, has grey hair, and walks with the aid of a zimmer frame,” Danny queried

“Not at all. I would say she is about thirty and very sexy and has blonde hair, not grey. Also, there is no zimmer frame,” replied Sergeant Webb

“Well, okay then. I am not doing anything that night and I am not on duty so I will go. Just to make you all happy and try and give the good lady a nice time.”

“That’s the spirit, Danny. I hope you have a great time. As I said, she is in her thirties, has blonde hair, and I have no idea what she will be wearing. She is going to sit at a table, with an empty glass in front of her and her handbag on the table. As I have said already, she has blonde hair and is very sexy,” added Sergeant Webb.

What Danny did not know was that Laura had a reputation at the station for dropping her knickers and opening her legs. Most of the male officers knew it, but not Danny. Laura liked to have sex but didn’t like to feel she was being forced into opening her legs, as she had felt with all of the police officers so far. She had had sex with most of the male officers there, and most of them had wives or girlfriends as well. Contrary to what Sergeant Webb had said, she was not looking forward to Saturday night.

Danny arrived at the Stamford Arms pub just before seven on Saturday night. He had a look around to see if he could see any one of the descriptions he had been given. The only lady he could see, who matched any of the descriptions, was this beautiful woman, who he thought could be on the cover of one of the glossy fashion magazines. He thought that it can not be her. She was too beautiful and definitely fuckable. Seven pm came and no one else came in. So he walked up to the table and politely asked if she was Laura.

“Yes, I am,” she replied. “You must be Danny. I must admit, I was beginning to wonder if you would turn up.”

“Sergeant Webb told me seven o’clock,” replied Danny

“I see, well he told me six forty-five. I shall be having words with him, that is for sure.”

“You have an empty glass in front of you and your handbag on the table. That was one of the ways I was told I would recognise you. Let me fill that glass for you. What would you like?”

“Thank you. A glass of white wine would be very nice.”

They sat talking for a number of hours and didn’t notice the time. Then suddenly the barman called out for the last orders.

“Would you be a good gentleman and fetch us the last round, Danny?”

He said that of course he would and thought to himself that it was a pity tonight had to end as he was really enjoying himself.

Closing time came and Laura suggested that they get a taxi to her house and get something to eat. Danny agreed, wholeheartedly.

Well, it seems like tonight is going to last a bit longer,’ he thought happily to himself.

When they got into the house Laura said she would go and make some coffee. You could see from the lounge into the kitchen, as it was very close and they carried on talking. Danny had been told that Laura was sexy and when looking for her in the pub, he had seen this one woman who he thought was very sexy, and it turned out to be her. He lusted over her legs and imagined what was under her very short skirt. Her boobs, which seemed to bounce all the time, he longed to have in his hands. The buttons of the blouse she wore were only done up to about half of her tits, leaving ample cleavage on show. It made Danny hard just to look at.

What I would do to fuck her,‘ he thought.

“I think we should order a takeaway. I really don’t feel like cooking. Is curry okay with you? I will get the extra-large one, then there is plenty for us,” she told him as she went to the phone.

“Right then, the curry will be here in about forty-five minutes, I just ordered in time for their last deliveries. I didn’t order anything else but I am kind of peckish. The French have some fancy name for it, basically, it is an appetizer,” Laura said as she ran her hand seductively over his cock. “I see that he is nice and hard maybe I will get an appetizer after all,” she said as she undid Danny’s zip and slipped his hard cock into her mouth.

Danny could not believe what was happening. The last time he had had a blowjob was, well, he could not remember when.

“Laura, Laura,” exclaimed Danny. “What are you doing?”

Laura said nothing, and carried on, licking, sucking, and running her hand over Danny’s hard cock. Then he shot out all his cum in her mouth, to which Laura swallowed every last drop.

“Danny. You have a lot of cum stored up there. I hope you have got some left for later though. It is getting late. It must be about midnight now. I think you should stay the night.”

“Well, if you have a spare room or I can sleep on the sofa, then sure.”

“No, I don’t have a spare room and as for you sleeping on the sofa, well I will not hear of it. We are both adults, Danny. I am sure we can share a bed and behave ourselves,” Laura replied with a smile.

“Well, if you are sure that it is alright, then yes I will stay. Thank you.”

“I think I just heard the doorbell, that must be the curry arriving. I have had my appetizer, but still have plenty of room for curry,” said Laura as she went to the door.

Danny had not noticed yet, but Laura’s blouse was now undone to below her tits.

Laura went to get the curry and only then did he now notice how far her blouse was now undone. It made him so horny. His cock was instantly very hard. They sat down to have the curry. Laura then had a little accident. She spilt curry down her very loose blouse.

“Oh, look what I have done. I think that this curry has gone all over my tits as well. Now I will have to take my bra and top off to clean myself.”

Danny trying to be a perfect gentleman offered to leave the room while she did so.

“I am sure you have seen a woman’s tits before, Danny. Mine might be bigger or smaller than what you have seen. There is no need for you to leave the room. One thing, I hope my tits are not smaller than all the ones you have seen,” Laura said hopefully with a smile. “Maybe you can even help with cleaning up the mess. It is awkward to get properly under my boob, and that is where some of the gravy has run,” she lied.

Laura proceeded to take her blouse and bra off. She did not seem at all shy.

“There. How do my tits compare to all the others you have seen?” she asked

“They look very nice,” he answered

“Only very nice? Wouldn’t you like to hold them and get the proper feel of them? Then they might be a bit more than just very nice. As I said, maybe you can help me and get under my boob to help clean it.”

Danny was not sure of himself, he really liked Laura and didn’t know about her reputation.

“Well, yes if you are sure it is okay,” said Danny.

He proceeded to wipe gently underneath Laura’s boob to get all the curry off which she said was there, but he could not see much at all.

“Would you be the gentleman that you have been at night and please wipe over my boobs and nipples as well? So that I know it is clean all over?” asked Laura.

Danny was very unsure of himself about doing this but agreed. He wiped very gently over Laura’s tits.

“Thank you, Danny. There is one thing though. You touching my nipples has made me horny. I need a good fuck now. So get your trousers down I am going to ride you. My knickers are already off.”

Danny was taken totally by surprise. This was not what he expected. He did as he was asked and saw his cock spring up as his jocks came off.

“I have one thing to ask you, Laura. You said we are both adults and would behave ourselves. What happened to that?”

“Yes, I said that, but was I not referring to in bed? We are not in bed are we but in the lounge. Now, as I said I am horny and need a good fuck.”

She climbed onto Danny’s lap and put his cock inside her pussy. Then proceeded to ride him, taking his hard cock all the way up her each time.

“I hope you enjoyed that, Danny because I certainly did.” She then added something else which surprised Danny. “I want to tell you something, Danny. Despite all the stories you most likely have heard about me, from all your colleagues, I do not enjoy sleeping around. All the men I have been out with seem to think that if they show a lady a good time, then it is their right to get in her knickers. You are different and I like that. Yes, we had sex but it was because we wanted it and not because you thought it was your right. I include Sergeant Webb in those men, despite the fact he has a girlfriend.”

Maybe that is stretching the truth a bit. The other guys did think it was their right, but I didn’t put up much of a fight. Maybe I am known as an easy lay. I would love to be an easy lay for just this one guy, though,‘ thought Laura.

Danny was a bit taken aback by all this. He had heard no stories at all about Laura, despite being at the station for fourteen years.

They went back to the curry and finished it.

Laura started to yawn. “It is getting late, Danny. I think we should be heading off to bed.”

They proceeded to go to the bedroom, with Danny getting more unsure of himself with each step he took.

They arrived at the bedroom and were just going to get ready for bed when Danny asked Laura something.” Would you like me to leave the room while you get in your pyjamas?”

“Danny, I am sure you have seen a woman’s naked body before, and anyway I don’t have any pyjamas. I sleep naked. I must admit tonight is going to be lovely having you here to cuddle up to, to keep extra warm.”

Danny looked shocked. “Are you sure that you would feel more comfortable with me sleeping on the couch?”

“What did I say earlier about you sleeping on the couch? Also, what have I just said about it being so nice to have someone to cuddle up to? Now, be a good boy and get into bed.”

Danny was unsure of himself but did as he was told. As Laura undressed he saw what a fantastic body she had. Then Laura climbed in curling up against Danny.

“You are very hard down there aren’t you? I would really like to finish a lovely evening off by taking your nice hard cock from behind. from. Do you think you could do that for me?” she asked.

“Laura, didn’t you say that we are both adults and know how to behave in bed?”

“Yes, I said that. Tell me though, where is the misbehaviour between two adults having sex in bed? One of them sleeping all over the bed or stealing all the duvet is misbehaviour.”

Laura promptly bent and opened her legs very wide so Danny could take her from behind. He could feel himself coming right up to the top of Laura’s pussy and it felt great. He felt all his cum shoot right up her. They both smiled at each other and curled up together.

Laura started thinking to herself,’ I like this guy. He knows how to show a lady a good time. After doing that, he does not think it is his right to get in my knickers. The rest of the men that I have been out with do think that. Also, he is a good fuck. I have to give him that. The added bonus is that there is no wife or girlfriend lurking around. This guy is totally single. I might go out with him again. I think tomorrow I must give him my number. Then I would just be letting my boyfriend fuck me. I would like that. I think that maybe I have a reputation at the police station for being an easy lay. They think I am just a tart. I just wanted sex. A woman has her sexual needs as much as a man’

They fell asleep in each other’s arms, both feeling they had had a wonderful date. The next morning when they woke up Laura asked Danny what shift he was on at the moment.

“I am on night shift this week,” he answered

“I see, so you can stay with me all day if you want. As it happens, I am off work today. Tell me, if I bring you breakfast in bed and you really like it, then would you thank me like you did last night?”

“Well, if it was a good breakfast then I might consider it, yes,” answered Danny with a cheeky grin.

“Are you being cheeky now Danny? Do you know what happens to cheeky boys? Well, I will tell you. They get bent over my knee and given a spanking. So unless you want to feel my hand on your bottom, I suggest you stop being cheeky,” Laura said wagging her finger at Danny.

Danny sat up in bed trying to remember when he had such a fantastic evening before. He had really enjoyed himself and the sex was great as well.

Five minutes later Laura came in with a cup of tea. “Thank you,” said Danny, “but if that is my breakfast then you may get a peck on the cheek,” Danny said in a cheeky tone. He knew that there was more to come. The smell from the kitchen was really good.

“Are you being cheeky again, Danny Wells? I have told you what happens to cheeky boys. It seems like you are just asking for that spanking. I have warned you twice now. The third time you will feel my hand across your bottom. Is that understood?” said Laura, with one hand on her hips and the other in the air with the finger-wagging at Danny.

Danny thought to himself ‘ it seems like you want to be a bit kinky and I certainly would not say no to a little spanking from you.’

Laura came in with a tray and put it in front of Danny. Danny’s eyes opened wide.

“Can I just say something about this breakfast, Laura?”

“Yes, you may, but be very careful what you do say. Remember, I have warned you twice about being cheeky and what would happen if you were cheeky again,” she replied with a big smile on her face.

“I don’t think this comes under the category of being cheeky. I just wanted to say that if this breakfast tastes as good as it looks, then you have definitely earned far more than a peck on the cheek. I think it will put some top-class hotels to shame.”

“Well, that may be stretching the truth a bit, and I think I could detect a slight hint of cheekiness in your voice, but I will let you get away with it. Now eat up”, she replied.

Danny started eating as though it was his last meal. The breakfast tasted so good.

“So is the breakfast nice, Danny?” asked Laura.

In between mouthfuls, Danny replied that it was better than his mother’s and she was a very good cook.

“Good. So it is worth more than a peck on the cheek then?”

“Yes, definitely worth more than a peck on the cheek,” replied Danny with a big smile.

“Right you have finished eating and now it is your time to say thank you. Now lay down.”

I am going to enjoy saying thank you for this breakfast,’ thought Danny.

Danny did as requested and lay down. Laura climbed on him and put his hard cock up her wet, inviting pussy and started riding him. Both of them were really enjoying themselves. Suddenly Laura stopped and climbed off of Danny.

Danny looked very concerned.” Is something wrong, Laura?”

” No, not at all. You are just going to, how shall we say, thank me from behind, I am just going to add one thing though. I like to get a little spank when I get fucked from behind,” Laura bent with her lovely pussy facing Danny.

Danny thought all his Christmases had come at once.

After a while, Laura told him to stop.

Danny looked confused.

“You are now going to finish me off by taking me reverse cowgirl. I am close to cumming so it won’t take long.” She smiled. Soon Laura came.

“That was good. Thank you, Danny. Now get up, get dressed and we shall go into the lounge and I will make us some coffee.”

Laura was still dressed in the clothes that she had put on to make Danny’s breakfast, that being a t-shirt and knickers. As they sat talking, having their coffee Laura suddenly asked Danny something he was not expecting.

” Did you enjoy last night at the pub, Danny?”

“Yes, I certainly did. When we had to leave at closing time, I thought to myself that it was a pity tonight had to end.”

” Good. I want to give you my phone number. I have never given it to any other man before, despite Sergeant Webb having it. I suppose the police force has its way of finding out things like phone numbers though. I hope you phone me and we arrange another date. I really enjoyed this one and would love another. There is one thing I must add though. Most of the officers must think I am an easy lay, because of what I told you last night. I want to prove them all wrong and just be a good, maybe sometimes easy lay for you. You are my guy now. Something else as well. If I hear even a tiny rumour or little whisper that you have been trying to chat up other women, or even worse for you, you have been, how shall we say, playing away from home, then you will find out what is behind the saying ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’,” she said with a smile.

“I will remember that and yes, I will phone. I must tell you of my reputation at the station, and it is well-earned, I suppose. That being that I can not keep a girlfriend for long. All my colleagues think a week is a long time for me,” he added.

Well, I think it is time to put both of those reputations to bed. Now, I have something else to ask you. Last night, when you saw my titties I asked you how they compare to others you have seen. You answered very nicely. I then said only very nice, well what do you think of them now? That is after they have been in your hands, mouth and up against you. How do they rate on the boob scale, with five being nice? If you lie, boys who lie don’t get given warnings, they go straight over my knee for a good spanking.

“Right, I would say about an eight,” he replied carefully and in the hope that eight was good enough.

Laura smiled. “I am quite happy with an eight. So you would say they are good enough for a nice titty fuck then? They can be so sensitive, and your cock moving between them feels great. Would you do it now?” Laura asked as she whipped off her t-shirt.

“I would be happy to oblige,” he replied as he removed his trousers.

He proceeded to place his hard cock between Laura’s boobs and slowly move up and down. Her face changed from happiness to ecstasy. When came over her chest, she asked him to feed it to her.

All too soon, the day ended and Danny had to go to work. Laura reminded him that he had her phone number and he must phone her. Without thinking, Danny caught a taxi to work. When he got to the police station, some of his colleagues noticed Danny arriving by taxi.

“What is wrong with your car, Danny?” Constable Rye asked.

Danny had to think quickly. “It would not start, for some reason. I will have to have a look at it,” he lied.

Sergeant Webb came up to Danny’s desk. “So how did Saturday night go, then? Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Yes, thank you, I did. I am seeing her again Sunday night, as well as it happens. Laura is a very nice lady and, as you said, very sexy.”

Sergeant Webb was a bit taken aback by this.

“You are seeing her again on Sunday. What do you want to see that slapper for again?”

“Laura is a very nice lady. She has told me that she has been out with most of the men here and what happened, but she also said I was not like them all.”

“Okay, well it won’t last long anyway,” Sergeant Webb replied as he walked away from Danny’s desk.

The phone on Danny’s desk then rang.

“Constable Wells speaking, how may I help you?”

“Good evening, Constable. I just wanted to check that my boyfriend had got into work safely.”

I had better keep this normal like someone reporting or querying something,’ thought Danny.

Yes, ma’am. Everything went fine, thank you, ma’am.”

“Are you being cheeky now, Constable?”

“No ma’am, not at all,” he answered.

“You most certainly are. This is your third and final warning. When Sergeant Laura sees you on Sunday, you will be going across her knee.”

What a pity I am on night shift this week. I so wanted a little spanking from you, but now I have to wait until Sunday,’ thought Danny.

Meanwhile, Laura was thinking, ‘I say spanking, but it is going to be little love taps. Just enough to leave a handprint. I am sure I will bend for him as well. I really like his nice hard cock inside me. Just to add to the fun of the spanking, I will have my tasselled whip next to me. Not that I shall use it, but he does not know that.’

Time went by, and Danny had now been with Laura for three months. Danny’s colleagues at the police station could not believe it – Danny, with the same woman for three months? It was unheard of. He had been across her knee a number of times as well. Danny was not sure who enjoyed the spanking more. He did know that what followed later, or sometimes soon after, he enjoyed just as much.

Laura was very happy as well, as she had said to Danny he was her guy now and she was an easy lay for him and him only.

She also found out that Danny was not chatting up other women, and also that he was not playing away from home.

Published 2 years ago

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