I watched his plane lift off and disappear into the eastern sky. As I slowly walked across the airport terminal to the parking lot, I tried to compose myself as I wiped the last few tears from my cheeks. I could still feel his lips on my lips and the lingering scent of his shaving soap was still with me, but both sensations were rapidly vanishing.
As I climbed into the car, I leaned back one last time saying good-bye to the man I loved. The feeling of the strength of his arms around me in our last hug vanished as I started the car to head home to our empty house.
You would think that I would be used to this. This was the third deployment in the last two years for my husband. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, he had signed up for the Air National Guard. A few weeks in the summer and a few weekends, he had said. Think of the money and the benefits, he had said. Who would ever have expected multiple deployments year after year?
As I pulled into the driveway and started up the walk to the front door, I heard a voice scream, “Hey, Dani!”
“Hi Joe, how are you doing this morning?” I asked, as I walked across the street to the front porch of our neighbor.
“Oh, about as good as an old fart can be,” he mumbled over his coffee mug. “Did Gary get off okay?”
“Ya, off to the sandbox for another six months,” I tried to cheerfully respond.
“Well, sweetie, you know if there is anything I can do to help you while Gary is gone,” Joe earnestly offered, “you know where to find me.”
“That’s one of the last things Gary told me Joe,” I said and repeated, “See Joe if you need anything.”
“Damn straight girl!” Joe saluted.
“Talk to you soon, Joe,” as I waved and turned back to my house.
Gary and I had a very interesting relationship with this neighbor. He was sixty-three, a Vietnam vet, who was in a wheelchair now most of the time suffering with the effects of exposure to Agent Orange.
Joe’s wife had passed away from cancer two years ago and he had soured on life after that. He had lost many of his friends who viewed him now as an unlikeable old curmudgeon. Gary and I, on the other hand, viewed him as the best neighbor in the world, real salt of the earth.
The loneliness of the house struck me as I threw the keys on the counter. I started to clean up the kitchen after our hurried breakfast earlier this morning. As I put the cups back in the cupboard, I discovered a card and a gift-wrapped package.
I sat down and opened the package. It was a new Sony HD Camcorder. I opened the card and it read: “Sweetest Dani, I will never survive without seeing you for six months. Any chance this camera could replace me in some of your sexy shows? Pretend it is me enjoying watching you. A quick download to me and oh, how happy I will be! Love you always, GaryBear. P.S. If you set it on the dresser, next to the lamp, I could see Joe’s window too…just saying.”
I blushed remembering how this all started. Gary enjoyed watching me undress for him before we went to bed. This had become more and more of a ritual as I developed it into a strip/masturbation show while Gary sat in his chair masturbating. One night, about a year ago, we noticed Joe watching the whole thing from his bedroom. That excited both of us tremendously and led to the best sex we’d ever had. From that night on, Joe’s voyeurism was added to the ritual.
We all acted innocent around each, but we all knew that this was our sexy little secret.
I put the camcorder away, cleared my head, and decided to finish off the last cup of coffee with the morning paper.
“Oh no,” I thought as I read the local section. Joe and the Mayor were at it again. Joe owned a piece of property up by the mall and was refusing to sell it to a developer because it was a buffer between parking lots and a little trout stream. The Mayor, who was a hypocritical S.O.B, was accusing Joe of blocking progress and being a job killer. This battle between them had been going on for months. Disgusted, I threw the paper in the recycle box and went back to housework.
At dinner, I ate my salad consoling myself with a glass of chardonnay and the Sony instruction manual. I discovered I had charged it correctly and after dinner, I went upstairs to set things up for Gary.
I set the camcorder next to the lamp on the dresser and pressed the record button. After a few minutes, I stopped recording and hit the play button. I was very impressed by the high definition picture on the little screen. I had set it correctly with a large depth of field and wide-angle shot. I clearly could see inside Joe’s bedroom and the things on his nightstand. I could zoom in and easily read the license plates on the cars parked along our street and I was in focus as I stood by the large floor to ceiling windows in our bedroom.
I turned on some music, started filling the bathtub, and poured myself a third glass of chardonnay. When the tub was half full of water, at the perfect temperature, I added my favorite Aura Cacia Bath Foam. I watched myself in the bathroom mirror as I slowly lowered myself into the foamy bubbles. I felt pretty sexy. I was still in my prime at thirty years old. My small breasts still had their perfect shape and all the curves still looked pretty dang good. Poor Gary, at least he did know what he was missing.
As I sipped my wine and relaxed to the music I made my plans for my first solo show of the deployment. I loved how the water line and the soapy foam felt on my breasts as they fell through the foam and water as I breathed. I found myself tugging on my hard nipples with increasing frequency as my bath progressed.
As the bath began to cool, I started a warm stream of water into the tub to maintain the perfect temperature. The currents of warm water began to tease my labia as I opened my legs to allow greater circulation. I so wished Gary were here leaning back into my chest. I loved how that position gave me easy access to stroke and play with his hard cock. God, I was horny now.
I rose from the tub, slipped on a sheer robe over my soapy wet body, and slowly walked into the lit bedroom. As I entered the room, I pushed the record button on the camcorder, barely touching the machine. I continued over to the window and looked over to Joe’s room, just catching him turning off his lights.
I laughed to myself, thinking the old boy was waiting up for this, even though it was now past 2:00 a.m. The streetlights and the moon brightly lit the deserted street below. I turned the music up loud.
I leaned against the window glass, pressing my body against it. I was sure that with the wetness of my body and the sheerness of the material, Joe easily had a great view of whatever he wanted to see. I pushed back a little bit from the window and slowly started to run my hands over my body. I began squeezing my breasts and pulling my nipples through the material. My hands fell through the opening in my robe to my pussy. It was already swollen and slippery from a combination of the bath foam and my own natural juices. I worked slowly up and down my lips, gently teasing my little clit with my thumb.
I pulled the wet robe off my shoulders and helped peel it down my body. I continued running my hands over my breasts, tugging on my hard nipples, and stroking my pussy. I was getting close and started working my fingers inside my body as my thumb pressured my hard clit.
I turned my back to the window, focusing on the red light of the camcorder, pretending it was Gary watching me. I pictured Gary, sitting naked with his hand rubbing up and down the shaft of his penis. I was so close. I turned around with my fingers still frantically pleasing me and saw Joe.
He had turned on his light and I clearly saw his naked body leaning against the window, his hand furiously pumping his hard cock.
My body started to shake as I felt the contractions of my orgasm and the warmth flooded over me as I screamed, “Oh god Gary, oh fuck! I love you!”
I leaned back against the wall and the window to stabilize myself. I ran my hands over my body, trying to compensate for the lack of a post coital cuddle with my lover.
After a more than a few minutes, I somehow managed the strength to turn off the lights, the music, and the camcorder. I fell into bed and quickly entered a deep sleep.
I was awakened by light and commotion outside my house. I grabbed another robe and peeked out the window and saw police and neighbors everywhere. I quickly dressed and went outside.
Three cars parked in front of Joe’s house were badly damaged. There was glass and metal bits all over the street. A police officer approached with a notebook in hand.
“Are you Mrs. Nelson?” the officer inquired.
“Yes,” I answered. “What is going on?”
“Is that your house? Number 1507?” the officer ignored my question.
“Yes, please tell me what is going on,” I pleaded.
“Were you home last night?” he asked.
“Yes, but please tell me what is going on!” I now demanded.
“One last question first Ma’am. Did you see or hear anything around 2:30 a.m. last night?” he asked.
“No, I didn’t,” I honestly answered. “What is going on?”
“There was a hit and run around that time Ma’am. No one was hurt, but as you see, there was a lot of property damage,” the officer explained.
“Did you catch the guy?” I asked.
“We are still investigating Ma’am. Here is my card, if you think of anything else please call,” he handed me his card and left saying, “Have a good day, Ma’am.”
I then noticed Joe frantically waving me over. “Did you see him? Did you see that S.O.B.?” Joe frantically inquired.
“See who Joe?” I asked.
“The Mayor, Dani. That drunken bastard caused all this and then drove off,” growled Joe. “I saw him get out of his car and look around. He barely could get back into the car he was so drunk.”
“Joe, I really didn’t see anything. When did it happen?” I asked, for a moment not even thinking about what we were doing around that time.
Joe blushed and stumbled for a moment with his words, “You had, ah, just turned your back to the window for the last time. Didn’t you hear it?”
“I’m sorry Joe, I had some music on, kind of loud. I never looked back,” I explained with a flushed face.
“That’s okay kid,” Joe became fatherly, “You get back home. I got this. I will get the S.O.B.”
Joe’s accusations against the Mayor were the talk of the town. Most everyone was saying the Joe had it in for the Mayor and was lying. Some even suggested Joe had smashed the cars to frame the city leader.
The next day’s paper had front-page coverage of the incident. The Mayor’s wife said he was home with her all night and never drank alcohol. The Mayor vehemently denied Joe’s accusations. The Mayor’s lawyer added the biggest news, saying he was preparing to file a slander lawsuit against Joe.
In the paper’s “Man on the Street” sidebar, the consensus was that Joe was a liar and the case would end with Joe having to sell his property to pay off the lawsuit. The newspaper’s editor explained how that would be good for the city.
This time, I threw the paper in the garbage.
As I was making the bed, I noticed the camcorder. I had completely forgotten about it with all the commotion in the neighborhood the last two days. I sat down on the bed and hit play. I actually sped through it at double speed until I saw myself turn around for the last time. I played through from there in slow motion. My heart sunk and I hit pause. I zoomed in down to the street. There he was, our Mayor, clearly visible in high definition looking very drunk.
There he was, right between my legs and just below my fingers plunged into my pussy. Everything was clear as a bell and in high definition.
I knew this video would exonerate Joe and sink the Mayor. I also knew that this evidence would have to be viewed by dozens, if not hundreds, of people. Undoubtedly, it would make its way to the Internet and I would face becoming the town slut with every pervert in town hanging outside my windows.
It was one thing to enjoy men looking at my naked body when I chose the men who could look. But was I prepared to expose myself to everyone and live with all the consequences?
I walked over to Joe’s with the camcorder in hand. “I have something to show you Joe,” I said, as I walked right in and sat down at his kitchen table. I hit play, cued to the spot a minute before I turned around. I froze it with the Mayor’s face just below my pussy.
“You can’t show this to anybody Dani,” Joe quietly said. “I assume this was to be for Gary’s eyes only and should remain that way.”
“But it’s proof you are telling the truth Joe,” I explained.
He took my hand, holding it tenderly, and quietly said, “What you and Gary have let me share with you is the most precious gift anyone has ever given me. I am an old man, on my last legs, and you have your whole life ahead of you. This would ruin you both in this shitty little town.”
“But Joe,” I interrupted.
“No Dani, please,” he insisted, “share it with Gary, but no one else. Please.”
The phone rang and Joe waved me home, “I’ve got to get this, it’s my lawyer. Hello Mr. Matheson, thanks for calling me back…”
As soon as I got home, I downloaded the video into an e-mail to Gary along with an explanation of what was going on here and what Joe had said.
After six hours, I received a response: “Dani, Wow, I leave and all hell breaks lose. I was barely able to get your message and only have a few minutes to respond before I am out of touch for a few days. Dani, this is completely up to you. I am behind your decision all the way. I know you will do the right thing, whatever you decide. Wow, you know I like guys looking at you…but the whole town? LOL, I love you forever, GaryBear.”
I promptly picked up the phone and called “The Law office of Hennings, Johnson, & Matheson” and made an appointment to meet with Mr. Matheson.
“What can I do for you sweetheart?” the rotund Terry Matheson oozed from behind an obnoxious cigar.
“This is regarding Joe Wellington’s case. I have something I need to show you and get your advice on, but I need it to be in total confidence,” I explained.
“Honey, Joe is my client and I can’t keep things from him about his case,” Matheson explained, blowing a foul smelling cloud of smoke my way. “However, if you were my client, asking for my legal advice, that would be different. Give me a dollar, sweetie.”
“If you say so,” I said as I handed over a dollar bill.
“Okay, so now you are a client,” he said, as he stuffed the money in his pocket and leaned forward, “So, tell me what the problem is babe.”
Matheson became more interested with every word I told him. After I had finished the story, he asked to see the video. I handed him the camcorder and he patched it into a fifty-inch HD TV monitor on his wall.
He came out from behind his desk and stood next to me as he watched the video from the beginning. I noticed an erection growing in his pants and his hand starting to give it some attention.
“Well, this is great,” I thought to myself as the attorney grinned at me with his yellow teeth.
I reminded myself that this was the only way I could help Joe and bring down this scumbag mayor. I would do what I had to do to bring this all to an end, now.