Daniella III: Daniella Domina – Part 2

"Daniella introduces Eric to life on the edge."

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Daniella let her fingers crumple into her lover’s hair. She was possessed by a new kind of exhilaration. For a moment she clutched and caressed him, then she drew back his head and placed a kiss on his forehead. “The first thing you need to learn is patience,” she said. She trailed fingers through his dark hair, enjoying its thickness as she sat astride this powerful constrained man. You’re my plaything now. Hard part’s over. Got you where I want you—now we have all the time in the world.

She gripped his shoulders, loving the tensing of their brawn, and swung off him. A leisurely patrol around him assured her that all the knots would hold, under whatever degree of strain he put them—and she hoped there would be a lot of strain. “Look at you.” There was a sudden sense of freedom in being able to speak her mind. “All gorgeous and manly and nothing to be done with it.” She drew fingers lightly across his shoulders in all their breadth and peered over to check on his response. “Nowhere to put that big twitching cock.”

“Well we both know where it’s been, don’t we?”

She gripped his hair and yanked his head back harder than she’d meant to. Now that she’d done it she could hardly apologize, and besides, his gasp of shock was hugely gratifying. “Yes, and it’s clear to see how badly it wants to go there again. But it’s not up to you when. Or if.” She reached around and caressed his cheek with her palm, enjoying its scratchy morning stubble. “Of course you can always help by being a good compliant boy. But I’m guessing that doesn’t come easily to you, am I right?”

“If you’re asking whether I’m going to make this easy for you, we both know the answer to that one.”

“Well that’ll only serve to increase the fun, won’t it? So already I’m winning.” She kissed his cheek lightly and ran the fingertips of both hands down over his chest, teasing nails against nipples and listening to his hoarse response. His light chest hair was prickling under her touch now that the lotion was absorbed into his skin. She plucked at little tufts, letting her breath warm his face as she tugged. Then she smoothed him down again, with fingertips lingering on his nipples till he panted. She wandered around the front of the chair, assessing how best to torment her perfectly bound perfect specimen.

The lighter the touch, the more palpable his reaction, she discovered on running fingernails up his arms. So her hands went exploring all over her captive boy, trailing in reverse so that they barely made contact with his skin—across his chest and neck, along his thighs, brushing over his groin either side of his already languishing cock. Through it all he was still yet tense, focused she was sure on the regulation of his breathing.

“Look at that,” she said, ensuring that he would feel her breath on the flesh of his dick. “Every sensation is registering right here, isn’t it?” She let her nails brush the bristling sac of his balls, then tantalised her way up the thick veiny tower, touching with the lightness of gossamer. A jewel of precum welled at the tip and glistened there.

“This cock wants to go on a great rampant charge, only it can’t.”

“Don’t pretend you don’t want it to,” he growled. “I’ve seen the look on your face when you’re stuffed full with me. You can’t fucking get enough.”

She stood to her full height, dragging nails one more time from his knees all the long journey up to his neck, this time raking over his groin and his nipples so that he sucked in his breath. “Yes …” She ran hands over his face and took hold of his head, rolling it gently and rumpling his hair. “But today I get it when I’m ready and on my terms.”

“Admit it. You want it now.”

“Wrong, sweetheart.”

She took his nipples in pinching fingers and gave an added twist to both, holding it till she drew from him a hard vocal ejaculation. “Aaagh! Fuck!”

She let him go, blood pumping in a jubilant rush through her aroused body. Time to teach this smug bastard a lesson. “God, babe, there’s so much else I want first.” She wet her fingers and ran the tips over the peaks she had reddened, applying a saliva balm. “There. There, sweetheart, all better. But look …” She’d checked and it pleased her greatly. “If anything that made your poor cock even harder. Somebody’s enjoying this.”

“Damn …” He shook his head and there was laughter in his voice. “You’re not short on surprises, I’ll let you have that much.”

A sharp rap sounded from the apartment’s outer door. Daniella looked around, excitement heightened, wondering if she could have struck as lucky as she’d hoped. It had said Next-Day Delivery, but, well … it wasn’t even noon.

“Oh, let me go answer.”

“Why would you answer?” There was a gratifying edge of concern in his voice as she went searching for her robe, perhaps that she would invite someone in.

“It’s okay, I’ll put something else on,” she called from the bedroom as she slipped into the knee-length silk gown she had added to her overnight bag. Her naked lover was exhibiting an increased degree of physical and psychological strain as she passed by him again. What a funny thought that a friend or business associate or family member might be calling, while the occupant was a sweaty erectile prisoner in his own living-room. She hoped, however, as she slipped into the hallway, that Arabella’s suggestion was about to prove its worth. That the diciest variable in her plan was falling neatly into place …


Christ. Was she expecting someone to call?

No one Eric knew was likely to show up on Sunday morning without having called in advance. So this was clearly something she had planned. Surely she wasn’t going to bring anyone into his home so he could be viewed in his prisoner-state. The unpredictable quality in her behaviour since that day’s dawning provided him with no reassurance however. His nipples were still smarting from the rigorous twisting to which they had just been subjected. Little bitch. It seemed he didn’t know her so well after all. Any more than she had known him before this weekend’s kink had begun. Touche.

His body remained taut in the chair, awaiting the next development in events over which he had abandoned control. Sweat which had been beading commenced its trickle down the back of his neck. Another fucking hot day. He was alive with the memory of her nails on him—every touch had shuddered him to his balls—and his mind boiled with what her next move might be. Whatever game she was playing, this girl, she was intent on a Premiership-level performance. That much was disconcertingly clear.

Voices from the hallway—Daniella’s all sweetness, the other clearly male, but none that he recognised. The conversation was brief and when it ended, his captor’s tread sounded alone on the living-room floor. Thank God for that mercy at any rate.

“So who was that? Am I getting any clues?”

“It arrived!” She sounded positively elated. “I mean I was assured this was a good service and by somebody who should know, but to actually have it in my hands … Hang on, let’s see if they’ve included everything in my order.” She clacked off to the kitchen from which came the sound of drawers being opened and of slicing through packaging, followed by much rummaging and a squeal of delight. “God, let me see—yes, it’s all here.” She was returning, with whatever had been brought to his door. “Oh we are going to have so much fun, you and me.” Her voice was saturated with salacious glee. “Let me open it all first, get it set aside and ready.”

She was clearly seated on the sofa behind him, unwrapping what he imagined to be a cardboard-boxed treasure trove of some kind. “Bloody hell. Do I have to rip open this plastic with my teeth?” Then she was gone again, presumably searching for a scissors or a sharp knife. Whatever the search, she’d know he wouldn’t provide any help and had too much pride to ask him for it anyway. Almost immediately she returned, evincing satisfaction at the completion of her task. “Right. Let’s put this little item to use. Never tried one before. Let’s see … Is this big alpha-male still all ready?”

Bare arms linked around him from behind, teeth snagging his lobe before a wicked tongue writhed inside his ear. If his erection had been in danger of flagging, the move boosted it to full power. Smooth palms glided all the way down his chest to the flat of his stomach, one of them slipping beneath his helpless cock and prising it from his belly. He gasped to be touched there and to be held upright in her slim fingers, a treat following the strategic denial of earlier. “Look at you,” she cooed. “You’re absolutely bursting to cut loose with this bad-boy. Well let’s see if we can enhance that effect.”

His breath, he realised, was bated in expectation—of what, he was not remotely sure. He winced, as she held him tenderly right beneath his glans, in expectation of something either exquisite or excruciating. Possibly both. Her other hand held some kind of pliable ring to his tip and stretched it over the head of his cock. It contracted and squeezed for a moment where her fingers had been gripping him, but then she took hold of it in both hands and guided the pliant hoop all the way down his shaft till it nestled against his tight scrotum. She let it go and the ring clung snugly to the base of his erect tower.

“Oh God …” He groaned at the restricting sensation and in realisation of her intentions—some of them at any rate. “You bad little bitch.”

Her laughter was silvery. “Thank you. We’ll see if this works like it’s supposed to. If it does like it said on the website, it’ll both stop you from blowing your stack and ...” She paused and took hold of Eric’s new cock-ring. He could feel the click immediately before it thrummed into life and the vibrations consumed him.

“Oh sweet Jesus.” He could not help but provide her with the satisfaction of a response she found hilarious. It felt like his balls were being licked all over at once, so that whispered promises of fulfilment ran up his column and bulged him fuller than before. The impulse to push for sexual release was upon him, but the ring’s constraining hold prevented him.

“… And,” Daniella concluded, “make you want to more than ever. Which means our fun can really begin.”

What the fuck did that mean? The ring’s battery-operated vibrations pulsed through his dick. They let him know beyond all doubt that he was dealing with a very clever young woman with a plan. He clenched his bounds hands to prevent himself from betraying his frustration any more than he could help and waited for whatever was next. For the first time in his sexual experience he was not privy to that crucial information. “What I said earlier,” he told Daniella, his voice substantially more constricted than the last time he had spoken. “Bring it fucking on.” What else could he say?

“I have a bit of setting up to do.” Her matter-of-fact tone did not quite belie her enjoyment as she rattled about and organised another surprise somewhere in front of him. “But let me provide you with some entertainment while you’re waiting. Something to work in tandem with your new cock-adornment. I got to enjoy it yesterday and I’m pretty sure it’s a favourite of yours, so I think you’ll appreciate my choice.”

She was arranging something closer to him now, reaching across him and drawing a stringy cable with her that trailed across his body. Miniature phones were plugged into both his ears and he wondered momentarily if he was about to enjoy some musical interlude. The sound which filled his head moments later set him straight on that deluded notion. So she had been rigging up a laptop—Hers? His own?—installing one of his favourite old DVDs in the disc drive. Wicked girl, and with an aptitude for revenge that was nothing short of inspired.

He’d made her watch the same scene the day before, in fact he had insisted she look out for it when she was doing one of her stints in the chair. Even minus the visuals the scene’s striking soundtrack brought its images vividly to mind. Daniella had set it going slap in the middle of the sexual tumult, with the hired stud slamming his lube-greased cock into the porn-heroine from behind, balls smacking into her ass so hard that the sound echoed about the minimally furnished room. He was grunting like a savage and she was cutting loose with an elongated banshee-wail in response to his frenzied cock-work.

Eric’s own frustrated organ twitched in recollection of the scene. The lusty hero had taken charge of events from the start, drenching his opposite number in lubricant so that every inch of her slinky nude body dripped with the stuff, the liquid rivering out of every orifice. He’d then proceeded to ravish her one hole at a time, only moving on to the girl’s cunt once her throat has been mercilessly invaded and reamed. Now he had her face-down on a velvet-swathed sofa bed, one hand leaning on the small of her back, while the other swatted her oil-glazed ass and his cock rammed to her pussy’s depths. Such a fine display of hard sexual technique, one that Eric knew himself capable of matching. The knowledge only enhanced his frustration.

“Oh God! Oh my fucking God! That’s so fucking deep …” the glamour-slut was babbling, her vowel sounds extending infinitely.

“Just like you need. Just like you fucking need, baby,” her lover asserted. “You’re going to take it in every hole, every fucking hole you have …” Whereupon the girl poured out prayers even more heartfelt than before and the stud’s hand went groping for the lube again.

Now there was a guy who wasn’t fool enough to hand over control and end up lashed to his own chair at the mercy of some crazy girl’s whims. There was a right-minded male who acted on his alpha principles and made the girl his bitch. (Daniella’s choice of safe-word sprang back into his mind and fired his anger even more.) He fought off the urge to writhe in his chair as the screams and the profanity, the whack of balls on ass and squelch of cock in cunt filled his head. His own cock was bone-hard, but unlike the movie-guy there was fuck-all he could do about it.

“Spread those cheeks, baby. Spread those fucking cheeks. I’m gonna fire this lube into that tight hole. That’s it. Get you nice and ready.”

There it was—the sputter of fluid against her bum-flesh as the bottle was compressed.

“Oh God, oh God, you’re gonna fuck my ass …”

“Goddamn right I am. Now squeeze that oil out. Let me see it.”

There it was, the audible spurt of oil from that deep dark place.

“That’s it. Now you’re good. Now you’re all set. And I’m damn-well going in.”

“Oh God, oh – oh – oh … Aaaaagh! Fuck!”

Shitting hell, Eric wanted to be that guy. He wanted to hog-tie the teasing bitch who had talked him into this madness, lube her up and pound the suffering fuck out of her ass. Make her howl like the slut in the scene was doing right now. “Oh God! My ass—you son-of-a-bitch! You fucking bastard! Ohhh FUCK!”

Only he couldn’t, could he? He wrenched at the bonds with all the power in his arms, but it only threatened to cause rope-burn around his wrists. If he hadn’t been so angry at himself at underestimating this girl, he might have been more in touch with his admiration for the conniving minx. She’d got him good and who the fuck knew what was lined up for him next? He heard her laughter chiming along with the cacophonous fuck-sounds on the DVD and knew that she’d been watching him struggle.

Damn—couldn’t he avoid giving her on a plate every fucking thing she wanted? What the hell had happened to him? More to the point, how was he going to play the game from this point on?



“I get it. For the first time in my life I really get it.”

Arabella had been right. There was something uniquely sexy about a dominant man roped tightly to a chair. Daniella had never considered it before; all her secret fantasies of recent times had strayed in the direction of playing the captive and the past two days’ experience had lived up to her dreams with cunt-creaming intensity. But this bout of role-switching madness filled her with an Amazonian delight she would never have expected to discover in herself.

The bound man had to be dark and dangerous to begin with, she considered, as she let her eyes wander over his stripped-naked body. He had to be a naturally forceful male for the effect of the game on a girl to be so potent. All that power, all that lust and aggression trussed up and controlled. The tiger in its cage, with all its instinctual dreams intact of bringing down prey in the wild. She’d lured the big hungry tiger into her trap and everything she did was poking a stick through the bars. If he escaped now, he’d make her rue the moment she caged him.

God, he’d fucking obliterate her ass, semi-literally. The thought made her cheeks clench and her pussy pulse. What she’d done—what she was doing—bloody well scared her.

Look at him there—magnificent in his taut and ever more sweaty muscularity, the tensing of his body accentuating the length of his torso in its lean brawn. His muscled thighs and ass were starting to lift off the seat in response to all the stimulation, that newly tormented cock swollen without hope of satisfaction. His writhing had been gently insistent, however much he tried to hide it, and then those hands … suddenly jerking against their constraints in a flash of frustration, what a beautiful, heart-jumping sight to witness. It made her laugh in fright as much as in mockery. Brute physical strength toiling ever harder against the bonds that held it back from gratification, but all to no avail.

Keep faith in your own knots, girl, and take this to the limit. He certainly did when it was his turn, and don’t forget that for a second.

She leaned down and plucked the phones from his ears, letting them bounce their way down to rest about his cock. “Enjoy the in-flight entertainment?” She gripped the chair-back and got up close, brassiered tits pressed to his chest, strands of hair licking his shoulders and neck, lips right to his ear.

“I’m sure you’ve never experienced it in quite these circumstances, have you though? Just the audio … Did you like listening to him ram his cock right up her ass, all that out-of-control screaming and moaning she does? She’s getting it good, isn’t she? Little ass-slut. That’s what you want to do to me. That’s what you’re thinking of right now, opening up my ass with your big manly cock and stuffing it as far as it’ll go. Making me take it all and take it hard. Aren’t you?” She kneeled between his parted thighs and garlanded him with her arms, caressing him lightly. “Poor you. Poor sweet gorgeous man, all mine to play with. Wants his way but can’t have it. Because today I get to have my go.”

His chest heaved against her and his breath was tremulous. He made to speak, but could manage nothing. Words seemed beyond him right now.

“You look all sweaty and fevered,” she said, affection mixing with her wickedness. “Here, I’ve got you something.”

She reached for the pint-glass full of iced water which she had prepared in the kitchen and set at the foot of the chair, well away from her porn-spewing laptop. Her fingers found a single cube and she scooped it up, bringing it almost to his lips before reconsidering. Instead she brushed the melting block of ice across one of his nipples and felt his whole body jolt under her, his mouth inhaling sharply. How pleasing, each time she succeeded in surprising him. She swirled the cube on that same sensitive spot, the one she knew from experience would send a shock of excitement straight to his dick. He fought to control his breathing and to stem whatever outburst was threatening to form on his lips. All pride, that man. She applied the cube to his other nipple and he shuddered again, controlling it better this time.

“A bit of relief on such a sweltering day,” she told him, drawing it across the curve of his lips and smoothing out their grimace. “Is that nice? Here …” She put the ice-cube in her teeth and brought it to his mouth, urging it inside as their lips locked. For a moment both their tongues luxuriated around the ice, then he tucked it to one side with his tongue and his teeth closed sharply. Her plump lower lip was snared within them, his bite hard enough to hurt just a little. Instinctively she gripped into his hair and tugged hard at the roots, but he refused to cede control, biting harder if anything.


Her free hand shot to his nipple and twisted harder than before. Hard enough to make him let her go in his exclamation of pain. “Owww! Fuck!” Not satisfied with ending his mini-victory, she pulled harder on his hair and smacked him hard across the face with her palm.

“Bad boy!” It put an end to the smile which had been forming on his lips, nipple-torture notwithstanding. Her astonishment at her own action was replaced by a further rush of jubilation. She was good for this task, and would have been so even without the back-up she’d arranged. Of course that other secret pair of eyes, had motivated her to up her game. “This is my play-day,” she whispered into his ear. Like everything else she had said and done that past five minutes, the performance was only partially for him. “And you’re going to damn well behave yourself.”

“Seems I don’t have much choice.” They were his first words in a long while and he followed them up with a deliberate crunching of the ice-cube between his molars. The prisoner, still arrogant and defiant under the duress of sexual torture. She’d deal with that and she’d do it swiftly.

“You’ve got choice,” she said, climbing off him. “You know what to say.”

“Not going to happen, sweetheart.”

“Maybe not. But if you ‘sweetheart’ me again, this’ll happen.”

“What’ll happen?”

She was so very glad he’d asked the question. Without another word she picked up the full pint-glass and flung its icy contents over his naked upper body.

Damn, his reaction made her grin.



Published 4 years ago

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