Dancing in the rain

"A sensual daydream of yearning for spring"

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The sound of the rain is plinking against the window pane – distracting me from my work. I’m frustrated today. Everything at work is coming to a head – leaving clients in a panic and coworkers scrambling (myself included). My recent move has me out of routine – the fixer-upper requiring a lot of effort before I can feel settled. The rain continues to plink against glass and my mind is drawn to imagining it against my skin.

It’s too cold outside to risk bare skin in the rain, but I long for it nonetheless. I let a long sigh out through my nose, the air warming my upper lip. I hear the plinking on the glass…plink…plink plink. 

My eyes flit to the clock. I’m nearly free to clock out. It may be too cold yet, but I hear the rain singing to me, inviting me out.

The last few minutes creep by in my attempt to focus on closing out the work day – distracted by the song of the rain at my window. But the time is now – I slap the lid of my laptop closed and hurry to my bedroom where I strip my clothes, leaving them on the floor. I grab my satin robe and wrap it gently around me as my bare feet tap their way down the hall to the back door. 

I open the door and pause. The cool air meets my warm skin like a kiss and my feet are whisked out into the rain.

I step out onto the grass – bare feet settling into the woven mat of lawn with each step. A breeze billows my robe and I let it slide off my shoulders, leaving me bare to the weather. The rain drops plop against my skin, starting to wet my hair, my face uplifted to the sky. 

It overstimulates at first – hair and skin still dry, in conflict against the new smoothness where raindrops have landed with their dampness. It tickles and itches – raising goosebumps across my flesh and shivers down my spine. But as the seconds float by, more surface area is wet than is dry. My dry skin and hair is electric, waiting for their turn to feel the rain. Not much longer.  Soon all is wet – I’m a naiad with arms outstretched as my goddess envelops me.

Earth below me, sky above me, rain pouring down – caressing me and binding me to both.

My hair in wet tendrils down my back. Rivulets of rainwater running between my breasts and over the crevice of my bum. Like cool fingers tracing the lines of my body, drawing out tension, fear, fatigue. Imbuing me with calm, joy, rejuvenation.

Fully drenched I begin to dance – toes gliding over leaves of grass, arms arcing, droplets spinning away from my body as I twirl. Dancing to the music of water rushing from the heavens to collide with the earth and its children.

It is just me and the rain. Dancing together as partners who know every step. Rivulets glide against the small of my back, encircle my wrists, guiding me in the dance. I am held, embraced, elevated. 

Drops fall from my eyelashes, from the tip of my nose. I part my lips to taste the rain. A giggle bubbles in my throat. I cling to my dance partner – adoring how tightly they press into my skin. Claiming me, freeing me. 

My skin is cooled by the rain, but heat flows within me. My cheeks are flushed as our dance grows more wild. The grass is slippery beneath my feet. If it were not for the rain’s embrace I would lose my footing and fall. The wind curls around me, keeping me upright, pressing water into flushed skin. Seeping into me. 

My breath comes in bursts as my legs take step after step. My hair clings to my face and neck, then whips away only to cling again. 

There is wilderness in our dance. Recklessness. I want this to be all things. To be the bride of the rain. To ride the wind. To dance wrapped in mist. Soaked to the bone. Adored and embraced and spun like a leaf clinging to a tree.

My foot slips and I fall. But the water-soaked grasses catch me as my back lands on the earth with a thud. The air is knocked from my lungs. My dance partner presses me into the damp ground, pinning me there with prickling needles of water. My breasts heaving as I catch my breath. 

I should be cold, this long in the rain, but I am on fire. I entwine my fingers into the grass beneath me, clinging to whatever I can hold. The rain caresses me, finding new paths to wander as I lay down, face to the sky. Running underneath my breasts, pooling in my belly button, trickling down my ears and whispering my rapture to me. Raindrops kiss my lips, my brow, my eyes, my breasts. I shudder a sigh. 

Behind my eyes I sense clouds parting. Raindrops lessen and my skin cries out as my dance partner pulls away with a final, sprinkling caress. The sun reaches down to warm my skin. It grants its healing breath to me. 

I think I will lay like this… a little while longer. Give the clouds a parting glance as they steal my love away – for the time being. The sun curls up with me. My breath comes almost as a purr. I feel drowsy from exertion and elation.

I will let the sun massage the raindrops from my hips and arms. Let its rays cover my skin, and bring the heat back to the edges of my flesh. 

If I lay here long enough, perhaps the moon will visit me too. 

Published 11 months ago

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