Alex took a deep breath and pushed the car door shut, locking everything but her keys inside as per her instructions. Not that she needed all that much. She was used to travelling light when hiking; car keys and a water bottle. And a cell phone for emergencies. She was nervous about not having it with her but that was the point. She glanced at her watch. It was a few minutes before the start of her ‘adventure’. Just enough time to stretch. Once again, she reviewed the directions Ms. Singh had given her. At exactly 9am she was to set off on the eastern portion of Roosevelt Loop, just like she normally did.
She’d hiked this trail before, but usually on a weekend when it wasn’t so secluded. It was a moderate 5 mile hike that generally took her about an hour and a half with short stops to enjoy the vista it presented over the valley. From the lack of cars in the pull out at the trail head, today she’d have the trail to herself.
She tittered nervously at that thought, knowing better than that. If D.I.D.Inc. kept their promise, she’d be joined somewhere along the path. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and counted to 10, doing her best to suppress the mixture of fear and excitement that made her tremble. It wasn’t too late to turn around and go home. She’d forfeit the fee she’d paid, of course, but at least she’d be safe…
Shaking her head, she took a slow, deep breath, and steeled herself. If she chickened out now, she’d regret it for the rest of her life. She set out on the trail, thankful for the cool breeze that whispered through the trees to either side of her. It promised to be a warm August day. She was dressed for it, though. In fact, she was under dressed. Other than the sturdy hiking boots she wore, she was noticeably ‘out of uniform’. Before she’d left her apartment, she’d forced herself into the tightest pair of denim shorts she could find, barely able to get the zipper up. In fact, they’d been too tight to wear even a pair of the skimpiest panties beneath. Not that she’d planned on wearing them, knowing that she’d enjoy the feel of the crotch seam parting her labia and rubbing against her sensitive clit far more without them in the way.
Paired with the sleeveless cotton blouse, so thin it was almost see-thru, she knew she looked like a tramp. That was the whole point. Today, she was a slut. A slut who was going to get what she deserved somewhere along the trail. Her excitement grew as she walked the trail at a moderate pace, as did her arousal. Before she’d gone half a mile there was a noticeable darkness staining the crotch of her shorts and her nipples had swollen into small peaks that poked obscenely against her tight top.
Several times she’d been startled, letting out a small gasp, by the flutter of birds in the branches or a squirrel darting across her path. It hadn’t taken long until her heart was pounding in her chest, making her breasts rise and fall with each breath as paranoia set in. Every tree, every boulder, every twist and turn the trail made was potentially dangerous. She felt like she was being watched, her eyes wide as she scanned her surroundings with uncertainty. Perhaps she really should go back to the car. Perhaps this wasn’t what she’d wanted at all. Biting her lip, she paused, just long enough to steel herself, recalling her interview with Ms. Singh just last week…
“I want to be…” she couldn’t bring herself to say the word, ashamed to admit her darkest fantasies.
Fortunately, the exotic dark skinned woman seemed to understand, gracing her with a sympathetic smile, her brow arching minutely.
“I think I understand, Ms. Saunders. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s why we offer our services. Now, I’m going to need more details. Please don’t hold back. I want your experience to be perfect.”
Alex had licked her lips nervously and stared at her folded hand in her lap, dredging up the courage to tell this stranger something she’d never shared with anyone.
“Well, I do a lot of hiking, and…” she paused, acutely aware of the state of her panties. Damp, they clung to her so that every time she shifted, she felt a thrill of forbidden pleasure spread slowly through her, like a slow moving wave.
“Please, go on.” Ms. Singh’s voice was low and soft. When Alex lifted her eyes, she met a knowing gaze. Somehow, that made it possible for her to continue…
The crack of a branch pulled her back to the present with a startled cry, one that turned quickly to relieved laughter as yet another squirrel bolted down up a nearby tree.
“Oh my god, I’m going to have a heart attack before this is…”
Her words dried up and she suddenly froze as she heard movement behind her. She twisted, stumbling as she tried to take a step at the same time, a sharp gasp escaping her lips as a bear like figure emerged from behind a tree. Broad and tall and dressed in camouflaged trousers, a t-shirt, and boots, he looked menacing. Handsome too, with dark hair and a day’s growth of beard.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
She watched his eyes as they travelled up and down her body, obviously lingering on her chest and between her legs.
“I…” she managed to mumble, adrenalin pumping through her veins as she stared at him. Before it had just been a fantasy. Now… was she really ready to go through with this? She’d been told she could end this at any time. Perhaps…
She pushed that thought aside. She’d committed herself. She wanted this. Still, that didn’t put a stop to the burst of fear that put her feet into motion. Besides, when she’d lain in bed late at night, pleasuring herself with the smooth glass dildo she’d bought herself as a graduation present, that’s how it had always happened, she’d run, and he’d give chase…
She could hear the tattoo of his boots on the trail behind her, slowly gaining ground. She chanced a glance over her shoulder, her breath catching in her throat at the look of pure animal lust on his face. If there’d been any doubt before, it was gone now. He meant to do bad things to her. Terrible things to her, perhaps even hurt her in ways she’d never dared ask anyone to hurt her, not wanting anyone to know how much she longed to be hurt. Only Ms. Singh knew her secret.
“You’re only going to make this harder than it has to be, slut.” He teased her with a shout, his voice even. He wasn’t even working up a sweat while she was already tiring, the burst of energy her fear had given her quickly exhausting itself as she sprinted up the slight slope, her feet unsure on the rough dirt trail.
She shrieked as he grabbed her blouse, pulling her off balance with a button bursting yank. Frantic, she fought her way out of it, his booming laugher taunting her as she distanced herself, for the moment, from him, naked from the waist up, perspiration sheening on her tanned flesh, exposed nipples swollen and aching with lust. Worse, her movement made the seam of her jean shorts rub against her swollen clit and up and down her sopping wet pussy, arousing her with every step until she wondered if she’d be waylaid by an explosive orgasm before her attacker caught up with her.
“No, please God, no,” she panted, rounding a corner and coming to a sudden halt as she ran full tilt into something, or someone…
She screamed as she felt iron muscled arms seize her, wrapping around her and trapping her.
“Scream all you want. No one can hear you out here, slut.”
She fought uselessly, her arms pinned, her pursuer momentarily forgotten as overwhelming terror set in.
“No,” she cried, trembling, suddenly going slack in his arms.
“No?” he repeated, his arms loosening slightly. Behind her she could hear heavy footsteps as his partner joined them. She recalled the last email she’d gotten from Ms. Singh, and swallowed, repeating the memorized words verbatim.
“Please don’t hurt me. I’ll do anything you want. Anything.”
She felt his grip tighten once more, and felt rather then heard, the deep chuckle, her face pressed up against his chest.
“You’ll do anything we want even if we do hurt you, slut. You might even learn to enjoy it.”
The bear of a man behind her grabbed her arms, his fingers roughly clamped around her biceps as her captor stepped back, appraising her with hungry eyes.
“Before we’re done with you, you’ll be begging for it, girl,” he said, his grin cruel as he reached between her legs and gave her zipper a sharp tug, revealing her glistening sex.
“Look at that. The dirty little bitch is already turned on. She wants us to fuck her. What a tight little snatch, too. You shave it just for us?”
Her cheeks heated up as she shook her head, unwilling to admit that she had shaved herself bare last night for the first time, wanting to look like a porn star. Like a slut. Even better, she had liked the way it felt and had spent close to an hour just caressing her smooth mound, teasing herself to the brink, yet never letting herself slip over it, wanting to savor the anticipation she’d built all week and save it for today.
“Tie her up. I don’t want to have to chase her down again.”
Her breath caught in her throat. This wasn’t a fantasy or a dream. They were really going to ravish her. For one brief moment Alex wanted to protest, to beg for them to let her go, telling them she’d changed her mind. That thought fled quickly as her arms were pulled roughly behind her back. First, her wrists were bound tightly, then her arms, just above her elbows. She watched in fascination as the large man before her, dressed in jeans and an AC/DC t-shirt, fashioned a loop out of rope and dropped it over her head so that it settled on her shoulders.
“Going to take you for a walk. Don’t even think about trying to escape.”
Gently tugging on the makeshift leash, he headed up the trial, his partner guiding her from behind, her shorts gaping wide open to reveal her wet pussy, her tits bouncing with every step.
They led her off the trail, helping her through the brush until they reached a small clearing centered on a gnarled old oak tree. In the background she could hear the burble of a small spring. Briefly, she wondered why she’d never noticed it before, close to the trail as it was. It was a pretty little meadow, splashed with colorful wild flowers.
While one held her still, the other secured a length of rope to the coil that held her wrists together, throwing it up over a low hanging branch so that he could pull her arms smoothly over her head until she was forcibly bent over at the waist. The strain on her shoulders was uncomfortable, but not debilitating.
“Let’s take a good look at that fine looking ass. Bet you’ve had a lot of cock stuffed in it, whore.”
She squirmed as her shorts were yanked down around her thighs and around her ankles, trapping her legs together, and then shivered as a pair of rough hands caressed her bare bottom, thick finger navigating the crack between her cheeks, lower, lower, until they reached her pussy, easily slipping between her parted pink lips, her wet cunt welcoming them eagerly.
“Fuck me.” she breathed.
They laughed at that, the sound mocking.
“Not just yet. First, I need to teach you lesson.”
She let out a strangled cry as he smacked her tender ass with the flat of his hand, the sound echoing softly in the clearing. The flush of heat and pain spread through her bottom, travelling down her thighs and up her spine like a runaway train.
“I am going to make you regret running, slut.”
He gave her another hard smack, this time on the other cheek while his partner grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her eyes forward as he slowly undid his pants, releasing one of the thickest cocks Alex had ever seen. It sprang forth, fully erect, striking her in the face, much to his amusement.
“You know what to do with a good hard cock, don’t you slut?”
She merely grunted, as she was struck on the ass again, humiliation washing through her as she felt the trickle of arousal slowly running down the insides of her thighs, the musk of her sex teasing at her nostrils.
“Dirty little bitch likes it. Don’t you?”
She tried to shake her head, not wanting to admit it, her lips pressed together as her captor pressed his swollen cockhead against her mouth.
“Answer him!” The brute behind her demanded, striking her once more, this time hard enough to make her cry out.
“Ye-“ she managed before her mouth was filled with cock. Suddenly mad with lust, she began sucking on it noisily, saliva running freely down her chin, her body jerking forward, pushing it deeper into her mouth with each blow of the other’s hand.
“That’s it, you dirty little cock sucker. Keep at it. I want to cum down your throat and fill your belly with spunk and you’re going to thank me for it.”
He tightened his hold on her hair, holding her head still as he slowly began fucking her face, pumping his swollen cock into her warm, wet, welcoming mouth, not quite gagging her, but close. Tears ran down her cheeks, wet trails of pain from the merciless spanking she was getting. Her shoulders began to ache, as did her scalp. The only thing that made it bearable was the feeling of pleasure that was slowly welling up inside of her, worming its way through her belly and pussy slowly. She’d never, in her life, been this turned on. If she’d been able, she’d have begged to have her cunt filled with cock. The very thought of her hanging helpless while they speared her, one in her mouth, the other holding onto her hips as he fucked her quivering snatch excited her beyond reason.
“Anyone ever take a belt to you?”
She froze, her eyes going wide in fear. No. Not that she hadn’t fantasized about it, but fantasies were just that. The reality of it scared her, and yet, she’d asked for that specifically during her meeting with Ms. Singh. Shaking, she did her best to relax, not easy to do positioned as she was, a monster cock gliding in and out of her stretched open mouth.
She tensed, imagining him removing his belt, folding it in two, wondering if he’d dare use the buckle on her. She wasn’t sure if she could take that. There was a quick whistle as the leather strap displaced the air and then an explosion of pain. Instinctively, she tried to cry out, resulting in a pair of balls smacking up against her chin she took in the entire length of cock.
She gasped for air as he pulled himself out of her, her spit dripping from his prick, staring up into his menacing eyes as he titled her head back, the smack of the belt driving the breath from her as it left a wide red mark against the pale flesh of her ass. She felt herself shaking, trembling with a mixture of pain and desire. Her fear had been left behind. All she could think of was cumming. Already she could feel the stirrings of an orgasm building inside of her. If only they would fuck her. She did her best to translate her need into words.
“P-please.” She stuttered, crying out again as the belt marked the back of her right thigh.
“Please? Please stop? I think it’s a little too late for that.” He laughed, rubbing the length of his cock against her cheek while his partner smacked her other thigh. White hot pain shot through her, leaving her breathless and unable to speak for a moment.
“P-please… fuck me.” she finally managed, the words barely a whisper.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
She tensed for yet another blow to land on her unprotected back side. Instead, rough hands grasped her waist as she was unceremoniously filled a meaty cock, the state of her slippery cunt allowing it to sink deep inside of her.
“Oh, god, yes!” she cried out, this time loudly, swaying back and forth as well as she could, suspended by her arms, impaled on his huge cock, fucking him as much as he was fucking her.
“That’s it. Just like a good little whore.”
“Oh, fuck.” She moaned, passion overwhelming her. Her legs shook and her knees trembled as she felt herself pushed over the edge, his hips slamming into her abused ass as she came, the spurt of his cum inside her only intensifying her orgasm.
“My turn.”
They switched before she could recover, the second man plunging his cock deep into her cum filled pussy, his fingers digging into the meat of her hips hard enough to leave bruises. She didn’t care. She wanted – needed – to cum again while the pain of the belting she’d received still filled her. Wordlessly, she squealed, rocking back and forth, barely aware that she was being fed a cock coved in her own juices and dripping with sperm. Like a famished beast, she sucked it clean, savoring the mixture as she swallowed it, her eyes rolling back in her head as a second orgasm trailed the first, tearing through her for what seemed like hours. Not just one, but two, and then a third until finally, he spent his load inside of her. Only then did she collapse, barely aware of how gently they undid her bonds and lowered her to the earth.
“So, I assume our services were satisfactory, Ms. Saunders.”
Alex squirmed on the leather chair, wondering if she could make it back to her apartment before fingering herself to yet another orgasm. Since her encounter, she’d been doing just that three or four times a day.
“It was… yes. Satisfactory.” She answered, sounding slightly out of breath at the memory of the long walk back to the car, her blouse and shorts taken as souvenirs, wearing only her boots as the cum of two strangers run down the insides of her thighs, hoping that no one would be in the pull out to see her like this, and half hoping that they would…
“In fact, I would say it was as close to perfect as it could be.”
She smiled shyly as the dark skinned beauty’s knowing smile, her cheeks turning scarlet with shame, shame that only made her wetter. Already, her panties were soaking through. If she stayed much longer, she’d leave a wet mark on the cushion. It was a mortifying thought. Worse, was the hope that Ms. Singh would keep taking until just that happened. Maybe she’d even punish her for ruining her furniture…