Gracie absolutely loved how her daddy’s cock felt inside her mouth for sure. No man’s cock, not even her boyfriends had ever entered her mouth in all the time she’d been with him. But daddy’s cock felt that God damn good to her she decided as she smiled She thought some more about what happened with him. Could he make me feel that good like he did earlier…really?
Oh my fucking God, daddy was soooo fucking good to let me do what we did earlier she told herself. He was incredible. His cock was huge too! And how it felt in my hands and in my mouth she started to think. What else can I say?
Ohhhhhh wow, yes…when he and I did what we did with his cock, she told herself. That was all soooo fucking great. It was awesome. It was…I don’t know but it was incredible! She thought about it all some more and she closed her eyes and started smiling.
I have to go back and talk to him. I have to get him to do that with me again. He has to do it with me like he did it with me the first time. Yeah, he’ll do that. I know he’ll do it. Ohhhhhh and I can get him to maybe feel my titties too? Sure he will. I’ll just go out and buy some pretty lingerie somewhere. I’ll make sure it’s really sexy she said to herself.
She thought about what she wanted to get and what she wanted to wear for him when she went back to him and get his complete and undivided attention. She wondered what she’d wear so that she’d get her daddy to “compromise” himself but in a way that she knew he would like to do it all for sure. She knew that’s what he probably considered it when they got together like they did.
“How many daddy’s get together with a daughter like he and I did,” she asked herself out loud. “I’ll bet there aren’t many.”
She smiled as she reached down so she could play a little bit with her own young pussy. She dabbled with her pussy using her fingers as she toyed around with her clit and as she did she felt herself start to tingle. She felt what almost every girl feels when she touched herself down at her pussy and clitoris. As she played around with her pussy she imagined him as some kind of “hero.” She pictured her daddy as a savior who saved her day.
She breathed in. “Oooooohh daddy, you’re such a good guy. Do you know that daddy? I do. I know how good a guy you are…mmmmmm,” she said quietly in the confines of her bedroom. “But daddy,” she went on to add. “You and me, we’re going to do it all again. You don’t know it yet but I’m going to make sure you and I do what we did again.”
Gracie, as she fingered her pussy, tried smiling at the notion, but it was very hard seeing as she was getting more and more turned on. She knew she and her daddy were going to do what they did before. Either in her room or his room, she and her daddy were going to do it all once again. “You can be sure of that daddy,” she ended up saying with a smile.
Then once she made up her mind, Gracie started to masturbate as well as fully fantasize using his face and body as she did. It was a very, very good day that day.
“Hiiiii daddy,” she said that night. A smile was plastered on her face. “Whatcha doing?”
“Ohhhhhh nothing dear,” he said. “Is everything alright?”
She smiled and said “Daddy, everything is perfectly fine. I was just thinking. That’s all. Oh and I went shopping today too.”
“What are you thinking about Gracie?” he asked.
“Ohhhhhh, you know…about men and women; about men and women having sex,” she said.
“Hmmm, now that’s umm a very interesting thing to think about,” he told her. “Hmmm, I wonder how that came up.”
“Ohhhhhh you know. It just came up,” she said, again with a smile on her lips. Then she winked at her daddy.
“Winking at me are you?” he said. “Hmmm now you must be umm thinking some wild things dear. Where’d you go shopping at?” he also asked.
“Just at the mall,” but she didn’t tell him exactly where at. By the way daddy, in my opinion, you look uhhh handsome today,” she added. “I mean with what your wearing, with that tie on, and you in your suit too…I can see how a girl, or should I say woman, would look at you, and think boy isn’t he looking good right now.”
“Gracie, come on girl,” her daddy came back. “You’re looking at me like that, really?”
“Yes I am. I mean that too. You look as sexy as it gets daddy,” she told him. He was still in his business suit and he still had on his tie. He looked in her eyes and seeing as he was his fit and quite trim frame was easy on her eyes. He was a very handsome looking fellow. She smiled at him. He wasn’t thinking what she was thinking and so he smiled back at her. “I did have a really fun time yesterday daddy,” she went ahead and said.
They continued to look at each other and he finally said “Gracie dear, are you still thinking about what you and I talked about and actually did together yesterday?”
“Yes I am daddy. Why shouldn’t I?” she replied.
“Because honey, what a father and a daughter do usually doesn’t include that sort of activity. Rarely does it ever occur,” he said.
She looked at him. She grew slightly confused. Then she said “Why can’t it daddy? I mean I know we didn’t have sexual intercourse but daddy I loved doing what we did do. When you uhhh licked and fingered my umm vagina. I mean when you ate me out like you did and when you umm fingered me as well…ohhhhhh God daddy to me that was soooo much fun to me. It was soooo arousing to me too!”
He had to think about that. Was it really that arousing and really all that fun to her he asked himself. It had to have been he told himself. She got him hard. She sucked his cock and she stroked it and he came for her. He did almost everything a guy should do with a woman, almost.
“You know something daddy,” she said once she slightly lowered the tone of her voice. “You and I should try having sexual intercourse. I believe I’d really like doing that with you daddy,” she told him.
“We’ll see,” he said.
“Ohhhhhhh daddy don’t you think having sex with me would be wonderful and neat and exotic too?” she said.
“I don’t know. We’ll see,” he said.
He walked away, went into his room, and he changed clothes. Meanwhile she made dinner and as she did she thought about the piece of lingerie she specifically bought just for him. She pulled it out of the bag a little later on. As she looked at it she envisioned herself in it and pictured his eyes as she stood before him in her Sapphire Dreams camisole. It was one hot looking piece and with its thong she was practically sure she had him for sure.
She looked at the clock and went back out to make sure dinner was ready. It was. She called for her daddy and he came out. They talked, ate dinner, and she even cleaned up the dishes. He went back to work while she took her time cleaning up.
7:30 almost she noticed on her clock. It was time. She undressed, took her time putting on the blue camisole, and looked at sexy looking body in the mirror. She smiled and turned and she looked at how her young petite figure looked in the camisole. “I think I look pretty good,” she told herself. “I hope he think so too.” And then just before she walked out of her room she put on the new pajamas she got in addition to her camisole.
She knocked on his door. “Yes?” he said.
“Daddy, are you busy?” she said. He said no he wasn’t. “May I come in?” he said yes. She walked in wearing both her pajamas which covered up her camisole. “You’re not busy are you?” she asked. He said no he wasn’t. “I have a couple questions for you.”
“Okay shoot,” he told her.
“I want you opinion. Do you like these pajamas?” she asked.
“Sure, are they new?” he said.
“Yes, but I got them at half price,” she told him.
“Wow, really…half price?” he said and she said yes.
“Now daddy, can you uhhh turn around and uhhh close your eyes? I want to show you something else. Turn around and close your eyes,” she said again, which he did. She told him as he was turned around with his eyes closed to stay that way. “Hold on, alright?” and he stayed that way as she pulled off the bottoms and then the pajama top.
She was ready for him. “Alright, now you can turn around.”
He turned around. Once he turned around he saw her in her new see-thru blue camisole. His mouth dropped open and his eyes bugged out. He mouthed the words “Holy shit!” she smiled as she saw him mouth the words.
“Do you like me in this?” she asked. “It sure looks like you do.”
He didn’t shake his head but he didn’t nod it either. He just stared at her more then lovely figure in her new camisole and he even looked at her pronounced breasts as the camisole seemed to highlight them flawlessly.
He blinked his eyes and shook his head again. “Holy mother of God, Gracie…where in the hell did you get that?” he finally asked.
“At a store,” she said wearing a smile on her lips. “Does that mean you do like me in this? It sure looks like it to me.”
“Uhhhhhh umm yeah…I uh guess its uhhh nice,” he said.
“I hoped you would,” she told him as she stepped a few steps closer to his bed.
He could smell her too. She had on a fragrance of some sort that wasn’t intoxicating but it had him feeling as if he should reach out and grab her and pull her into him and do something to her or with her right then and there.
“God girl yeah,” he said. “Wow, make a man feel useless…you sure are doing that right now! Whoa Gracie…what do you want from me? I mean what is it I can do for you actually?”
“Have sex with me?” she said.
“Uhhh have sex with you?” he came back. She was nodding her head. “As in sexual intercourse?” he went on to say. She smiled again, stepped closer to his bed, and he finally smelled that fragrance she had on. He closed his eyes. He breathed in that lovely scent she was wearing and she stepped right up against his bed. “You mean right here and right now?”
“Yes daddy…I am so fucking horny that all I’ve wanted for like the last 24 hours is to have sex with you daddy,” she said. “We can do it here or go back to my bedroom and we can do it there. It doesn’t matter to me.”
“I don’t know sweetheart. I have to think about this,” he told her.
Her head dropped. She was a little disappointed. At that moment, he didn’t care. This was his daughter and although she wanted to have sex, with him, he was not inclined to do it with her.
“I’ll have to think on it dear,” he said again.
Eventually she left his room. An hour passed. She went back and took off the camisole and put it away, leaving on only her pajamas, but at that point she didn’t care at all. It all was, to her, fucked up. She wasn’t going to have sex with her daddy that night or so she thought she wasn’t.
Another hour passed. It was around 10:00 in the evening. Her door was closed. She was reading a magazine and her music was playing quietly. Out of nowhere she heard a knock at her door.
“Yeah,” she said.
“Its daddy, may I come in?” he asked. She said yes. “Hi honey,” he said once he entered her room. He was smiling as he came in. He was not wearing a shirt of any kind and noticed her in her pajamas. “Where’s that pretty camisole you had on. That was an exciting uhhh piece of clothing. I thought it was.”
“I took it off,” she said.
“Want to put it back on for me?” he asked.
“Umm are you sure about that daddy?” she said.
“I’m sure sweetheart. You have a very enticing figure. What I mean is your body arouses me if I think about it honey,” he told her.
“You mean you think I’m a sexy woman?” she said.
“Honey, I think you have a very attractive and very sexy body,” he said. “I’d love to make love to you and your body if you’ll let me.”
“Wow,” she said. “I’ll put it on then.”
She hopped up and grabbed her camisole and ran into the bathroom to put it back on. Once she came back out, how it looked on her “paralyzed” him for a moment. He walked up to her and as he did he looked at her all over. He was shaking his head due to how sexy his daughter looked in it.
“God, now that Gracie makes me feel wild all over the place. You have no idea how it makes me feel uhhh down under,” he said.
“As in you mean it does things to your umm penis?” she said.
“Yes, your camisole does wild things down there,” he replied and she looked down at it.
He was wearing his pajama bottoms and if she touched that area she’d know exactly what he meant by it. He took her hand. He placed it against his crotch and he pressed his daughter’s hand against his cock.
“See what I mean?” he said. “Can you feel how hard I am already?” She said yes. “Go on, feel it some more. Rub it and rub me harder, alright?” he told her as he smiled.
“Mmmmmm,” she said. “Ooooohh daddy, I love how you feel.”
“Wanna see it too?” he asked.
“Ohhhhhh God daddy, yes daddy I would,” she said.
So he took them off. He took off his underwear too and he told her he wanted to lie down in her bed so the two of them could fool around. “Can I play with this some more then?” she asked.
“Honey, for you, well you can play with it all night long okay? But honey, I want us to have sex too. So if I cum now then it’ll take a while for me to cum later on. Do you want me to cum now or later on?” he said.
She was still holding it when she looked up at him and said “Later on I guess.”
They played around. Her camisole finally came off. He played around on her tits. He sucked them for a little while too and once he did that, arousing himself, he licked them. And he realized he was into it all so her daddy kissed Gracie’s tits too. He practically wanted to swallow her boobs all the way down into her mouth it was so fantastic in his opinion. However, what he hadn’t done is shove hardened cock up inside them as of yet. He hadn’t titty fucked Gracie and he knew he wanted to do that to her. He told her how he’d do it, she understood, and finally he fucked her tits, joyously. Gracie absolutely loved that and she told her daddy that she’d do that a million times more as she watched his cock go up inside her boobs.
He made a mental note of it.
He kissed her body all over. He even turned her over and her daddy even kissed her ass…