Daddy Tails

"Worshiping Daddy Dom"

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When Daddy growled in a whisper at his ear. He lost control. Suddenly, he couldn’t stop cuming. Hot ropes of thick pearly cum twined and melted into the thicker strands of silk ropes at his wrists and ankles. His dick throbbed and with every throb the spurt of cum went further until it puddled across his muscular pecs and raw nipples.

Then Daddy was gone. The video ended. Except it sent shivers down his spine for long moments. Daddy’s mastery over him was complete. Daddy owned him. Daddy wouldn’t let him cum. Edge and edge and edge with brief breaks between that still made his softened cock ache.

Out in public, something would remind him of Daddy’s cock and he had to try to hide his thick hard cock in his jeans as it grew. In private, Daddy let his cock be free. When he played with something nice, it stayed hard as a steel rod up along his flat belly. Daddy’s cock was everything.

After the night they met, he woke up next to his nude Daddy. He snuggled a moment in the warmth of their bodies before sliding his body down beneath the sheets. Wrapping his fingers above Daddy’s ballsack and brushing his lips with the precum-coated knob. As he slowly awoke, Daddy grabbed a fistful of hair and jacked his hips, thrusting his cock deeper into the liquid mouth.

It was what he wanted Daddy to be thinking about all day until he would make it real and long and sweet and rough all night.

He would fantasize about Daddy at his office. Being fucked and sucked by everyone in the office pool. Daddy’s precum soaking through his pants and everyone coming in on any excuse, to get a look at the wet stain. Some blushed hungrily, some licked their lips and stared. Daddy saw outreaching fingers moving toward his cock. It made him feel delicious.

Instead he slowly moved through the crowd with cunning gropes and cupping of balls until all the men were at least semi-hard and he’d fondled every man’s package. Daddy lit everyone up and kept them lit. Daddy was sex. In person.

The younger man’s naked body trembled against his restraints; cock harder then ever, ever. Pretending to writhe, he stretched a glance down the plain of his flat belly, he gasped in admiration at what Daddy had done to his own cock. Coils of slick but taut rope pulled his balls down and together; others sealed off the drainage from his dripping cockhead and veiny shaft. It looked purple from the tip to his balls. They were like stretched leather, aching to spew their cum like white lava.

Daddy loved to edge beautiful cocks.

Well, you know. You let Daddy do you that first night, didn’t you?

Everyone should have that experience, don’t you think? Worth. Every. Moment.

Someone – like Daddy – once you’re well bound and slowly edged, control your whole self with just a gloved hand or their raw fingers. The grab feels like icy fingers, warming, melting upward with the stroke. Up and down… getting wetter until – someone who isn’t Daddy wants it in their mouth. Craves it. Must suck Daddy cock.

Daddy wants it. Daddy likes it. Daddy takes it. But Daddy doesn’t always give. For every gush he pulls from devastated guests, Daddy seldom offers pearls. Submissive and flirty gender fluid guests, Daddy enjoys – but briefly.

It had been a long weekend when Daddy finally sat down at the shadowy end of the bar. He drank a little but was hungry and hunting. He scanned the rooms for a glimpse of any natural submissives. Men who went all cow-eyes when he glanced their way; men who lowered their eyelids and smiled without a flash of teeth. Women, too, felt it. They swayed in unison and flipped a hip. He always made a different choice in partners than expected.

One of Daddy’s favorites was the domina wife whose husband was submissive and becoming more effeminate with every incarnation. They would tease hubby by worshiping Daddy’s cock in full view before forcing his lips up and down Daddy’s beautiful cock. But greedily drinking Daddy’s cum herself to drain him. Sometimes, the husband’s face was layers of cum and sweat.

Under Daddy’s directions, the wife always stroked her husband’s cock off right away. Daddy told her what to do and what to say. Their dirty litany always brought the squirming husband to the edge quickly. His wife wiped the gobbets of his cum across his cheeks and lips. By then, the husbands usually whimpered.

After the handjob – Daddy’s lightest touch sent electric shocks through his lovers’ bodies. If he rolled a rough thumb over their nipples, they silently shrieked; his fingertip on cock was an insanity of sensory overload. It was then that Daddy and the wife started to heat up.

Husbands were tied in chairs to watch but not intervene or horn in. Watch their wife do everything for Daddy and nothing for them. It was Daddy’s lips on her; Daddy’s cock brushing her thighs wider. Daddy’s cockhead opening her smiling mouth. Their cocks were so full and rigid and never given command or permission to cum. For their own reasons, it made the domme-switching-to-sub role extremely erotic and sensual to the wives. It was a source of serious orgasms. They made their controlled husbands suck cock and swallow Daddy’s cum. While Daddy ravished the wife with fingers and lips. Husbands knew they were getting there when Daddy’s hips began swinging hot and wild.

Daddy’s cock was memorable. After you’d sucked it and been lucky to take Daddy’s load, you didn’t forget it. You’d suddenly been spoiled. No one else was like him. No one else could make your dick so hard by remote control. With a couple of words whispered over the cell. Daddy made you throb.

Well, you’ll remember. That first electrifying feeling when you slip to your knees and lean in to taste Daddy’s cock. That struggle to lick the pre-cumed tip or plunge down Daddy’s thick shaft until you gag. You’ll remember how you suddenly thought Daddy wanted you, wanted you naked, wanted you in bondage, wanted you sucking his cock. Wanted you wearing his cum. That first night. Shadow and light flickering; raw cock worship.

Published 3 years ago

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