Lacy and I had been living together for a year and a half when the social structure between us and our sex lives took a significant turn. We had met through a mutual friend, and enjoyed a platonic relationship for several weeks, having lunch or dinner together, attending art shows, the opera and occasionally sitting side by side in the library reading fiction for hours. I preferred lurid tales of love and lust, while she was interested in psychology.
After being together for 18 months we still felt compatible and comfortable with each other in our daily lives. There seemed to be no annoying habits that irritated either of us. We laughed, were always affectionate even away from the bedroom and were very satisfied with our arrangement. Even though we each contributed half of all the living expenses, we were living in a small apartment while we saved and invested our money for future possibilities.
Our two bedroom, one bath apartment never seemed cramped because we limited our physical possessions to the space available. There were times, however when the single bathroom was inconvenient.
It was on one of those times when things took us down a new path in our relationship. I evidently drank too much coffee before I left the office and as soon as I entered our apartment I rushed into the bathroom ready to unzip and relieve myself. To my surprise, Lacy was sitting on the toilet when I burst in on her.
“Oops! Sorry, I didn’t even check to see where you were,” I stammered.
“That’s okay, just wait a second, I won’t be long,” she said, rather casually.
I stood there, trying not to look at her while I tried to focus on anything else.
“Are you embarrassed?” she asked, amused at me.
“Well, yeah, I mean, you’re sitting there naked, doing…that…” I replied.
“You’ve seen every inch of naked; haven’t you ever seen a girl pee before?”
“No, no I haven’t, as a matter of fact.”
“It’s no big deal, kneel down here and look in there…go ahead.”
I couldn’t help myself, I guess because I knelt in front of her, my hands on her knees and peered into the bowl. She knew I was embarrassed but curious enough to watch.
“Ready?” she teased.
When it started and splashed into the toilet I think I must have smiled. The flow abruptly stopped and she was smiling at me.
“You want to feel it? Go on; put your hand under me.”
I didn’t particularly care to have her piss in my hand, but I decided to be bold. I slid one hand down between her thighs, palm up. Suddenly it splashed again, flooding my palm and tricking through my fingers. It was much warmer than I expected, and so was the feeling in my groin.
When she finished, she took my wrist in her hand and pulled my hand up between us. To my astonishment, she licked my palm, staring quietly at me. She seemed to enjoy the fact that I was watching her lick it over and over. My mouth was slightly agape in mild shock. She turned my hand around and pushed one of my fingers into my mouth.
I wanted to protest but she was still staring at me wordlessly, licking her lips. One of her feet came up between my legs, pressing against my cock. I sucked my finger slowly, and was surprised that I did not vomit. Then she smiled at me.
“See? A little pee isn’t so bad, and I can feel that your cock liked it.”
She pushed another finger into my mouth, and I willingly sucked it clean along with the others until she released my hand.
“I’m so hot, honey, get out of those pants!” she cried.
I lay down on the floor and shucked my pants off while she kicked off her panties. She was on my cock in an instant, kneeling and sitting back over it until her pussy bottomed out against me. She had her hands on my chest and I let her go, bouncing and moaning out loud as she banged away against me. At the moment she owned that cock and she made good use of it.
She was so aggressive it drew me closer and closer, higher and higher until I knew I couldn’t hold out much longer.
“Lacy…Lacy, honey…” I warned.
Her eyes were shut, her fingers were digging into my shirt and she moaned at me as she fucked herself.
“Yeah…yeah…go for it; I’m gonna come anyway…shoot it….ahhh…”
She never stopped even as my cock delivered the biggest hottest load into her. She bumped up and down on me, sighing and smiling.
“Oh…yeah…fuck yeah….that’s so good….”
When my flaccid cock slipped from her, she hovered over me as a warm wetness dripped from her onto my stomach and ran down over my side.
She fell down against me with a whoosh of her breath and we lay there kissing for a while. When she finally decided to get up she stood over me. Her thighs turn me on so badly and they were wet and slick.
“That was fantastic! That was the best sex we’ve had yet,” she announced. “Maybe we should experiment some more tomorrow night,” she suggested.
“I don’t think I need any more pee,” I offered.
“That’s what you think, honey. It only gets better from now on, trust me.”
******************** ********************
The next night we met at a restaurant after work to have dinner. We traded events of the day, and I noticed that she had four glasses of wine to my single glass. I asked if she was celebrating something unknown to me.
“I’m just really thirsty. Aren’t you a little thirsty tonight?” she asked with a little grin.
When we arrived at our apartment she took my hand and led me straight to the bathroom. Her fingers flew over the buttons of her blouse as she gasped at me.
“Let’s take a shower; come on, get undressed!”
She was in the shower first with the hot water pounding down on her when I stepped in to join her. As was our routine in the shower-for-two, we washed each other using just our hands and the bar soap. After rinsing off, I normally press her against the tiled shower wall and fuck her under the hot spray until at least one of us comes.
But tonight she reached over and turned off the water.
“Sit down.” She said. There was an unusually authoritative tone in her voice.
I sat on the slippery tile floor and she straddled my head, her legs over my shoulders. I had to lean back on my hands for balance. Her thighs were against my face and I suddenly realized what she had in mind.
“I don’t care if you drink it or spit it out but I’ve been wanting to try this for weeks. Open your mouth.”
I sat there with my mouth open and my heart racing, not knowing what I would do. Her fingers in my hair began to turn me on as it always does when she holds my head against her. Soon a trickle came and then another as I looked up into her eyes.
“Oh my God, that’s so hot; can you swallow it?”
I gulped quickly and opened my mouth just as she delivered another spurt. My cock was incredibly hard as we listened to her pee puddled in my mouth. I swallowed once more and she cried out, pulling my mouth up to her clit.
“I’m so excited; suck me, babe, I’m so hot.”
She opened her labia for me and my lips closed over her clitoris. I grabbed her ass cheeks and held her tightly against me and sucked her just the way she likes. In seconds she was digging her fingers into my scalp, panting above me, her thighs squeezing my jaw in the throes of her orgasm.
“Oh, yeah…oh fuck…that’s it….ohhhhh” she moaned.
She opened her legs and turned to face the shower wall. As she braced herself she spread her legs and arched her back. Stepping behind her I rubbed the tip of my shaft up and down her slit and finally jammed it into her. She groaned and moaned like a maniac, almost screaming at me.
“Yeah! Fuck me! Hard! Hard! OH, YEAH!”
My hands dug into her hips, pulling her to me as I rocked into her, time and again. I reached under her to grab her tits and squeezed them. She suddenly grew quiet, her breathing soft and fast. I leaned down to kiss her back as I unleashed a torrent of come inside her. I pulled on her breasts so she was standing against me and I kissed her neck. My cock slipped out and I knew there must be come seeping down her thighs.
“Holy shit, that was so fucking intense!” she whispered.
“Yeah, I really got hard,” I said.
“This is going to get interesting,” she said, grinning.