Most of my friends and I were probably considered to be geeks by the popular kids in our high school in Houston. We spent most of our free time in one another’s basements playing video games and teaching ourselves computer and video technology. But it turned out that it wasn’t a waste of time. By the time I graduated, I had a deep understanding of basic electronics, video and computer technology and was even an accomplished hacker. So instead of going off to a four-year university, I decided to complete my education at a nearby community college that has an excellent technology program.
My name is Danny, and despite my having geeky friends, I’m a nice-looking, normal guy in most other respects, at six feet tall and weighing one hundred and eighty pounds. Although most of my classes were very technical, I did have to take several general requirements to qualify for an associate degree. I was lucky enough to meet a girl named Kelsey towards the end of our first year, in a basic writing class, and she became the love of my life.
She was enrolled in a massage therapy program and is five feet and four inches tall and weighed about one hundred and ten pounds at that time. Her naturally-blonde, shoulder-length hair enhanced her deep-blue eyes, and her breasts are firm and full D-cups that attracted everyone’s attention as they bounce and sway.
It’s still a mystery why she picked me from all the other boys at school, but I felt very lucky to have her. She is the first girl that I ever had an opportunity to fuck, but I could tell from her obvious experience that she must have had plenty of sex in high school. I spent a lot of time sucking her beautiful tits the first couple of weeks we dated, and then I got to see and taste her amazing pussy.
Her outer labia are plump and big and covered with neatly-trimmed, blonde hair, and she taught me the joy of sucking her very wet pussy. She finally allowed me to fuck her for the first time about two months after we met, and we didn’t need to use condoms since she was taking birth control pills.
I could tell that my little four-and-a-half-inch dick isn’t usually able to satisfy her. So, it became routine for me to suck her pussy both before and after we fucked, and I was always able to give her an orgasm with my mouth. It grossed me out at first eating my own cum, but then I began to accept and enjoy it as a routine part of our love making, especially since I was also swallowing her sweet pussy juices.
We continued dating all through our second year of school, and we were married right after graduation. I was able to get a marginally decent job right away, despite the lousy economy, and Kelsey decided to set up her own massage business in our home after completing three months of internship at a local massage parlor. For that reason, we rented a small, two-bedroom apartment that was only a short distance from my job location, which provided the extra space for her to use for massages. We could barely afford the apartment and were counting on Kelsey to be successful when she started her business.
My job is with a private investigation agency, which isn’t the best use of my skills, but the two partners seemed like nice guys and it was important for me to get some experience and some income coming in for Kelsey and me. The partners looked to be in their mid-forties, and I learned that they met in the Army, and then joined the same police department after their military service.
Then they decided to retire from police work after twenty years and started their own investigative agency. One of the partners, named Thomas, is an aggressive black guy at six feet three inches tall and weighing about two hundred and twenty pounds. He is very well-built and muscular. The other partner is named Dave, and he’s a white guy about the same size as Thomas. They had both been married but were then divorced.
They couldn’t pay me very much at first since they were just starting their agency, but I learned in the interview why they needed someone with my skills at computer and video technology. Most of their cases involved either men or women who suspected their spouses of cheating on them. They hired me to help them design wireless surveillance systems that could be installed in the suspects’ homes and monitored remotely through cellular technology. The objective was to avoid raising suspicions by having to park nearby to monitor activities in the homes.
During my first few weeks I spent a lot of time doing research to identify the equipment that we needed, and I even designed and built a few devices that helped connect all the systems. They would be able to view and record the suspects on their personal computers in the privacy of their offices. The most challenging, and for me scary, part of my job was when I had to go with either Thomas or Dave to install the equipment when no one was home.
Our equipment includes features that allowed full video and sound as well as the ability to remotely zoom in and pan the area to allow the best evidence for our purposes. I really had fun being creative about the best ways to disguise our cameras and to hide the transmitting equipment. We usually set up two cameras in each room where we thought there might be illicit activity. By the end of two months our equipment was fully tested and functional and was installed at the homes of three new cases.
I was in Thomas’ office the first day we officially used the system, and we were recording the activities of a housewife who her husband suspected was fucking his boss during the day when he was at work. Her face was reasonably attractive, but the biggest attraction for his boss had to be her well-toned body with big breasts and a gorgeous ass. It was exciting watching the boss show up at lunch time that day, and they immediately went to the bedroom. Our cameras were perfectly placed to record all the foreplay, and the one aimed at the end of the bed was especially well placed.
We were able to zoom in between their legs as the boss’ big cock pounded the wife, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by the size of his cock and his big balls slapping against her ass. But the best part was when he pulled out of her and we had a close-up of his big cum load oozing from her cunt. Thomas and Dave were laughing and making lewd comments about her being a whore. Thomas even said that what she really needed was some of his thick, black cock, but I was quiet in my own thoughts.
The nastiness of what that wife did behind her husband’s back was somehow exciting to me. I was actually getting a little turned on watching the cum ooze from her pussy and thinking about how I always sucked Kelsey’s pussy after we fuck. I found myself wondering if his cum tasted the same as mine.
My bosses were so happy with how well the equipment functioned that they invited Kelsey and me to one of the best restaurants in Houston. She had not previously met them, and it was a big treat for us to go out to a nice place, especially considering our meager budget. Kelsey wore a simple, low-cut dress that hugged her body and showed off her ample breasts. My bosses tried not to be too obvious staring at Kelsey, but they were focusing most of their attention and conversation on her. She told them all about starting her new massage business, and even that it was hard to attract new customers. They half-heartedly said that they might be able to help her out after things slowed down a little at the agency.
It became clear over the next couple of months that our most successful cases involved married housewives who were suspected of cheating on their husbands. Many of them were cheating in their homes which made it more practical to install our equipment. In cases involving a cheating husband, it was usually difficult to determine where he would meet his mistress, so we couldn’t get our systems installed as easily. Well over half of the cases involved white wives cheating with their husband’s bosses, many of whom are black men. But some also included neighbors or delivery men coming in to fuck the wives.
I didn’t get to watch all the videos, but some of the wives are very pretty and well-built, while most were just average housewives with a large variety of shapes and sizes. The men also varied greatly in appearance, and many had rather average-sized cocks. But some of both the black and white men had long and thick cocks with big balls, and those are the ones I liked to watch the most.
One day Thomas called me into his office, which he shares with Dave, to thank me again for my good work and to give me an opportunity to make more money. He said, “The high quality of the videos we’re getting from your equipment has allowed us to solve most of our cases very quickly. Some of our clients even got so sexually aroused seeing their wives fuck other men that they decided to encourage their wives to continue to cuckold them, and they dropped their plans to divorce their wives. Due to some delays in getting our equipment out of those homes, we even have some videos that you haven’t seen yet that show the husbands joining in for sex with the wives and their lovers.”
Then I said, “I’m glad that you’re happy with my work, but how does that give me a chance to make more money?”
Thomas continued, “Dave and I have been enjoying the videos and were talking about some of those surprising new cuckold situations. He had a great idea of how we could make more money. Go ahead and tell him about it, Dave.”
Dave spoke up and said, “Well, I was talking to one of my white married friends about the great videos we were getting, and he told me there could be a big demand for them. He admitted to me that he often goes online to websites featuring videos and cuckold stories about cheating wives. He said that most of the videos are too long, have bad lighting, and jerky motion. They don’t focus on the most important aspects of the sex scenes and many of them look like they’re staged with actors.”
“He had several suggestions about how we could edit our clients’ genuine videos and make good money posting them on a few select sites. He also felt that was a good fit for us since many of the perverts, including his friend, going to those sites craved videos and stories about wives fucking their husbands’ black bosses. We thought you might like to make some extra money editing some of our better videos for us.”
I said, “Kelsey and I sure could use the extra money, but I don’t have any experience editing videos.”
Then Dave responded, “You certainly know the technology a lot better than we do, and my friend gave me some suggestions on how to make the most enticing videos, depending on the scenes captured on each of our surveillance videos. He said that most of the ones he’s seen are boring with long fuck scenes where you can’t really see what’s going on, and we could make them much better by limiting them to from ten to fifteen minutes at the most, using a consistent format.”
“Ideally, maybe the first minute could include the couple’s conversation establishing that he’s her boss, and then a couple of minutes of them kissing, fondling each other and starting to undress. Then we should focus a few minutes on the wife taking down his pants and pulling out his cock to suck it. My friend said that seeing the lover’s soft cock exposed for the first time, and then watching it harden are big turn-ons for the submissive guys watching that shit. It’s also arousing watching the wife taking off her clothes and showing her tits and pussy and him sucking her cunt. And let’s don’t forget that we’ll need to digitally obscure the couple’s faces.”
Thomas chimed in and said, “Yeah, and be sure to capture any comments the wife makes about how huge his black cock is.”
Dave smiled, rolled his eyes and continued, “The actual sex scenes will vary quite a bit depending on the couple, but we need to focus the most attention on when he inserts his cock into her pussy or mouth each time they change positions. For some reason white guys just love seeing a thick, black cock pushing into a white cunt, and imagining that it’s his wife. We want to see her wetness and his cock stretching her, and then his balls slapping her ass as he fucks her.”
“But guys will get bored if we just show endless stroking, and you can use your judgment about how much of the stroking to include. The most important scene is the final few minutes where we can hear the couple moaning, breathing hard, and making comments as they approach orgasm. Then a close-up of the man’s ass cheeks and the base of his cock throbbing and flexing as he pushes all the way into her pussy and shoots his cum load gets guys going.”
Dave paused for a moment to rub a huge lump in his crotch and continued, “The favorite scenes for a lot of white men are when that black cock slowly pulls out of her, and we get a close-up of his cum draining from her pussy. And of course, if it happens to be a cuckold video, we want to see the husband sucking the cum from her cunt, and maybe cleaning off the guy’s cock with his mouth. The last thing my friend mentioned was that men like knowing if there’s a chance of the wife becoming impregnated. So be sure to include any comments the couple makes about her birth control status and how they plan to handle it. And if he does use a condom, try to include close-ups of him sliding the cum-filled condom off his cock.”
I didn’t admit to my bosses how much Dave’s descriptions were turning me on and I was sure that they didn’t see my little boner pressing against my pants. I agreed to do the editing for them even though we didn’t yet know how much money we could get for those types of authentic cheating wife and cuckold videos, so I didn’t yet know my share. We kept a complete library of the surveillance videos on our server, so I started reviewing them with a new perspective to determine which ones would be the best to edit.
It was hard for me to do the first few edits, but soon enough I was able to put together some very enticing videos. And based on those results, my bosses made changes in the way they produced the original videos. They started panning to and zooming in on the insertions and orgasms, which made it easier for me. Thomas especially likes the ones with the husband’s black bosses fucking their white wives, and he’s always making comments about how good that white cunt must feel on those thick cocks.
He was also always making seemingly-innocent and flattering comments like, “Damn, man, it sure would be nice if more of those women were as beautiful and well-built as your Kelsey.”
Thomas’ comments and my own observations of those videos were starting to have a surprising effect on me. Instead of envisioning myself as the man doing the fucking, I was empathizing with the cheated-on husband and imagining how he would feel watching a black man’s cock fucking his wife and shooting his cum into her unprotected pussy. And I also found myself fantasizing that it was Kelsey in some of the videos. Those feelings encouraged me to make the edits as provocative and juicy as possible.
I hadn’t told Kelsey that I was editing those videos as I spent more and more time at the office. Kelsey was getting a little upset with me and wondering why I was so late coming home. But we were making good money selling the videos, and she appreciated that I was making twice as much as I did before. We even decided to stop her birth control and try to start a family due to my extra earnings.
The bosses invited Kelsey and me out to a very nice restaurant again to celebrate our success, and we were happy to go. Thomas was more obviously flirting with Kelsey that time, and that’s what started my fantasies running wild. I was imagining that Thomas was fucking my wife and filling her with his semen and sperm.
Thomas asked Kelsey how her massage business was doing, and she said, “It has really been a lot harder to get started than I thought, and I only have four steady clients. It’s a good thing that Danny is now making more money to help up get by. We’re trying to start a family and save for our own home.”
Thomas glanced over at Dave and said, “Maybe we can help. I know that Dave and I could sure use a massage every now and then, and if you do a good job we would be willing to refer a bunch of our old police buddies to you. That should help you guys financially. And the way Danny’s extra efforts at work are paying off, his salary should continue to increase as well.”
Our dinner ended with the bosses agreeing to contact Kelsey soon for massage appointments, and Thomas even hugged Kelsey and kissed her on the cheek as we parted. Then on the way home Kelsey said, “Come on, Danny, you’ve been working late so much and your bosses are praising your efforts, but I still don’t know what you are doing there. Tell me, honey; it can’t be that big of a secret can it?”
By the time we got home I had decided to tell her the truth about the videos and said, “I haven’t told you about it since I don’t want you to think that we’re a bunch of perverts or anything. So, if you’ll promise not to be too upset with me, I’ll tell you all about it and even show you some of my work.”
I explained everything about us using the surveillance videos from our cases to produce short fuck films to sell to internet porn sites, and I showed her a few of the better ones that I had just finished. I really didn’t know how she would react, especially when I explained the emphasis was on white wives fucking black bosses, but at the end she smiled at me and said, “Damn, honey, that’s some sick shit! I had no idea that normal housewives were fucking their husbands’ bosses like that, especially with the black bosses. No offense, honey, but most of those cocks are so much bigger than yours. The only way I’ll be upset with you is if you don’t share them with me.”
Kelsey’s excitement about the videos was surprising to me, and we went to bed that night and fucked three times. At first, I wasn’t sure if her reaction was due to the excitement of seeing something like that for the first time or whether she was fantasizing about herself being the slut wife in those videos. But as we continued watching the videos together over the next few days, she was openly telling me how much those scenarios turned her on. She was even fantasizing that I was her black lover, and forcefully pulling my face into her pussy to eat ‘his’ cum after we fucked.
Thomas finally called to make an appointment with Kelsey, and I was suspicious of his intentions considering his numerous comments about how hot Kelsey was. So, I secretly installed three cameras in both the massage room and our bedroom, so I could monitor things at home. Those were some new camera-cloaking designs that my bosses weren’t yet aware of, and I placed them in the most advantageous positions. Just to give you an idea, one of them was a camera in a snow globe placed at table level near the bottom end of the table. I also set the transmission channel to one that I had not made my bosses aware of.
Dave was out of the office on an assignment and I was in my cubicle alone when Thomas left to go to his noon massage appointment. Kelsey had told me previously that some of her clients kept on their underwear during massages, but others were totally nude, except for a small modesty towel that she provided to cover their midsections. And some didn’t even mind if the towel was removed during the massage. I had no doubt that Thomas would opt for the towel, and probably remove it later. So, I settled in to watch the massage action and activated all six of the cameras.
I heard the doorbell ring in the distance and then saw Kelsey and Thomas walk into view in the massage room. She was wearing tight white shorts and a tight white t-shirt with no bra, and she looked amazing. Kelsey asked him if he planned to wear underwear or to use the towel, and she turned her back as he started to undress.
He replied, “Well, I’ve never had a massage before, but I think I like the idea of using the towel. But I have to say this is a little weird being here with you like this while Danny is back in the office working. But he’s been such a great employee for us and we’re happy to give you some business to help show our appreciation.”
It would only occur to me later that Thomas purposely made the comments about me to reinforce the idea that he’s my black boss and that my white wife was going to be in the position of giving him a massage, and possibly touching him intimately. I watched in amazement as he undressed, and his muscular body and huge genitals came into view.
His cock is uncircumcised and even soft about seven inches long. His cock is also as thick as Kelsey’s wrist, and his egg-sized balls are clearly defined and hung heavily in his scrotum. He climbed up onto the massage table on his stomach and reached back to cover his ass with the towel, and let Kelsey know that he was ready. From my view with the snow globe camera I saw perfectly between his legs under the towel and his huge cock and balls laying there.
Kelsey applied the warm oil to his neck and shoulders and they made small talk as she began rubbing him there. He turned his head to whichever side she was standing and was openly staring at her big tits that were only inches from his face. Soon she was rubbing his back, and as she got closer to his hips.
She said, “Some of my clients don’t want me to massage their gluts, so I always ask first. Is it okay if move my hands beneath your towel and massage you there? It’s all part of a normal massage.”
I saw the smile on Thomas’ face as he said, “Sure, Kelsey, you may massage me there. And as far as I’m concerned you can totally remove the towel.”
Kelsey slid the towel off Thomas and began deep-tissue massage on his muscular ass cheeks, and I saw her eyes widen when she saw his cock and balls laying there between his legs. She moved back a little to get an even better view of his genitals, and finally moved further down to rub the junction of his upper thighs and ass cheeks.
Then Thomas said, “I had no idea that it would feel so good being massaged like this. Your hands are magic, baby. But tell me, am I the first black man that you’ve massaged, and is it any different than massaging white men? And by the way, has Danny explained our new project to you?”
It was then obvious he was planning to make a move on Kelsey, and he was using our videos to broach the subject. My little dick was getting hard as I watched Kelsey still rubbing the bottom of his ass and slightly between his thighs, while still staring at his huge cock and balls.
She was blushing and looked flustered but said, “Yes, Thomas, Danny did tell me about his work on the videos, and we have even watched a few of them together. You’re my first black customer, and different from the white men I’ve massaged in some respects. I’m not sure if it’s a black or white thing, but you’re much more muscular than most of my clients, and your gluts are so thick, meaty and powerful. And I’ve also never seen…”
It sounded like Kelsey was going to mention his big cock but decided not to. Then she continued massaging down his thighs and legs, never taking her eyes off that big cock as Thomas stepped up his rhetoric saying, “I’m really happy that Danny has shared his work with you. But tell me, Kelsey, what do you like most about the videos? Do you like the scenarios where white wives are being fucked by their husband’s black bosses? Do you like seeing a thick black cock pushing into a stretched, white pussy? Does that turn you and Danny on at all? And I’d like you to finish your sentence about what you’ve never seen.”
Thomas’ cock was beginning to harden, and Kelsey was even more flustered as she said, “You shouldn’t be talking to me like this, Thomas. I love Danny very much and would never do anything to hurt him. I have to admit that we have fantasized a little while watching those videos, but I could never take it any farther. And what I’ve never seen is a soft cock as big as yours. But let’s just focus on your massage because I have another appointment in a little while.”
I guessed that Kelsey was just trying to change the subject by lying about her next appointment. Thomas must have decided to back off a little as he didn’t say anything further until she finished with his lower legs and feet and had him turn over. She tried to put the towel back in place over his cock, but he pushed her arm away and said, “I don’t need that towel on me, Kelsey, so just continue with the massage.”
She started working on his chest and seemed to enjoy kneading his muscular pecs. Then she worked down to his laterals and abs, and I clearly saw his cock coming to life again. His balls were hanging heavily on the table and his cock was then about eight inches long and looked huge lying across his thigh. Kelsey was staring at his cock again, and I even saw her rub her crotch a few times.
At one point when she was leaning over him he reached one arm behind her waist to hold her in place, turned his head to the side, and placed his mouth over her covered-but-protruding nipple. Kelsey was surprised and struggled momentarily before relaxing and allowing him to suck her breast. Then he quickly lifted that side of her t-shirt and continued sucking her bare areola and nipple.
I was sitting at my desk stroking my dick as I watched them, and Kelsey stopped massaging him for a minute. I saw that she was getting turned on from having her breast sucked. Then Thomas pulled away from her tit and said, “Come on, baby. Your hands are only inches from my big cock. Let’s finish the massage with you jacking my fuck meat. Danny will never know and it’s not like you’re fucking me. Go ahead and fulfill some of your fantasies by stroking me, baby.”
Kelsey had a look of pure lust on her face as she reached over and took his cock into her hands. She could barely fit her hands around his cock as she began stroking it, and his thick foreskin was sliding back and forth over his precum-soaked cock head. She continued jacking him with one hand as she reached down to fondle his balls with the other. By this time his cock was at its full length of a little over ten inches, and she was mesmerized by the sight and feel of his thick, black cock in her little white hands.
Thomas continued to hold her in place with one hand as he moved his other hand behind her head and said, “Come on, baby, just lean down a little and suck it for me. You white wives can’t get enough black cock after your first taste. The head and foreskin are wet with precum for you, so get your first taste of my black, baby-making cream.”
I held my breath as she lowered her wide-open mouth to his huge cock, and his wet foreskin slid down as the big cock head entered her mouth. She struggled to suck more of his cock into her mouth, but it’s so thick that she could only suck about five inches of it. Thomas continued to press her head down as he began to thrust his hips.
Then he looked frustrated and said, “I’ve just got to feel my cock all the way in you, Kelsey. Let’s go to the bedroom so we can fuck comfortably, since this table probably won’t hold both of us. I think I heard you say that you guys are trying to start a family, so you’re probably not on birth control. But I just want to taste you and feel my cock in you for a few minutes and promise I’ll put it out when you tell me to. Come on, baby, I know you want to feel my big cock in you.”
Kelsey moved back from the table and took him by the hand as they headed to the bedroom. I was happy that I had also installed the cameras in there. But I still knew that she was nervous about getting pregnant when she said, “Okay, Thomas, you’re right that I want to feel your huge black cock in my tight pussy but remember that you promised to pull out when I tell you to and not cum in me.”
They moved onto the bed and Thomas pulled Kelsey on top of him in the sixty-nine position. I zoomed in with one camera as his thick black lips covered her fat, white pussy, while also focusing on Kelsey’s mouth worshiping his cock and foreskin. After only a few minutes sucking one another, Thomas pushed her on her back with a pillow under her ass and spread her legs, pushing them back towards her head and totally exposing her pussy. He got on his knees between her legs instead of just laying down on her, and that position gave my camera a great view of their entire genitals. It was as if he was posing her for me to get the best video of them fucking.
Thomas then reached down to push the massive head of his cock into her very wet and puffy labia. I zoomed in to capture the contrast of her blonde hair and white pussy lips stretching to the limit as he pressed his thick, black cock into her vulva. My other camera recorded the pained look on Kelsey’s face as Thomas continued to press his cock into her.
He said, “Damn, baby, your cunt is so fucking tight. I’m guessing that Danny’s little white dick has never filled you up like my big cock is. Just breathe deep and I’ll go slowly for you to get used to it.”
I was filled with lust sitting at my desk and jacking off. That went well beyond the other videos I watched and edited. It was personal, and I watched in awe as that muscular black man in his forties was stuffing his huge cock into my twenty-year-old wife’s white cunt. It looked like he bottomed out with about eight inches of his thick cock in her, and then he began to takr long slow strokes in her. It seemed that Kelsey was having almost continuous orgasms. Then they changed positions with Kelsey on her knees and Thomas fucking her from behind, but they remained perfectly in my field of view.
They finally moved back to the missionary position after fucking a total of about ten minutes, and Thomas was then taking faster strokes. I was getting concerned that he might be close to cumming, which he confirmed by saying, “Your tight little cunt is really squeezing me, baby and I’m just about to cum. Do you want me to pull it out or just keep fucking?”
Kelsey was breathing hard and replied in gasps saying, “Yes…no…oh fuck, I don’t know! Just keep fucking me with your huge cock!”
I saw the smile on Thomas’ face as Kelsey wrapped her legs around his ass to keep him from pulling away. He continued fucking my wife, and then held his cock all the way into her pussy. Then I panicked as his muscular ass was clinching and the base of his cock was throbbing and pulsing as he filled Kelsey with his cum. I had been so enthralled watching them fuck that I wasn’t thinking about the reality that he could very well be impregnating my wife.
He held himself in her adulterous cunt for a couple of minutes, and then slowly pulled his deflating cock out of her cum-flooded pussy. Then he held his dripping cock head above her pussy as his cum flowed from her. Kelsey was coming down from her orgasms and also realized that Thomas had ejaculated his huge load of cum right against her cervix.
She crying as Thomas moved away from her and she said, “Fuck, what have I done. Danny will never forgive me if you get me pregnant.”
Thomas went into the other room and then came back to the bedroom with his clothes before saying, “Sorry, Kelsey, but I asked you if you wanted me to pull out and you held me with your legs and told me to keep fucking you. Don’t worry, baby, it will probably be alright.”
He quickly left as Kelsey stayed curled up in the fetal position on the bed crying uncontrollably. I knew that I needed to comfort her, and I quickly left the office to drive home. I passed Thomas’ car coming the other way, but I don’t think he recognized my car, and since we lived so close I was soon pulling into the driveway.
I rushed inside and found Kelsey still crying and curled up on the bed with her back to the door. I saw globs of Thomas’ cum running down her thigh and ass, and it was still oozing out of her puffy pussy. It was arousing see her that way and I paused to stare at her before laying on the bed and hugging her.
I asked, “What’s the matter, honey? Why are you crying?”
She was obviously surprised that I had come home and found her that way, and she covered her face and said, “I’m so sorry, honey. I was giving Thomas his massage, and then I saw his big cock and got excited. I just kept thinking about all those videos we watched together and how we even fantasized about me fucking a black man. He encouraged me to touch and suck his cock, and then when he wanted to fuck me I just couldn’t resist. He offered to pull out of me before he ejaculated, but I wanted to feel his cum shooting into me. And now, I know that he might have gotten me pregnant. I need you to suck my pussy, honey, and try to get some of his big cum load out of me.”
I turned around in bed and curled up behind her, so I had perfect access to her oozing pussy. It was a totally new experience to eat another man’s cum, so I hesitated for just a moment before covering her swollen labia with my mouth. I sucked and tongued her and was surprised that so much more cum was flowing out of her pussy after watching so much drain out on the video. I pulled away from her pussy for a few seconds to clean her ass and thighs, and then continued to hungrily suck her sweet pussy. Kelsey had recovered from some of her guilty feelings and was writhing on the bed.
She reached back to hold my head in place as she pressed her cunt into my mouth and said, “That’s it, honey, suck Thomas’ thick, black cum out of my pussy. Your little dick is like a toy next to his big cock, and I can hardly wait for him to fuck me again.”
After I finished sucking her pussy clean of Thomas’ cum, we were lying in bed talking about all that had happened. We were both talking about how exciting it was for both of us to have her fuck other men, especially big-cocked men of color. Then I happened to glance over and saw the camera lens mounted in a knick-knack on the bedroom shelf and remembered that I had left my computer on at the office when I rushed home. I told Kelsey that I had to get back to the office and left immediately.
When I walked in the office I saw Thomas and Dave sitting at my desk and watching a video on my computer. My heart sank as I realized that they were likely looking at the video of Thomas fucking my wife, even me cleaning her with my mouth, and listening to all our conversation afterwards.
I tried to act like nothing was wrong and went up to my desk and asked, “So why are you guys at my desk?”
Thomas and Dave were both stroking their bare cocks and Thomas said, “Damn, Danny, I knew that day when I saw your little boner that this shit was exciting to you but had no idea that you would be so agreeable to having me fuck your wife. I spotted your hidden cameras as soon as I walked into the rooms and did my best to give you good scenes. This video is one of the best we’ve made, especially due to you sucking her pussy clean with your mouth and then talking about wanting to see her fucked again by me and others. This is almost too good to be true. I’d bet you’d clean my cock for me right now if asked you nicely.”
He motioned for me to get on my knees and I sucked his cock, which was my first time sucking any cock. I struggled to get it into my mouth, but I tasted the remnants of his cum and Kelsey’s pussy juice that was still trapped in his foreskin. He quickly shot a fresh load of his thick cum into my mouth, and I swallowed it all down. Then Dave pulled me between his legs and I sucked him off too. His cock is circumcised with a huge mushroom head and is the same size as Thomas’ cock.
The encounters that day were the start of several years of Kelsey being a whore to my bosses and their friends from the police department. Thomas only selected his black and Latino police friends since videos of them fucking white wives have the most value, but of course Dave also fucked her regularly.
The men continued to go to our home under the guise of getting massages, but they all ended up with her sucking their cocks on the table and then fucking her in bed. We wanted to ensure that the videos we made were as realistic as possible, so we waited to tell Kelsey that her fuck sessions were being recorded.
We learned about two weeks after Kelsey’s first fuck with Thomas that she was pregnant, and it turned out that he is the father. But during the first eight months of her pregnancy we got even better videos of those black and brown cocks fucking my white, pregnant wife. I even joined in as many of the videos as I could as the real-life cuckold husband, and we were making enough money to have the comfortable life we wanted.